Chapter 20: The protected one

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Renji: ... A shinigami ?! Who are you ? Which division are you from ? And... What is that idiotically huge sword ?!

"Oh, so it's really THAT big ?"

Ichigo: I thought it was pretty big compared to Rukia's, but up until now there hasn't been anyone else to compare to.

Renji: ' The hell ?! How is it possible to have a sword that big ?! The zanpakutô size reflects the amount of spiritual power the shinigami have ! How can it be that a rookie like him have that much power ?! It couldn't be !!'

Rukia: Ichigo... that idiot, why did he come here !

Renji: Ah... I got it now ! You're the human that stole Rukia's shinigami powers !!

Ichigo: So what if I am ?

Renji: YOU'RE DEAD !!

Byakuya: Ichigo... Kurosaki...

Kon: I wonder who that guy was. That guy... After ordering Ichigo to become a shinigami, he puts me in Ichigo's body so his family doesn't get suspicious, and then he disappeared like the wind.

Kon: Why ? What kind of secret motive does he have ? I can't figure him out... According to Ichigo, he is the one responsible for the captain's disappearance yesterday. He's definitely an irritating type of guy.

Kon: I really want to be by Rukia's side too... Don't you think so, "me" ? ...

Kon: ... Why the hel am I cuddling my own body while I'm in Ichigo's body ?! Pissing me off !!

Renji: Oho ! Look at this, look at this ! What's happening to you ? What's wrong, hm ?! Is this all you can do ?! Is that big sword just for decoration ?! Eh ?!

Ichigo: Your yapping is really getting annoying ! You'll end up biting your own tongue like that !! 'Shit ! Who the hell is this guy ?! he's so fast !!'

He tried a vertical strike, but his enemy jumped above him even before he started, only leaving a deep gash in Ichigo's shoulder.

Renji: It's over. You die, and Rukia gets her powers back. And Rukia, will be executed at the Soul Society. Anyway, you're pretty stupid. Rukia came out by herself so you wouldn't stop me. You should've just calmly stayed at home and let your friend over here do the job. Who knows, if it was only him, maybe he would've a slight chance. But you, you came here for nothing. A hasty shinigami like you couldn't even scratch an experienced shinigami like me-

Ichigo: oops, sorry ! You were in the middle of talking so happily, there was a pause and my hand just slipped. Did I interrupt your speech ? Come on, continue talking. You were saying something about "One scratch" ?

Renji: You bastard !!

Byakuya: You were too careless, Renji.

Renji: Captain Kuchiki... What are you talking about ? This is nothing to a guy like this...

Byakuya: This kid, Ichigo Kurosaki... I knew he looked familiar. 33 hours ago, using our undercover forces, we were able to see the image. He was the one who wounded a Menos Grande, forcing it to leave the terrestrial world.

Ichigo: Meno what ? Is he talking about the big-nosed guy ?'

Renji: Pbbt... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! You've got to be kidding !! The quality of our undercover forces must be dropping !! Aguy like HIM wounded a Menos ?! Are you expecting me to believe that bullshit ?!

Byakuya: Renji...

Renji: But just look at this guy's sword, captain ! it's big, but It has no strength to back it up !! It's obvious he's not capable of exterminating evil spirits !!

Renji: Hey !! What's the name of your zanpakutô ?!

Ichigo: huh , The name ?! I don't do that kind of thing ! Do you actually go around naming your swords ?!

Renji: Figures... Didn't even ask his own sword it's name !! to think he came to fight as my equal... ! Come back after you train for 2000 more years !!

Ichigo: His zanpakutô...

Renji: Roar, Zabimaru !! Look in front of you !! in front of your eyes, THERE'S SOME FOOD FOR YOU !!'

Renji: This is the end, rookie !! You will lose to me, Renji Abarai !! You will die here !!

renji: Sorry, rookie. This is due to the difference in our strengths. A zanpakutô can change size and shape depending on the spiritual strength. This is my true strength !!

Renji: See ya, rookie. I don't have a personal grudge against you, but you're not fit for this world. I'll quickly finish you, and then I'll be returning.

"No, you won't. For the simple reason that I won't let you."

Renji: Oh yeah ? And what you're gonna do about this ?

"Let me tell you how wrong you were sooner. I don't have a slight chance of beating you, it's you who have a slight chance to make it out of here alive."

Renji: You have guts, I'll give you that. But I think you're overestimating yourself here.

"Maybe you should say that after managing to hit me for once."

Byakuya: Renji... Step aside, you don't stand a chance against him.

Renji: What do you mean, captain ? That guy isn't even a shinigami, what could he possibly do against-

"Smash !!"

Just in time, he managed to block the attack using his own sword, getting blown away.

Renji: The heck was that ?! How did you do that ?!

Byakuya: If I'm not mistaken... Even if it was Kurosaki who wounded the Menos, it could never fully leave. It was utterly destroyed before it passed the rift. All because of him.

Renji: And here I thought our undercover forces had some problem... Now it's a certitude ! They are busted, there's no way a simple human like him could've vanquished a Menos by himself, even a wounded one ! Let's go, Zabimaru !!

"... Act 2..."

The entirety of his sword immediately disappeared right in midair.

Renji: THE HELL ?!

"First your sword... And you're next. The last thing up to you is to choose how you want to die."

I started walking toward him, and the closer I went, the more of his sword I ate away, much to his understandable confusion as he was freaking out.

"I know what I'll do with you... Since you won't believe what I did to that Menos, I'll just blat you off the same way !!"

My fist reeled back, the gauntlet brightly shining with the energy I just absorbed from him.

"Sunlight yellow... Huh ?!"

Out of pure instinct, I stopped dead in my tracks and raised my gauntlet on my face's level, narrowly blocking a strike that would've decapitated me for sure otherwise.

'W... What... Who did that... He didn't even moved, and he don't even have his sword left, so who..."

Realization hit me, and I turned around, where that Byakuya guy were now, his sword unsheathed.

Byakuya: You were able to feel the attack, and countered it. I'll give you credit for that. Sadly, someone else wasn't as lucky as you.

As to prove his statement, Ichigo was laying on the ground in a dangerously large pond of his own blood, two gaping holes in his body.

Byakuya: You said something about a choice. Here's yours: You can continue to fight, and eventually prevent Rukia from going back to the Soul Society, or you can save his life.

"Attacking an opponent who cannot fight anymore... And here I thought you knew what 'honor' mean."

Renji: I haven't seen that in a while... I barely saw his movements, nor when he pulled out his blade. If I had a hard time taking in on what I just saw... that guy probably doesn't even know what hit him.

Byakuya: is something wrong, Renji ?

Renji: No, sir... It's just that there is no point for you, the captain, to directly finish him. I could've finished him myself, if that one didn't stepped in.

Byakuya: Don't be like that. If I'm always the spectator, my skills may degrade. But that remind me...

Byakuya: You still need to make your choice. Who do you wish to save ?

"Heh... If I let you guys take Rukia, Ichigo will never forgive me. But if I let him die, I'll never be able to forgive myself..."

Ichigo: What do you mean 'Never forgive yourself' ? Don't talk about me without my say in it !

Rukia: Ichi...

Byakuya: Let go, rookie...

Ichigo: Can't hear you... look at me if you wanna say something.

Byakuya: Really ? It looks like you don't need this arm anymore, after all.

I was just about to step in, but Rukia was faster, and... Kicked away Ichigo's arm ?

Ichigo: What... What the hell, Rukia...

Rukia: You're a human, yet you dare to grab my brother's robe like that ! Know your place ! Rookie !!

Rukia: Let's go, brother. After seeing such crude behavior, I've finally come to my senses. Please take me to the Soul Society ! I humbly accept my sins and my punishment.

Ichigo: Hey... W... Wait ! What are you talking about ? Rukia... You !

Renji: You're one deaf asshole. Stop making things worse and just die quietly.

Rukia: there's no point in even killing this one deliberately. Even if you leave him like this, he'll stop breathing on his own. let's go, brother.

"Is this some kind of joke, Rukia ? Stop right there and look at us !"

Rukia: Don't move !! Don't... Even try to move... One step from there! If... If any of you try to follow me... I'll never forgive you !

'Tears... She's crying... I see, she's doing this to protect Ichigo...'

Rukia: You're going to die anyway, conserve your energy and try to linger on for a moment longer.

Byakuya: ... Very well. I'll just leave them be. I just hit two vital points of his soul. His Saketsu and Hakusui were destroyed by my attacks, he'll die within half an hour. And even if by chance he does happen to live, he'll lost all his power. I'm not talking about his shinigami powers, but all of his spiritual power.

Byakuya: Renji.

Renji: Yes, sir. Open.

Byakuya: Don't even try to follow us. You may be stronger than the average shinigami, but if you follow us, you will undoubtedly die.

"Don't expect this to be over yet. Next time we see each other, it will mark your doom."

Ichigo: 'i can't say anything... I can't even move. Why ?! I came to protect you... But in the end, you were the ones protecting me again !'

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