Chapter 17: Menos Grande

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *:Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Orihime: D... Don't, Kurosaki... It's not like that... It's not Pooh, you're holding, it's Peetan... I know they look alike, but we can't win the scudetto with Peetan... You can't, it's impossible... I SAID IT'S IMPOSSIBLE !!!

She woke up and rose really fast, not knowing that Chad was currently right above, worried because of the noises she was making.

Orihime: Huh ? Morning, Sadô.

Chad: Morning... Your head is surprisingly hard, Inoue... You had quite a nightmare, what was it about... ?

Orihime: I... I can't say... It's a secret, a secret.

Chad: 'Was the dream really that embarrassing ?'

Orihime: In... In any case, where are we ?! This... This isn't the school, is it ?! Where ?!

Chad: 'How slow...'

Kisuke: Oh my, it looks like you finally woke up.

Orihime: Umm... Who... Is he... ?

Chad: I don't know either, it's just that, somehow... We were saved by him, it seems...

Chad: Now, Inoue is awake, too, so please, let us hear more, about what you were saying earlier. The reason that a strange power was born within us... And the connection that is has with Ichigo and Y/n...

Orihime: So... What happened with Y/n... Really happened ?

Your POV:

I'm quite puzzled right now. I've been encountering less and less hollows on my way, and while in other circumstances, that would reassure me, the problem was all the few hollows I stumbled upon, were all heading to the same directions, not even caring about attacking the souls in their way, or even noticing me.

"This might either be a good news, since their numbers seems to be quickly decreasing, but if they're really all going to be concentrated in a single spot, it could lead to an explosive situation. I'd better hurry and follow them, before losing them..."

Chad: Wait... Just a moment, please...

Kisuke: What's wrong ? Can't believe me ? It's too outrageous, isn't it ?

Chad: yeah...

Orihime: Of... Of course it is... Shinigami, hollows and... Stand user ? You can't say this stuff out of the blue and tell us to believe...

Kisuke: Do you deny it ? If so, you have the order wrong. The monsters with holes in their chests who targeted you both earlier, those are the hollows. If you wish to deny this conversation... Then first you must deny the pain and fear you both had earlier.

Kisuke: Ichigo Kurosaki... he certainly has an uncommon spiritual power, even for a shinigami. However, his art of handling that abundant power is too awkward. Hence, without resolve, his power just wildly pours out, that poured out spiritual power is so thick that it can consequently affect every single spirit. And that's how it happened with you two as well.

Kisuke: Please remember. In each of your pasts, how often was it ? You both must have encountered the shinigami form of Ichigo Kurosaki !

Found it. I finally found the place where all the hollows were apparently gathering, and by the looks of it, I wasn't the first one here.

Ichigo: I finally found you... Ishida !

Ishida: Kurosaki...

"Yeah yeah, that's good, everyone's here now, so let's finish that extermination once and for all. By the way Ichigo, I can assure you that Chad and Orihime are safe now."

Kisuke: Yes... the dormant strength you both were born with... By coming in contact with Ichigo Kurosaki, it was pulled out from the depths of your souls, Your natural powers !!

Orihime: We came in contact with Kurosaki and Y/n... And our powers were drawn out... ?

Kisuke: Yes.

Orihime: Wa... Wait a second... I'm not sure I get it yet...

Kisuke: It's all right if you don't understand. Your transformations are not a disease one comes down with. It's simply that you have been given the key to a door that has appeared before you. If it's unnecessary to know the cause, then it's unnecessary to lament one's misfortune. With the key in your hands, it's up to both of you, whether to open the door in front of you or to keep it closed. If it is opened, it is also up to you, whether you set foot in there or not.

Tessai: Manager ! The sky crest, it has begun it's convergence !

Kisuke: I see... the preparations ?

Tessai: Complete !

Kisuke: Right. Shall we go then ?

Orihime: Wa... Wait a moment ! We still...

Kisuke: Are you coming along ? I shall let you watch. I want you to see for yourselves, the world that you're about to step into... And... The enemies that you must fight.

Orihime: Yes, I understand that, but... if it was Kurosaki who awakened our inner strength, what part did Y/n played in this ? When I saw him, he said that being exposed to his power awakened mine...

Kisuke: These questions... I'm afraid I cannot answer them yet. Not because I don't want to, but because I don't have the answers. If you seek them, you'll have to ask Y/n directly.

Ichigo: heh heh... I finally found you. To be honest, I really want to get to the part where I send you to tears, but before I get to you, the first thing I gotta do is trash this guy !

Ichigo: KON !!! What the hell took you so long ?!

Kon: Wh-Why are you blowing up at me first ?! I should come after you blow up at him !!

Ichigo: SHUT UP !!! It's your fault for not bringing back Rukia's cell phone that I wound up running all over the town !!

Kon: It's not like I knew that ! Isn't it a good thing ?! Running around relieved your stress !

Ichigo: Huh ?! It's not in my nature to build up stress !!

Kon: Liar ! What kind of unstressed guy would keep his eyebrows knit together like that ?!

Ichigo: You just about dedicated your soul to Rukia ! You'd both be of one heart and one mind ! If that's so, then you should be able to find her in one shot !!

Kon: Yeah ! I could find her !! Someone like me can find Rukia by scent alone !!

Rukia: How... How rude !! My body doesn't smell that bad !!

Ishida: Give it a rest, you guys ! I am your enemy ! This isn't the time for infighting !

Kon: of course you don't smell that bad ! it's a sweet, heavenly scent ! Here, like this...

Rukia: You... Idiot ! Quit it ! Jerk ! If you don't stop it, I'll...

"Don't bother, it's no use. Once they start, they're no way to stop them."

Kon: GYAAA !!! The nose ! You broke it !

Ichigo: Agh ! Damn you, Rukia, that's my body ! Think before you punch !! It's bleeding !!

Ishida: Umm...

"When it's that violent from the beginning, it usually doesn't last very long."

Kon: Damn you, Ichigo, don't blame Rukia ! This is my fault ! If you gotta punch someone, punch me !


Kon: OGYAA !!

Rukia: Agh ! Oh hell, I didn't mean to...

Ichigo: Shit ! You're always so...

Ishida: Shut the hell up, Ichigo Kurosaki !! I am your opponent...

"No you're not."

He was just about to shoot an arrow to Ichigo, but couldn't, mostly due to a lack of bow, provoked by a certain stand.

Ishida: What the... ?!

"And here I thought you knew what I'm capable of... Listen, Ishida, if you really want to fight Ichigo that badly, I won't stop you, but we'll have to clean your mess first, don't you think ? Oh, and by the way, I've exterminated way more hollows than the two of you combined, so it was pointless anyway."

Kon: Hm, guys ? What exactly IS that ?! The cracks in the sky... they're gathering to one spot !!

Ishida: Wait. I'm afraid that's not all... Look carefully...

"Are we all hallucinating or something ?! All the hollows... They're heading right for that point !!"

Ichigo: There's too many of them !! We need to think of a strategy and... And Y/n's already gone...

Ishida: What's the matter ? Are you afraid, Kurosaki ?

He once again tried to shoot down the hollows, but his arrow's trajectories kept bending down, not reaching their target.

Ishida: Ung... I need to get closer... Over there, you hollows !! The last quincy, Uryû Ishida, will be your opponent !!

Ichigo: The last quincy... ? What's he talking about...

Rukia: The fall of the quincy, 200 years ago. All of the surviving quincy hate the shinigami. The source of that hatred is their 200 year old fall. The quincy of 200 years ago, were destroyed by shinigami hands !

Rukia: Yes. However, even for the shinigami, it was a difficult choice. The shinigami had to wipe out the quincy. That was, in order to prevent the destruction of the world.

Rukia: In Soul Society, those who belong to the order of shinigami, are commonly called 'balancers'. The amount of souls in this world and in Soul Society are constantly being evened out. If that is not done, the balance between the two worlds will collapse, beckoning their mutual destruction !

Rukia: Our job as shinigami are to regulate the amount of souls in both worlds. Souls released from Soul Society are watched over by shinigami and born as living things in this world. Souls that dies in this world are sent back to Soul Society by shinigami, and hollows are no exception to that.

Rukia: And the whole cycle of souls has been entrusted to shinigami. However, the quincy appeared then. The quincy completely extinguish hollows, which means that souls who comes to reality don't return to Soul Society, the number of souls would increase only on the side of reality, meaning that the balance starts inclining toward the side of reality, and Soul Society will spill over into reality, a chaos that mixes life and death. In other words, the destruction of both worlds.

Ichigo: So that's why you usually ask Y/n to stay behind and don't fight... Because it would endanger the balance...

Rukia: Exactly, and this is why, the decision was made to wipe out the quincy. Is this what you would call the shinigami's arrogance ?

Ishida: 'No matter how many I kill, their numbers don't decrease... And that force drawing away my arrows isn't helping...'

Ichigo: ISHIDA !!!

"Is... is this Ichigo ? I know for a fact that he's not the best when it comes to strategy, but still..."

Ishida: What a messed-up fighting technique ! And that's coming from the guy who told us to 'think of a strategy ?!'

Ichigo: I heard about your 'reason for fighting' ! Whether the shinigami are right, or the quincy are right, I don't know about that stuff and I don't plan on saying anything about it ! But there is one thing I understand !! You way of doing things is...

Ishida: Old news.

Ichigo: ... Huh ?

Ishida: I'm not interested in the fall of the quincy 200 years ago. I've only heard about that from my master. To me, it's simply an old tale. And concerning that story, I felt that the shinigami were probably right. Until... My master died right before my eyes.

That's when they noticed, that all the hollows in the area just mysteriously disappeared all at once, while they were talking.

"Guys, we're in the middle of a fight right now ! You'll tell us that story after it, but right now, less talking, more fighting !"

I was personally surprised to see that I was still okay, normally, I would've collapsed from exhaustion long ago, but I don't even feel any tiredness yet.

(A/n: And that, is what I call "An extremely efficient way to cut through useless flashbacks", since if you're reading this, you surely already read the manga or watched the anime)

"No but seriously, stop your chit-chat and get your sorry asses here, before I vaporize them all."

Ishida: W... Wait a second, guys...

Ichigo: is something wrong ?

Ishida: The remaining hollows are acting strange... They're all looking up at the sky... It's as if they're praying at something...

From above us, the very sky started to shatter, forming a rift in the fabric of reality.

Ichigo: Wha... What is that ?! That's a hollow too ?!

"How would we know ?! It's enormous !"

Ishida: What do we do ?! We can't fight that thing and deal with the rest of the hollows at the same time !!

Ichigo: Shut up ! In any case, that's all we can do ! We don't have time to worry about that !

"W-What the hell was that ?!"

Ururu: H... Hello...

Kisuke: Kurosaki, L/n ! We've come to the rescue !!

ichigo: Wait, you're... Rukia's acquaintance, Mr.Hat'n-clogs ?!

Me at 3 A.M: Phew i made good progress, maybe I should catch some sleep now.

My Jojo playlist: WRYYYYYYYYYYTE MORE !!

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