Chapter 14: let's play a little

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ichigo: A game ? You... And me ?

Ishida: Yes. To help you see that this world can do without shinigami.

Jinta: Ready !! Jan ! Ken ! Poi !! Look over there !!!

Jinta: Hmph !! Darn ! You're more tenacious than I thought !! one more time !! Jan, Ken, Poi !

Ururu: Look up there... I win... So you have to do the cleaning today, Jinta...

Jinta: This isn't over !! Nothing's over !! It's best off three !!

Ururu: But you already lost 14 times in a row...

Jinta: I said, it's not over !! Everybody knows it's the 15th time that count !! C'mon ! One more ! What the matter, chicken ?! Huh ?

Tessai: Mr.Jinta... What are you doing ?

Jinta: AAAAH ! N-N-Nothing sir !! Mister... Tessai !!

Rukia: Move it fools !

Tessai: Oh... What can we do for you, Miss Kuchiki ? What's the matter ?

She was currently feeling her foot, most likely with a few broken toes from hitting his butt.

Rukia: Where's... Kisuke ?

Kisuke: Oh ! Hello, miss Kuchiki ! What can I do for...

Rukia: None of your double-talk ! I called you a hundred times, and you never responded !! You call that customer services ?!

Kisuke: Oh... Sorry. We've been very busy lately. You must've called when we were out of the store.

Jinta: Hey, lady, where's that mean dude with the orangutan hair , Isn't he your boyfriend ? I can't stand that guy. He's snotty. I hope you dumped him !

Kisuke: Now, Jinta...

Rukia: Ichigo is... Probably up to his ears in trouble, even as we speak. Not only him, but Y/n as well. That's why I'm here. There's... Something I wanted to ask you.

Kisuke: What is it ?

Ichigo: Hmph... No way !!

Ishida: Why not ?

Ichigo: Me, fight you ? Why should I ? What's in it for me ? Obviously, you've had some issues with shinigami, but that's between you and your psychiatrist ! 

"We don't have time to play with you. If you want to exterminate hollows too, then good for you."

Ishida: Oh. So you're afraid ?

Ichigo: No way, I'm SO not falling for that ! I'm just saying that between you and me, there's no contest.

Ishida: yes, that's quite true. As I recall, you got your shinigami powers from Rukia, which makes you only a 'substitute' shinigami... Without her guidance, you can't even wipe your nose.

Ichigo: ... What did you say ? Quincy ?

Kisuke: Quincy ? I haven't heard that word in a long time.

Rukia: You know what it means ?

Tessai: Yes... It brings back memories. Let's see, it's been... Two hundred years since I heard that word.

Rukia: Two hundred years ? Why ? What exactly is a quincy ?!

Kisuke: ... The quincies were... A clan dedicated to fighting hollows. They were scattered all over the world at one time. But, they all perished 200 years ago.

Rukia: They... Perished ?

Kisuke: Yes. People with powers like Ichigo's recognized the existence of hollows. They began to develop their spiritual powers to fight the hollows, and to vanquish them, just like the shinigami. But the quincies had very different ideas about how this should be accomplished. The crux of it was, whether hollows should be cleansed... or destroyed. Shinigami used the zanpakutô to cleanse the hollows and send them to the Soul Society... But to the quincies, hollows deserved only destruction.

Kisuke: Perhaps it's an understandable sentiment. Hollows devour human souls... They murdered the quincies's friends and loved ones. Why should they enjoy the peace of the Soul Society ? I can't blame the quincies entirely. So they insisted on killing the hollows, to avenge their murdered friends. But their actions... Eventually led to their downfall.

Ichigo: All right... You're on. I'll play your game.

Kon: No !! Why do I have to go with Ichigo !! I don't want to if you don't come ! Y/n, tell her-

Rukia: I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of that quincy person, you may need to become a shinigami all of a sudden. So just in case, take the pill along.

"Well, looks like Rukia's prediction was right on."

Ichigo: Kon, you stay there and watch me kick this guy's butt.

"I have a strong feeling that something will go off..."

Ichigo: That's just you. Now... Let's hear the rules of this game !

Ishida: We'll start with this...

"And what exactly is 'this' ?"

Ishida: Hollow bait. After I scatter it, hollows will begin to converge on this town. Whoever defeats the most hollows in 24 hours win, agreed ? That should be simple enough, even for you. And if Y/n want to participate as well, you're welcome.

Ichigo: What are you thinking ?! No way !! Everybody in Karakura would be in danger !! What kind of sicko are you ?!

Ishida: You're starting to bore me.

Ishida: No need to worry about innocent bystanders, because I'm going to kill every hollow that shows up here ! And if you really have the guts to protect people from hollows, you'll accept my challenge.

It was too late to stop them, as a first hollow was already sneaking his way into this world, only to get immediately destroyed by an arrow.

Ishida: That's one. What's the matter, Kurosaki ?

Ichigo: Call it off... get rid of that bait !

Ishida: Be sensible. The bait is spreading on the wind. I can't recall it. The die is cast. Soon, hollows will flock to this town, lured by the bait. Instead of pushing me around, you should be running. It won't be easy to defend an entire town from the hollow hordes.

Ichigo: Why you-


Ichigo: OW !! What the hell, Y/n ?!

Ishida: see ? Even your friend agree with m-


"Both of you, SHUT THE HELL UP and listen !! Ishida, do you even realize you're endangering tens of thousands of innocent peoples with that stupid game of yours ?!"

Ishida: Like I said, I'll vanquish them all before-

"What if there is more hollows than you planned ?! What if you got exhausted before the wave end ?! What if they kill someone before you got a chance to kill them ?!"

"Ichigo, you're just as guilty as him, what were you thinking, accepting his challenge just like that ?!"

"I'm tired of this, so why don't the two toddlers you are continue bickering while I clean up your mess ?"

"And, by the way, Ichigo. Remember hollows tend to attack those with high spiritual energy."

Ichigo: Huh ?! Crap ! Karin ! Yuzu !!

Kon: Hey ! Wait, Ichigo !!

Ishida: As I suspected, he doesn't know... That's too bad, Ichigo Kurosaki. Your family aren't the only ones with inordinate spiritual gifts. There are others, close to you. Since you don't realize that, you'll lose the game, crippled by your own despair.

"Wait... You don't mean... Chad ! Orihime !!

And so I ran off, desperately hoping to find them first, before they do.

Ishida: You too, Y/n... Soon you'll realize how unfit you really are, on the far bank of our Rubicon.

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