Chapter 1: Did ya miss me ?!

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And if you're reading that on TeenFic, you have smol peepee.

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Before this start, because I know you guys will bitch about it later... Actually, even if I put it here in bold, underlined, AND IN ALL CAPS, some of you will complain, but heh.

This story happens between Part 4 and 5. In fact, it kinda replaces Golden Wind. So Act 3, Hamon, 3 arrows, that's it. No requiem, and no Hokuto Shinken.

As such, it's also non-canon with what happens after Part 4. It's basically a split timeline. Hope you all understand that.

3rd Person POV:

???: We've got no choice... We have to seek his help...

???: Sir, are you certain about that ? We don't even know how to contact him...

???: i'm sure "he" can figure out something... I would like to not resort to his help, but there is no other alternative anymore...

???: This Blood War has gone on for too long...

Your POV:

"Sooo, let me get this straight... You're proposing me a full-expenses paid trip to Italy with Koichi."

Jotaro: That's what I just said, yes. Please stop paraphrasing what I say.

"You want me to stop paraphrasing what you say ?"

Jotaro: ... Fuck you.

"I'll pass on that. But yeah, a trip would be good. If that was all and you had no afterthoughts, that is. Caught my drift ? You're not one to just do that for free, Jojo."

Jotaro: ... Okay, I'll admit. I need you and Koichi to look for someone while you're there, and bring back some DNA. But I swear that's all. You can spend the rest of the trip as normal tourists.

"Hm... I suppose I could... I mean, I've got nothing planned for the next two weeks... It wouldn't take so long, and-"


Jotaro: Hello ? Are you still there ?

"... For now."

Jotaro: What ?

"remember when I disappeared for years shortly after we defeated Dio ?"

Jotaro: ... Yeeees... ?

"Don't try to call for the next few... I don't know, I'll ask once I get there."

Jotaro: Wait, get where ? Hey ?!


Jotaro: ... What the hell ?

???: He's taking his sweet time... you sure you didn't miss the thing, boss ?

???: I'm sure he's fine. You know who he is.

"... ... ... WaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH- !!"


???: Oh, my. Looks like I misplaced the mattress. Unlucky you.


???: Sorry, what ?

"I said: I swear to god Urahara, next time you could at least call before sucking me out on a magical portal. You're really lucky several years passed, 'cause otherwise, I'd sue you for kidnapping."

Jinta: Wow, all of this from a single grumbling ?

"When you leave with Ichigo, you gotta learn. So ? What kind of apocalypse caused you to call upon me ?"

Urahara: Well, you see-

"You developed a god-like item and it got stolen ?"

Urahara: Why is that even your first choice ?

"It happened once already. And given how great you are at dealing with this kind of stuff."

Urahara: Well, no. This time, I have nothing to do with the menace.

"... ..."

Urahara: ... As far as I know. And I know plenty enough. But, if it's a thorough explanation you need... Then you should ask the one who requested your presence. Captain-Commander Yamamoto.

"What... ?"

???: Ah ! Sorry, I wasn't listening !!

Ichigo: I said nothing.

???: ... ... ...

Ichigo: Now that you're awake, you can leave.

???: ... What ?

Orihime: Here I am ! Bringing some delicious bread !! Oh, you're awake ! That's great !!

Ichigo: You sure it's "delicious" ? If they were throwing it away it must be unpopular.

Orihime: You won't have it if you say so !

Ishida: It's as Inoue said. She always looks so happy when she's eating it. You really don't know etiquette.

Chad: Yeah.

Ichigo: Shut up ! By the way, why did you all just burst into my house without even ringing the bell ?!

Ishida: We just happened to run into Yuzu. Why don't you go and get some dishes so that we can share the bread, instead of blabbering.

Ichigo: You shut up ! You have no right to order me !

Ishida: It's not an order, it's an advice. And I recommend that you follow it.

Ichigo: Shut up !!


Ichigo: You shut up too !!

???: You... You're the guy from yesterday...

Ichigo: It did seem weird that you wouldn't say anything. Did you just realize ? By the way, it's not yesterday, it's two days ago. You slept one full day !

???: 'Wow... They managed to defeat all those huge hollows in a matter of instants... I heard that the substitute Shinigami was strong, but to such an extent... !'

Ichigo: Here. It's your share, eat it. It's good.

???: Eh... But...

Ichigo: You won't be able to eat like that. Your Gigai is right there, just enter it.

???: Eh ? UWAAAH !!

Ichigo: You're really annoying. Why would someone be scared of their own gigai ?

???: N- No, I mean... I shouldn't be doing this... Shino-San... Is Shino-San all ri-

Shino: I'm back. I got some cola... ... Ryunosuke... !!

Ryunosuke: Shino-San... ! I'm so glad you're OK... !!

Shino: You are so shameful !! Why did you sleep all day even if your wounds were healed ?!

Ryunosuke: Wait, wait, Shino-San, that hurts !!

Shino: You shouldn't whine for this, you're miserable !!

Ichigo: Oh well. Let's eat.

Ishida: I think he might like this roasted mackerel bread. Let's leave it for him. She dropped the cola.

Ichigo: I bet you just don't wanna eat it yourself. By the way... You still didn't tell us your name.

???: You're right. I'll tell you. Ivan.

Ivan: Do you want to know my full name ? Ivan Azgiaro. Do you have any other question ?

Ichigo: I don't know who you are... But get off that bed.

Yumichika: ... There's really no one around...

Ikkaku: Some people were still left when I got the report... It means that things are progressing...

Yumichika: Maybe they got scared and moved somewhere else ? You wouldn't want to stay in a place where people disappear without a reason.

Ikkaku: If they'd moved somewhere, the research and development institute would know. We'd get more reports.

Shinigami: 3rd seat Madarame ! 5th seat Ayasegawa ! I searched high and low, but... I couldn't even find one child !

Yumichika: Everyone disappeared, together with the village... So mysterious, it's as if...

Ikkaku: Don't be stupid. I'm not gonna settle this matter that easily. Well, is there more ?

Shinigami: Actually... There's something I'd like you to see...

Yumichika: Footprints... They all get to this same point and then stop. It doesn't look like they went somewhere. It looks more like they were all gathered here to be taken somewhere else...

Ikkaku: ... Did you notice ? Yumichika.

Yumichika: Yeah. The footprints are all of a bare foot and a sandal... ! It wasn't something like a hollow... Some people from this village in Rukongai... Took away other people of the same village... !

Shinigami: What... ? What does that... ?

Ikkaku: To find that out is our job ! Search the place ! There might be other clues !!

Shinigamis: YES SIR !!

"Damn... That's... Some serious problems... I can understand why you went so far as asking for my help..."

Yamamoto: Indeed. The foe this time could perhaps be even more threatening than Aizen was. I need you and Ichigo Kurosaki to be here as fast as you can to further discuss that matter.

"Roger that, I'll fetch the kid and be on my way. Man, he'll never believe it when he sees me again..."


Yamamoto: ... Now...

Yamamoto: Who are you ?

???: We meet for the first time. Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13, Shigekuni Genryûsai Yamamoto sir. We came here... To declare war on you. However... I am surprised. Despite it being the office, or better, the personal room of the captain-commander of the Gotei 13, it was quite easy to break into this room. Isn't security a bit too soft ?

Yamamoto: There is no need to worry. I am here. There is no better security than this.

???: ... I see. Those will be your last arrogant words. Genryûsai Yamamoto.

Ivan: Pardon. Could you say it again ? I didn't hear well.

Ichigo: I don't know who you are, but get off that bed. That's what I said.

Ivan: ... I refuse- !!

Yuzu: He's making a mess again. Hey, brother !!

Chad: Who is he ?

Ishida: Isn't he an Arrancar ? The thing he had on his face looked like a hollow mask.

Ichigo: Who knows. Anyway, I don't want him to come back here, so I'll settle this outside.

Chad: Ok ! We'll come too after eating this bread !

Ichigo: I'll be finished already by then !

Ryunosuke: Uh... Uhm... Who was that person... ?

Orihime: I wonder ?

Ivan: Ugh... Why did he kick me all of a sudden ? Is he stupid ?

Ichigo: hey ! I get it that you have business with me. I'll listen to what you want, so follow me !

Ivan: Business with you... ? Don't be so arrogant... Aren't you just curious to know who I am ?!

Ichigo: I'm not ! Let's go !

Ivan: Ah ! W- Wait !!

Ichigo: How annoying. And he's really following me, in the end... As Ishida suggested... You seem to have a Hollow mask on your face. Are you an Arrancar ? What do you want with me ? I don't think you're here to avenge Aizen, are you ? Even if so, you're messing your targets.

Ivan: ... Arrancar ?

Ichigo: Are you alone ? Are you following someone's orders ? What do you gain by fighting me ?

Ivan: Me, an Arrancar ?

Ichigo: What do you mean ?

Ivan: ... I'm not an Arrancar.

Ichigo: That's... !

Ivan: What's the matter ? Does it remind you of something ? Ichigo Kurosaki !!


Ichigo: 'What was that... ? I've seen it somewhere. It's similar to Ishida's necklace. Is it the same thing ? And would that mean that he is... ? But he has a mask. Only Arrancar should be wearing that mask.'


Ichigo: 'So far, he's only been provoking me...'

Ivan: At this rate, you will need a Bankai to win against me !!

Ichigo: 'Still taunting. I don't know who he is, nor why he's attacking me. I guess... I'll have to play his game.' ... Ban...

Ivan: ... This is it for you, Ichigo Kurosaki. Your Bankai... Ends here !! Melt... Sea, become clouds. Clouds, become rain. Rain, become mist. All things that have a shape, vanish. At the end of our joy, we throw the cup to the ground-

Ivan: ... ... No... That wasn't... Guargl !!

Ichigo: What was... That... ?!

???: When your enemy taunts you specifically to use your Bankai, you can bet they have some afterthoughts about it, you should have learned that by now. But, I guess I will leave the admonition aside for now. After all... It has been quite a long time, hasn't it ?

Ichigo: Y- You... You...

"So... Did you miss me ? Ichigo Kurosaki ?"

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