Chapter 27: Firework master

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Hawk: No... It's not good, boss ! It's already 9 o'clock !!

Ganju: What ?! 9 o'clock ?! Oh no ! Quick ! Come here, Bonnie !!

Ichigo: Ah...

Ganju: Heh, you're just as energetic as usual, Bonnie. But we're running out of time, so let me sit this time.

Ichigo: Hey... Wait a minute ! Are you running away ?!

Ganju: Did I say I'm gonna run away, dandelion-head ?! I just have some place that I have to be. Wait here until I come back ! Don't you dare run away like cotton in the wind !!

Ichigo: Ah... You gotta be joking ! That's what...

Ganju: let's go ! Stop wasting time !

Tumble: yes sir !

Ichigo:... I should...

Ganju: Why didn't you set the alarm to go off earlier ?!

Hawk: I'm... I'm sorry !

Ichigo: ... Say...

"Annnd they're gone now."

Ishida: You weren't even able to insult them, Kurosaki.

Ichigo: I'm gonna kill him !!! What the hell is that guy doing ?!!

The next morning:

Ishida: What ? You're not going ?

Ichigo: No ! I'm gonna wait for that guy here !

Ishida: You... What are you talking about ? Stop playing, hurry up !

Ichigo: I refuse ! He would think I ran away !

Ishida: So what ?!

"Um, guys ? We're ready to go, what about you ?

Ishida: Perfect timing ! Would you help me convince that idiot to leave ?!

Ichigo: Who are you calling an idiot...


Yoruichi: Letting your anger get the best of you made you forget what you came here for ? We're here to save Rukia ! You shouldn't have forgotten that !

Ichigo: Woo...

Yoruichi: Now isn't the time for you to be picking meaningless fights ! If you understand then get ready ! Answer me !

Ichigo: Ow !!

Ichigo: hey... It seems we're pretty far away from the village... Is it really this way ? i'm asking you !

Ishida: Shut up ! According to the map the elder gave us, it's around this area ! If you don't like it, why don't you take the lead ?!

Ichigo: I didn't say I don't...

Orihime: However, since that Kûkaku person is the only one who knows how to enter the Seireitei without going through the door, why not live in the village with the others to get praised ?

"That's actually a good point..."

Yoruichi: No, not really. Because of their personality, they would probably like this kind of place better, with very few people. And it's quieter out here.

"According to the elder, Kûkaku's house are extremely recognizable, we shouldn't have trouble knowing the place once we see it."

Yoruichi: Exactly, even though the address keeps on changing, the houses are always the same kind. Look, we can already see it, it's over there.

Ishida: This... This is...

"Heh, no wonder you can recognize it at first glance."

Ishida/Ichigo: 'How can you NOT recognize it ! That "preferring a quiet place to live" thing must be a lie ! They probably got kicked out from the village for building that kind of house !! That has to be it !'

Yoruichi: Oh... This time it's humans hands holding the banner. That's pretty good.

"I don't know who sculpted these, but they definitely got some talent for that."

Ichigo/Ishida: 'The theme is different each time ?! Don't tell us Y/n genuinely appreciate that... Thing !!'

Yoruichi: now, hurry and follow me !

Ichigo/Ishida: 'What ?! We're really going in there ?! I don't want to be seen walking into that... House ! We're lucky to be in the middle of nowhere !'

Ishida: 'What's that chimney for ? It's a lot taller than the house... And the top is sealed off ? What's the meaning of that ?'

???: Hold on !

Koganehiko (right one): Who are you !

Shiroganehiko (left one): Your clothes are really weird ! And one of them looks like a shinigami !

Koganehiko: A bunch of suspicious people ! The greats Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko will definitely not let you pass !

Shiroganehiko: get out ! Or else, you will die here !

Ichigo: Tch... Again some guardians we need to beat to enter...

Koganehiko: Hum... Yoru... Sir Yoruichi ?!

Koganehiko: I'm really sorry. I didn't think Yoruichi would be with these guys ! Please forgive my rudeness !

Yoruichi: It's okay. I didn't noticed you guys first, so it's my fault too.

"I really like the decorations in front of the house."

Koganehiko: ha ha ! that's very kind of you. There are very few people that can appreciate it. Please wait here for a moment.

???: is it Koganehiko ? I can feel someone who only visits us rarely... hurry and open the door, don't be slow.

Koganehiko: Yes ! I will open it immediately !

Kûkaku: Hi ! Long time no see ! Yoruichi.

Ichigo/Ishida: Kû... Kûkaku is a woman ?!

"Will anyone point the fact she's missing an arm ?"

Kûkaku: Who ? Who are these kids ?

Yoruichi: Kûkaku, actually, I came here today to ask you for a favor.

Kûkaku: I thought so, isn't it the same every time you come ? Is is really complicated ?

Yoruichi: I think so...

Kûkaku: ha ! It's been a very long time since we've had this kind of conversation... Okay, tell me ! I love complicated stuff !

Kûkaku: I see, I think I understand. Alright, I'll accept this job.

Ishida: really ?!

Kûkaku: yeah. Since Urahara is a part of this, I can't really refuse. However... Even though I trust you, that doesn't mean I trust those kids. I'll send one of my men with you just to make sure, no objections ?

Yoruichi: Of course not.

"Your man... ?"

Kûkaku: Yes, he's my little brother, but he's just a punk, he's still not god enough. Hey ! You ready ?

???: No... Wait...

Kûkaku: I'm opening the door ! Be courteous !

???: G... Got it ! OK, big sister !

Ganju: He... hello, everyone ! My name is Ganju Shiba ! Pleased to meet you !

Everyone: *Dead silent*

Kûkaku: What ? You guys know each other ?

"Well, kinda. They met really recently."

The Seireitei:

Rukia: What is it, Renji ? isn't it a bit early for the execution ?

Renji: the execution will take place 14 days from now. I need to transfer you to the repent tower.

Renji: Can you see it, Rukia ? Through that window... It's the Sôkyoku, that will be used for your execution.

Executioner: You can stare at it for the rest of your days, and think about the crimes you've done. This is why this place is called the repent tower; Your hands please.

Executioner: Vice-captain Abarai, thank you for escorting us. Let us be on our way.

Renji: Hm... Alright.

Executioner: Ah ! Vice-captain ?!

Renji: Rukia, listen to this. The other day, some troublemakers tried to break into the Seireitei. They were a group of six. And amongst them... there was a shinigami with orange hair, wielding a sword as long as his height, and another one with a pair of shining gauntlets.

Renji: 'It's been such a long time, since I last saw her face shinning like that... Maybe it's better she don't know they went against Ichimaru... They wouldn't Stand a chance against him...

???: Hey !! long time no see, Abarai.

Renji: Captain Aizen...

*Sosuke Aizen, captain of the fifth division... An extremely trusty and honest guy. Lol*

Aizen: may I speak to you privately ?

Aizen: It's been such a long time since we last spoke. We haven't spoken to each other since you were transferred to Kenpachi's... how many years has it been ? You are in 6th division now, am I correct ?

Renji: Yes... excuse me, but... Wasn't there something in particular you wanted to speak to me about ?

Aizen: Abarai... Rukia Kuchiki and you are pretty close friends, right ?

Renji: Huh ? I... Uh...

Aizen: Don't be afraid. I heard that you two were friends since you lived in the Rukongai.

Renji: ... Yes...

Aizen: then I will get straight to the point. From your perspective, do you think that she deserves the death penalty ?

Renji: !? Uh... I don't get it...

Aizen: Don't you think it's weird ? Her crimes were "Unauthorized lending of shinigami power" and "late return". Sentencing her to death only for those reasons, this hasn't happened before. Also, the fast retrieval and destruction of her artificial body... the execution postponed for 25 days instead of 35, and... The Sôkyoku is normally only used for captains that committed a really serious crime. These circumstances are all very strange. I feel as if... Someone is behind all this conspiracy...

Renji: Wait, captain Aizen... are you trying to say that...

Aizen: I just have a bad feeling about this... Abarai, maybe I...

Announcer: Attention, all captains ! Attention, all captains !! Your presence is required for an emergency meeting, I repeat...


Kûkaku: What on earth has gotten into you two !! You started fighting the minute you saw each other...

"When you hang around Ichigo, you get used to that kind of things."

Ichigo: Ouch... Jumping out of nowhere with no warning at all... Like brother like sister...

Ganju: But... But big sister ! It was him..

Kûkaku: You dare talk back to me ?!

Kûkaku: Listen, punk ! This is my home ! If you don't like the way I run this place, you can get the hell out !

Ichigo: Uh... Sorry...

Kûkaku: Okay, as long as you get the point...

Ichigo: 'Your sister is scary...'

Ganju: 'She really is...'

Kûkaku: Alright everyone ! No, follow me this way...

Ishida/Inoue/Y/n: Y... yes, madam !!

Ishida: Wow... It's so bright even though we're underground... No electrical wiring in sight too...

Kûkaku: that's because we're raising glass-fireflies, they're everywhere in the walls and ceiling.

Ishida: Glass-fireflies ? Is that an animal that only exist in the Soul Society ?

Kûkaku: Oh... here we are. Open it, Ganju !

Ganju: Coming !

Ichigo: You know, if you don't like the way she runs things , you can get the hell out...

Ganju: Leave it to me ! Opening door !!

Ichigo: What... is that ? So big !

Kûkaku: I'm using that to send you into the Seireitei. From the sky !

Ichigo: THE SKY ?!

Kûkaku: I'm Kûkaku Shiba... Also the best fireworks master of all the Rukongai !!

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