Meeting With Willarts!

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Baani's POV

How the hell does this even work!!!


Why did I even choose this for today's meeting!! 


I should've bought ready to wear!!

Okay! One more time !! 

I tapped the video on you tube again and again tangled the whole work!!

Fhat the wuck!!

"Need help!" A voice came and I flinched at the sudden voice

"Forgot ettiquettes" I asked raising my eyebrow

"I'm still outside the room " He replied leaning on the door.

"Yeah of walk in!!" I mocked and he chuckled

"Need help I guess" he added looking at the tie in my hand!

"Oh no! I'll manage" I replied


It will be 12th time in 10 minutes Baani !!

"Your 5 foot 6 inch won't decrease to 5'5" " he mocked

"If you'll mock then I'll definitely not" I stated and he chuckled coming inside

"I didn't give you permission to come" I said

"Shut up!" He muttered and I giggled.

"Tie?" He demanded and I handed him the half crushed tie as he sighed going to steam iron and ironed the tie!

"I'm not bending for you, your highness! So stand up on foot stool" he said and I nodded pulling stool and stood up to match his height!  

His eyes has good view like this!

I don't have to tilt my neck up for seeing them! 

"Stop staring and learn" He demanded

"It's your work from now Mister" I stated as he was tucking the tie!

"You know right now your life is in my hands" He smirked

It's already in your hands forever!

"You're not going to chok.." Before I could complete he did it!!

"Uhhh!!!" I tried saying when he chuckled loosening the tie!

"You really were killing me" I yelled

"I don't joke!" He replied and I huffed as he did it!

"Here! Done" He added while I was looking at him.

"Stop staring Baani!" he said and I looked at the foot stool

"I wasn't!" I muttered while he smirked nodding.

"Tuxedo today Mrs.CEO that too with tie ! No blazers or skirts" he asked

"Yeah! I do wear tuxedos but tie sucked up today as it wasn't ready to wear" I reasoned and he nodded

"Thankyou!" I added smiling while looking at the tie and was stepping down when I stumbled and clutched Kabeer's blazer due to which we both fell on floor!

"God! Ouch" I cried as my back hit the floor.

"Baani!! What was this" he whisper yelled

"What!! I fell" I shrieked 

"So why did you make me fall too" He muttered

I wish..I could've made you fall...too !!!! Just like me!!

"Oh I forgot! The old habit of yours" he smirked and I huffed going when he pulled me on himself.

"Kabeer!!" I whispered

"What!!" He asked

"What are you doing" I asked

"Definitely not what you thinking" He mocked and raised his hands!

"Are you going to slap me" I asked and he glared me while his hands travelled to the collar of my shirt folding it.

"Idiot! Can think anything!" He muttered and I smiled looking down.

"Why this today?" He asked again pointing my attire as we went downstairs.

"I've a very very important meeting today!" I told

"With whom?" He inquired

"Williart Corperations"I told and he looked at me.

"You serious!! And you telling me this now!!" he frowned

"What happened?" I asked

"Baani ! It's world's biggest company and since so many days whatever has happened! You..You should've focused on your work not on anything else! You know a bit of mistake and deals cancelled" He fretted

"Thanks for your encouragement" I mocked

"Baani ! I'm serious!"he stated as we sat for breakfast.

"And I'm nervous!" I muttered 

"Everyone is !" He told

"Oh yes! Actually I wanted to ask you! Four years back Mittals worked with Williart! How was it! How was your meeting! Are they scary!!" I hurriedly asked

"To be honest! They're at the top of world because of their discipline. The meeting we had was amazing because of the sincerity we carried out during whole meeting! And scary...a bit ! " He gave me the piece of information as I gulped down the juice.

"You're scaring me more Kabeer" I whined

"No ! I'm giving you practical information Baani ! And there's nothing to get scared! I know you are an amazing business-woman ! You've proved it to the world!! And it's turn to prove it to Williarts! You can & You will" He assured.

"What if I loose!" I whispered

"What if you win!!" He back fired 

"But I am at the lack of confidence" I honestly told

"That's definitely not my Baani! She has over confidence mostly and today she's lack of confidence" He asked and my heart fluttered at that My before Baani !!

"Uh! What if I can't do it !" I asked

"I've full faith in you and your hard work of days and nights! You will do it! And I'll be waiting for you to tell me the same!" he said as we completed our breakfast and stood up taking our office bags and blazers.

"Turn around" He asked taking my blazer and I nodded

"Baani, remember that no one can make you feel inferior till you yourself start feeling it. So Angel, when you start the presentation in front of them, start as if you own the damn world and they've no other option other then saying yes. Be the Baani you're. Head high,chin up and be the CEO Baani Bajaj!!" He encouraged while making me wear my coat and I looked at him.

"Can I get this special treatment everyday.. atleast of Ties " I questioned and he chuckled.

"Only if you give me the news that you did it" He demanded and I smiled

"I wish I can say you this soon" I told and he made me look at him.

"Just faith in yourself and your company is needed! You can do everything! And I'm fully sure that you will do it!" He assured and I smiled nodding and hugged him 

"Remember, he's a foodie! Loves to eat!" He told

"Great! Our Rajasthan is famous for great hospitality" I grinned

"When's the meeting?" he asked

"12 -3 pm" I replied

"Great! All the best! Make me proud " He winked and I smiled while he kissed my cheek!

"I will !" I assured as we moved towards our cars!

"Baani !" he called and I looked at him

"Be safe!" He added and I nodded

"You too !" I whispered and sat in car followed by Natasha and he by Danish as we drove towards our destinations!

The whole office was today in hustle and bustle! Everyone working or talking on the same thing!

They will off course!

After all a project of 150 trillion dollars! 

"Everyone here!" I said on mic from my floor!

Some employees could see me and those who couldn't , had their eyes fixed on LED TV at each floor which showed me live! 

Off course I'll not be visible to employees on 1st floor or even 10 floor at all !! 

"Look! I know everyone's in tension of what will happen today and what will be the results of it! I too was hell tensed just an hour ago but someone showed me that I'm very capable of it and I can do it! And I want to tell you all the same! We all are very much capable of it and we'll do it!!So at your places everyone! And wish me and team all the best guys!" I demanded and the whole corridors yelled in unison which made me smile widely!!

I won't let anyone down!!

I won't let the confidence my Husband has shown in me go a bit down!

I won't let papa down!

I thanked and went to conference room discussing everything with team again!

Everything was all set and I was in my cabin! 

Meeting of three hours and lunch! 

Soon it was 11:55 and I sighed!!

I can do it!!

Suddenly my phone beeped and I looked at it!

Show them who Baani Bajaj is !!

I smiled looking at message!

And then this man says me you can't love me!

Man!! I already am head over heels for you!! And when you show such gestures,tell me how can I resist you!!

I took my mac book,file and eating an ice cream I went to conference room!

Ice cream gives me confidence!

Like Kabeer!!

So Kabeer is your ice cream!!

Shut up !!

"Hey peeps!" I wished my employees and they smiled!

"Madam, They're here" Preeti told and I nodded

"Hello Mr.Allison! Pleased to meet you" I wished shaking my hand 

"Baani Bajaj!" He replied giving a curt nod!


He is !!

"Shall we start?" I asked

"Of course! It's 11:10 already" He stated and I nodded.

And I started my presentation showing him all the work and ideas!
They asked their queries and I answered them all giving my best and three hours flew like minutes!

"Bajaj's gave their best! Your call now. Thankyou" I ended and sat on my place.

"Mrs. Baani ! Impressive! No doubts charts of Bajaj's increased in last few months! " One of the members said

"Thankyou" I thanked

"Mrs. Baani ! One reason that is enough for us to collaborate with Bajaj's " Mr. Allinson asked  

"Bajaj's are best at what they do! Authenticity, hard work and most important thing Trust of our clients that we've never broke! " I replied and he nodded

"Mr.Shishir Bajaj, your father was very experienced businessman but you're not even completely CEO for an year. So how can we trust you with such a big project" The another member of team asked

"Just minutes before one of your team mate complimented me for the heights Bajaj's achieved after I became CEO ! I guess Mr.Shishir Bajaj raised his exact copy for his position" I smiled saying confidently and they looked at me amused

"Indeed he did! " Mr.Allinson announced and I clenched my fists in happiness! 

Otherwise I would stand and dance right now!

Suddenly Mr.Allinson stood up!!

Have I lost it with my mouth which can't shut!!

"Mrs. Baani we are looking forward to work with Bajaj's !" he said forwarding his hand and I can hear drums beating !!

"Baani Bajaj! " He snapped his fingers at me and I looked at him shaking my hand !

"Thankyou Mr. Allinson. We'll make both companies proud!" I said and he nodded

"Well ! Last I had my Proper Rajasthani lunch was 4 years back....With Mr.Kabeer Mittal !" Mr.Allinson told and I nodded

" I'm very informal outside office! And I want my lunch to be best" he added and I chuckled

"It will be best and exactly same it was four years back" I smirked and he laughed

"Your husband helped you for sure" He said

"About your love for food,Yes!! About this venture...he too came to know this morning " I gave him piece of knowledge and he nodded.

"This way Mr.Allinson!" I guided him towards Suvarna Mahal of  Ram bagh Palace!

Suvarna Mahal, Rambagh

"I'll join you in a minute sir! Make yourself comfortable" I told and he nodded sitting.

Going in the lobby I dialed Kabeer and in one ring he picked up!

"Whoa! Phone in hand" I asked

"Was waiting for your call" He replied making me dance in mind.

"I made you proud Kabeer! I made papa proud!" I whispered as tear left my eye and I heard a sigh!!

"I don't want Mr.Allinson and team to run away seeing a witch cry!So stop crying right now, wipe that tear off and smile" he said in his ordering tone and I chuckled

"Thankyou! I lo...I'll see you at home" I told covering what I was going to say!

I'll not use those three words again now till he feels same for me !

Because I don't want him to feel guilty or anything bad!

So I guess I can do this little !!

And what if he never feels!!

Then I'll never use these three words!!!

"Baani! Go! Don't make your guests at lunch wait" he scolded and I hummed cutting the call !

The lunch was served and I swear Mr.Allinson right now impressed me by the piece of knowledge he had for Proper Marwadi Food !!

"I meet very less female CEOs and you quite impressed me with your professional as well as personal nature Mrs. Baani Mittal ! And I'm sure my grand daughter would love to have your company in eating ice creams" He said and we all chuckled.

"I'll love to accompany her too" I replied as we completed our lunch.

"We'll contact you soon ! Nice to meet you"  They wished and I smiled shaking hands for last time!

"Pleasure's all mine Mr. Allinson" I replied as we moved towards our cars!

"You did it madam" Preeti said and I grinned hugging her

"We did it!! I'm so happy Preeti!!" I whisper yelled happily and Natasha smiled

"Office or home madam" She asked

"Office off course! It's just 4 now" I replied and she nodded!

I reached office and again called Kabeer!

"Hmm" He hummed

"What humm! Congratulate me nicely" I demanded

" Baani ! I'm busy!" He whispered

Why is he whispering!

"Come on Kabeer! That's not fair! Your wife has cracked a deal worth million trillion dollars" I whined

"Baani ! I'm in a meeting! So sush! I'm cutting the call" He muttered

"Oh shit! Okay bye!" I whispered

"Baani? When you'll be home" he suddenly asked

"Umm..8 I guess" I replied and he again hummed cutting the call!!

This specie of Homo Sapiens is the most unpredictable specie in the whole universe !!

I huffed and eating some 2-3 ice creams and completing some other work I reached home!

Entering the security pin I opened the door and as soon as I opened, I got a shock which made me step back as a sudden reaction!!   

What the hell!

Hola guys!!

*Don't kill me again for a cliff hanger* 😂😂

*Hiding under my study table this time*😂

So how was the chapter!!

How was our Kabeer, all motivating Baani!!

Isn't it the motivation when you tell the person all the challenges they've to face and with that you assure them that they can do it!! 😇

I guess it is the real motivation to give someone rather then just telling someone that it's very easy...nothing's tough in it and so on!! 😊

Kabeer did the same❤

And as of Baani, how can she fail Kabeer, her father and most importantly Herself🥰🥰

These small gestures they're showing to each other... Ugh.. They gonna be my death some day🙈🙈🙈😂

But... Again what was at the end!!

Let's see!

Do vote.. Like.. Share and reviews are always welcomed 😍

Next update soon!

Till then...

Big hugs❤

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