Chapter 3: An endangered princess

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Orihime: Ra, a ramen's ra ! Shi, a shingawa shoji's shi ! That'll bring us back to...

Your POV:

Rukia: "I know about it, my sister. It's all hidden in that box, isn't it ? The jade box that mother gave you. Give me that box, my sister Marianne ! Go on !!"

Rukia: "No ! Don't open that box ! Françoise !! NOOOOO !!"

Ichigo: Hey, what the heck are you doing ?!

Rukia: EEEEK !! OOOH ! You scared me !! I'm studying the contemporary vernacular of this world !!

"using that to study ?"

Ichigo: You were not. You were reading a stupid horror comic while I was training my shinigami butt off ? Where did you find it, anyway ?

"You finished your training, Ichigo ?"

Ichigo: Yes. I hit these stupid pepper balls a hundred times already. I'm done ! What's this supposed to accomplish, anyway ? And where did you get the weird pitching machine ?

Rukia: You fool ! Only the WRONG balls had pepper in them !

Ichigo: Wrong balls ?

Rukia: That's right ! ... ... ... You didn't... Hit every single one, did you ?

Ichigo: Yes ! Great !

Rukia: You idiot ! I told you to hit only the balls with heads !! What's the point of the exercise ?!

Ichigo: How should I know ?! And it's impossible to tell the head from the hands the way you draw !!

Orihime: Do, a drunk dragon's doooo. Re, electric comic's re. Mi, electric comic's mi. Fan, an alfafa's... Huh ? Oh, Ichigo !

Rukia: listen ! The head is a hollow's weak spot ! One good whack will split it open like a melon ! This training will help you crack heads with precision, whatever the situation !

Ichigo: Why do I gotta do that ? I've been beating them just fine.

Rukia: Fool ! When did you ever defeat a hollow with one blow ?! Approaching a hollow from behind and killing it with one low is the essence of hollow hunting ! It's a miracle that you've survived fighting them as you have !!

Ichigo: Hitting them from behind is unfair, I can't do it !

"Keep the code of honor against human opponents. These things won't hesitate to fight dirty, you'll have to get to their level. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about."

Ichigo: ... I just...

Orihime: HI, ICHIGO !!

Ichigo: EEEEK !! Orihime ! Wh-what are you doing here ?!

Orihime: Hee hee ! Shopping for dinner ! I bought leeks, butter, bananas, and bean jam jelly !

Y/n/Ichigo: 'W-what is she planning to cook.. ?'

Orihime: What are you doing here, Ichigo ?

Ichigo: Huh ? Me ? I'm uh... Um... 'What should I say ? The truth is too embarrassing.'

Orihime: Hm ? Rukia ?! Y/n ?!

"Hey there, Orihime."

Rukia: Huh ? Do I know you ?

Ichigo: Idiot ! She's Orihime Inoue ! She's in our class !

Rukia: In our class ?! Well hell, miss Inoue. How do you do, my dear ?

Ichigo: 'Geez, how's she gonna act in front of the guys ?'

Orihime: Huh... Oh, I'm fine, thank you.

Ichigo: 'She's playing along with it ?!'

At that moment, he noticed that her arm was bandaged.

Ichigo: Your arm... What happened ? Did you fall again ?

Orihime: Oh, this ? No, I was run over ! I went out to buy a drink last night, and Bam- ! I've been getting run over a lot lately. Hee hee.

Ichigo: No hee hee ! That's serious ! Aren't you upset ?!

Orihime: But they didn't hit me on purpose...

"Does she get hurt a lot ?"

Ichigo: Almost every day !

Orihime: I daydream...

Ichigo: Don't be so casual about it !

Rukia: Really... 'Hmm, maybe she's just clumsy...'

Rukia: That bruise on your leg ? May I take a look ?

Orihime: Huh, this ? Sure, go ahead. I got this last night. It must've happened when the car hit me... Rukia ? Why are you looking so serious ?

Rukia: Huh ? Oh, it's nothing. It just looks so painful...

Orihime: How did you know ?! My leg hurts worse than my arm !

Ichigo: Really ?! Maybe it's paralyzed or something ?! You should go to the doctor !

Orihime: Huh ? Um... Why are you blushing ?

"Let me see it..."

Letting small amount of Hamon flowing into the wound, I managed to stop the bleeding and accelerate the natural healing.

"There. it's not really healed yet, but it should be easier to walk now."

Orihime: Oh ? Thank you very much !

Orihime: Oh no ! I'm late !

Ichigo: In a hurry ?

Orihime: Yes ! Shoten's gonna start !

Ichigo: You gonna be okay ?! Want me to walk you home ?!

Orihime: Huh?! N-no, I'm fine !!

Ichigo: Okay ! See ya tomorrow then !

Orihime: Huh ? Um... 'Kay ! See you tomorrow !

Orihime: ... Shoot... I really wanted to say yes... I'm so stupid. He could've been more persistent though...

Ichigo: Phew... just watching her makes me tired. I hope she's all right.

'He's just so oblivious, that's adorable.'

Rukia: that girl... Are you two close ?

Ichigo: Huh, Not really. Well, kinda, I guess. She's best friend with this girl I've known since 8th grade.

Rukia: Any siblings ?

Ichigo: Just one. She had a brother, a lot older.

"Had ?"

Ichigo: Yeah. He died three years ago. I remember because I opened the door. I was just about to leave for school. The doorbell rang before we were open. A girl came in carrying her brother on her back.

Ichigo: they said it was a car accident, he was covered with blood. We didn't have the equipment to save him. He died while we were arranging his transfer to a big hospital. So... Well, I found out recently that the little girl with the brown hair was her. What's with all the questions ? Are you worried about her ?

Rukia: No. I'm not worried. C'mon ! we're going home too !

Ichigo: 'Pssh, thinks she's so special...' Hey... Where do you go home to ? You have a home down here ?

Rukia: What, does my private life interest you ?

Ichigo: As if ! Not in the least !!

Rukia: Then don't ask. Later.

Ichigo: 'GRRR ! Condescending little... !!!'

"Ichigo, how big is your closet ?"

Ichigo: Why are you asking me that ?

"No reason, really... You'll see soon enough."

Yuzu: Ichigo ! You know where my dress is ?

Ichigo: hey ! Knock before entering !

Yuzu: hey, you were downstairs. You took a bath ! I was gonna take one too !

Ichigo: Crazy kid. you're in fifth grade, right ? You can take a bath by yourself.

Yuzu: Ichigo, you've gotten mean since you started highschool !

Ichigo: No I haven't ! And I don't know where your dress is.

Yuzu: What !! my pajamas are missing too !

Ichigo: I don't know about that either ! You think I'm stealing your clothes ?

"What does they looks like ?"

Yuzu: It is a black dress with a cherry print on the chest, and my pajamas have a cross-lines pattern.

"Very well, I'll tell you if I see them."


Rukia: 'An order... Where ?... !!


Ichigo: What ? This late ? Is Yuzu or Karin playing a game or something ? Geez.


Ichigo: Hmm, it stopped.

From behind, his closet opened, revealing Rukia.

Rukia: ICHIGO !!

Ichigo: WHOA !! H-H-H How long have you been in there ?! Those are Yuzu's pajamas !

Rukia: Nevermind that ! It's an order !!

Ichigo: An order ?! A hollow's coming ?! Where ?!

Rukia: Time and place... Here...

She used her glove to force Ichigo to turn into a shinigami once again, making him narrowly evade the attack.

Rukia: ... AND NOW !!

A hole opened in midair, and from it emerged the entire body of the hollow, as usual looking extraordinarily monstrous.

Rukia: Aim for the head !!

Ichigo: I know !!

He slashed, but only managed to cut away a part of its mask, forcing it to retreat for now.

Rukia: 'Too shallow !!'

Alarmed by the ruckus, I barged in the room, just in time to see the hollow to flee through the same hole it came through.

Rukia: It got away !

"What are we waiting for then ?! Let's go !!

Ichigo: Wait ! What's going on ? That was... Orihime's brother !!

Rukia: Didn't I say that killing them with one blow to the head from behind was the objective ? To minimize the chance of injury... But, there's another reason for it.

Rukia: One blow to kill them, so you never learn the hollow's human identity ! All hollows... Were living people once !!

In Orihime's house, a teddy bear was sitting on a drawer, until its head got cut, in the exact same place the hollow was.

Ichigo: Wha... Normal ?! You didn't... ! I though they were monsters I gotta kill ?!

Rukia: That's right !! They ARE monsters NOW ! And we must kill them !

"So... That mean the ones we killed until now were..."

Rukia: No time to argue ! That girl is... Going to die !

Tatsuki: Are you freakin' STUPID ?!!

Orihime: Don't be rude ! I'm totally not stupid !

Tatsuki: Why, Orihime ? Why would you blow a chance like that ?

Orihime: I... Blew something ?

Tatsuki: Uh, yeah ! You gotta reach out and grab it !

Orihime: Grab... It ?

Tatsuki: Yes ! If he asks if you want him to walk you home, you say "Oh yeah !" and pretend your leg is killing you and hang on his arm !

Orihime: But Y/n made my leg feels way less pain... I could walk without a problem.

Tatsuki: That's why you gotta pretend ! Then, when you come to a nice secluded spot along the way, shove him into the shadows and... THROW HIM TO THE GROUND !!

Orihime: *Choking* Tatsuki !!

Tatsuki: Hmmm, actually, you could just shove those magnificent boobs in his face and let HIM attack YOU ! Then it's all HIS fault !

Orihime: 'Boobs...?'

Tatsuki: But he's already getting pretty chummy with that new girl... That Ichigo's no slouch...

Orihime: Oh, I just saw them in the park together. And Y/n was with them.

Tatsuki: Have YOU ever been to the park with Ichigo ? We went to the arcade once...

Orihime: Me ? And Ichigo ? Alone in the park...

Ichigo: Hey ! Orihime !

Orihime: Ichigo~~~~~~ !!

Ichigo: C'mon ! Race you to the teeter-totter !

Orihime: Oh, Ichigo ! That practically rhymes ! You're amazing, Ichigo ! Okay !

Ichigo: Ready... Go !!

Orihime: LOOK OUT ! RUN ! RUN, ME !! I MEAN, CHAMP !!

Tatsuki: What ?! What the... ? I though this was a park fantasy ?!

From behind, a loud thumping noise caught their attention, revealing that it was the teddy bear that fell to the ground.

Orihime: Wh... What was that... Sound... ? Oh no ! Enraku fell down ! Enraku !! Speak to me !!

Tatsuki: Oh, it's just Enraku... Sheesh... "Enraku", geez...

Orihime: Hey !! Oh no ! How'd you get torn ?!

Tatsuki: Whoa. Maybe the fabric's rotten ?

Orihime: That can't be...

Orihime: What's this ? It looks like... Blood...

She fell to the ground after that 'Attack ?', her eyes empty, not breathing anymore.

Tatsuki: Whoa ! ORIHIME ?! What's wrong ?! What happened ?!

Ichigo: Hollows... Attack their own family ?!

Rukia: Yes !

"How come ? Hollows eat souls because they're hungry, right ? I thought they attacked randomly ?"

Rukia: Hollows attack humans and ghosts randomly... After they've eaten their own families.

Ichigo: No way...

Rukia: And one more thing... They don't eat souls because they are hungry. They eat souls to ease their pain.

Rukia: Hollows are fallen souls. Souls that were not admitted to the Soul Society by a shinigami... Souls that were left behind... Souls that weren't saved from other hollows. These fall, lose their hearts, and become hollows themselves.

Rukia: Then the hollow soul forever strives to fill the emptiness inside. It stalks the people it loved most in life. You've heard of widows who soon follow their husbands to the grave ? Their husbands ate their souls.

Rukia: Today, when we saw Orihime... She had a large bruise on her leg, where a hollow grabbed her. That's why asked about her family.

Rukia: You said she had an older brother. If he was her only family, then I'm certain... He will come for Orihime !!

"What are we waiting for ?! let's hurry !!"

Jumping from roof to roof, the three of us were getting closer to Orihime's apartment.

Tatsuki: Wha... What hit me ? I... I'm bleeding ? What on Earth is going...

She was bashed away by an unknown force, at least for her, but the reason for her wound was looming above her.

While Orihime was cowering against the wall, in fear of that thing, with a chain going from her chest... To another Orihime, laying on the ground a little farther.

Orihime: 'Wh... What ?! What's happening ?! That thing... It's a monster ? My body... What's it doing over there ? What... What's happening to me ?'

Orihime: 'Am I dead ? I feel dizzy... A chain... I'm chained up ? I can't... Breathe... I don't like this..'

Tatsuki, held down on the ground, was slowly but surely being strangled by the hollow, invisible to her, but visible to Orihime, somehow.

Orihime: Tatsuki !! 'Am I... I can't be daydreaming... I've got to save Tatsuki !'

She got up and rushed, tackling the monster to make it let go of Tatsuki's throat.

Orihime: Tatsuki ! You okay ?! Run for it !

Tatsuki: Huff... Gasp !

Orihime: Tatsuki ! What's wrong ?! Say something !!

Hollow: It's no use, Orihime. She can't hear us, she can't see us, either.

Orihime: How... Do you know... My name ?

Hollow: ... Have you forgotten my voice ? THAT WOUNDS ME, ORIHIME !!

It went for a direct it, and Orihime closed her eyes in fear, soon reopening them, not feeling the hit, greeted with the sight of Ichigo, holding that giant arm with his sword.

"Looks like we got here just in time."

Orihime: Ichigo ? Y/n ?

Hollow: ... You think you two can stop me ?

Ichigo: Sorry, captain Overbite... But THAT is a shinigami's job ! If you want Orihime for dinner...

"... Then we're your first course !!"

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