Chapter 4: Monster, monster, monster...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Franceska: What are you looking at ?

Sung-Sun: You're not worrying about us, are you... ?

Apacci: ... You don't need to look over here. Go, Ayon.

Ayon: ... ... ...


Apacci: Ayon,is a monster created by fusing our left arms !! he has power, but cannot discriminate !! You two aren't our enemies this time, so just steer clear and run unless you wanna die !!

Kirge: Tch ! There is no way my Vollstandig could be beaten BY A MONSTER LIKE YOU !


"... Famous last words..."


Ichigo: This is crazy... It's complete overkill...

"At this point, i'm pretty sure my pity well for the guy is bottomed out."

Apacci: Awww, did we go a bit too far ? Man, he was one tough dude ! I can't believe he's still in one piece after getting hit so much by Ayon-


Apacci: GAH... ?!

Kirge: I see... Power of this level was not included in the report... I will have to suggest to his majesty, that the "Blut" (Blood) be strengthened. But before that... I must quickly, expedite your demise.

"... I have a question."

Franceska: What ?

"That monster... Is it linked to you ? What will happen if he's destroyed ?"

Sung-Sun: he may be created from our bodies, but it wouldn't affect us...

"All I wanted to know. HEY BIG GUY, COME SEE PAPA !!"


Franceska: What is he trying to pull here ?!



Franceska: A- Ayon...

"Alright. So... Since introductions were cut short, allow me to do it properly this time. Y/n L/n, Stand user, and effectively Aizen's killer. And you... Are dead."

Kirge: Hm. It truly is a shame, that you didn't pledge loyalty to his majesty. But if this is what you wish, then you will be the first to die. Or should I say, you will be the first to "Live".

"The Reishi all around the place... it's being..."

Kirge: Sklaverei (Slavery). This is a basic Quincy ability that increases Reishi gathering to the extreme, and makes it absolutely subordinate. I didn't want to use it, if possible, for it corrupts my holy wings with evil.

Kirge: Hiding ? They truly are beasts. Keen to danger.

Franceska: We haven't saved you. I don't know who you are, but you have quite the spiritual pressure. It'll be a problem if they suck you up too... You... You're the Princesa Aizen brought here... ! Why did you come all the way back here... ?

Sung-Sun: Mila Rose ! Let's talk later ! Their abilities are a big problem. Everything that exists and enters Hueco Mundo and Soul Society is composed of Reishi. Our bodies, too. It tears off everything right down to the core. We have no chance of winning here. Our best bet is to stay hidden as long as they fight, and move to where your allies and that Shinigami are.

Kirge: A wise decision. However, a "Difference in power" was missing from your equation.

Franceska: Gah... UAAAAH !!

Orihime: KYAAAH !!

Chad: Inoue ! Guh... UOOOAAAAHHH !!

Kirge: Every time I see you writhe, it refreshes my understanding of just how ungracefully the weak die. I can't even bear to watch. Die-

"Ban... Kai !"

"Chad, take Orihime and leave !"

Chad: O- Okay !

"Good. Sorry I couldn't show you that sooner, I was kinda low on resources."

Kirge: Gh...

"So, if I break the disc on your head, you can't make all that Reishi 'Absolutely subordinate', right ?"

Kirge: Just because you understand it doesn't necessarily mean you can do it... ! You are truly, A NUISANCE !!

*Beep Beep Beep*

Urahara: Yes ? ... Ah. Hi there, Akon, it's been a while. How are things going ? ... Huh ? Me ? Things are going well, I suppose...


Assistant: Akon has broken his usual pace...

Researcher: Only he and the captain are capable of dealing with people like that.

Urahara: Them ? Well, Kurosaki would be possible, but I'm afraid Y/n can't speak to you.

Akon: WHY NOT ?!

Urahara: Right now, They are doing battle with a Quincy who's the captain of the Hueco Mundo hunting squad.

Researchers: What ?! They're fighting a quincy in Hueco Mundo .! What's going on... ?!

Akon: 'The quincies are even in Hueco Mundo... ! So then they noticed that and headed there... ?! Faster than we could ?! Impossible ! I had heard rumors... But I never knew they were that unpredictable...' ... And... How is the battle going ?

Urahara: Well. As grim as it seemed when it started, right now they're on equal footing... No. They're pushing him back.


"Zero ni Modoru..."

Ichigo: Getsuga Tensho...



Urahara: The enemy seems to want to seal their Bankai somehow, but it doesn't appear to be working on them. So the enemy's having trouble.

Akon: What ?! It isn't working... ?!

Urahara: ... ... ... Huh ? Don't be silly. This isn't the sort of battle that I can just waltz into and stop.

Pesche: hey ! Who have you been talking with ?! You're acting way too casual !! Are you nuts ?!

Urahara: Akon, you know how powerful the enemy is, correct ? I know that there are intruders in Soul Society. If you're contacting me, however, then it must be quite bad. So I'll return to my first question: How are things going over there ?

Kirge: Gh... 'i received daten that we could not allow them to use Bankai. That we could not medalize their Bankai. But that was all... that was all ! So then why ?! WHY ?! I used Vollstandig and even absorbed that monster !! How can they still so easily surpassing me ?!

"if I recall, the guy who attacked you in the human world also tried something similar, didn't he ?

Ichigo: Yes. How come you guys can seal Bankai ?

Kirge: I... Have no reason to answer that question... 'This is dangerous... Not just attack power, it's the speed, and moreover that ability to negate all of my attacks, that's the problem ! Unless I keep my Blut Vene at full power at all times, I won't be able to withstand their attacks... But with my Blut Vene at full power, I can't switch over to my Blut Arterie... And attacking without Blut Arterie is useless against someone using Bankai !! Should I ask for backup ? No, if I do that...'

"Could it be, that you guys are... Afraid, of Bankai ?"



Kirge: N- No... Thing... Arg...

"U... Urahara... ?!"

Urahara: Thank you very much. Because of your help, the enemy's Reishi collapsed, and I was able to land a critical hit.

Ichigo: Why did you intervene ?

Urahara: We have an emergency. You two, head to Soul Society at once. I've opened the gate already Please listen to the details from Akon as you proceed.

Akon: Kurosaki Ichigo, L/n Y/n ? Please listen, and don't despair.

Chad: Urahara !!

Urahara: Sado, Inoue ! Nice timing ! That corpse should be holding a disc about the size of the palm of your hand. Find it and bring it here !

Orihime: Urahara-san... Kurosaki and Y/n are...

Urahara: I had them both go to Soul Society. I'll explain the details later ! For now, we must analyze the enemy !

Akon: At the current time, we have detected 2245 Shinigami reiatsu disappearances, as well as 56 seated Shinigami and one vice-captain's. These numbers are increasing by the second, just keep that in mind. Many buildings have been destroyed, the damage is incalculable.

Ichigo: Wait a minute ! Reiatsu disappearances ?! You mean they're dead ?!

Akon: We haven't confirmed anything at the actual scene yet. But the vice-captain is neither Kuchiki Rukia nor Abarai Renji.

Ichigo: I wasn't asking about that...

Akon: I transmitted the necessary info to you.

"Ichigo, I know that you're worried about them. But we've got no time to lose here."

Akon: Exactly. And moreover, there are at least 6 people on the enemy's side whose strength is more than captain level. They call themselves Sternritter and wear white uniforms unique to quincies. And... Currently, there are 0 casualties on the enemy's side. Not one report of victory has been made.

"What about the enemies' abilities ?"

Akon: Unfortunately, we have no more information on the quincies. That is how tight this situation is. However, there is one thing we don know. The enemy is capable of "Stealing Bankai".

"Wait, 'Stealing' ?! Not just sealing ?"

Ichigo: What are you saying ?! How could that be ?!

Akon: I want to doubt it myself. But there is no room for doubt. For the captains of the 2nd, 6th, 7th and 10th division have already had their Bankai stolen.

"... No way... Even Byakuya... ?"

Urahara: I'll explain the enemies' abilities to you.

Ichigo: Urahara ?!

Urahara: yes. I collected data on the enemy from your previous battle. I'll start from what I've discovered. As things are, there are three Quincy abilities worth special mention. The first is "Quincy: Vollstandig". In this form, their changes in appearance and power are most notable. All we know about this ability is what you yourself experienced.

"... So it's safe to compare it to a Bankai or a resurreccion..."

Urahara: It's a safe assumption indeed. The second is the ability he called "Blut". In this, he lets Reishi flow directly through his own veins to grant great boosts to his attack and defense power. Blut is a dangerous ability, but... It has one great weakness. Attacking and defensive Blut travel along different Reishi systems. Both cannot be enacted at the same time.

Urahara: Before, he couldn't deal an effective attack to you, because he wasn't able to counter the extremely fast power of Tensa Zangetsu. He had no choice but to keep Reishi flowing into the defensive Blut. The only reason I was able to deal a decisive blow to him was because your words aggravated him to switch into his attack Blut for a moment. This "Blut switching" will become an important part of any anti-Quincy strategy.

"As usual, you're keeping the most important for last aren't you ?"

Urahara: Hm. The third important ability: "Bankai Stealing". As Akon reported, they use their metal discs to steal Bankai. I will analyze the disc to learn about the logic of this, but the important thing here, is the fact that they cannot steal your Bankai. I can't say anything definite about that right now, besides, you know... Complete immunity, but I imagine that they waited until you were both stuck in Hueco Mundo before they attacked Soul Society. The enemy fears you, more than anyone. This is why it is meaningful that you go to Soul Society. This will be a dangerous battle, I'll be there soon myself. Please... Do not overexert yourselves.

"You know us, Urahara. You are right to don't trust us on that."

Ichigo: WHAT WAS THAT ?!

"The exit have been closed ?! Urahara, what's happening ?!! URAHARA !!"

Urahara: 'Damn... I thought there would be no way he could move with a wound like that, I let my guard down... This is...'

Kirge: ... You will not go to Soul Society under my watch... I will give my life to complete the mission... I received from his majesty... MY MISSION TO HOLD THEM BACK !!

"What is that..."


"Guh- ! Ichigo !! What is this ?!"

Kirge: Only one... BUT IT'S ENOUGH ! HAHAHAHAHA !! TOO BAD, ICHIGO KUROSAKI !! JUST A LITTLE MORE, AND YOU TWO COULD HAVE GONE TO PROTECT SOUL SOCIETY !! BUT NOW THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO ESCAPE ! You lose.. You have no choice but to stay trapped in that dark cage called Garganta...

Kirge: And watch, powerless... As Soul Society crumbles.

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