Chapter 21: Training ?

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Ichigo: 'It hurts... It hurts... it's cold, my body feels heavy... It won't stop, the bleeding... the bleeding...'

Ichigo: 'It feels as though... The rain as stopped.'

Ichigo: '... No pain... ? Dammit ! Am I really gonna die ? I guess that's why I don't feel any pain. Now that I think about it, my cold body... Somehow seems to be getting warmer, it's warm...'

Ichigo: GAAAAHHH !!

Tessai: Oh ! You're getting goosebumps ! What a relief !!

Ichigo: Too close ! YOU'RE TOO CLOSE !!

Tessai: Boss ! Ichigo has regained consciousness ! Boss !

Ichigo: I know you !! You're with Mr.Hat'n-clogs, aren't you ?! Why are you in bed with me ?! Ugh !

Ichigo: Ow... ! 'Huh ? I'm... Not dead ? How is that ? Wait a minute ! This isn't even my house ! Where the hell am I ?!'

Kisuke: Uh-oh... You shouldn't move around, Mr.Kurosaki. Your injury hasn't fully healed. If you keep moving around, you will die~...

Ichigo: Mr.Hat'n-clogs... So, this must be your house.

Kisuke: Correct !

Ichigo: You... You saved me ?

Kisuke: What's this ? Your tone is unexpected... You make it sound as if you didn't wanted to be saved. But if you want to know, it's Y/n who saved you.

Ichigo: Oh, yes ! Where is he ? Is he alright ? Is he here too ?

Kisuke: Kinda. He stayed up all night to treat your wounds. And about Ishida, his injuries weren't severe, so Y/n treated them on the spot. But when he left, he was worried about the two of you.

Ichigo: About us ?

Kisuke: I even told him to rest here for a moment, but...

Ishida: Thank you for tending to me. However, I am fine. Instead, please, treat Ichigo. Right now the only ones that can beat those bastards... Are him and Y/n. They're the only ones, that can save Rukia.

Ichigo: Only us ? Hmph ! Y/n, I understand, but what does he expect me to do ? Rukia's already back at the Soul Society !! How can we follow her there ?! How the hell are we going to rescue her ?! there's no way !!

Kisuke: Do you really think, that there's no other way... To get into the Soul Society ?

Ichigo: !! So... there IS a way ?! How ?! How can I get there ?! Tell me !!

Kisuke: Of course I'll tell you. However, under one condition. Starting now, for ten days, you will learn how to fight properly with me.

Ichigo: Shit ! So you're telling me to train ?! Do you think I have time for that ?! You don't know when Rukia's going to be executed ! I should try to get there as fast as possible...

Kisuke: You are one exasperating person.

Kisuke: The point that I want to make is, you will die if you go there in your current condition. Do you think you can win if you fight with them now ? Y/n and I purposely let you fight them this time. I thought it would be easier for you to realize after you fought them and saw for yourself.

Ichigo: 'What's... This menacing feeling ?! It feels as if... There was a sword in front of me...'

Kisuke: With your current skill, you won't stand a chance fighting against the Soul Society. In fact, even Y/n wouldn't, and he already understood it.

Kisuke: You are weak. A weakling barging into enemy territory is suicide. "To rescue Rukia" ? Stop being so childish. Don't use other people as an excuse to go kill yourself.

Kisuke: The Soul Society usually allows a grace period that lasts a month for the maximum penalty in a convict's execution. It will the same for Kuchiki's case. We will just take ten days to annoy you. If it take seven more days to open the door to the Soul Society, after you arrive at the Soul Society, you will have thirteen days left ! You have plenty of time.

Ichigo: in ten days... Will I become stronger ?

Kisuke: Of course... if you truly desire to save Rukia. A strong will is stronger than steel. If your determination is anything less than whole-hearted, throw it away. For ten days... Can you be able to fight to the death with me ?

Ichigo: If I don't do it... I can't let Y/n go alone... I guess I have no choice ! Let's give it a try !

Tetsuo: You're here, Ichigo !

Ichigo: Uh... yeah... Who are you again ?

Tetsuo: What ?! You still don't remember who I am ?! It's Momohara ! Tetsuo Momohara ! I'mthe one who tried so many times to lure you into the karate club !!

Ichigo: Yeah... Okay... Sorry... 'I'm at school right now.'

Kisuke: Starting now, at every interval of an hour, I want you to take this pill. Y/n may have healed your wounds already, but we need to speed up the process a little bit more. You should've recovered by dinner-time, so we'll start your tutoring session at that time. We don't want you to die in the middle of training, now, do we ?

Ichigo: 'Why is there a skull drawn on the label ?'

Kisuke: So, until then, go to school. It's your last day today, right ?

Ichigo: 'So, that's why I'm at school. Anyway, this medicine is really amazing. With each pill I take I feel as if my wounds are healing at an eye-popping rate. But what's even more amazing is...'

Ichigo: 'The fact that nobody seems to remember Rukia at all... In Rukia's seat, what's his name... Tetsuo... And not one person speaks of anything about Rukia. Now that it's like this, I painfully feel it. So this is what happens when you go to the Soul Society, you disappear. Everyone's memory of her existence in this world vanished without a trace... like the wind.'

Ochi: So... I think that's about all I had to cover today. Well, since it's summer vacation, remember to flake off your homework, except for today's Japanese lessen ! When you're partying, you have to be a little immoral for it to become a good memory !

Class: 'Is that what a teacher should be saying... ?'

Ochi: Okay, everyone ! Try to stay alive until September ! Class over ! you're free to go !!

Ichigo: 'Ishida and Y/n are absent today... They must remember about Rukia...'

Keigo: Ic... Hi... Go !

Keigo: Now ! Guess where the watermelon is !


Keigo: GAAAAAH !! Y... You missed, Ichigo ! It's "crack open the watermelon", not "crack open Keigo" !!

Keigo: watermelon, inner tube, beach parasol, beach ball, suntan oil, surfboard... And bathing suit !!

Keigo: This is what summer is all about !! Summer means the ocean !! Thus I, Asano Keigo, am proposing a co-ed, ten day trip to the ocean ! Fireworks, test of courage, and even mixed hot springs baths !We have many plans to guarantee your enjoyment ! Welcome and thank you for choosing Asano touring !!

Ichigo: Sorry. I have no space in my schedule, so I'm passing on this one.


Ichigo: yeah, sorry. I still can't go no matter hat you say.

Orihime: Sorry... I'm also kinda...

Keigo: Even you, Orihime ?!

Tatsuki: I have to train for the tournament.

Michiru: If Orihime and Tatsuki aren't going then I can't...

Chad: Me too, count me out this time...

Mizuiro: Ah ! And I'm going snorkeling tomorrow !


Mizuiro: Hey ! How come you're only like this to me ?!

Keigo: Who are you going with ?! Are you going with that older woman ?! Tell the truth !

Mizuiro: N... No ! I wish !! Actually, I'm going with Marie (current girlfriend) and her nine friends (all cute girls). Altogether, eleven of us are going.*Adding oil to the fire.*

Keigo: Who the hell do you think you guys are ?! The best eleven ?! Living like a bunch of Hollywood stars !

Ichigo: 'I feel odd. Nothing seems out of place. Even without Rukia, the world just keeps going. I guess it should be like this, Rukia was originally from that other world. She didn't exist in this world in the first place. If this is how it's supposed to be... Why bother ?'

Ichigo: Orihime ? What's up ? Is something wrong ?

Orihime: Where's Rukia ? Why did everyone suddenly forget about Rukia ? I thought... Somehow you would know.

Orihime: I see... She returned to where she came from, and so... You'l be going to rescue her...

Ichigo: Hm ? Yeah, yeah... You know, I'm really surprised ! I had no idea that you could see us at all... If I knew, then...

Orihime: So what do you think you're doing ? Rukia's originally from THAT world. Her family, her friends... Aren't they all there too ? When you rescue her, what are you going to do when it happens again ? Are you going to take her away from her family and friends and drag her back here again ? Do you think that... Is the right thing to do ?

Ichigo: That's...

Orihime: Surprised ? I already know ! Even if I scold you like this, you already have your mind set ! You'd pucker up your lip, scrunch your chin up, cross your arms, and then with a haughty pose...

Orihime: "As long as you're alive, you'll always have a chance of meeting your family ! It's when you're dead that you can't !" The Ichigo I know would answer like this !

Orihime: So go save her ! Fight ! I'll be cheering for you ! I don't want my friend to die either !

Ichigo: ... Thank you ! Orihime !!

Orihime: Y... yeah, be careful... No... I'll make sure you don't get hurt.

Orihime: Yasutora ? Yeah... Yes ! I made up my mind !

Kisuke: Oh ! Welcome ! How are your wounds ?

Ichigo: Recovered !

Kisuke: that's good ! Did you tell your father ?

Ichigo: Yeah. I told him I'd be sleeping over at a friend's house.

Kisuke: It... Really sound like an excuse to do the Hanky Panky... I'm feeling messy...

Ichigo: DIE !!

Kisuke: So ! Shall we begin ?


Kisuke: Is... Something wrong... ?

Ichigo: Nope ! Nothing at all !

Kisuke: ... The honor... Is all mine.

Meanwhile, the Soul Society:

Shinigami; Ah ! Good morning, vice-captain Abarai !

Renji: Yo !

Using a strange key, he entered another room, where a butterfly was currently escaping its cage.

Rikichi: Wah ! It's getting away again ! Waaait ! Hold on a minute, would you ?! Don't you understand ?! If you guys escape, I'm the one that's gonna get in trouble, you know that ?!

Rikichi: C'mere, now... I've got a pretty girl waiting for you ! "Hi there~! I'm Jennifer~! I'm a pisces, my blood type is A, and my breasts are E-cup~... !"

Renji: What the hell do you think you're doing ?!

Rikichi: OW ! Why did you do that, Mr.Abarai ?!

Renji: Learn how to take care of those butterflies of hell by yourself already, you useless shit !

Rikichi: Hey, that reminds me, Mr.Abarai, aren't you off duty today ?

Renji: I just came back to check on the prisoner, how is she ?

Rikichi: You mean Miss Kuchiki ? there's nothing to see...She hasn't moved since last night.

Renji: Yo. How long do you plan on torturing yourself, Rukia ? You have to eat something or else your body's not gonna keep up with you.

Rukia: I'm not torturing myself, I'm simply not hungry, Mr the vice-captain.

Renji: Ehh ?! What's your problem ? Do you have something against me being a vice-captain ?!

Rukia: no, not really. I was just impresses, you must have worked pretty hard to move up the food chain in the two months that I was gone. Isn't it great ? It suits you. Work hard, Mr vice-captain ! You're so strong, Mr vice-captain ! You have funny eyebrows, Mr vice-captain !

Renji: I'll kill you !! Come out of there and fight me !!

Rukia: Renji... I'm going to be executed, right ?

Renji: Of course you are, dumbass ! They'd probably even give it to you right now, and I mean RIGHT NOW !!

Rukia: Yeah, you're probably right, huh ?

Renji: You peabrain, it was a joke ! A JOKE !!

Rukia: Where you joking before or now, you freak ?!

Renji: Captain Kuchiki is on his way to headquarters to give his report right now. While he's there, he'll most likely appeal for the commutation of your sentence. That guy is your big brother, there's no way he would just stand by and watch you die.

Rukia: No... That person is going to kill me. I know very well just what type of person he is. Over the forty years since I was adopted by the Kuchiki family... Not even once has that person, truly looked at me.

Real world:

Kisuke: WHOA !! What is this place ?! I didn't know there was such a huge ass cavity beneath that shop !!

Ichigo: Shut up already. You don't have to bother screaming it out, I'm already surprised !

Kisuke: Hehehe... That's right, there is no need for me to hide this study hall. It's a masterpiece created by a combination of chic swankiness from our hyper-technology, and I completed it ALL in one day and one night !

Ichigo: What's with him ? Your manager has a habit of ignoring his customers and going off on rants ?

Kisuke: I even painted the ceiling like the sky so that it would alleviate your sense of frustration !

Ichigo: I see that you have the same idea they have in jail.

Kisuke: I even planted trees so that it would hydrate your oul !

Ichigo: I see that every single one of them is dried and withered.

Kisuke: To do this much in secret in the underground beneath all those roads and houses, well sure I broke a bone or two...

Ichigo: I'm not really sure what you're talking about, but isn't that supposed to be super illegal or something ? But that remind me, where exactly is Y/n ? You said he was here after healing me-

He was cut when a massive beam destroyed a part of the cavity, scorching the ground and disintegrating the boulders.

Kisuke: Does that answer your question ? He arrived here before you and was training non-stop since then.

Your POV:

God this is tiring... I really need to find a way to regulate the power, or else I'll be exhausted after a few shots. But I'll guess I'll have to stop for now, Ichigo's here.

"Hey there guys, sorry if I scared you."

Ichigo: Yeah... Anyways, you're the one who said you didn't have time, so let's hurry up and get this started. This so-called study session of yours !

Kisuke: My, my, what an admirable spirit. If that's the case you get your wish, let's begin, shall we ?

Ichigo: What the hell do you think you're doing all of a sudden ?! Huh... ?

Kisuke: this is your first time, is it not ? To be separated from your body as a form other than that of a shinigami ? Isn't it difficult to catch your breath ? It's also hard to move in the form of a spirit, don't you think ?

Kisuke: In your current state, the origin of your power, Hakusui, and your booster, Saketsu, have been destroyed by Byakuya Kuchiki.

"To put it simply, you are now merely a ghost of a normal human being, without any spiritual powers whatsoever."

Kisuke: Exactly, and in order to fight with a shinigami, you'll have to restore your spiritual power. First, let's learn how to move that spiritual body freely, shall we ?

Kisuke: For starters, spiritual powers is the powers that works upon and encourages the spirit. The more your spiritual powers rise, the sharper the movements of your spiritual body will be. In other words, if you can manage to move even better with your spiritual body than you can with your material body, then that means you have made a complete recovery of your spiritual powers.

Ichigo: I don't really get it. So what is it exactly that you want me to do ? Radio gymnastic exercises or something ?

Kisuke: Of course not. Well, instead of me standing here explaining to you, it would be easier if we just started. HEY !! GET READY !!

"On it boss ! I'm ready !"

Ichigo: Um... Y/n ?

Kisuke: Your first lesson ! Try fighting him. The rules are simple. Once one or the other can no longer move, the lesson ends. So just be sure to knock HIM out before he knocks YOU out !

Ichigo: You... Are you fucking crazy ?! You're telling me to punch a friend ?!

Kisuke: Oh ? I'd think it should be quite difficult considering the bodily state you're in now.

Ichigo: What did you say ?!

Ichigo: wait, hold on a second, Y/n ! I still haven't...

"Less talking more fighting ! But now, I would highly recommend you to put those protections on first... Or else you REALLY will die."

He blinked, and I was already in front of him, my fist reeled back, shimmering.

Ichigo: Huh ?

"I warned you, Ichigo. Smash !!"

Kisuke: Yeah, you should know that he's going to fight you seriously now.

Jinta: He isn't getting up yet...

Tessai: is he dead ?

Kisuke: Ah ! There he is ! And he's running toward him... And he missed him...

But what Ichigo was aiming for wasn't me, he was trying to pick up the protections laying on the ground behind me.

Ichigo: Shit shit SHIT !! What the hell was that ?! It's instant death if I get hit by that !! It might not do any good, but if I can at least put this head gear on... Speaking of which, how the hell do I put this thing on ?!

Kisuke: Kurosaki ! Like this !! You put it on like this ! Put it against your forehead, and yell at the top of your lungs, 'Take this ! The powers of justice ! Justice armor, justice headband ! Attack !!'

Ichigo: O... okay, I get it !! I put it on my forehead like this and- Like HELL I'll do that !!

"Keep your eyes on your opponent, Strawberry !!"

*BOOM !!*

Kisuke: See ? Now isn't the time to get shy.

Ichigo: Don't act like this has nothing to do with you !! Damn it !! Guess I have no choice...

Ichigo: Er... Take this ! The powers of justice ! Justice armor, justice headband ! Attack !!

"Wow... He ACTUALLY did it..."

Kisuke: I know right ?


Kisuke: Put it on your head, and push the ends of the top most tubes at the same time.

Ichigo: All right !! okay !! Go ahead and come at me if you can !!

"Okay." *BOOM*

Kisuke: 'If you can ?'

Ichigo: Shut the hell up !! It's a self-defensive instinct ! Instinct, okay ?! Come to think of it, a headgear isn't enough to guard against attacks of this level ! If I don't keep running and dodging like this, even one hit and it would be ove... 'Wait a sec... If I can run and dodge the attacks, that means I can catch up with his speed, doesn't it ?! If that's the case, then maybe I can dodge the attacks directly... ? And if I can do that...'

He stopped dead in his tracks, and what I wasn't expecting, or at least not that soon, was when I went to direct contact, now able to dodge my hits point blank. Soon even able to counterattack between my shots.

Kisuke: Oh... ?

Ichigo: 'I can do it !! I can't aim for the face !! I have to keep my self-control ! He isn't wearing any headgear, so a light hit should do it ! I can definitely win this fight !!'

He stroke, and hit me slightly below the face.

Ichigo: 'Shit, I missed...' Hm ? What's this ?

The little thing he felt under his fist, a small golden key I was wearing as a pendant, but since his gaze was fixated on it, he couldn't see mine, completely panicked by what I though he took as target.

"So you decided to play it like that... Fine then."


That hit him at full force. Or at least, it would've if Urahara hadn't held back my fists.

Kisuke: There, safe.

Ichigo: Ugh...

Ichigo: I see... I lost... Damn it ! One more time ! I'll win next time !!

Kisuke: No ! I congratulate you. Lesson one cleared !

Ichigo: HUH ?! Wh... Why ?! I lost !

"Oh ? He only said 'Knock him out before he knocks you out.' He never said anything like 'Knock him out to clear the lesson', right ?"

Ichigo: What ?!

Kisuke: Not to mention Y/n's fighting skills are stronger than the average shinigami's. No matter how much a mere spiritual body struggles against him, there's no way you can win.

Kisuke: Now... Do you still have difficulty breathing ?

Ichigo: Eh ? Hey... Now that you mention it...

Kisuke: What about moving in that form ? No troubles, right ? Since when ?

Ichigo: Since a while ago...

Kisuke: Of course... This lesson was a one-shot victory !! It was to test you if you could dodge the first attack or not. That's it ! Spiritual powers are easiest and highest raised when the soul is in danger of being destroyed. That's why this lesson is a one-shot victory. If you were able to raise your spiritual powers well then you would be able to dodge the punches. Everything turned out perfectly !

Ichigo: And if I wasn't able to raise it ?

"You probably would have gotten hit by the punch and died."

Ichigo: You bastards... You're really acting like this had nothing to do with you...

Kisuke: Now, now... Everything worked out well, didn't it ?! In the end, you recovered your spiritual powers after all. What do you think ? In celebration of you passing the lesson, let's...

Ichigo: Eh ? What ? We're gonna get food or something ?

Ichigo: Wha !

Kisuke: Let's continue on to lesson two !

Orihime: Did you say... lesson ?

Yoruichi: That is correct. In order to go to the Soul Society, you must train. Do you accept ? My classes are quite strict and difficult.

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