Chapter 5: Your majesty

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Messengers: Messages received. Since we will not be able to transmit messages to captains currently in battle for some time. We will attach a transmitted blade to the battlefields and then evacuate ! After they are set, we will transmit direct messages from there !

Rin: Yes... Yes ! Please !! ALL CAPTAINS, VICE-CAPTAINS AND SHINIGAMI IN SEIREITEI !! PLEASE LISTEN !! The shinigami representative, Kurosaki Ichigo, and special reinforcement, L/n Y/n, are now heading toward Soul Society !! Their bankais cannot be stolen by the Quincy ! The technology division just confirmed this !

Akon: ... ... ... Wait.

Researcher: What's wrong, Akon ?

Akon: Something's wrong... they went inside the Garganta, but their reiatsu... Disappeared...

Your POV:


Ichigo: What is this ?! This is bullshit... BULLSHIT !!

Akon: What's wrong, Kurosaki ?! L/n ?! What happened ?!

Ichigo: Akon ?! Sorry, I got stuck in some weird box !

Akon: Hey ! Answer me, Kurosaki !!

"Hey, can't you hear us !! Akon !!"

Akon: It's no good, we've got no response...

"He... can't hear noise from this side... ?!"

Ichigo: It must be this box interfering... What are you waiting for ?! Destroy it !

"You really think I didn't think of it sooner ?! That stupid shit regenerates itself from the garganta, and faster than I can erase it ! Unless I eat it all at once, but you're trapped inside it... ! FUUUUUUUUCK !!"

Akon: ... It's no good, we've got no response... It's clear now that some sort of problem happened in the garganta... Investigate it immediately ! Send troops to investigate the exit of the gate that was opened from Hueco Mundo !

Ichigo: What's wrong ?! What happened, Akon ?! AKON !!

Renji: What's wrong ?! Technology Division !! What happened ?! Damn... All I can hear is screams and explosions... !!

Rukia: Did the enemy get all the way to the technology division... ?!

Ichigo: Renji ?! And Rukia... What's happening ?! They shouldn't be with the technology division ! Why can we hear all their voices ?!

Rukia: Hold on ! We have to hold on here ! I promise... They're gonna come save us !!


Kirge: They're certainly going wild in there... But it's no use... The letter I received from his majesty, was "J" ! Kirge Opie, the "Jail" ! You will never be able to escape from that prison !!

Kirge: Now... Before the power I absorbed from that monster disappears... I'll have to erase you all...

Urahara: W- WAIT...

Kirge: GHA- !

Urahara: Wha... Who was that ?!

Urahara: 'No... !'

Ichigo: Haa... Haa... Not even Getsuga...


Ichigo: ... Then go.

"... What ?"

Ichigo: I am the one being trapped. Remember who you are, remember what you can do ! Remember why Yamamoto called you as reinforcements, and GO KICK THEIR ASSES !! SHOW THEM WHY THEY FEARED YOU !

"But I... ... ... Roger that."

Jugram: It appears that Kuchiki Byakuya has died.

???: I see.

Jugram: This is taking longer than we expected.

???: Indeed. Looks like the only weakness our Sternritter has is naivete.(Kenpachi)

Kenpachi: Yo. You the boss of these little shits ?

Jugram: ... Three of the Sternritter... Just how...

Kenpachi: It wasn't much at all.

*That first huge one was trash. He turned into this big gorilla that could send opponents flying with its roar, and then he came at me, so.. I split him two perfect halves.*

*The second one had someone against me and was taking forever to explain their abilities. My ears were still ringing from before, so I couldn't hear that well... They were annoying, so I slit their throat.*

*The third one was so-so. He turned into me. As expected of myself, it was a bit of trouble, but...*

Kenpachi: In the end, all I had to do was become stronger than his imitation of me.

Jugram: ... I see. I had heard that you were a monster, but...

Kenpachi: I have no need of you, you pale little shit. After all, I came here, TO FIGHT WITH YOU !!


Sternritter: Kuhaa... Painful ! Painful painful painful ! How painful it is to be so weak, vice-captain !

*Sternritter "O" [The Overkill] Driscoll Berci*

Hisagi: 'Shit... is this happening... The difference in strength is too overwhelming... It's hardly even a match.'

Driscoll: Are you afraid of my strength ? The letter I received from his majesty is "O" [The Overkill]. The more enemies, allies, or even beasts I kill, the stronger I become. Today, just after coming here, I've killed 100 people. When I came before, it was 100people as well. I killed a vice-captain, just like you, as well !

Hisagi: ... You...

Driscoll: With this talisman...

Hisagi: Cap... CAPTAIN-COMMANDER... !!

Yamamoto: ... ... ...

Driscoll: Bu... BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Ah... So lucky ! I'm so lucky ! Captain-Commander ! I came to find you !! I'll kill you, with your own subordinate's Bankai !!

Driscoll: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Nostalgic, isn't it ?! I heard he hadn't used his Bankai in over 2000 years !! You get to see it once again ! You should be thanking me !

Hisagi: This is... Vice-captain Sasakibe's Bankai... ! 'What amazing Reiatsu... So there are Zanpakutô other than Hyôrinmaru... That are able to command the weather... !'



Driscoll: Hey... What's wrong, old man !! After being hit with your subordinate's Bankai, you don't even have the strength to fight back ?! SAY SOMETHING ! COME ON !!

Hisagi: ... It's no good... Captain-Commander has completely lost consciousness... ! I will assist, Captain-Commander ! Forgive me !

Yamamoto: WAIT !!

Driscoll: Huh ? What... So you could still talk, old man ? Just shut up and die already... YOU USELESS OLD MAN...

Yamamoto: Chôjirô... It must be so bitter for you... Chôjirô... Your rage, I understand. Your... Your polished Bankai... IS CERTAINLY NOT SOMETHING OF THIS LEVEL !!

*Now, I can finally mourn over you. Chôjirô. Farewell.*

Hisagi: Captain... Commander...

Yamamoto: Do not dwell on this. I will not even let one live. With my own hands, I will slay them all.

Ômaeda: C- Captain !! What's happening ?!

Soifon: You idiot ! Don't you know anything ?! The captain-commander... the Captain-Commander... Is pissed !

Hinamori: I've... I've never sensed this amount of hostility coming from the Captain-Commander..

Shinji: Fool... You and me both. This is gonna be the first time we ever get to see the captain-commander cut loose... Hurry, Momo, we gotta be quick ! We can't let the old geezer hog all the fun.

Hitsugaya: ... Ah. So the Captain-Commander is going straight for that one, huh... We captains and lieutenants can't just let them do as they please.

Rangiku: My thoughts exactly...

Kyôraku: Ahh crap... You've got me there... Old man Yamamoto's reiatsu is resonating through all of Seireitei. I'm getting goosebumps. It feels like he's scolding me all the way from over there. "Be ashamed ! Having such troubles with an enemy of this level... I don't remember raising such a coward !" Is what he would say !

???: Number one in strength, Zaraki Kenpachi... So that's who this trash is, huh ? So fragile... It seems that I've overestimated you guys a little bit too much. Time for bed... Soul Society is finished.

Yamamoto: It's been nearly a thousand years... Yhwach. I have come, to rip the life out of you.

Yhwach: ... What ? Those eyes seem to want to say something... You've really gotten old, Yamamoto Shigekuni. The way you lose yourself to anger, though... That does harken back to your days of youth.

Yamamoto: SILENCE !!


Yamamoto: ... So you've finally drawn it.

Yhwach: It seems like you're saying that you were waiting for me to draw it.

Yamamoto: And why do you think I was waiting for it ? Your blood... Your flesh, your sword, your soul... Your very bones... It was so I could crush it all to dust.

Yhwach: ...' the flames disappeared...'

Yamamoto: Bankai.

Yamamoto: Zanka no tachi. (Long sword of the enduring flame)

Jugram: Bankai... ? That bankai just dispersed all the flames... And left behind a little charred Katana ?

Yhwach: Don't underestimate it. "Zanka no tachi" is a Bankai with every bit of that man's flames sealed into that katana. It's the end of everything it touches. Everything it cuts is burnt out of existence with its flames. It is a true blade of fire...

Yamamoto: I see... You've seen this Bankai once, a thousand years ago. I wonder... Is it the same as back then ? Whether or not it's the same as it was a thousand years ago... Let's test it out on your body.

Ukitake: ... My throat is drying up...

Kyôraku: Hm. My lips... Seems like they've cut themselves...

Hitsugaya: It's a shame... Seems like I can't use Hyôrinmaru anymore... have you noticed ? All of the water in Soul Society is silently, little by little, disappearing. Without a doubt, this is...


Yhwach: Well. If you wish on fighting alone with that same sword as 1000 years ago, then. I'll oblige.

Yamamoto: ... You just made two fatal mistakes... The first one, assuming this is the same sword as last time. And the second...


Yamamoto: Was to assume I was alone.

Jugram: ... An earthquake... ?

Yhwach: Not just an earthquake... The air, and even Reishi shook... Something big is coming.

Yamamoto: Not just "Something".


Jugram: Is that... A crack in the sky ?!

Yamamoto: "He" is coming.

Yhwach: He...


Yhwach: I see... The [Jail] wasn't able to hold him off...

"Man, if today isn't a scorcher... Captain-Commander Yamamoto. Special reinforcements, Y/n L/n, reporting to duty."

Yhwach: 'It cut... But no flames came out. What's going on ? Is it really that different from the Bankai a thousand years ago ? But no Zanpakutô exists where the Shikai and Bankai hold different powers... His Bankai's power is fire, there's no doubt about that. In that case... Where did the flames go ?'


Jugram: THE EDGE !!

"For the last time, your fight is with me !!"

Yhwach: ... Edge...

Yamamoto: Correct. Zanka no Tachi: East. Kyokujitsujin. All the flames that I possess, are concentrated on my blade's edge... It neither burns nor erupts, but anything it touches, is eradicated into nothingness, without a trace. Even the defense that you Quincy possess, not even your Blut can stop it !!

Yhwach: ... How boring... In other words, if I don't touch your blade, and just cut you directly, it'll be fine !!

Jugram: Your majesty...

"Even I am not stupid enough to rush at a time like that... One hit."

Jugram: Huh ?

Yamamoto: How foolish. Were you not listening ? I've already said that this is Zanka no Tachi "East". If there's an East, there will be a West... I'll make it visible to your eyes as well... Zanka no tachi "West". Zanjitsu Gokui (Remnant Sun Prison Garb).

Yamamoto: It's heat reaches... Fifteen million degrees. Now, you cannot even touch me. Now that I've unleashed my Bankai, think of both my body and blade, as the embodiment of the sun !

"You understand now why your fight is with me. Both for your and my sake."

Jugram: Indeed... Should any of us interfere or even step too close to them... Being reduced to ashes would be an envious fate...

"What can I say ? This is usually what happens, when two absolute beasts are ripping each other throats... This isn't Soul Society no more... This, is hell on earth."

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