Chapter 8: 0 Division

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Well, isn't that quite the assembly."

Hirako: Whaddup you two, sightseeing ? Ain't nothin' here worth your time.

"You tell me. I beg of you, let me eat proper food for once..."

Ichigo: Where's this Zero Division from ? What I mean is, why'd they wait until Soul Society was in shambles... Where are they, normally ?

Kyôraku: With the Soul King, in the royal palace.

"The royal palace... ?"

Kyôraku: Does it surprise you that it is in Soul Society ? Think back when you first came here... That wall that suddenly came crashing down... This spirit wall is standing before you now because things have been rather turbulent as of late... But strictly speaking, it's only meant to be used during states of emergency. Now... If it's to be used only in cases of emergency... What was it protecting originally ?

"... ... ..."

Kyôraku: And, here they come.

Ichigo: Th- This is...

Kyôraku: Tenchûren (Heavenly pillar). It's the preferred method of transportation for the Zero Division. Everyone from that division, is inside that pillar.

Ichigo: Everyone ? In that cramped space... ?!

Kyôraku: There are no "Soldiers" in the Zero Division... Although calling the five members "Captains" doesn't really do them justice either. And... their combined power, is greater than all of the Gotei 13 put together.

"... Flashy."

Tenjirou: Get out the way... Get out the way... We're finally here !! Make way for the badass Zero Division !! It's been a minute, you lil' Gotei 13 noobs !! You been restin' and takin' your wheaties ?

Hirako: ... ... They... Ain't playing with a full deck of cards, are they... OUCH !! WHAT'S YER PROBLEM ?!

Kirio: It's been an eternity, Hirako ! Why isn't Hiyori-chan by your side ? That's so unusual~.

Hirako: What do you mean, it's been a while ?! 'The hell are you ?!! Wait... Did you say... Hiyori-chan... ?

Kirio: What are you talking about ? How could you forget a face like this ?! It's me !! Kirio !!

*Zero Division, Kokuô (Ruler of Grain) Hikifune Kirio*

Hirako: K... Kirio... ?! You've chan... Heh ?! You can' be... !! Saying that you have come out of chrysalis would be more accurate !

Kirio: My, Hirako is still the big flit~. I've barely changed, if at all ! Ah ! I'm starving !!

Tenjirou: Well well well... Feels like forever, Unohana. What up ? You ever able to wrap your pretty little head around my kickass healing techniques ?

Unohana: Of course.


"Rowdy... Flamboyant... Damn, I can't find a single word to define that..."

???: YOUUUUUU !!

"Hm ?"

Oetsu: I finally meet ya in person ! I've got some shit to work through with ya, ya punk !

"... I'm sorry, do I know you ?"

Oetsu: You'll learn soon enough ! I certainly know ya !

Ichibe: Now, now ! We're finally reunited ! Leave such banter for some other time.

Oetsu: Ngh.

Tenjirou: Tch...

"... ... ..."

Tenjirou: What are ya looking at, punk ?

"... Badass hair."

Tenjirou: ... I like ya, kiddo.

Kyôraku: Well... the Zero division is as lively as ever. So ? Why have you decided to grace us with your presence ?

Ichibe: ... So you guys are Kurosaki Ichigo and L/n Y/n... This time, by the will of the Soul King, we're here to rebuild the Gotei 13.But first, you two... I'm taking you with us to the Soul Palace.

Soifon: QUIT FUCKING AROUND !! The revered Zero Division is so important... They just sit idly in the Soul palace whilst Soul Society was being torn to shreds... And now you arrive to assist the Gotei 13 ?! Give me a break !!

Ichibe: ... Like I was saying, we're going to...

Soifon: HEY !!

Tenjirou: You're noisy.

Soifon: 'When did he get behind me... ?!'

Tenjirou: "Quit fucking around" ? You took the words right out of my mouth. Remember what you are ? You're part of the *Gotei* 13. Ring a bell ?! The Royal guard's job is to protect the soul palace, and the Gotei 13's job is to protect Soul Society. As someone who bears the name of Gotei... Don't go crying to us 'bout how help didn't come just becuz you couldn't do shit. It's already bad enough you're a disgrace to that title !

Soifon: Kuh...



Ichibe: I said to save such banter for later. we've got business to take care of.

Senjumaru: That won't be necessary. Everyone on the list, is accounted for. Kurosaki Ichigo, L/n Y/n, you are the only ones left.

Unohana: ... You cannot do this. In those spheres, lie Kuchiki Byakuya, Abarai Renji and Kuchiki Rukia. They are in no condition to leave Soul Society at the moment. I cannot let you take them.

Tenjirou: That's exactly why we're doing it. Got it ? I know yer well aware of this by now... But you don't have the power to heal them completely ! And, that Kuchiki Byakuya's gonna kick the bucket if we leave him with you ! You don't have the skills to pay the bills. But I do. Got it ? "Retsu". What you should be doing right now... Is simply leave this mess to the pros.

Unohana: ... ... ...

Kurotsuchi: If I'm not mistaken, isn't that the Tensa Zangetsu ? You break into my lab and... As always, you're looking down on me.

Senjumaru: Oh ? Look who it is, it's Mayuri. Did you say break in ? Hardly... I merely touched the door, and it opened. That's all. Compared to when I was here, security has become quite lax.

*Zero Division, Ôorigami (Great weave guard) Senjumaru Shutara*

Kurotsuchi: ... ... ... ...

"... Being able to shut Kurotsuchi up... I think I like you guys already."

Ichigo: W- Wait a second !! if you're taking them just to heal them, why do you need us to tag along ?!

"... Yeah, that's actually quite a good point..."

Ichigo: We're not as badly hurt as them ! I can get patched up here ! And I have things I need to d-

Ichibe: i'm well aware. The reason you're coming with us is something entirely different.

"How different, exactly... ?"

???: ANYBODY HOME ?! Phew~, it's just my luck... Impeccable timing as always ! Looks like everybody is already assembled !

Urahara: Why Hel-lo there~ ! It's really been a while, everyone~ ! But seriously, you have no idea how hard it was to set this connection up... Were you worried ? My apologies~. ... Huh ? Hello... is this thing on... Why ?

Kurotsuchi: ... What do you think you're doing ?

Kon: No, this is... Even I don't know how this is...

Kurotsuchi: Capture it.

Researchers: ROGER !!

Kon: STOP !! Even though I finally managed to sneak away !! Captain, save me !!

Urahara: Ah !! I spent so much effort on that modification ! AH- !!

Urahara: So to sum it all up... As you can see, we're safe and sound, so there's no need for concern.

Kurotsuchi: How do you manipulate this... ?


Urahara: Sharp as ever, you figured out that its eyes are the switches ! But unfortunately, I've turned off the switches from this side~.


Orihime: Urahara-san ? What are you up to ? Ah ! It's Kurosaki-kun ! Hi ! You look injured, but you seem as lively as ever !

Ichigo: Inoue ! You look like you're doing well too !

Orihime: Yup ! I'm totally fine ! Sado-kun, come here !!

Chad: Hm... Ichigo... ! I'm glad... You seem well... !

Ichigo: What's up with everyone... Were you all that worried about me... ? I was more worried about you guys...

Urahara: Well, to be honest, we wanted to get in touch with you sooner, but Kon was locked up, so we couldn't get the communications system up and running...

???: Huh ? What're you guys doing ?

'... I think I recognize that voice... But I have no idea what to express...'

Ichigo: That voice... is that... ?

???: That voice ! Kurosaki ?! Kurosaki, you shitstain ! You're here, aren't you ?!

Urahara: NO HE'S NOT !!

???: Don't fuck with me? I heard his voice !!

Urahara: Like I said, he's not there !! Sado, Inoue, use that and chase him out of the tent !!

Orihime: YESSIR !!

???: GUAH ! Quit it you sons of- !!

Ichigo: Hey ! Uharara ! Why's he with you guys ?! Is it really ok to-

Urahara: Kurosaki. Before we got the connection up, that "Thing you had to do", was to get us out of Hueco Mundo, right ? But now, there's no need for that. Kurosaki... Please act for your own sake from now on. Think and act for yourself. Do what you *really* want to do... Ah, and don't worry about him. There's absolutely no danger of him harming us. We made a little arrangement~.

"And even if he does, just hit me up. So I show him these numbers really don't mean a thing."

Urahara: Understood. Well then, see ya~.


"... So what now, Ichigo ?"

Ichigo: Mr. bald dude...

Ichibe: Huh ? Me ?

Ichigo: if I go to this soul palace place... Can my Tensa Zangetsu be repaired ?

Ichibe: That's impossible. It cannot be repaired. However... Within the Soul palace, there is a peerless reijutsu (Spirit technique) that can't be found anywhere else. Using that, we can reforge the blade, into something resembling the original.

Ichigo: ... I see... Well then, let's get going, to the Soul Palace !

"Man, does it brings back distant memories... It's been what, like, 20 years since the last time ?"

Kûkaku: It's been 2 years.

"For you, that is. I was speaking on a subjective level."

Ichigo: So... Why am I here in this craphole ?

Kûkaku: WHAT DO YOU MEAN "CRAPHOLE" ? Is this how you celebrate our long-awaited reunion ?! Maybe I won't shoot you guys back up !!

"Shoot us up ?"

Ichibe: yeah, in this ! This Tenshûren has no power of getting back to the Soul palace on its own !

Ichigo: What the hell ?! I thought you guys had some badass Reijutsu ?!

Ichibe: Exactly ! This reijutsu is as marvelous as you say, and it only exists inside the Soul palace !

Ichigo: You sound like a broken record !! Is it me or do I smell smoke coming from your pants !!

"Speaking of smelly things, where's Ganju ? I didn't see him at all..."

Kûkaku: Oh... Ganju... I turned him into that giant statue a while back... He's much more productive in that role.

Ichigo: Can you at least put more effort in your lies ?!!

Kûkaku: All right, let's launch this bad boy ! Everyone on board !



"Don't be so stiff, Ichigo, it's bad for your back."

Ichigo: SHUT UP !!


Ichibe: We're here ! Get out, you two !

Ichibe: This is the Soul palace !

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