Chapter 15: Princess, and dragon

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Tatsuki: Phew ! 'i won the tournament, I'm in excellent shape, my training for nationals is going well. The team's spirit is at an all-time high. But mine isn't; Why is that ? There are reasons, but I don't want to tell anybody.

Tatsuki: Darn. Get a crypt, you two ! For Pete's sake, you're dead !

Teacher: Hey, Arisawa ! break's over ! Get in here !

Tatsuki: Yes, sensei !

Orihime: Tatsuki ! Can I... Talk to you ?

Tatsuki: 'Oh, yeah... I started noticing weird things a couple of weeks ago, when I was over at Orihime's place. I barely remember that night, but I felt something really uncomfortable... I have a vague memory, of peoples looking like Rukia and Y/n, wandering through the house. I thought it was a dream at first, but when I told Orihime about it the next day, she'd had the exact same experience.'

Tatsuki: 'From that day on, we started seeing things. Hazy things at first, but as the days passed, the visions went from vague smudges to something... much more distinct. Ever since that night, I've been able to see ghosts much more clearly than I want to.'

Tatsuki: AAGH ! Get away from me !!

Orihime: Tatsuki ?

Tatsuki: Huh ? Oh, sorry. What is it ?

Orihime: Well, um... It's no big deal, but...

Tatsuki: What was that ?! What happened ?! Let' check it out, Orihime !

Orihime: Oh... Okay !

Ishida: Seven... Eight... Nine...

Ishida: I still don't get it, how come that all my arrows are straying away, like they're attracted by some unknown force ? There's nothing in that direction anyway...

Rukia: What's wrong, Kisuke ?


Rukia: What ! A hollow ?! At a time like this ?! Sorry, Kisuke ! Tell me the rest later !

Rukia: Wait... The message is... Gone ? So soon ? Ichigo's unusually fast today...


Rukia: Again ?! It went blank again... is this thing really broken ?


Rukia: Again... It must be broken. There's no way hollows could be appearing at this rate... Right ?




Rukia: Wha... What's going on ?! The number of hollows... Is exploding !!

Rukia: What's wrong with the sky ? Some chaotic supernatural event ? What is it ?! What's happening ?!

Your POV:

And 25 with that one ! These damn hollows keep coming at me like moths attracted by a fire, which is quite literal, since they die by getting so close. But still, they're slowing me down.

Now, let's think some more about it, if Orihime and Chad somehow now possess enough spiritual energy to attract hollows, it most likely mean they now can see them too. And if they can SEE them, they can FIGHT them.

26. Or at least, Chad could, given his physical abilities, which mean, the one currently in danger...

"Is Orihime ! 27 ! At that time, she must be about to exit school with Tatsuki, I have to hurry ! 28 !"

3rd person POV:

Chizuru: Darn... I wouldn't have come if I'd known I'd have to clean all this glass up. The judo guys obviously got rowdy and broke the windows, this is soooo boring. What if there had been people watching ?

Tatsuki: But they all said, 'It wasn't me, it wasn't me !'

Chizuru: 'My arm did it on it's own !' What are they, first graders ? they're mad 'cause they lost the state tournament...

Chizuru: I'm done with it ! I'm going home, this is stupid !!

Tatsuki: What ?! Hey ?! Chizuru, c'mon !!

Chizuru: Hime ! Let's leave the cleaning to Tatsuki and go home together !

But there was no response from Orihime, as she was fixating the sky for no apparent reason.

Chizuru: What's up, Orihime ? You seem even more out of it than usual. If you don't snap out of it, I'll have to tickle you into submission. Hee

Tatsuki: Have you no shred of decency ?

Orihime: Tatsuki, Chizuru... Um... There's a TV show on I want to watch ! let's go !! C'mon, let's all go home !!

Tatsuki: But... Orihime ?!

What they didn't knew, was that Orihime wasn't eager to go home, but was desperately trying to drag them away... from that thing on the school rooftop.

Orihime: 'I realized... That nobody but me could see that thing. My first thought was, "I wish I hadn't seen it.", then I thought, "I've got to get away from here." Just... two thoughts racing through my miserable, terror-stricken brain, when I saw the thing. I don't know anything, except... that thing, is dangerous !!! every cell in my body shivers and screams, RUN AWAY !! RUN AWAY !! RUN AWAY !!'

Orihime: 'We've got to get out of here ! The thing will tear us all to pieces !! We've got to get away !! But I can't scare the others. Act like nothing's wrong !

Orihime: C'mon ! Let's go guys ! Hurry up !

Tatsuki: Okay, okay ! What's up with Orihime ? It's not like her to skip out on chores...

Chizuru: Hmm...

Tatsuki: What, Chizuru ?

Chizuru: Nothing... I just wish I could be more like Orihime. She's so pretty. And I envy her vivaciousness and sweetness.

Tatsuki: Vivaciousness ? Die. Die and come back as a more sentient being. I don't want to hear your ravings

Chizuru: How rude ! Why shouldn't I admire Orihime ?! I mean- URG !!

Tatsuki: I don't want to hear it !!!

Chizuru: Ugh... Nice gut shot...

Orihime: Tatsuki, Chizuru !! 'the thing... It's gone ! Where...'

Chizuru: Anyway... Are you going to wear your karate Gi home ?

Tatsuki: Oh ! I forgot about it. Sorry, Orihime ! I gotta change clothes !! Go on without me !

Orihime: W... Wait, Tatsuki... 'No ! It's gone, Tatsuki ! That-'

Orihime: 'There it is...'

Hollow: You... Can see me, can't you ?

Chizuru: Wh... What's wrong, Orihime ? Is something up there ?

Orihime: R... RUN, CHIZURU !! FAST !!!

Chizuru: What ?

Hollow: Run ? What are you saying ?

Whatever he launched, it shattered all the windows of the building. But even with that many shots, Orihime was somewhat still unharmed.

Orihime: I'm... Not hurt ? None of them hit me ? But how ? Ch-Chizuru !! Are you okay ?! Chizuru !!

Chizuru: Maybe... Not really... Ow...

Orihime: Oh, no !! You're bleeding badly !! What can I do ?

Chizuru: Y-You're crying ? You're so sweet... Unh... I'm all right, I'm fine now. I don't know what hit me... i'm bleeding a lot, but it doesn't hurt much. I'm totally fine, don't worry ! See, look ! It moves ! See ? I'm totally fine !!

Orihime: Chizuru...

Chizuru: C'mon, don't look like that ! You're adorable when you're crying, but I like it better when you're laughing... huh ?

Orihime: Hey... Chizuru ?

Chizuru: What ? Hey ! Something's wrong, Hime... No... I can't let go ... NO !!! Hime ?! Hime, I'm sorry ?!

Hollow: Choke her !! Strangle your friend !! That's my special power. I don't like to fight, so... I fire seeds from my forehead. They penetrate my victims, then sprout roots and take over !

Chizuru: Wh-What ? Ow...

Hollow: then... I make my proxies kill each other !! And I stay nice and clean... Now ! Let's begin ! It's been a long time since I saw a girl as pretty as her, getting ruthlessly slaughtered by her classmates !!

Orihime: What... No ! No !! Stop !! Please... Stop !!


Orihime: T-Tatsuki !

Tatsuki: Sorry, Orihime, I didn't notice that creature before.

Orihime: The thing ? Tatsuki... You can see it ?

Tatsuki: I can't see it. But I can tell where it is ! There's the thing that made you cry !! hey, you... fatty ! You picked on the wrong girl ! Now your bulbous butt get kicked !

Tatsuki: I have a long-standing rule... Anybody makes Orihime cry, I beat the snot out of 'em !!

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