Chapter 3: Square one

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kirge: ... I'm... Sorry. I think you tried to tell a joke, but I missed the point. What was that ?

???: You heard perfectly. If I can take anything for killing these 3, then... I will take that head off your shoulders.

Kirge: Very funny. I'm sorry for not laughing sooner.

???: You don't have to feel sorry for that.


"After all... I wasn't joking."

Kirge: Hm ? You're not an Arrancar... In fact, you look very much like a human... Who are you, and what are you doing here ?

"My name... I suppose I could tell you. After all, it's custom to tell your name to the man you're about to kill. So don't bother telling me yours, it won't matter."

Kirge: Ohohoh...

Ichigo: Damn Y/n... really had to jump ahead of everyone there...

Ichigo: What's that ? Something's already happening over there...

Nel: It's the Tres Bestia's reiatsu !!

Ichigo: WOOOAH ?! What the hell, Nel !! What are you doing there ?!

Nel: What are you saying, Ichigo ? I'm going to protect your back... !

Ichigo: Ok, I got it, just hold on tight not to get hurt. So, what's this Tres whatever ?

Nel: Tres Bestia ! It means "The three beasts" ! It's the three Fraccions under Harribel's direct control. They're super strong and super scary... And they always try to kill each other, like cannibalistic beasts, they're 3 crazy monsters... ! Now that they're here, the enemy army will probably be wiped out in a matter of seconds ! UWAAAHHHH ! IT'S TERRIBLE, ICHIGO !!


Orihime: Kurosaki... if you make so much noise, they'll find us...

Chad: ... I don't think they have time to worry about us...

Apacci: EETCHUM !! Hey, are you talking about me, Mila Rose ?!

Franceska: Aah ?! No way ! I was completely silent ! Did your ears rot away ?!

Sung-Sun: Please ! How long are you going to fight ? If you're just going to be in the way, go home !

"Same for you ! If you've got time for blabber, then just slaughter !!"

Loly: You... I know you ! You're the one who killed Lord Aizen !!

Kirge: ... Oh ?

Soldiers: Wha.. What are they... ? Ca- Captain !! They're incredibly strong !! We should... retreat for the time being !! GUOH !!

Kirge: I have... A proposal for you. Capitulate. You're strong. That's wonderful ! You would become perfect pawns for his majesty ! That's why I don't want to kill you, and I'm suggesting that you surrender! Come ! Surrender and become part of our army ! You will be able to work for the sake of his majesty... For you, there would be no greater happiness, THAN WHAT I JUST SAID !!

"Yeah, so How about a big ol' fat fucking no, you n-*German soldier* wannabe ?"

Franceska/Apacci: Don't underestimate us, four-eyes monkey !!

Sung-Sun: Please do not misjudge us.

Kirge: Oh. So you don't want to negotiate ? Such a pity.


Ichigo: Woah ?! This explosion was even bigger !

Nel: I told you ! The Tres Bestia are devils !

Ichigo: i'm honestly more expecting Y/n to be wrecking shit over there...

Nel: You'll just be in their way if you go there ! let's go back ! I won't make fun of you !

Ichigo: Shut up ! We're...

Kirge: ... Oh. Now it's a Shinigami ? We're having many guests, today.

Nel: Tha... That's... Impossible... He beats the Tres Bestia...

Kirge: A shinigami with an arrancar on his back. Now this is curious. However, not the most curious that happened today. Now, if you could just wait for an instant, I was about to end things here.

Ichigo: What... No...

"Ghhkkkk... Second time this happened... Hate it just as much- Guargh !"

Kirge: Hm. "The one who killed Aizen"... I was expecting something else.

Ichigo: How... ?

Urahara: You know, I really hope Y/n hasn't just rushed straight into battle... He'll just get himself killed if he's not cautious.

Pesche: How ? If he really killed Lord Aizen, what could possibly stand in his way ?

Urahara: A lot of things, actually. It's true he could defeat Aizen, but a lot of things happened since... To power the gate needed to go back, his entire reiatsu was consumed... In other words...

Ichigo: He's back to square one... When we met for the first time, and even a single hollow was a serious danger...

Kirge: I know who you are. Ichigo Kurosaki.

Ichigo: ... Right. That guy came looking for me too in the end. It's not surprising that you all know me.

Kirge: Your information was in the daten given to us by his majesty. Both you, and your friend over there, Figure as "Special war potential", to deal with right away !!

Ichigo: 'What ?! That's not Shunpo. And not even a Sonido... It's...'

"Hiren... Kyaku..."

Ichigo: What ?! So, you guys... You really are Quincies ?!

Kirge: Oh. Can it be that you came here to fight us without even knowing what we were ?! Well, judging from your words, I guess you had a "Feeling" but wasn't "Certain" about it. Fine. Then I shall answer. As you said, we, are Quincies. You know us very well. We...


Soldier: ... ... ... Einverstanden (Understood). There is a telegram from the 1st Iacto army. Two "Special war potentials", Ichigo Kurosaki and Y/n L/n, have infiltrated Hueco Mundo. They are currently fighting against the captain supervisor Kirge Opie.

???: Well then. let's go

Soldier: Uh... ?! Your majesty, where... ?

???: "Where" ? Isn't it obvious ? To Soul Society. I I don't know why the went to Hueco Mundo, but fighting with Kirge will keep them busy for a while. It's the perfect chance, to occupy Soul Society.

???: Notify all the Sternritter. The vandenreich, is about to invade Soul Society.

Kirge: Don't be so stubborn. It's bad for your health.

"And underestimating me is bad for your health. I'll agree on that, errors have been made. But in that case, the solution is never too far. Ichigo, GETSUGA TENSHO !!"

Ichigo: Ah, uhh... Okay ?

"Not for him you moron ! Me !!"

Ichigo: Oh... OH RIGHT ! GETSUGA... !

Kirge: What are you...

Ichigo: TENSHO !!

Kirge: All hit the mark. What happened to you ?! Between the two of you, I can't say which one is the more disappointingly weak !

"You really don't get it, do you ? You're right where I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted."

Kirge: What is that, your second wind ?

"And soon it will be your dying gasp. Thanks for the recharge, Ichigo."

Ichigo: Don't mention it. But man, that's weird. Ishida said that Quincies only use bows...

Kirge: What...

Orihime: Kurosaki !!

Ichigo: Inoue ! Take care of Nel !!

"Oh ! Mine ! ACT 2, NULL !!"

Ichigo: .. Man, you really need to recharge yourself...

"hey, it's getting a bit better lately, now that we're in Hueco Mondo. I think I'm still gonna go through the Dangai to get back in shape. If this guy's just a captain, I'll need it."

Kirge: I see. It would seem we lack information on how your abilities work... Underestimating a special war potential was a mistake of mine. When someone is able to dodge, repel and throw back with bare hands your Heilig Pfeil (Holy arrow)... You realize how faulty your techniques still are...

Ichigo: Do Quincy arrows have such a complex name ? Don't worry, yours are more powerful than Ishida's. Though it's been a long while since I fought them.

Kirge: "Ishida" ? Are you talking, about "Uryû Ishida" ?

"Oh, so you know him ? Who exactly are you ?"

Kirge: So Uryû Ishida's Heilig Pfeil would be less powerful than mine... ? That's weird. It's impossible.

"What does that even mean ?"

Kirge: Oops. Speech is silver, silence is gold. Pardon me, I spoke a little too much. It seems that after this fight, I'll have even more things to report to his majesty.

"I don't know who that 'Majesty' you've been talking about... But I doubt you'll be able to report anything."

Kirge: Answering is pointless. Why do you need to know ? I was just ordered by his majesty, to defeat you right away. In other words, you're going to die here. You don't need information about us.

Kirge: Well then. It's time to show you... I'm sure that you have at least heard of this power. The "Quincy Letzt Stil" (Quincy last style... ?)

Kirge: let me teach you, the real name of this form. Quincy Vollständig. (Complete holy form)

*Urahara told us about this... As usual, he wouldn't tell how he got his information...*

Urahara: I think you know that already, but it's always best to remind you. When Ishida lost his Quincy powers once, that was the cause. The gloves to diffuse Reishi, "Sanrei Shutou", are like shackles to Quincies... Since they fight gathering the Reishi around them. Once they've trained with the gloves on, the maximum power they can obtain by removing them, is the Quincy Letzt Stil.

Urahara: But that's not just their maximum power, it's also their last. The ones who have tried it have quickly used up their Quincy powers and eventually lost them.

Ichigo: Is it the same ? Is the power that guy is using now, the same thing I heard about ?

"I honestly don't know... But this is way more powerful for sure..."

Kirge You seem confused. I will read inside your mind and answer. It's different. The Quincy Letzt Stil that you know is too weak. It's a concept that died out over 200 years ago, and is now a "Relic of the past".

Kirge: The only person still attached to it is Souken Ishida, the one that refused the progress we made after years of studies ! It's as different to Quincy Vollstandig, as heaven is to earth !!

Ichigo: I see. I don't really care about your past. But in other words, I get it that's different from Ishida's powers. i'm relieved. If Ishida transformed into something that disgusting, I might end up killing him by mistake.


Ichigo: Your grip is too loose. GETSUGA TENSHO !!

Ichigo: How long are you gonna stand there and do nothing ?!

"Listen, Ichigo. Sooner, I got absolutely demolished by the guy. I'm not involving myself until I've accumulated enough Reiatsu !"

Kirge: ... That's no good. You should aim before slashing. Not that it would help, considering that I have no weak points !

Ichigo: Shit... !!

Kirge: You said that my form, is eerie. That's the correct reaction. To the eyes of a treacherous Shinigami, and heretic human... OUR APPEARANCE OF HOLY EXECUTIONERS, SHOULD LOOK ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING AND EERIE !!

Orihime: What ?! No way... He peeled off my Santen Kesshun... !!

Chad: No... It's not just the Santen Kesshun... Trees, sand, rocks, buildings... Everything made of Reishi in Hueco Mundo... IS GATHERING AROUND HIM !!

"So this is why there was no reiatsu... Quicies absorb reishi, furthermore when their power is complete..."

Kirge: Come ! Prepare to receive it ! My Vollstandig "Biskiel"', (Justice of God) power !!


Kirge: What ?!

"Alright... This is a new one...

Kirge: What is... That monster ?

Franceska: Did you think we couldn't fight anymore?

Sung-Sun: I thought I said you should not underestimate us.


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