Chapter 4: Not killed, but purified

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

After that attack, Ichigo and that monster were at a standoff, each one trying to gauge their opponent.

Ichigo: 'He's not attacking... Did my cut scare him ? Please, just run away. Fat chance of that..."

Looking around him, Ichigo spotted the motionless corpses on the ground.

Ichigo: 'Is that Tatsuki ? She was at the wrong place at the wrong time !'

Ichigo: 'And... There' someone else lying over there... Who... ?'

Ichigo: 'Orihime ?! But... She's standing behind me !'

Orihime: Hey ! I knew it ! It's you, Ichigo !!

The previous day:

Rukia: Why are you sulking like that ?

Ichigo: Why ? What choice do I have ! If anybody sees me dressed like this I'm history ! They'll haul me off to the movie village !

Rukia: Fool ! Do you think normal people can see a shinigami ? A shinigami is a spiritual entity ! You can only be seen by other spiritual entities !

"Then, how... can you see him ?"

Orihime: Huh ? Um... How ?

That's when we both noticed the chain going from her chest, to the other Orihime lying on the ground.

Hollow: Isn't it obvious ? She's a spirit ! I'm sorry but, Orihime is already dead !!

Taking advantage of our distraction, he bashed us both through the wall, and as Ichigo somehow skidded to a stop in midair, I fell directly to the ground, and Rukia's head, who was just waiting here.

Hollow: What's wrong ? You two talk tough but... You're both far too slow...

Hollow: Is it so shocking that Orihime's soul has been forced from her body ? Huh ?! Ichigo Kurosaki !!

He shot some sort of liquid from his mouth, liquid that burned Ichigo's hand once it hit, making him let go of his sword and lose focus, letting himself be wide-open for the next attack.

Next attack that slammed him to the ground, where he had trouble just to get up.

Y/n/Rukia(each one with a nice bump): ICHIGO !!

Orihime: Ichigo... Let me go ! Let me go ! Ichigo's...

Hollow: Orihime... Have you... really forgotten me ? It's me ! Orihime !!

Uncovering the part of his mask that Ichigo destroyed sooner, Orihime understood who he was exactly.

Orihime: S... Sora ?!

Rukia: Ichigo !! Wake up !! Ichigo !!

Ichigo: Ugh... Stop yelling...

"That's all you've got to say ?!"

Rukia: You've shamed shinigami everywhere today !!

Ichigo: I dunno... He's not like the others. I hesitated...

Rukia: So be it... But bear in mind, that if you lose, he'll eat Orihime's soul !

Orihime: Is... Is it really you, Sora ?

Sora: It's me, Orihime. You haven't forgotten.

Orihime: But... Why ? Why did you hurt them ? Why ?

Sora: Why ? You know why ! Those three, tried to tear us apart !

Orihime: What ?

Sora: After I died, you prayed for me every day... I always watched you, it made me happy. I was dead, but your prayers eased my suffering...

Sora: But after a year passed, you became friend with that girl. After that, you prayed for me less often !

Sora: then you entered highschool, and Ichigo Kurosaki showed up. And you stopped praying for me altogether !! At home... All you would talk to me was Kurosaki ! It hurt me. I saw myself... Fading a little more from your heart each day !

Orihime: No.. No, Sora ! that's not-

Sora: I was so lonely ! It was unbearable !! Sometimes, I just wanted to KILL !

From behind both me and Ichigo jumped through the hole in the wall, only to sustain another direct whipping, sending Ichigo away and phasing through me.

Orihime: Ichigo !!

Sora: Come with me, Orihime. Come, back to when it was just us two.

Orihime: Why ? If you were lonely, you should have told me... Why did you have to hurt them ? Why, Sora ? The brother I loved... Would never do something like this !

He didn't liked it, and started to crush his sister with his giant hands.

Sora: I'LL KILL YOU !! How do you think I became this... Thing ?! It was all your fault, little sister ! I'LL KILL YOU !! KILL YOU !!!

His tail got chopped in several pieces by Ichigo, and at the same time, both his hand fell of, severed by a glowing, dark coated arm chop.

Ichigo: Big brothers... You know why they're born first ? To protect the little ones who comes after them !!

"What kind of brother says he'll KILL his own sister ?! Even a monster shouldn't say that !!"

Orihime: Ichigo... Y/n...

Sora: Why ?! Why do you two stand in my way !!

*When I was 15, my sister was born. She was more like a daughter to me than a sister. Our parents were truer monsters than I am now. The kind of monsters who would silence a baby's cry with beatings. I hid her, quieted her cries, where they couldn't hear.

In March, when I was 18, I... Took my three year old sister, and fled that cursed house.*

Sora: After that, it was us against the world ! Just the two of us ! Forever !

Sora: I raised Orihime !! I protected her !! She's mine ! Nobody else can have her, least of all you, Ichigo Kurosaki !! You will never have her !!

Orihime: Sora !!

He rushed, completely blinded by his rage toward Ichigo, and tried to bit him.

Ichigo: As if, captain Overbite. Orihime doesn't belong to anyone !

Sora: She's mine ! Her soul is mine !! I lived for her ! But she... She won't live for me !! Very well... THEN SHE WILL DIE FOR ME !

He escaped Ichigo's sword, and rushed for Orihime, preparing to chomp her down and cut her in half.

Ichigo: NO !!

The next second, I was skidding on the ground, holding his jaw open with both arms, While Orihime was almost in his jaws, hugging his head with all her might.

Sora: Ori... Hime ? Ori...

Orihime: I'm sorry... Sora. I... Wanted to share them... Fun things at school... The happy stuff... Things I liked... People I liked...

Orihime: At first, all I did was pray every day... But I thought that was wrong. I didn't want you, to see my sadness. I didn't want you to feel my pain.

Orihime: So I hid it from you ! I only shared my happiness with you ! So you wouldn't suffer for me ! I... Didn't realize it made you feel lonely... I had... No idea...

Orihime: Sora... I'm sorry I hurt you... I love you...

She fell to the ground, and remained motionless.

'Is it safe to let go now ?'

Sora: Ori...

Ichigo: Orihime !!

Rukia: It's not too late ! She can still be saved !!

Ichigo: Rukia...

Rukia: The chain of karma is still attached ! As long as it's connected to her body, she isn't really dead ! I can use my kidô to save her ! Y/n, come here, I'll need your healing skills.

Sora: Orihime... Sister...

"You're hindering us, please step back."

Sora: Orihime, I knew... I knew that you stopped praying so you wouldn't worry me... But... I didn't want you to stop. When you were praying... Your heart was all mine...

Ichigo: What... Are you looking at ? The hairpin, that was a gift from you, she told me. It was the first gift you ever gave her. She still wears it every day.

Ichigo: It's the same... Those who die and those that get left behind... they all feel alone ! You were so caught up in your own loneliness, you forgot about hers !

Sora: I didn't know... 'The hairpin... I thought she threw it away...'

Ichigo: hey ! What are... You... ?

A single slashing sound was heard, and as a scaly hand was holding the tip of Ichigo's sword, a few drops of blood and remaining of a hollow's mask fell to the ground.

Ichigo: Why did you... Do it ?!

Sora: It's all right... if I stay as I am, I'll lose myself again and attack Orihime. That's why now, in this moment of sanity, I want to pass on...

Ichigo: But why ? You don't...

Rukia: Ichigo ! His decision is right. Hollows can never go back, let him pass on.

Ichigo: Rukia !

Rukia: it's all right. To slash hollows is not really to kill them, it merely frees them of sin. The zanpakutô cleanses them, so they can enter the Soul Society. That is the reason shinigami exist.

Sora: then... Goodbye, Orihime...

*Sora... There's something I always wanted to tell you. The hairpin you gave me... I never really liked it. We had a fight that day, and for the first time... We ate dinner without speaking, and I sat facing the wall all evening. Then, when you went off to work the next day, I let you go without saying a word.

Why did it have to be that day ? Maybe it wouldn't have made any difference... but I've... Always regretted not saying this...*

Orihime: Sora... have a nice day...

He disappeared, feeling so good in his soul, and scattered in the wind.

Ichigo: He's gone...

Orihime: Gone...

"Your wounds are mostly better, it should be alright now."

Orihime: Anyway, they don't matter ! I have tons of questions I want to ask yoooooo... !!

Ichigo: Orihime ?! What'd you do ?!

Rukia: Kioku-chikan, memory replacement. I erased tonight from her memory and gave her substitute memories. We can't let people know about us.

"Kioku-chikan ?"

Rukia: Yes, only we can't choose the new memories, they're random... that one probably didn't see anything, but just in case...

Ichigo: Random ?

Rukia: You'll see what I mean tomorrow.


Orihime: No, for real ! A yokozuna barged in my room, and blasted the wall with a musket !!

(From left to right: Chizuru, Mahana, Michiru, Ryô)

Ryô: Whatever, space girl...

Mahana: Orihime...

Chizuru: That childlike mind of yours is really cute, princess.

Orihime: It happened ! Didn't it, Tatsuki !

Tatsuki: Y-yeah...

Girls: You saw it too, Tatsuki ?!

Ichigo: Okay, I get it now.

"You used it on his family the other day, right ?"

Rukia: Yup, I did. It worked well, didn't it ?

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