Chapter 7: Demise

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Yhwach: My demise... There was no trace of something like that in our daten...

"Of course, only two people ever witnessed this. First being Ichigo Kurosaki, second Sosuke Aizen. And you know what happened to the latter."

Yhwach: ... 'I feel nothing... No Reiatsu, no Reishi... And not even a trace of reiryoku... What is that...'


Yhwach: ...' The rubble... It's slowly moving towards him... The wind is picking up... And even I feel like the ground is being tilted...'

"Given that dumbfounded look, you must have understood what's going on, have you ?"

Yhwach: ... A black hole.

"When the oldest star die, what's left behind becomes infinitely more dangerous. Zanka no Tachi threatened to burn Soul Society, Burakkuhôru can entirely erase it."

"Now stand still. If possible, I'd prefer to keep the collateral to a minimum. Absolute annihilation... SHIKO NO KYOMU !!


Jugram: Y- YOUR MAJESTY !!

"Quiet, boy. Your albino ass is just next in line. As soon as I'm actually done with him, it'll be your turn. Hey asshole, I can feel your reiatsu... Wait, I can STILL feel your reiatsu ?!!"

Yhwach: Foolish. It is true, that power is absolutely astonishing, probably even the mightiest ability in Soul Society. However... You will never... Ever... Defeat me with that power. You must realize it now. You. Can't. Hit me.

"Then what do you call what happened back there with Balance-boy ?"

Yhwach: Pity... Allow me to explain why erasing all of Soul Society wouldn't bring me down. It is true, that no shinigami, hollow, or arrancar could stand up to that. But am I one of these ?

"... No..."

Yhwach: You start to get it ! The enemy you're facing, is material, not spiritual. That power, will have no effect on me. You might be stronger, yes, but at this point, Shigekuni might have been a bigger threat than you. Because he wouldn't be foolish enough to unleash something like that.

Yhwach: Now, how about you cease the rampage, stop using that useless Bankai, and quit wasting everyone's time ?

"... ... ... Gh."

Yhwach: See ? Doesn't that makes things easier ? And, to be honest, I really didn't think I'd be that right about you being an empty shell.

Byakuya: Are Rukia, and Renji... Still alive... ?

Ichigo: Ah. Yeah, they're alive... They're fine.

Byakuya: ... I see... I'm glad... I... Don't have much time left. As a captain of the Gotei 13... rendered helpless by these malevolent beings that trespass on Soul Society... Resulting in the massacre of all these warriors... Leaving nothing but an empty void in the families of my subordinates... Without a doubt, facing death's doorstep under these circumstances... brings a humiliation that echoes throughout every fiber of my being...

Byakuya: And if that wasn't humbling enough, now you, human boys... Never meant to tread onto this battlefield... never meant to be here... In the end, please indulge this one last request... From this contemptible man standing before you, for having to place this burden on your shoulders. Please... Protect Soul Society, Kurosaki Ichigo... !

Jugram: This reiatsu is...

Yhwach: Yes, it's Kurosaki Ichigo.

Jugram: Shall I eliminate it ?

Yhwach: No. We're leaving.


Yhwach: ... Did these news restored your spirit ?

Ichigo: It better be the case.

Ichigo: I don't feel like fighting with him as a burden.

Yhwach: Kurosaki Ichigo. I do not know how you did it, but I applaud you for escaping Kirge's jail. However, do you plan on fighting me with your body in that tattered state ?

Ichigo: ... Are you the enemy's leader ?

Yhwach: Enemy, huh... yes, and no.


Yhwach: Indeed, I am.

Jugram: Your majesty.

Yhwach: As you can see, Haschwalth. There is no other option now. let's crush them.

Ichigo: Getsuga... TENSHOU !!


Jugram: Quiet, now. You are next in line.

Yhwach: ... They're still breathing. Transport them to the castle. We can resurrect them, and have them join us.

Jugram: Understood.

Yhwach: 'Impossible... This is... BLUT VENE !'

Yhwach: ... It was my mistake.

Ichigo: You're calling it a mistake, just because I endured through one of your attacks ?

Yhwach: No, not that. So that really was what I saw...

Ichigo: What are you talking about ?

Yhwach: It was a mistake on my part to send a pure Quincy to stop you... But at the same time, sending an arrancar would have been ineffective, as long as the two of you were together... Thanks to that, the memories within your reiatsu, have been awakened earlier than I would have liked.

Yhwach: Whilst imprisoned by Kirge's jail, you must have released your reiatsu to the very limit to destroy it. When all that Reiatsu exploded out of you, the remaining reiatsu must have sucked in some of the surrounding as well when coming back to you. And when it reached the depths of your soul, Kirge's reiatsu must have awakened the memories within your reiatsu, from its very roots. Kirge's jail was made to seal enemies... But it cannot contain a Quincy.

Ichigo: ... What are you going on about ? ...The memories of my reiatsu ? I'm a Quincy ?

Yhwach: ... I see. You know nothing about yourself... or even, of your own mother.

Ichigo: ... What are-

Yhwach: I was hoping to slowly re-educate you after bringing you back. However, it appears it will not go that smoothly. I will overpower you by force, and drag you back.


Yhwach: Your questions will be answered when we return to the Vandenreich. Next will be a thrust ! You cannot depend on Blut vene this time. I will release my power and-

Yhwach: This is...

Jugram: It's time, your majesty.

"URGR... !"

Jugram: We have reached the time limit for operating outside the "Schatten Bereich" area. Please, allow us to return to the Vandenreich...

Yhwach: Impossible, we should still have time...

"... ... ... Gnn."

Yhwach: ... I see... Although involuntarily, this is your doing... In the short timespan of your ability, the torrent of gravity managed to disrupt my sense of time... Haschwalth, why did you not inform me of this if you had noticed ?

Jugram: Even if I were to attempt to stop your majesty, it would have been in vain.

Yhwach: ... Fine. Let's go.

Ichigo: NOT SO FAST !! You really think I'll let you waltz out of here ? After you just shit on Soul Society ? Do you fucks really think I'll let you leave unscathed...

Yhwach: ... So this is deja-vu...


Yhwach: This is goodbye, Kurosaki Ichigo. I shall return for you in the future. Take your friend, heal your wounds, and wait for me... My son, born in the dark.

Iemura: Second division groups eleven to sixteen are to head to area West 56 ! The rest of you, come with me ! Move the corpses to the back ! Transporting the injured is our first priority !

Shinigami: This is an emergency transport task ! Please give us your instructions !

Hanatarô: Roger ! Move him to room 203 please !

Isane: ... It's finally begun, transporting the injured... In the end, we were unable to tend to even a single injured combatant during the onslaught... Captain Unohana... Was it really ok for the entire fourth division to have cowered in the barracks like that.. ? If we had deployed out to Soul Society, we might have been able to...

Unohana: Isane. Do not allow your emotions to control your lips. When surrounded by doubt, one finds it easy to leave here. But, the usual you would not have been so shallow, that you would need me to explain to you why we cannot allow ourselves to do that.

Isane: ... Yes. MY humblest apologies... ! 'I'm an idiot. More than I... Captain Unohana wanted to go out and help them, more than anyone !'

Unohana: Do not shed tears, Isane. Just remember that the fourth division is to stay put, no matter what. That, was the order that the captain-commander had given us. His final order.

Ukitake: The captain-commander's corpse, could not be found. It, along with everything else, was annihilated by the enemy...

All: ... ... ... ...

Messenger: reporting in. captain of the sixth division, Kuchiki Byakuya and, captain of the eleventh division, Zaraki Kenpachi, have managed to survive. But it will be difficult for them to resume their duties as captains... We do not know if they will ever awake-

Soifon: LEAVE !!

Messenger: Uh...

Soifon: That is the last thing I want to hear right now !! Don't you get it ?! The captain-commander is dead ! I don't need you to add on top of that !!

Kensei: ... Stop it. You're embarrassing yourself.

Soifon: Embarrassing myself ?! I know about the grudge you had against the old man, you're probably doing cartwheels inside now that he's passed away !!

Kensei: Say that again... !


Soifon: ... ... ... ... ...

Kyôraku: O-K. Ok, ok, ok, ok. Everyone to their neutral corners. After a sorry display like that, the old man would've normally pimp slapped the offending parties involved. Whining and sniveling in front of his belongings like this... He's probably turning in his grave, you know ?

Soifon: Kyôraku, you bastard...

Kyôraku: The Gotei 13, was not established for us to mourn over the dead or lament about the destruction brought on Soul Society. We are, the shields of Soul Society.

Kyôraku: We will, one step at a time, move forward... We are, the Gotei 13.

"Great speech."

Kyôraku: I meant what I said... Saying that, you didn't have to wait outside the building.

"... Yamamoto's remains are still there... After what happened, I couldn't bear being in the same room... He called for my help, and even after all of that... I couldn't do anything..."

Kyôraku: I wouldn't be so sure of it. It's all thanks to you if the top dog ran away. We will never know how many lives you saved.

"... I need to take matter in hands. It's not even a matter of life or death anymore..."

Kyôraku: What will you do ?

"... ... ... By coming back here, I had to start all over from square one... So I'm gonna speed through the entire board, straight for the last square. I'm using the Dangai."

Ichigo: YOU GOTTA BE KIDDIN' ME ?! What crap is this ? You repaired your own Zanpakutô after breaking it, didn't you ?!

Kurotsuchi: You imbecile. I did not repair mine, I modified it. In order to repair a zanpakutô, you need the owner's reishi and Reiatsu. And then you merge them into your zanpakutô. It's as simple as that.

Ichigo: So... I just gotta take it home and dump some stuff into it... Got it...

Kurotsuchi: Hush. Grown-ups are still talking. That only applies if the zanpakutô breaks in Shikai. If it breaks in its Bankai state, we're talking a whole different can of worms. A broken Bankai... Can never be returned to its former state.

Ichigo: ... WHAT... ?!

Kurotsuchi: Of course, there are exceptions. Komamura Sajin's Kokujô Tengen Myô'ô, those two share such an intense bond that when his blade was shattered whilst in Bankai, he sustained considerable damage as well. But that weakness... is also a strength since his zanpakutô recovered when the wielder was healed. I've got a good grasp on all the captain's Bankais, strictly for research purpose of course... And his was the only exception I've found.

Kurotsuchi: Madarame Ikkaku's Bankai was destroyed during his tussle with Edrad Liones. It was Akon who could keep it from falling apart, but its power now is not even a fraction of what it used to be.

Ichigo: Ikkaku's Bankai... ?!

Kurotsuchi: Whoops. I do believe he told me to keep it a secret. Ah well, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Ichigo: Then... What about Renji's Bankai... His Bankai was also destroyed in his fight with Byakuya...

Kurotsuchi: The number of joints in his Bankai... How many do you think there are ? The parts of Hihiô Zabimaru destroyed by Kuchiki Byakuya... Have remained broken. Since their encounter.

Ichigo: Well... Then... What should I d-


Ichigo: ... You...


Kon: WHADDYA MEAN ?! I know it's been a while, but... Now you're just being an ass !! How can you not know who this is ?!! This God-Like jawline !! This million dollar smile ! And the rest of my bad boy features !


Ichigo: ...O- Oh... It's because... I haven't seen your face in a while... You've... Grown...

Kon: Oh please ! You think you can act all coy after stomping all over my feelings !! Lend me your ears, Ichigo ! Let me tell you all I've been through here...

Kurotsuchi: *Click*


Kurotsuchi: Well, that was... Interesting. More interesting than the constant blabber about his "Captain".

Ichigo: ... Yes, where is Y/n anyway ? I haven't seen him for the entire day...

Kurotsuchi: It's me. I see... As expected... Understood. Kurosaki Ichigo, it seems like you're lucky. You asked where your friend was, well, turns out he's about to come out.

Ichigo: ... What ?

Ichigo: I haven't been told what is going on at all...


Kyôraku: He asked that you were not informed until he came back. That was yesterday.

Ichigo: Yester... How long has he been in there ?

Kyôraku: 24 hours... Something like that... Okay, i'm opening the Senkaimon now.


Ichigo: WHAT THE HELL ?!

???: Ahh, shit. Forgot to tone down my reiatsu. Sorry, that's my B.

Ichigo: Uhhh... Y- Y/n ? Is that... You ?

"Of course it's me, dumbass. Who else ?"

Ichigo: It's just... The hair... The clothes... Plus, you're jacked !

"... Hm."

Ichigo: ... That's it ? You come back from the Dangai, and that is all you're saying- Where are you going ?!

"... Kyôraku, how long has it been ?"

Kyôraku: 24 hours. Roughly.

"Then I just spent 8 years here, Ichigo. Reunion will have to wait, right there's only two things I really want, being A: Lunch, and B: A bath.

Ichigo: Oh... Uh, right...

Kyôraku: Suits yourself. But I'm afraid you won't have enough time for all of it. We'll need you here soon. They'll surely want to meet you.

"... Who ?"

Kyôraku: Well... The Zero Division.

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