Chapter 18: SMASH !!

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Jinta: And this... Is a Jinta HOME-RUN !!!

Ururu: *Gatling Bazooka intensifie*

Tessai: MUMPH !!!

Ishida: So... So strong ! The number of hollows is decreasing fast !

Ichigo: Mr.Hat'n clogs... Why are you here ? Why do you you show up wherever I go ?!

"I DO hope you put Chad and Orihime somewhere safe, right ?"

Kisuke: Yes, they are safe. And I told you just now, we've come to the rescue. I said. We'll take on the surrounding small fry, in order for you guys, to concentrate on fighting that one. Look, this isn't time for idle chit-chat.

"I know, I keep telling them that, but they just won't listen..."

Ichigo: It's... It's coming out !!

"No shit, Sherlock ! I think we noticed already !!"

Kon: Wha... W-W-Wha... What is it, Rukia ?! That... Incredibly huge hollow ?!

Rukia: ... Ah... That is... A 'Menos' !!!

Kon: Menos... ?

Rukia: it's a gigantic hollow that's born from hundreds of hollows that pile and mix together... however... That thing, I've only seen it as an illustration in a textbook !! A giant hollow, a 'Menos Grande' !!

Rukia: That's an inconceivable story... For that thing to come out... Those are under the jurisdiction of the elite forces ! Truly... A single shinigami cannot fight that thing alone !

Ishida: It's huge, such a ridiculous bulk !

"Heh... It's so big it's even funny, for that thing to be a hollow... I'm having trouble believing it..."

It stopped, and opened it's mouth, using a sharp tongue to impale several hollows, and eating them.

Ishida: What... It's even eating it's fellow hollows... What a guy... !

Ichigo: hehehe... There's no way we can figure out how to fight that sort of monster... With this guy...


Ishida: Wa... W-W-W-Wait, Kurosaki !!

"Ichigo, come back here !!"

Rukia witnessed Ichigo's reckless rush, and mentally facepalmed.

Rukia: Ichigo ?! Q... Quit it, you idiot !! You can't fight...

Rukia: Urahara !! You... What's the meaning of this ?! You intend to kill Ichigo ?!

Kisuke: Of course not, neither him nor Y/n.

Rukia: Then move aside !! If you don't stop them... It's not an opponent they can win against !!

Kisuke: That's no good. I can't do that, miss Kuchiki. Please watch quietly.

Rukia: 'My body... is this... A binding spell ?! What the... ?'

Kisuke: This battle is a crucial battle. As crucial to you, as it will be for them.


"Hey, he wounded it ! Maybe we have a chance to win now-

Ichigo: Ugh... Wha... ?!

"Oh... Nevermind."

Ishida: Kurosaki !! I told you so !!

Ishida: Shit... As I figured, I can't do much damage at this rate !

"Hey Ichigo, you okay ?!"

Ichigo: Yes... Strangely, I'm not too bad...

Ishida: Geez... What were you thinking ?! How were you trying to take him down like that ?!

Ichigo: Well... I wondered if I could cut his feet and work my way up, then the head would fall down...

Ishida: Like Jenga, huh... Seriously, how was your brain constructed ?!

"By his father I think, that would explain a lot of things..."

Ishida: Now, stand up ! We'll rethink our battle plan...

The instant Ishida touched Ichigo's sword, his bow instantly grew in some ridiculously huge proportions, earning a quite puzzled look from the two of us.

Ishida: Wha... ?! What is this... ?! My bow...

Ichigo: Rethink our battle plan, huh... We didn't even have one in the first place...

Ishida: What's this... It's flowing through... Is this... Kurosaki's power ?!

*Although shinigami and quincy both uses spiritual power when fighting, they both have a totally opposite fighting style. Shinigami uses the spiritual power created by their soul and use it with a zanpakutô to fight against the hollows. You can say it's fighting using the power within. On the contrary, a quincy uses the spirit powers in the atmosphere, and combines it with their power to create weapons. It's fighting using outside powers.*

Ishida: 'I just touched Kurosaki's sword and my spiritual weapon Kojack transformed. This is probably due to Kurosaki unconsciously releasing his power and my focusing on it through the zanpakutô. If he releases this amount of power unconsciously...'

"Ichigo, look over here !"

Ichigo: Eh ? What do you wa... What the hell is that ?! Wha... What happened to your bow, Ishida ?! Why is it so big now ?

Ishida: Stop it ! Just listen to me ! This may sound like a weird idea... But I think I know of a way so we can beat him !!

Ichigo: Wha ?!

Chad: So... Can you see Ichigo standing next to Ishida ? Can you clearly see him ?

Orihime: Yes...

Chad: And about Y/n, can you see that fog surrounding him ?

Orihime: Yes, that too...

Chad: really... I can barely see anything from here. "Please watch it from here, huh..."

Orihime: Look... Does that mean we have to make our choice here about, the path we have to take...

Orihime: 'I really... I really didn't forget anything. I just couldn't stand, watching Kurosaki, Y/n and my brother, who turned into a monster... Kill each other. I could only doubt my memory.'

Orihime: Sadô... What are we supposed to ?

Ishida: OK !! Preparation complete !! Now we can fight him !!

Ichigo: You are... An idiot... Aren't you... ?

Ishida: What !!

"I've seen stupid tactics before, but of this level... Never."

Ishida: Stop complaining !! If I constantly touch your sword while you release your spiritual power, I can shoot an unbelievable enormous arrow !! Now ! Unleash your power ! Control it and max it out !!

Ichigo: But I never control my spirit energy.

Ishida: WHAT !!! Don't be ridiculous... So how did you manage to fight hollows all this time ?!

Ichigo: Um... Well... No clue...


Ichigo: How should I know ? Controlling spirit power is like unleashing and stopping it, right ? It would be easy if I could control the power like turning a water hose on and off. If people say my power is great, isn't it because I'm maxing it out all the time ?

Ishida: 'Maxing it out constantly... Now it makes sense, his high spiritual power, but he is constantly maxing out his power and yet, he can still be so rested. He really is a monster.'

"I... Is it just me, or is the pressure intensifying ?"

Rukia: ' "Celo" !! He's going to use Celo !! Run ! Hurry !! If that thing hits you, you will be destroyed !! Run !!'

Ishida: This is the only way ! Let's do this, Kurosaki !! Connect your sword to my body aga... In...

Ishida: Ku... Ku... Kurosaki ?! Wait, where do you think you're going ?!!

Ishida: 'Idiot ! Without any plan, running into your enemy using only your overwhelming power is still just suicide. This isn't going to be a "fight"... You're like a child in comparison !! He won't let you hit him a second time, Kurosaki !!'

Seeing Ichigo rushing him, the menos fired it's attack, hitting it's target point blank.

Ishida: Wha... He repelled it ?!

"Is this... A resonance ? It feels like Ichigo's power is rapidly increasing !!"

Ishida: Increasing... 'But isn't it maxed out all the time ? Yeah, if you think that logically it would never happen. No matter how high your spiritual power is, if you are constantly giving full power, it will eventually dry out.'

Ichigo: I never control the spiritual power.

Ishida: 'If he can't control his power, it means he is not using his full power. If you turn a water tap and a large quantity of water comes out, most people will instinctively close the tap. But if he is the same way... That means his regular power is... In it's lowest possible state... !! And if any outside force turns his tap open, then...'

Ishida: What...

The hollow unleashed a blood-curling howl, blowing us all back, before stepping back, most likely trying to leave through the rift it made by coming here.

Rukia: How... How is this possible... Ichigo, he almost cut it in half !!! The hollow... It looks like he's leaving !

Ichigo: Heh... heh... heh... VICTORY !!

Ishida: ... So... So scary... He scared that monster away... Too scary...

Tessai: Good job ! The boss really found the right person !

Jinta: What is that guy doing, he didn't even try... Is he really that strong, Tessai ?

Tessai: that's true... But... he will learn how to control it sooner or later...

Jinta: That sucks, the boss said we could finally see what the other one is capable of.

Ichigo: Hey, Ishida, are you going to thank me for this or not ? I helped you out here, you should thank me-

"Ichigo ?! This isn't funny, what are you doing here ?"

Ichigo: Hurt... uh ? What the hell ? I can't move...

Ichigo: Ah... ? What ?! What's happening ?

Ishida: Ichigo's zanpakutô... Is changing form ? His power went too high, and too fast, so he can't control it anymore ! I have to do something, or...

"Just leave it to me."

Stepping forward with act 2 activated, I started eating away Ichigo's sword, being careful to not wound him.

Ishida: Even if you destroy the source of it, there's still too much energy in the air, even you can't...

That's when he noticed, his bow that grew back because of Ichigo's uncontrollable power, went back to it's normal size.

Ishida: 'What... he isn't just eating the energy inside the bubble... But of course ! If he suppress the energy in an area, then the surrounding one will flow in to fill the hole... That's why my arrows were drawn away sooner, it wasn't my bow that had a problem, it was him who kept attracting them !!If Ichigo's power is like a water tap, Y/n... Is literally a drain !'

"What are you mumbling about, Ishida ?"

Ishida: Oh... Nothing, really-

Kon: HEY !! Wasn't it supposed to be leaving or something ?!!

Even though it was already half-way through the rift, the Menos has stopped it's movements, looking down at us.

Rukia: No... It's gonna fire again ! With Ichigo out of the fight, we can only run !

But it fired, not even giving me the time to reactivate my stand, which wouldn't be possible, since I would erase Ichigo with it. So I had no choice but to take the hit with Hamon.

Ishida: You idiot !! You really expect to hold it back with your bare hands ?!

Kisuke: No, look closer. Look at his hands.

Both wrists covered with golden light, two gauntlets made out of Hamon, shimmering while repulsing the attack.

Ishida: What ?! His energy is rising too... But why does it feels so close to Ichigo's... AND a hollow's at the same time ?!

Kisuke: It would seem, that you were only half right sooner. His power can act like a drain, attracting all kinds of spiritual energies around him, but he don't just destroy them.

Ishida: ... He's able to absorb and store a part of the power, to use it later...

Kisuke: Those gauntlets you're seeing, they're made of all the different energies he absorbed since he gets here, all mixed together and enhanced with his Hamon. No wonder why and how he can hold back that Celo. And since he just absorbed the power that allowed Ichigo do wound the Menos...

"You chose the wrong town to invade, fucker !! SUNLIGHT YELLOW..."

My fist reeled back, holding the attack with one arm, the other giving off a blinding light.


When it hit, the Celo splitted in half upon impact, soon returning to the one who launched it, and completely obliterating the Menos entirely, tearing another hole in the sky.

(A/n: yeah, "serious punch" style, exactly)

Kisuke: Ichigo's energy have been influencing all nearby souls lately, since he became a shinigami. And as far as I know, Y/n was the closest one to him this whole time.

Ishida: A power to attract, absorb and store the energy, and another one to enhance his own strength, allowing him to use the stored up energy to fight... What kind of monster is he ?

Exhausted by that attack, the gauntlets disappeared, as I fall both on my back and unconscious.

Kisuke: He'll have to answer our questions once he wakes up. He just destroyed a Menos, you can be sure the Soul Society already know what happened. Tessai, Jinta, Ururu, I'll leave those cracks in the sky for you to fix !

Tessai: Yes, sir ! No problem !

Not really listening, Jinta was busy crushing a fly with his bat.

*Automatic scout to central: Just identified a criminal, wanted for high-instances crimes... Rukia Kuchiki.*

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