Chapter 28: Cannonball !

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Fireworks master... ?"

Kûkaku: that's right ! Koganehiko ! Shiroganehiko ! Pull us up !

Brothers: Yes ma'am !

Ishida: What the... the floor is moving !

Outside of the house, the strange-looking chimney started to crack, revealing the entrance of a cannon

Ichigo: The... The ceiling is opening !

Kûkaku: So ?! Amazed, kids ?! This is my personal firework station !

Ganju: And the great Kakaku cannon !!

Kûkaku: Who said you could come up here !

Ganju: Sorry !

Ishida: This... This is no time to joke around ! I don't know what kind of technician you are, but shooting us with that thing ?! It's impossible ! We'll die for sure... *BONK*

Ichigo: What's this ?

Kûkaku: It's a "Reisyukaku", or spiritual core. Hold on to it and give it your spiritual energy.

Ichigo: ... hey... how do I do that ?

Kûkaku: Huh ? Just focus your power on your palm like when you're using kidô. Don't all shinigami use kidô ?

Yoruichi: Well... he's not an officially trained shinigami... He doesn't know how to use kidô...

Kûkaku: What ?! Tch... no other way then. Ganju, show them !

Ganju: Okay ! Hey, hand it over ! Gh... punk, are you trying to pick a fight ?

Ichigo: Yeah ?! Come and get it if you can ! I would rather die than have you teach me !


Kûkaku: Behave yourselves, punks !

Ichigo: So... Sorry...

Ganju: here I go ! ZUOOOOH !!

"And what is that ?"

Kûkaku: This is, the cannonball.

Ishida: Cannonball...

Kûkaku: Listen up. If you think that the wall a round the city is the only defense barrier... You're dead wrong. The wall is made by a special mineral that completely blocks out all spiritual energy. If you don't make a hole in the wall, you can't get in. More importantly, this mineral release a special spiritual energy from the cut surfaces. In other words, in both above and under the ground, the city is covered by a sphere-shaped protection field !

Ishida: Both above and under...?

Kûkaku: Therefore, if we just fly in bluntly, our body, made out of spiritual energy, will be disintegrated immediately. That's why we need this !

"Heh, like hell it's gonna stop me..."

Ganju: Sis... I... can't... Keep it up...

Kûkaku: Hold it ! My invention here creates a specially hardened spiritual shell. By providing spiritual energy to the core, you can create a cannonball strong enough to break through the protection field. I will then use the Kakaku cannon to fire you up, and break you in with one clean strike. This may sound a little ridiculous, but there is no other way ! that's all for now. Any questions ?!

Ichigo: Uh... I...

Kûkaku: Okay, meeting's over. Koganehiko, Shiroganehiko, take them down there !! You better train hard ! If you can't do it tomorrow, you'll be blast into bits !

Ichigo: What ?!! Hey, you didn't mention anything like that earlier !

Kûkaku: Okay Ganju, you're done here. Go with them in the training room.

Ganju: Sis... Are you really going to help them ?

Kûkaku: What do you mean by that ?

Ganju: I won't do it ! I'll never help a shinigami, not after what they've done to us ! Sis, I...

Kûkaku: Ganju... I told you to never bring that up again.

Ganju: Sis...

Kûkaku: Go, you're down here. Also... Don't let them see, that pathetic look of yours.

The Seireitei:

Renji: Tch... this is a first, being ordered to wear my vice-captain armband...

*Vice-captain of the seventh division, Tetsuzaemon Iba.*

Iba: Lucky you, this is the first time I have to strap it so fast. All vice-captains have to put on their armband and go to the waiting room right ?

Renji: Yeah...

*Vice-captain of the fifth division, Momo Hinamori.*

Momo: Abarai... Mr.Iba...

Renji: Hinamori, you're the only one here ?

Momo: Yes... I think so...

*Vice-captain of the tenth division, Rangiku Matsumoto.*

Rangiku: What do you expect, all the captains and vice-captains are scattered around the Soul Society with their missions. It'll take at least half a day to gather everyone. Though I can't find my captain anywhere. My head hurts.

Renji: Rangiku, who's your captain ?

Iba: why, it's Hitsugaya, remember...

Renji: Ah, that baby genius ? Must be tough.

Momo: Abarai... have you seen my captain, Mr.Aizen, anywhere ?

Renji: ... No... Haven't seen him.

Momo: Oh... I think, he's been acting strange... He doesn't tell me what's wrong, no matter how many times I asked... I... What should I do... ?

Renji: Don't worry, everything will be fine. This meeting is probably no big deal, too. 'Damn it ! What's going on ?! What are you trying to do ?! Captain Aizen... !'

Koganehiko: No ! Mr.Ichigo, you're doing it wrong ! It's not "UWOOO !", it's "WAAAA !" !

Ichigo: UUWAAH !!

Shiroganehiko: No ! No ! It's "WAAA !" !

Ichigo: I don't get it ! Can't you explain it in a language I can understand ?!

Kûkaku: Big brother... I... I'm going to help a shinigami... Like the one, that killed you. But then, if you were still alive, and I didn't do anything for them. You would probably scold me, huh ? You've always loved shinigami, and at the end... Died as a shinigami.

Koganehiko: Miss Orihime !! Ohh, you're a fast learner !!

Shiroganehiko: Mr.Ishida ! Ohh, that's a nice ellipsoid !

Koganehiko: I think the shape has to do with your personality.

Shiroganehiko: Mr.Chad ! O... Ooh ! it's not stable but it's packed with power !

Koganehiko: Mr.L/n...

"Someone turns on the lights, I can't see a thing here !!"

Shiroganehiko: The sphere in itself is really well done, but why is it pitch black ?

Yoruichi: That must have to do with his power. I think it's better if he don't try this tomorrow, we'll need to see where we're heading.

Shiroganehiko: And lastly, Mr.Ichigo...

Ichigo: Hufuaaaaah... !!

Koganehiko: It's terrible !! Have you really been trying ? I can't bare to see this !

Shiroganehiko: Nicely said ! Though instead of doubting his effort, I think he just doesn't have the talent ! Terrible, unbelievably terrible *BONK* !!

Ichigo: I just didn't understand anything that you said ! Can you please teach using a human language, damn it !!!

"This is going to be a looooooong training session..."


Hawk: Um... Boss, dinner's ready. I hope I'm not intruding...

Ganju: Hey ! You guys ! Dinner is ready !! Go eat, you must be hungry already !

Ishida: What do you mean ?

Ganju: You won't get anything to eat elsewhere. People in the Rukongai don't use their spiritual energy, so they don't get hungry.

Ishida: Oh, but... Kurosaki still isn't...

Ichigo: Don't worry about me... You guys go first, I'll go after I'm done.

Ishida: If you say so... We'll go first. Orihime, are you coming ?

Orihime: Ah ! I'm not hungry. You three go first, I'll stay with Kurosaki...

Orihime: Uh... I was just kidding ! I'm only a little hungry...

Ichigo: Inoue. Go with them, I don't mind.

Orihime: It... it's not that ! I just want to practice some more, I'm not that hungry...

Ichigo: Inoue, please.

Orihime: Oh ?! Ok, then. Since you put it that way, I'll be going. I'm going to eat !

Ishida: Ah, Orihime...

"Well, guess I'll be going too..."

Yoruichi: Wait, before that, I'd like to talk to you in private.

"What is it you wanted to talk about ?"

Yoruichi: You must've guessed it already, but that wall around the Seireitei, you'll probably able to pass it yourself, even if the strategy with the cannon fail.

"I figured that, yes, so what ?"

Yoruichi: If anything happens to us, that would leave us in the incapacity to cross the wall or rescue Rukia. I don't want you to do anything reckless. Out of all of us, you're the most likely to escape unhurt. So, if by a way or another, you found yourself to be the last one standing... You must run away. Try to contact Urahara so he can bring you back to your world, but don't play the hero. You have nothing to do with this, you don't own us anything.

"That's funny. Kisuke already told me approximately the same thing, while we were training..."

Yoruichi: And so, what what did you responded ?

"You mean, the part when I almost cut him in half, the part when I nearly blown away the whole building, or the part when I knocked him out for 3 hours straight ?"

Yoruichi: ... You what ?

"Really want me to escape, not looking behind, and not even trying to help my fallen comrades... I've heard that one before, and I ended up losing two of my friends, that I could've easily saved... I'll never do that mistake again. So let me tell you this. If 'by a way or another, I find myself to be the last one standing', like you said... I'll wreck hell in the Seireitei, not stopping until I'm dead, and bringing as much of them as I can with me. It'll only last a few hours, but in these few hours, I'll be every shinigami's worst nightmare."

The Seireitei:

Gin: 'Why did I just feel something cold running down my neck... '

Yamamoto: Everyone's here ? Alright then, we will now begin with the subject of our meeting...

Yamamoto: Captain of the third division, Gin Ichimaru !

Gin: What's going on ? Is it really that serious, to call everyone here ? Captains from around Soul Society, did you really come back here, just for me ? Oh, no everyone, where's the captain of the 13th division ?

Tosen: He's excused because of his sickness.

Gin: Again ? Good luck to him...

Kenpachi: Stop wasting time. Nobody came all the way back for a chit-chat ! I heard that, you went to deal with some intruders out of your jurisdiction, and worse yet, you failed to eliminate the threats ? Why ? With your skill, five to six intruders should be a piece of cake.

Gin: Oh ? So he didn't die ? My bad.

Kenpachi: huh ?

Gin: Strange, I was so sure that I took care of him. Did my senses grow dull ?

Kurotsuchi: Ku... Ku... Stop playing games. It is impossible for a captain to be unable to detect if his opponent has been exterminated. Can it be that you deliberately failed, and you are using "Carelessness" as an excuse ?

Hitsugaya: there we go again. Old men and their pointless arguments;.. What a pain.

Gin: Oh nooo... Are you saying that i deliberately let them go ?

Kurotsuchi: That's exactly what I'm saying.

Kenpachi: Shut up, Kurotsuchi ! I was talking first, so buzz off ! Though if you want me to kill you, keep talking.

Yamamoto: Stop it, both of you ! Kenpachi and Kurotsuchi, stand down ! Now let's see... have you been informed of the reason why you were summoned ? You acted alone without permission, and you failed to capture your target. That is unusual for a captain ! I would like to hear your explanation, that is the reason we are here now. So... Do you have anything to say... Ichimaru ?

Yoruichi: I see... Life hasn't been very kind with you lately...

"You could say that. I really wonder what would've happen to me, if I hadn't carried Jotaro to the nurse office that day..."

Koganehiko: Ooh ! It's going to fall !!

Shiroganehiko: The great Kakaku cannon will fall down !!

Ishida: Wha... What is with this pressure in the air...

"It's easy to tell. Only one of us can muster that power..."

Orihime: Kurosaki...

"Exactly. Now let's go before the whole place collapses because of him."

Kûkaku: What is that brat doing ?! What happened ?! What happened, Ganju ? I said, what happened ?!!

Ganju: So... Sorry, sis... I... I just taught him my shortcut, and... it ended up like this... I didn't expect...

Kûkaku: Hey, idiot !! What do you think you're doing ?! Focus and refine your energy already !

Ichigo: I... I did it !!

Orihime: Oh... Oh right, Kurosaki !

Ichigo: yeah !


Kûkaku: You idiot ! Don't loose your concentration !!!

Ichigo: Huh ?


Kûkaku: Did you listen to what I said ? Didn't I say, "it would explode if you loose your focus" ? Didn't I ? Speak !

Ichigo: Y... Yes madam... You specifically warned us about this...

Kûkaku: So you did it on purpose ?

Orihime: Th... Thanks, Chad...

Ganju: Yeah ! It's all your- Buaah !!

Kûkaku: You too, idiot !

Ganju: No... No way !

Kûkaku: Yes way ! No food for either of you !

Ichigo: Ha ha ! Sucker ! Ouch ! Ouch ! Sorry ! SORRY !!

Gin: I have nothing to say !

Yamamoto: ... What ?

Gin: I have no excuse. I made a mistake, I won't try to justify my carelessness.

Yamamoto: Alright, you will be punished however...

Aizen: Hold on a second, Ichimaru...

Announcer: ALERT ! ALERT ! Intruders in the city ! All personals should report to their stations !!

Kenpachi: What ? Intruders ? Can it be... the same ones as before ?

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