You're Gone Kabeer!

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Kabeer's POV

Is it so complicated or I'm making it as Maya mom told !


But I don't..

Shut up Kabeer! You've something important to think!!

Was that something a prank or what I'm thinking.

Is this message and that helicopter incident related with each other!!

I looked at my side to see her sleeping peacefully in my arms! 

Her safety means everything to me! 

What's this feeling Baani!
I don't know! I've never been this confused ever in my life!!
Not even while marrying you!!

Then why is it so difficult right now!!

I sighed and looked at watch!

It was 8 in the morning!

"Baani! Wake up! We've to go home" I said and she frowned in sleep

"Five minutes!" her everyday dialogue came and I smiled.

"Baani! Wake up right now or I'm throwing you out of bed" I said and she opened her eyes.

"You know you're merciless"  She mumbled in her sleep.

"Morning to you too" I said with a tight smile and stood up!

"Be ready in 10 minutes!We're going your office first " I added and she sighed

"Kabeer! Drop it naa! Someone would've done a cheap prank" she told 

"The pranks which you do are cheap! This isn't !!! In ten minutes!" I repeated glaring her and she frowned while I went downstairs!

"Good morning" I wished dad and Maya mom and dad raised his brows at me.

"What?" I asked 

"Nothing! I was just too shocked" He said and I looked at Maya mom.

"Changes are good sometimes" I mumbled and she smiled.

"We're leaving! I've to look into the yesterday's matter " I said and dad nodded

"After breakfast" dad declared

We had our breakfast and moved towards penthouse.

After getting ready we headed towards Bajaj Enterprises and I looked at my surroundings everywhere!

I'm not terrifying her employees so why are they trembling seeing me!

Come on! I'm not going to eat you!

"Good morning madam! Your Masala chai (spiced tea) and...Umm sorry sir I didn't know you're coming! Shall I bring a strong  coffee without sugar for you" Preeti asked as we entered her floor

"Yes Preeti ! And clear her schedule for next hour" I commanded and she nodded while Baani sighed

"I've important meeting Kabeer!" She protested

"I too have but I am here it means the matter have to be looked into" I stated and she sighed

"Fine! Natasha and Danish I want information of every system working in our office" Baani said and they nodded

"And yes, Baani call your company's private hacker" I told and she looked at Natasha smirking.

"Right in front of you sir" Baani smirked and I pressed my lips tightly.

"Don't date her!" I warned looking at Danish and he flushed.

"Kabeer!!" Baani warned

"I was joking!" I replied and they all looked at me as I've grown horns.

"You joke very badly!" She muttered 

"Whatever! Natasha hack the systems on which whatsapp was active tomorrow evening at the time nearby Baani recieved message" I commanded

"Right away sir! " she replied

"Kabeer! Danish will be with you from now" Baani spoke and I looked at her.

"No! He's staying with you" I replied

"I've Natasha and I don't want you to be alone! He'll be there with you only and that's it" she said

"Baani ! Your safety is more important" I reasoned

"And for me yours! I've Natasha so stop arguing for God's sake and listen to me!" she fretted and before I could say she spoke to Danish.

"You'll be with him or else I'm firing you from job right now" She said and Danish and I looked shocked at her while Natasha hid her smile!

"Fine!!" I muttered

Why's she so stubborn!!

"Sir! Found the system!" Natasha spoke and I looked at her

"Which one" I asked

"It's Floor 23rd, cabin no. 18th ! Infocomm department" she told and I looked at Baani !

"CCTV" I said and Natasha nodded tapping something on laptop.

"Wait!! What's this!!" Baani spoke

"What happened" I asked

"Each system of Bajaj's have it's name imprinted on system! And look at that system! It doesn't have one! And the man! He looks so different! His face isn't even visible" Baani told and I zoomed in at the picture!

"I feel I've seen this tattoo somewhere" She said and I looked at her.

"Thousands of people have a tiger made on their hand Baani !" I stated

"We can't even just like that go and check systems! It's risky" I added sighing.

"Wait a second!" Baani said and called someone

"Yes madam! " Preeti came

"Preeti ! I want Infocomm department's head here in minutes" She commanded
"Danish,Natasha you both go" she stated and they nodded going out of the cabin.

"And you also" She said looking at me.

"I'm not!" I told

"Oh you will ! Go" she barked and I glared her

"Kabeer! Trust me a bit and go!! Okay at least in the room till I call " She said and I sighed

"Why the hell am I listening to you" I muttered

"That's what good husbands do" She mocked and I sighed doing as she said.

Now what should I do here!!!

See Tv!

"Madam you called" A voice came

"Ah Mr. Singh ! Come have  a seat" she said 

Who speaks so politely to employees! 

She does!!

"Yes madam" He spoke

"I was actually seeing files of Infocomm departments and I saw some systems to be very old! I mean I don't really do this work but it just came in my mind that we should set up latest systems in whole office" she asked

"Yes madam. We've to! Some systems are facing version disabilities ! Even five systems were changed yesterday only in Infocomm department because they stopped working" He told

"Really ! I would want to see the details! " She asked as I peeped a bit outside to see the man!

"Sure madam! Here" he told opening the tablet and Baani's eyebrows furrowed looking at Tablet!

Her mind do work when she's in office!!

"You may go! Thankyou! And yes change all the systems but make sure to give me all details personally!" she stated and Mr. Singh nodded going away

"What happened" I asked

"We saw a man working on that system! But according to data, The Employee is a girl working on that system" Baani told

"You know her?" I asked

"How would I know Kabeer! 29,530 employees work just in this one building! " She reasoned and I nodded

"Natasha,Danish!! Inside!" I called and they were there in seconds!

"Details of this girl" I asked showing them 

"In minutes sir!!" Danish replied 

I looked at Baani who looked a bit tensed tapping her foot when I held her hand!

"We'll sort it out" I said

"Thing's not this Kabeer! It's why would someone do so much for just a message that too a fake one. And as far as I know Bajaj Enterprises is clear with all the industries in India as well as Abroad !" She reasoned

"Sir details!" Danish said and I nodded looking at screen!

"What was a man doing there! And he must have his identification too if he entered Building" I muttered

"We need this girl right now" I added

"Preeti, There's a employee in Infocomm floor, Raagini Das! Send her in my cabin....what...okay." Baani sighed cutting the call

"What happened?" I asked

"She's on leave since last three days" She told and I clenched my jaws!!

"What the fuck is happening in your office Baani!!" I whisper yelled

"Kabeer! I'm not signing leave applications of a mere employee!! Any employee can take 15 leaves other then government holidays and bank holidays! How will that matter come to me!!! I'm a bloody CEO !! Not a manager of any department" she snapped.

"Danish! I want all the details of this girl ! Every single detail from her hair pin to shoe size !" I commanded and he nodded.

"Natasha! Don't leave her alone at all" I warned and she nodded

"Baani.." I was saying before which she spoke.

"I'll be fine Kabeer! You just take care of yourself please! Danish, check the cars thoroughly! And yes! Keep yourself safe too. In return..I'll keep your girlfriend safe" she smirked and Danish and Natasha blushed

"You guys stop acting weird" I stated

"Kabeer! Shut up!" Baani frowned while I ignored that and looked at Danish while he nodded gesturing Natasha to move out with him leaving us alone!

"You're not pulling any stunt! Just from here to home directly! Not even stopping for any ice creams!" I stated

"Kabe..." she was saying when I spoke

"Baani ! I know you need to be independent for even your smallest requirement but this time understand the matter! It's not as small as we're thinking. I've gut feeling of something wrong! And I can't risk it to you! I promise I'll fill whole fridge with ice creams and cakes but you won't go out!" I told

"You're caging me Kabeer!" She pointed out

"Sometimes cage is safe for a bird instead of getting shot by a hunter while flying in the sky! And I can't let my angry bird happen anything!! Please!" I tried and she sighed nodding!

"You're The King after all." She huffed looking away when I made her look at me.

"Do you know what this life is? " I asked and she looked at me confused.

"It's a game of Chess Baani.. And you know who's the most important one in chess game or I must say who holds more power and freedom " I asked again

"Um, Queen" She answered and I smiled.

"Exactly. To be a Queen, one doesn't need king Baani. But a king, always needs his Queen. And I need you. Never consider that you're inferior to me. All I'm doing is for protecting you because doing so, I'm protecting my self. Because you Baani, are the most important person for me. Just a few days....I won't ever take away your freedom from you forever. But, I'll if it risks your safety. I've to do it " I assured and she looked at me for a good minute.

"Just for a few days! Not after that" she said and I nodded

"Kabeer! You too please take care" She added and I kissed her forehead!

"I will ! Bye and focus on work now! " I smirked and she showed her tongue while I chuckled going out!

"Danish! " I called and he nodded coming while I looked at Natasha who was standing there smiling!

"You can pass her a smile. I won't kill you" I said and Danish looked down.

"You both look amazing to gather" I complimented and he smiled a bit!

"Sir! There's something you need to know" He said and I sat inside the car

"Shoot"  I dictated

"Yesterday,while driving to mansion a car was following Madam's car" He said and I looked at him.

"And you're telling this to me now" I asked glaring him.

"We tried finding about it but the car is still not registered at RTO and didn't have number plate" He added 

"Which car? " I asked

"A Black Scorpio! Driver wasn't visible from any angle! " He told and I sighed

"Find more details soon !!" I said as I walked towards door of my cabin 

"We're working on it sir!!" He told and I nodded

"And Danish, don't speak a word about this to Baani! She's already tensed. Not even to Natasha!!! " I mumbled 

"Okay sir! " He said 

After he went away I tried focusing on my work which I probably did. 

It was evening when I called Baani !

"Where are you" I asked

"Office" She replied

"I'll pick you up in an hour" I told

"Kabeer! I've Natasha" She said

"I know still !" I tried hoping she don't argue.

"I'll not be free in hour! I've a meeting at 9" She reasoned and I sighed

"Fine! Be safe" I mumbled

"Yup! Now Bye! I'm in meeting" She replied and cut the call !

I drove home and Sheena aunty was there!

"Hey aunty!" I wished

"Mr.Mittal! You early" She asked

"Can you call me Kabeer!!" I told and she looked at me with wide open mouth.

"Did..I do..something?" She asked 

"Nothing aunty! You call Baani by her name so do the same" I told

"Uh..Mr.Mittal is okay!!" she whispered

"Come on aunty! It's not that difficult" I said

"Kab..Kabeer!!" she stammered and I chuckled

"Now it sounds similar! " I said and she smiled

"Well there's a parcel for you" she told

"What?" I asked and she came back with a red rose bouquet!

"Baani !" I inquired and she shrugged

"It must be her only" I muttered

"Thankyou! I'm in study! Inform me when she comes" I added and looking at roses I smiled. 

"I should keep them here" she asked

"No! I'm taking them" I told and she smiled handing me the bouquet.

"It's first after your marriage" she chuckled as I nodded going to study!

Uh, I had a lot of female fan following.

Well, I still have a lot of female fan following!!

I was working on some files when suddenly I felt some foot steps!

"Oh my God!!! You stepped ahead from yellow roses" she yelled jumping on her place and I looked at her confused when she pointed to the bouquet!

"You bought this right!!" I asked

"Why would I ! And that too for you never!I would bring a 10 thousand red rose bouquet for Chris Evans " she bluffed and I glared her.

"First thing! Stop wasting 10 thousand roses on someone who doesn't even know you! And second! Didn't you really bring it " I asked surprised

"I didn't ! Oh God!! Then who !! Oh God!! Are you..Don't tell me you're having an extra marital affair!!" She screeched

"What!!" I asked confused

"You...You broke rule of pact!! You're in extra marital affair and that bitch has send it for you right!Now you will accept this and you'll leave me! I know!! You'll bring her home! She's your girl friend right" She cried

"Baani!! First thing,  that pact ended many months ago! And second What are you even saying! I don't have girlfriend!!!" I told

"What!! It means you married another girl ! You cheat!!! I'll file a case against you and your that second wife! Don't think I'm meek!! And you wait!! I'm gonna take 50% of your shares too now!" she screamed and I looked at her shocked.

"Are you mad Baaani!! Why will I have second wife!! This is non sense" I fretted when she gasped

"Don't tell me!!!You.." She piped

"Me what?" I asked

"You..You have a girl who's pregnant with your baby and now...Oh God! Novels are so right! You boys are like that! You cheated me!!" She cried and I glared her standing up.

"Shut up!!" I stated

"Why will I !! You're playing with feelings of two people" She screamed.

"Shut up! And wipe off your dramatic tears" I stated and before she could say I glared her again.

"I have no girlfriend,Nor any wife and no woman carrying my baby! I already have a wife whose name is Baani and only she will be the woman carrying my baby" I stated and she looked at me with her eyes coming out of sockets!


What did I say!!

But that's true!

If I've a baby she'll be his or her mother right!! 


What the hell are you saying!

Have you gone Mad just like Baani!! 

"Who it would be a girl or boy!!" she asked grinning.

"Is it in out hands?" I asked and she chuckled

"That's also true!! But what you're going to name them" she asked excitedly

"Anything but Chris.. never!!" I stated and she frowned

"If it's a boy it's going to be Chris only" She glared 

"Yeah.. and if a girl then Peggy!! Never!" I mocked

"Yes!! Well ! Please pass your blue eyes somehow to our kid! Preetyyy Please" She pleaded and I chuckled .

"Is it in my hands" I asked raising my brows and it's now I guess she realized what we were even discussing and her face turned tomato red!!

"Uh..I'm hungry!! I'm going, having dinner" She said and was going when I stopped her.

"How about twins! I know how to make them!!" I smirked 

"Kabeer!!!" She whined and I chuckled

"Throw the bouquet of your female fan in your dustbin right now" She yelled while going out while I smiled.

After some minutes I too went to dining to see women gossiping!

"Mr.Mit..I mean Kabeer dinner is ready" Aunty said and Baani looked at her and me!!

"Whoa!! Nice progress Dude!!" She mocked and I glared her

"We need to talk" she said looking at me

"About what" I asked 

"Roses! If that's one of your pretty admirer then write on your social media handles to not send you red roses! You're married." She glared

"That's not even a point Baani! You're being jealous" I glared back and she huffed

"Point is..No admirer is there who doesn't want to get the person they admire know their name! But this..has no name! That's why I thought it to be you" I added thinking.

'It's okay! There are often secret admirers" She shrugged 

"Yeah like you" I smirked and she glared me 

We completed our dinner and she was going to her room when I stopped her!

"I've recipe of triplets too!" I smirked and she glared me

"I'll kill you Kabeer Mittal!!" she yelled throwing her fur slippers on me which I easily dodged!

"Have worstest night mares " she screamed

"Worsest is not even a word" I mocked

"I...I just hate you Mittal!"She shouted and I laughed

"I know how much! Well, dream vampires" I said

"Off course. It would be Damon or Stephan !" She yelled and before her next slipper hit me I ran to my room laughing!


What I did right now!!

You just became care free just like Baani!

You're gone Kabeer Mittal !!

Mai akele baitha aksar...
Tumhare baare mai socha karta hu!
Aayne Mai khud ki aankho me naa jaane...
Mai kya khoja karta hu!!
Tumhare pas hone par.....
Har chiz aasan si lagti hai!
Or jab dur tum hoti ho...
Har jaani chiz bhi anjaan lagti hai!!
Han, mujhe malum hai ki...
Tumhe ishq hai hamse!
Par mohobatt nahi bani hai mere liye...
Yahi samjhata aarha hu Mai khud ko kabse!!
Zahan Or aatma ke bich ab...
Ek jang si chid gayi hai!
Kon jeet ta hai dono mai se...
Bas dekhna ab yahi hai!!

Kon jeet ta hai dono mai se...
Bas dekhna ab yahi hai!!

( Sitting alone many a times...
I think about you !
In my eyes in front of a mirror....
I don't know what I try finding!!
When you're near me...
Everything seems easy!
And when you go away from me...
Even known things seems unknown to me!!
Yes, I know that....
You're in love with me!
But love is not made for me...
That's what I've been telling myself since long decades!!
Between my Mind and my soul...
There's this war now!
Who wins and who loose...
That's what left to see now!!

Who wins and who loose...
That's what left to see now!! )

Hola peeps! Hope you all are doing amaazing !

So how was the chapter ? 🤩

Isn't this mystery just getting more tangled day by day that who is after Baani!! 🤷‍♀️

Oh, Kabeer and his ways of explaining Baani things and the way his mere presence screams Power😍😍❤❤

And yes, A Queen doesn't need a King! A king needs a Queen ❤❤

But... What about Baani being Baani in last😂😂😂😂

The same "I can think anything which isn't even possible" person🙈🙈😂

What's going to happen next?

Let's see!

Do vote... Like... Share and reviews are always welcomed 😍

Next update soon!!

Till then.....

Big hugs ❤

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