Chapter 2: They're Na-*German soldiers*

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ichigo: You... But... How... Why...

"Yes, Urahara, and Yamamoto. Those are the three answers."

Ivan: Haa... Haa... Haa...

"Oh ? I could've sworn I got you for good. You're resilient."

Ivan: How... Who the hell are you ?!!

"Well... How about it ? You will come with me, willingly or by force, tell us everything we want to know, and then maybe I'll be nice enough to tell you that."

Ivan: ... Shit !

Ichigo: What ?!

Ivan: Don't worry. This shadow... Only hides the "Chosen ones".

"... He just vanished... That was not the Garganta used by the Arrancars... Looks like Yamamoto was right about the situation..."

Ichigo: So now we're done with him, maybe you can tell me WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE ?!

"hey, I told you already, didn't I ? Urahara."

Ichigo: I... What ?!

Pompous bitch: Ivan ? How admirable of you to bow before me. Judging from those wounds, I reckon that you were a bit too impatient.

Ivan: You kidding me ? Who would bow before someone like you ?

PB: What did you just say ? Do you know who you're talking to ?

???: Stop it.


???: Jeez. How many times do I have to say it ? Do not fight in front of me. I don't like fights. Well then... Let's hear your reports for the sake of peace.

PB: Haa... Haa... Haa...

???: Don't exert yourself. I bet even sitting down would be painful with that, so I allow you to speak while lying down.

PB: Ye... Yes, sir...

???: However, well... If you're not going to sit down, I guess you don't need your legs.

PB: You... You must be joking... ! I would never speak to you while lying down... I would never ever be so rude to you, sir... !!

???: ... I see. Well then, let's hear your report.

Ryunosuke: So late...

Ishida: What are you talking about ?

Ryunosuke: Of course Kurosaki ! And weren't you supposed to go help him ?!

Ishida: No worries. The enemy's reiatsu already disappeared. Anyway, there's no way Kurosaki would lose to such a guy. I had no intention to help him from the start.

Chad: He really said it out loud... Actually, I did want to help...

Ishida: ... ? What's the matter, Inoue ?

Orihime: Hm ? Nothing, Ishida. I was just thinking that you really became friends with Kurosaki. And I really like that side of you.

Ishida: Wait... If you want to make fun of me then do it in a way I can understand !

Ichigo: I'm baack.

Orihime: Welcome back, Kurosaki ! Are you injured ?

Ichigo: No, I'm not, but-


Ichigo: ... What's this weird sound ?

Ryunosuke: Ah. Sorry, it's my Denrei Shinki.

Shino: Wait a sec... That voice sounds like...

Ryunosuke: Sorry if it's weird. It's my ringtone, Shino-San humming a tune.

Shino: I knew it... ! When did you even record that ?! Anyway, HURRY UP AND ANSWER !!

Ryunosuke: Y- Yes, I'm Yuki... yes, exactly. Yes. Eh ? Eh... But... Eh... ?! Yes... I see... Yes... Yes, well... Yes...

Ichigo: What happened ?

Ryunosuke: I'm sorry, Kurosaki... I was ordered to return to base urgently... For a funeral. First Division's... Vice-captain Chôjirô Sasakibe... Died.

All: ... ... ... ...

"... Okay, I was waiting to make my entrance, but the mood just plummeted."

Orihime: KYAH !!

Chad: What the... ?!


"Okay, someone shut Ishida for me please !"



"Thanks, Chad."

Orihime: K- Kurosaki, is that... ?

Ichigo: Haa... Yep, it's him. For what I understood, he's back, courtesy of Urahara.

Chad: Okay, but... Why... ?

"I guess the news just started reaching your ears... But my return is linked to what just happened. That guy showing up, and the death of vice-captain Sasakibe. We're at the breaking point of a full-blown war, one that Soul Society hasn't know for over a millennia... This... Is a Thousand-year Blood war."

Ichigo: ... I can't stay still. I'll go patrol for a while... Anything to get away from all this ruckus...

Isshin: WOOOOOHOOOOOO !! Return of the prodigal son !! I'm so happy to see you !!

Yuzu: So happy !!

"Yes, I can see that, now stop strangling me to death !"

Isshin: Don't worry about anything, there's always a room for you under that roof !

"Well, I was going to stay at Urahara's place, but if you're proposing...

Isshin: oh, right, speaking of, come here for a moment... ... ... I actually got a call from the man telling that you were here.

"he really doesn't loose his time..."

Isshin: yes, but... Why was his voice so high-pitched over the phone ?

"Oh... That..."

"Well, that's kind of a poor welcoming committee... Where is everyone ?"

Gin: Ururu and Tessai are running errands, Yoruichi is... Who know where. Jinta's kind of a gang member... So that only leave us two.

"Gin ! how's life treating you since last time ?"

Gin: Nothing much to complain about. I may have been banished from Soul Society, but it was more of an example.

"Good to hear, good to hear... Thinking about it, that's good you're here, I need something. Could I borrow your zanpakutô real quick ?"

Gin: Umm... I guess... ?

"Thanks. Don't worry, You'll get it back."

Urahara: What... Are you going to do with it ?

"Well, you see, Urahara... When I left, and discovered you kinda forgot to give me the map... I made a promise to myself. And I intend on keeping it."

Urahara: E- Eh... ?

"Now... Bend over, and take a deep breath."

"... Heartwarming reunion... ?"

Isshin: he sounded really butthurt tho.

"Don't worry. I already called a wambulance."

Isshin: Good. On another note... How much of those 10 million are still with you ?

"A good chunk. Haven't really had to spend any of it these last years."

Isshin: Perfect !

"... You do realize your son just went who-know-where ?"

Isshin: Don't worry, he does that a lot, whenever he goes on patrol. What's the worst that could happen anyway ?

Ichigo: 'I might be biased, but...'

Ishida: I think that the reason they gave such detailed information to Yuki, who is just a common soldier... Is that they knew you were with him. In other words, they probably wanted you to know what's happening.

"Yamamoto himself gave me a summary of the situation, before telling me to find you. I can definitely see the red thread here."

Ishida: Indeed. It also means that I the near future, they might... No they definitely will request both your cooperation in some way. However, as of now there's nothing we can do. You already gave Yuki all the information about the man you fought. The only thing left to do now is wait.

Ichigo: ...

???: ... ...

Ichigo: Huh... ?

Ichigo: NE... NEL ?!!


Ichigo: GUARGH !! Y... You... You show up after such a long time... To do this... ?!

Nel: I... Ichigo... It's bad... Ichigo... Help me... Ichigo... Hueco Mundo is... Hueco Mundo is...

???: 5 days...

PB: Yes, sir... ! It's the necessary time required for Soul Society and us to prepare for the battle...

???: It's the future.

PB: ... Uh... ?!

???: 2 days ago, when you went to inspect the angle to be used to break into the frontier... You already said that at this rate, in the near future, Soul Society would lose its balance of souls with the Human World. Didn't you ? Luders Friegen. Are you perhaps a prophet ?

Luders: Uh... Eh... What... ?

???: Answer. I just asked you, whether you are a prophet or not.

Luders: Ah... No... I'm not...

???: Then why, are you talking about the future ? I want to hear about now.

Ivan: GH... !!

???: Ivan.

Ivan: Ah... Yes Sir !!

???!: I don't really have reasons to praise you or blame you. You did enough to slow down Ichigo Kurosaki, and provided interesting information.

Ivan: Uh... Ah... Thank you very much !!

???: Your job is over. You can become the foundation stone to build peace.

Ivan: NO- !!


Masked: ... Are you fine with that ?

???: With what ?

Masked: Aren't Arrancars precious soldiers because they don't need to be taught how to fight ?

???: I don't care. If what Ivan reported is true, then sending Arrancars would be a grave mistake. And beside... If I want Arrancars, I can just get as many as I like.

???: Hueco Mundo is already our territory. It's just another foundation stone, to invade Soul Society.

Ichigo: Hueco Mundo... ?! What do you mean, Nel ?! What happened to Hueco Mundo ?! Was it attacked ?! By who... ?

???: Super speed !!

Ichigo: Uwoah ?!

???: Gh... ! I tried to hide until the last moment to surprise-attack you... !! But of course you were still able to dodge, Ichigo Kurosaki !!

Ichigo: Ha... Ha...

???: Oops ! I guess you won't recognize me by just looking at my crotch ! Well then, I'll tell you who I am... !

Ichigo: You're Pesche, aren't you ! What are you trying to do... ? Nel is all desperate about Hueco Mundo, I was trying to listen seriously...

Pesche: GARGH ! Exactly, Ichigo Kurosaki !! Exactly... Exactly that, Ichigo Kurosaki !

Ichigo: I don't wanna look at your ass.

Pesche: Hueco Mundo... Was attacked !!

Ichigo: Nel already told me that.

"Well, if things aren't turning hectic the moment I show up..."

Ichigo: Yeah... Sorry for asking you to come here so late at night.

Chad: That's not a problem, but... Uhm. This Hueco Mundo thing... Is it true ?

Nel: What ! Does the giant not believe what Nel said ?!

Chad: No, I don't mean that... By the way, have you forgotten about me ?

Pesche: It's true. After Lord Barragan and lord Stark died, lady Harribel was the one technically governing Hueco Mundo. But she was suddenly attacked by someone, and taken away... We don't know who did it, but it seems like their goal is to abduct Arrancar to use them as their vanguard... they already took away lots of them...

"So he was the same..."

Pesche: Not only that, but they also captured Dondochakka... !

Orihime: Kurosaki...

Chad: No need to ask, I guess. We're going to save them, right ?

"You're god damn right."

Ishida: ... I'm sorry. I can't come with you this time.

"... Ishida..."

Ichigo: Right. After all, Quincys exists to destroy hollows. I knew you'd say that. But then you'd be sulking if I hadn't called you.

Ishida: You...

"Don't worry about it. If it's Arrancar we're fighting... Well, I'm always up for an all-you-can-eat buffet, after all."

Urahara: Oh. You seem to be having fun. Shall arrange, your trip to Hueco Mundo ?

"Urahara ? You're not butthurt anymore ?"

Urahara: The wambulance treated that. But, although i'm physically well... My pride's still kind of... Shattered.


White Hair: Hm ?

???: What ?

WH: It's Ivan's medallion. It looks like he tried using it, but... Something nullified it's activation...

???: ... I see. I guess this one will prove to be difficult.

WH: We could predict it, but I'd say having an actual proof is useful.

???: Even hotblooded fools can be useful, at times. Contact the Iacto army of Hueco Mundo. Tell them to get a few idiots without killing them.

WH: It shall be done. Your highness.

Ichigo: How come you got to my house with such a perfect timing ?

Urahara: Isn't that obvious ? I was waiting for the right timing out of the window !

Ichigo: ... ... ...

Urahara: ... Just joking.

"I called him."

Ichigo: I knew it.

Urahara: Well... if two Arrancars vanish from Hueco Mundo, I'm going to notice. And even before that, your fight and the unusual accidents in Soul Society. There's plenty of material to be alert. I'm sure you realize it too, don't you ? At least to an extent.

"Everything's connected to the same thing. And it's nothing to be laughed at."

Urahara: Exactly. Ok, we're going out !!

Nel: Wawah ! The sky !! We're in the sky !!

Ichigo: With Urahara, it's always like this...

Urahara: You know me so well~.

"It wasn't a compliment !"


Orihime: Santen Kesshun !!

Pesche: WE DIDN'T FALL !!

Ichigo: SHUT UP !!

Guard: ... ...

Soldier: What happened ?

Guard: Uhm... I just thought I heard some voices...

Soldier: No way. Everyone's here. Only corpses are left there. It's your imagination.

Guard: ... I guess so...

Chad: Apparently they didn't notice us.

"Thank goodness."

Ichigo: Really ? With all the noise we made...

Pesche: Good, they must be idiots.

"... How can you talk when i'm holding your mouth ?"

Pesche: That's not my mouth. It's a protuberance ! By the way, why do you have to hold my mouth ?! I'm not being noisy, that's rude ! Huh ?!


Urahara: Apparently... The reason they didn't come back despite hearing noises... Is that they know all Hollows and Arrancars that were here are dead.

Chad: That's awful...

Ichigo: Don't look, Nel.

Orihime: ... It's true. There is no one alive...

Pesche: I'm not surprised. That's their way. Look at those blue flames. It's condensed Reishi, that's what they use. Thanks to that, they were able to set fire to the rocks and sand of Hueco Mundo, that usually can't burn. Before their previously unseen powers... We lost our leadership and couldn't fight back. The only thing left to do was escape...

"That's... Not something I'd expect you to say... Pesche, you sure you're alright ?"

Pesche: What is that supposed to mean ?!

Ichigo: Ah, right. You only saw the idiot side of them... Short version ?

"Given the situation, I'd appreciate..."

Ichigo: Nel was an Espada.

"... Say whaaaaaaa... ?"

Ichigo: Tres Espada, before Harribel. She beat the shit out of Nnoitra before Kenpachi arrived.


Pesche: SHE DID WHAT ?!

Ichigo: ... I'll ignore that one. What will happen to the ones that were dragged away just now?

Pesche: they'll probably be taken at their camp... And divided into a group that will be killed and a group that will be abducted. And then...

"Okay, so we go and save them then."

Pesche: Eh ?! W- W- Wait ?! Wait a sec ! Dondochakka is not among them !! I can't feel his reiatsu !!

Ichigo: So what ? We'll save him too anyway. We might as well save some other people in the meanwhile.

"I was more about kicking ass and diminishing the enemy's ranks as much as possible, but that works too."

Pesche: Well... These are good points, but... Ah ! Wait !!

Urahara: Uff... I wonder if they realize that the ones they're gonna help were their enemies and energy source not long ago...

Pesche: E- Exactly !!

Chad: I'm pretty sure they know. And you too. You know they're the kind of guys that would do that. It's because you and Nel know that you trust Ichigo, and it's because you know that, that you decided to call Y/n back. You firmly believe that they will be able to do something about this.

Orihime: We should go as well, Sado !

Chad: Yeah !

Pesche: ... Is the guy really that strong ?

Urahara: Well, I mean... He did destroy Aizen...

Pesche: HE DID WHAT ?!

*Iacto army, hunting captain supervisor: Kirge Opie.*

Guard: In a line !! You must stand with the wall behind you ! Hurry up !! It takes nothing to open a few more holes in your bodies !!

Arrancar: ... That guy over there seems to be their leader... Do you really want to do this... ? Maybe we should give up...

Arrancar: idiot ! That won't help, we're gonna be killed either way !

Kirge: ORDER ! ORDER ! We will now hold a big selection tournament for both arrancars and hollows. Who will live ?! Who will die ?! Starting from the right side, I will now stab you to death one after the other ! Do you absolutely want to live ? Do you absolutely want to become our comrades ? Then kneel in front of me and ask by licking my shoes ! You were all chosen because of your luck, intelligence, and strength that allowed you to survive our first strike ! Please, by all means, don't miss this precious chance !!

Arrancar: ... Will... Will I be saved if I say that I want to become your comrade right away... ?

Kirge: OOK ! That's not how it works ! You will have to undergo an "Admission test" in the order you applied ! And this "Selection" is what gives you the chance to apply for it ! Anyone that didn't understand what I just explained will end like this ! Like this ! LIKE THIS !!

Soldier: ... Is the captain really going to collect any Arrancars ?

Kirge: You're gonna diiiie !!

Guard: of course he's not.

Soldiers: C- Captain !! Captain !

Kirge: ... It took you too long, to scream "Captain !". This is weird. I thought we collected all their swords, didn't we ?

Soldier: Yes, sir ! That... We definitely checked... Where were they hiding them... ?

Loly: I'm Lord Aizen's aide, Loly Aivirrne !

Menoly: I'm the same, Menoly Mallia !! Don't think someone like you can win against us- !

Kirge: I see.


Kirge: Do it.

Soldiers: Yes sir !! Do we kill them ?

Kirge: No. His majesty said to collect any idiot with guts. They passed the test, beat them, but don't kill them. Anyway, I wonder. Aizen must not have been worth that much, if he was keeping such people as his attendants. Well. After all, even Tier Harribel, who was ruling over Hueco Mundo after Aizen's death, couldn't do anything in front of his majesty. I shouldn't be surprised...

*Pain screams*

Kirge: ... hey. I said not to overdo-

Soldiers: GAAAARGH !!

Kirge: ... What are you ?

Apacci: UUUUUHN ?! You badmouth Lady Harribel and don't even know who we are ?! Underlings know nothing as usual ! Tell us your names then !!

Sung-Sun: Why are you using the plural ?

Franceska: Cool down, Apacci. Or I'll kill you.



Sung-Sun: As you can see... Those monkeys are busy fighting. I'll be your opponent, Mr captain.

Apacci/Franceska: SUNG-SUN, YOU BITCH !!

Kirge: Such noise...

???: Hey. I wanted to ask... Is the admission over ? i'm starting to get impatient over there.

Kirge: ... Now is not a good time to anger me. But, you could say today's your lucky day. Fight those three, and you will be admitted into his majesty's army. What's more... if can kill them... I will listen to what you want.

???: So you're saying, that if I kill them... I can ask for anything I want ?

Kirge: Anything.

???: Well, if that's the case... Your head.

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