My Home!

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Kabeer's POV

That day we completed each other in every way.

Well, all the nights which have been beautiful in my life has just one reason to be so beautiful...

This sleeping beauty in my arms right now.

It's been ten days to our wedding and Baani gave me a beautiful surprise on the morning next to our reception.

Honeymoon for a week to Santorini, Greece. And that was just so amazing.

Every morning started with her in my arms and the rest of the day we spent sight seeing and then late evenings on beaches and then nights were of course the most romantic one.

Office was handled by dad and Aayush and even Maya mom helped them.

And she's really good in business.

I talked to dad and made her one of our board members..... Writing shares of mom in her name.

She wasn't ready to take them at any cost but I some how convinced her.

And Baani helped in it of course.

Our Greece pictures were all over the magazines and internet was flooded with them too.

We reached pent house today morning and slept like logs.

We were really hell tired.

After sometime I woke up Baani as Maya mom called.

"Wake up sleepy head. " I whispered and she frowned in sleep.

"Five minutes more" She replied as usual

"Maya mom called Baani. She said you to reach Mansion. It's 5 pm already " I said and she stood up in one go.

"Whoa! What happened" I asked

"Oh God. I forgot. I've to rush " she said

"Chill Baani. I'll drop you " I replied

" We've to go to mansion" She said

"Why " I asked when I myself know the reason.

"You don't remember what's today and then tomorrow" " She questioned and I denied

"Kabeer! It's Badi Teej tomorrow (Kajrari Teej,also called as Badi teej, One of the major festivals of Rajasthan which is mainly celebrated by women whether married or of marriage age )

And today is Teej sinjara ( the day before teej is called Sinjara. This day women and girls put henna on their hands and delicacies are made)

My first.. I mean after this marriage first teej" She whined and I hid my smile.

"Oh okay " I said and she nodded.

She was standing up wearing her favorite thing these days.

My round neck t shirts.

And she looks so damn cute in those over sized shirts and T shirts.

After some twenty minutes she came out from walk in wearing her joggers and T shirt.

"I'm going Kabeer. You just sleep back okay" She said

"Is this time to sleep again" I asked

"Fine. But what you'll do coming there" She said and I smiled.

"Accompany you" I told and she nodded

"I'll be back in minutes. You just take car keys and move downstairs." I added and she nodded again.

In ten minutes we were on the roads and reached mansion.

Baani rang the bell and Maya mom opened the door.

"Baaani, Kabeer" She exclaimed happily and hughed both of us.

Baani and I smiled touching her feet while she blessed us.

"Where's dad" I asked

"I'm here" His voice came and we touched his feet too.

"We missed you. Seems like seeing you after so so long" He said as we went toward dining table.

"So how was Greece" Maya mom asked

"Beautiful. You and dad must go there for a vacation" Baani winked while Maya mom blushed.

"Of course." Dad smirked and I chuckled.

"Okay enough. Baani. The henna artists were waiting for you. " Maya mom said and took her to drawing room while I sat with dad chit chatting.

It was an hour later when I saw Aayush and Anna coming with Aayush's mom and dad.

"Hey buddy. Back from moon moon" Aayush chirped

"Hello Anna" I said ignoring him and hugged her while she chuckled.

"How mean. Anyways where is my BFF. We've came with lots of gifts for her and you all too. It's her first Teej after all" Aayush exclaimed and I saw some home staff coming with lots of gifts and paper bags.

"Whoa! Baani is so lucky" Dad exclaimed

"Of course. We're her parents from another sister. So it's our right. Anna's mom's call too came and she also reminded me of the same " Aayush's mom said and I smiled.

"I'll call her" I said and called Baani.

"Oh My God. What a pleasent surprise" Baani chirped

"Baani It's Teej right. It's not our rituals I know but we tried our best" Aayush's dad said and Baani smiled

"This is the best . Thankyou." Baani whispered as a tear left her eye

"Oh no no no Best friend. You're not crying at all. Look here. We've bought you the Rajputi Poshak( traditional Royal rajasthani dress) which you once said me that you'll love to wear. Some jwellery with it and lots of accessories. And Kabeer, you're going to wear this attire tomorrow. Maya aunty and Gautam uncle there are outfits for you too for tomorrow." Anna explained and Bani smiled

"You're the best" Baani grinned

"And yes BFF, there are other gifts for you. See them after wards but look here what we have" Aayush said opening one of the baskets and Baani yelled in excitement

"So many Chocolates and oh my God. So many sweets. I love you Aayush" Baani exclaimed happily.

We all sat and talked for sometime while Baani completed her Mehendi.

In the evening Maya mom and Aayush's mom made all her favorite desserts and Dishes for Sinjara.

Her face told how happy she was!

Since she had her hands covered with henna, I fed her while everyone else was either teasing or hooting.

I don't give a damn !

Aayush and Anna's family left and we too came to our room after dinner when I saw Baani in balcony.

"Penny for thoughts madame" I whispered hugging her from back as she took a deep breath.

"Last year papa asked me if he should send Teej but I denied him saying I wasn't well and even you were not there" She revealed and I sighed.

"I'm sorry Angel" I whispered

"Hey. I'm not blaming you. In fact I'm so happy today. One happy family" She said but her voice broke.

"Baani... Love, look here" I asked turning her to face me when I saw her eyes filled with tears.

"Angel" I whispered

"Papa must be wanting to do all this for me too right. Why did I deny him" She sobbed and I hugged her.

"He understood why you denied Baani. And let bygones be bygones. We can't change it right. Even papa knows na how happy you're today and in fact look at you. Isn't this your first Teej festival in real sense" I asked and she nodded

"I sometimes miss Mumma papa so much and when everyone cares for me this much then I miss them more." She cried and I wiped her tears.

"I've learnt this from you Baani that people whom we love should always be remembered with a smile. Not with tears. Will our parents up there like their daughter crying like this? " I asked taking her face in my hands and she denied

"Then come on. Be a good girl and stop crying. See you've become all red. Like a tomato ready to eat. Shall I?" I said and she chuckled.

"You're creep" She giggled and I smiled

"That's what I want on your face Baani. This smile. It's my biggest treasure. " I said kissing her fore head and she smiled wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Your henna will spoil ? I asked

" Nah! It has already dried." She replied and I hugged her back.

"Look there Baani" I whispered pointing to the sky.

Before some minutes there was not a single star in the sky. Not even moon was visible due to the clouds but right now, there were some stars and moon.

"Its like, Universe become happy seeing you happy" I said and she chuckled

"I love you Mr. Mittal" She said pecking my lips and I smirked

"Creep" I mocked and she glared me while I picked her up taking to bed.

"Bad nightmares Bajaj " I said

"Worst nightmares Mittal" She replied and I chuckled pulling her closer to me & hugged seeping her.

I woke up when alarm rang.

Looking at the time I saw it was 2:45 am.

"Baani. Your alarm is ringing" I said in sleepy voice

"I'm sleepy. Let me sleep" She mumbled putting a pillow on herself.

"Baani. Maya mom must be waiting for you to eat with ice creams" I said and she was awake in one go on the name of ice creams.

I doubt , this woman may kick me out of our home for ice creams !


I'm sure!!

"I'll go in five minutes. You sleep" She said waking up going towards walk in while I smirked.

Sure to sleep babe!

I went downstairs when I saw Maya mom and dad.

"Dad, why are you awake. You should sleep" I said

"Sadly doctor didn't allow me to fast but I can accompany my wife" He replied and I smiled.

"You're fasting right? " Maya mom asked and I shrugged smiling.

"Where's Baani" She asked further

"Here's Baani " Her voice came and I looked at Baani who changed from my t shirt and her shorts to a simple kurta and pants.

"Oh my God. So much to eat" Baani exclaimed and we all chuckled.

There were all Baani's favorite again. The long dining table was filled with everything she likes to eat.

Everyone pampers her like a kid actually.

Starting from me & ending with even Anna's family.

That's Baani's charms I guess!

When I wasn't able to resist it, who the hell on this Earth can resist then!

"Let's start" Baani said and we all sat on our places.

"Why are you eating Kabeer. It's for me and Maya mom" Baani added when she saw me filling my plate.

Narrowing her eyes she looked at me as if I was a predator preying her food.

"Well, my choice. I'm hungry. And if I'll not eat now then how will I even pass whole day without food" I said

"By eating. Simple. Why do you have to be hun... " She was saying but stopped in middle looking at me shocked.

"You.. No ways. You're... " She tried to say.

"When you'll fast whole day just for my long life...ain't I the one who want you for myself forever" I said and she looked at me lovingly.

"You're fasting" She whispered and I nodded.

"Last year, I wasn't even in India and you did it alone. Though that time it was just a sake of formality. But this time, we both are doing for each other. " I told and she smiled.

"Let's... Eat then. I'm more hungry now" She said and we all chuckled.

We had some food with some traditional Sattu {traditional sweet made up of roasted gram, rice or wheat flour with sugar and ghee(butter) and then decorated with dry fruits, silver & golden edible work etc. It is the most important sweet that is necessary to be made on Badi Teej}

And in right sense it was Baani and mine first Teej.

"You've to wake up early? " I asked Baani

"Mister Kabeer Mittal! Since you're fasting. You too have to wake up early and accompany me to temple. Understood" Baani ordered as we came to our room and I chuckled raising my hands.

"As you say madame" I replied and she giggled hugging me.

"Dream of vampires" She whispered and I kissed her forehead.

"Dream of ghosts" I replied closing my eyes and hugged her back.

Isn't this what we call home!

The space which remains same, even if you go in any corner of the world!

For me home is her!

In the morning I woke up when I didn't find anyone on my side.

"Baani" I whispered sitting on bed.

"Baani" I called again

"Inside walk in. If you're awake. Get ready in another room" Her voice came and I was surprised.

So late riser is today awake already!

I stood up when I found my clothes already placed on couch.

I took them and went to near by room getting ready.

I looked at mirror and smiled seeing myself in a sky blue colored kurta.

Going back to our room I saw her sitting in the balcony with a magazine.

She was wearing this baby pink colored saree and I literally die over, whenever she wears ethnic.

That saree with baby pink footwear and her hands which had the red wedding bangles.

Her face was adorned by those big heavy hanging earrings and the nuptial chain and vermilion in the hairs.

Every time when I see her like this, all what comes in my mind is that....

How did I become so lucky!

And how my one decision really made my life beautiful.

I remember when I was on bed rest for three months, I read books.

And I read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

It had some lines in it and I remember exact words.

I knew you would do me good in some way, at some time-- I saw it in your eyes when I first beheld you.

The first time I held Baani in my arms looking into her eyes , I somewhere knew....She'll bring those colors of mine, which I've buried deep inside.

And I was right ! Look here I am...

With colors of care, concern, Apologies, expectations and on this chart tops...


Hello dear readers! Hope you all are doing amazing.

So, how was the chapter😊

I wanted to introduce you to one of the biggest festival in my culture! That's Teej!

Trust me, it's beautiful 😍😍

And Kabeer is fasting.😍😍

Let me take you inside this beautiful festival 😊

Do vote, like, share & reviews are always welcomed😊

Next update soon!

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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