Chapter 44: Mastermind

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Gin: This is the Seijôtôkyorin, the residential district for the 46 chamber...

Hinamori: Why did you bring me here... ? captain Ichimaru...

Gin: Have you ever been here, Hinamori ?

Hinamori: No way... Isn't this place completely off-limits for everyone ? This is the first time I've ever seen it.

Gin: There's somebody who wants to meet you... Go on, look behind you.

Hinamori: Behind... Me... ?

Hinamori: ... Cap... Captain... Ai... Aizen...

Aizen: It' been a while, Hinamori...

Hinamori: Is it really you... ? Captain Aizen... ? I thought... You were dead...

Aizen: It's okay. As you can see, I'm alive.

Hinamori: Ca... Captain Aizen... Captain Aizen, I... I... Captain... Aizen...

Aizen: I'm sorry, for worrying you, Hinamori.

Hinamori: 'Aah... Captain's hand... The same as always, it washes away all the troubles in my heart. Captain's smell... it really is captain Aizen.'

Aizen: You look even more frail than before. I'm sorry, for making you suffer this much, but I hope you can understand. There was something I had to do, and it had to be without you, that's why I had to hide myself from you. That's why I had to fake my death... You...

Hinamori: It's okay... It's already enough... Captain is still alive. that's already enough...

Aizen: Thank you, Hinamori. I'm truly glad to have you as my subordinate. Thank you, Hinamori, thank you so much...

Aizen: Goodbye.

Hinamori: This... can't be...

Aizen: Let's go, Gin.

Gin: Yes, captain Aizen.

Hitsugaya: Ichimaru... And...

Aizen: Yo, Hitsugaya.

Hitsugaya: Ai... Zen... ?! What's going on... You... Are you really Aizen... ?

Aizen: Of course, what you're seeing is very real, although... Captain Hitsugaya came back earlier, and in better shape than expected.

Gin: Sorry. I overestimated the effectiveness of Izuru's distraction.

Hitsugaya: What... What are you guys talking about...

Aizen: Us ? Just analyzing our strategies. The most basic strategy is spreading out the enemy's forces, don't you think ?

Hitsugaya: ... Did you say... "Enemy" ?! Where's Hinamori... ?

Aizen: Where, indeed... I wonder...

Hitsugaya: Bastard...

Hitsugaya: Hi... Hina... Mori...

Aizen: Oh dear, it seems like you've seen it. Pardon me, it wasn't my intention to traumatize you. Before you could have noticed, I should have chopped her into unrecognizable pieces.

Hitsugaya: ... What is the meaning of this ? Aizen, Ichimaru... Since when did you two become comrades... ?

Aizen: From the very beginning.

Hitsugaya: Before you faked your death, Aizen... ?

Aizen: You're slow. I said "very beginning". Since I became a captain, there wasn't a single moment that I thought of anybody else as my vice-captain.

Hitsugaya: That means... From the beginning, you... To Hinamori... To me... To all of your subordinates and the other shinigami... To everybody, you deceived us all... !!

Aizen: It wasn't my intention to deceive you, it's just that... Out of all of you, there wasn't a single person who could see, my, true face.

Hitsugaya: We... Couldn't see ? You must have known that Hinamori admired you... Because she admired you, she joined the 13 divisions... Because she wanted to be of use to you, she worked hard to become your vice-captain...

Aizen: I know. there's nothing easier to control than a person who reveres you, that's why I nominated her to be my subordinate.

Hitsugaya: Wha...

Aizen: This is a good opportunity, you should learn this well, Hitsugaya. Admiration is... A feeling furthest away from understanding.

Hitsugaya: Bankai.


Hit: Aizen, I'm going to kill you.

Aizen: ... Don't use such strong words. They make your weakness that much more apparent.

Hitsugaya: No... Way...

Aizen: ... What a nice scene ! It's not season for it, but it's not bad seeing ice at this time of year... Now, let's go, Gin.

???: I thought you would be here... Captain Aizen.

Unohana: No... I should not call you "captain" anymore, should I ? Treacherous reprobate, Aizen Sosuke.

Aizen: Hello, captain Unohana. I was thinking, if somebody were to come, it would be about now. Was it easy to figure out ?

Unohana: In the Seireitei, there is only one place, where entry is absolutely forbidden under any circumstance, and that is the Seijôtôkyorin. If you wanted to conceal your presence so much that you created such a well-made artificial body for it, you would have also chose the best hiding, and there is no other place in the Seireitei that's safer and harder to find than here.

Aizen: nice deduction. Even though your theory is basically correct, you've made two mistakes. First off, I did not come here to hide. Secondly, this is not an artificial body.

Isane: Wh... When did he take... !

Aizen: When did I take it out ? No, I've had it in my hand this whole time. But... Up until this moment, I simply didn't let you see it's true form.

Isane: What... What do you mean... ?

Aizen: You'll understand soon enough. Watch carefully, here goes ! Shatter, Kyôka Suigetsu !

Aizen: My zanpakutô, Kyôka Suigetsu, it possesses the power of "absolute hypnosis".

Isane: No... The Kyôka Suigetsu is a flowing-water type zanpakutô... It distorts the sight with the reflections of the fog to confuse the enemy, causing them to fight amongst themselves... That is what you told us, captain Aizen ! You gathered all the vice-captain, and demonstrated it in front of our own eyes !

Unohana: I see... That was the "ritual" for the hypnosis, isn't it ?

Aizen: Correct. The absolute hypnosis controls the 5 senses to the point that it can make the target misinterpret another person's form, shape, mass, feel and smell to be that of the "enemy". In other words, you could make a dragon out of a fly, and a field of flowers out of a swamp, in the eyes of the hypnotized. And the initiation condition for the hypnosis, is to show the enemy the release of Kyôka Suigetsu.

Aizen: After seeing it just once, that person will completely succumb to the hypnosis. After that, every time I release Kyôka Suigetsu, that person will become my completely hypnotized slave.

Unohana: Seeing... Just once... !!

Aizen: It appears that you've realized it... Yes, since the spell works when you see the ritual, those who can not see are consequently immune to the hypnosis. In other words, from the very beginning, Kaname Tôsen has always been my subordinate.

Renji: Ca... Captain Tôsen... ?! Why are... You here... ?

Aizen: Finally, please allow me to compliment you... because you spent the longest time during inspection, while under absolute hypnosis, you did a splendid job in being able to notice something odd about my corpse. Goodbye, captain Unohana, we will never cross paths again...

Isane: WAIT-

Renji: *Cough* *Cough* Wha... What the hell was that ? What the... ? This is... The hill of the Sôkyoku !

Aizen: Welcome, my dear Abarai. Put down Rukia Kuchiki, and step aside.

Renji: Cap... Captain Aizen... ?! Why are you still alive... No, wait... What, did you just say ?

Aizen: That's a stranger question, you should have heard what I said. You've always been the troublesome one, don't make me repeat myself again. I told you to put down Rukia Kuchiki, and step aside, Abarai.

Isane: Heart of the South, eye of the North, fingertips of the West, heel of the East. Gather with the wind and scatter with the rain ! Binding spell fifty eight, KAKUSHI TSUIJAKU !!

Isane: Isane: 31... 64...83... 97. I've got their position. East 332, North 1566.... But... It's the Sôkyoku... !

Unohana: I see... Please immediately locate all the captains and vice-captain, and transmit to them everything we know about Sosuke Aizen, and his location. Please also inform those drifters as well.

Isane: ... Understood.

Unohana: I am counting on you. I will now commence captain Hitsugaya's and vice-captain Hinamori's emergency operations.

Isane: Black and white net !! Twenty two bridges. Sixty six crown string. Footprints, distant thunders, mountain peaks, valleys, night shadows, cloud sea, cyan line ! Fill up the circle and zoom to the edges of the sky ! Binding spell seventy seven ! TENTEIKÛRA !

Isane: Binding... Successful ! Captains, vice-captains, and temporary vice-captains of the 13 divisions... And, the drifters. This is vice-captain Isane Kotetsu of the 4th division speaking.

Kiyone: Sister... ?!

Isane: Can everyone hear me ? An emergency situation has occurred. This emergency transmission is under the authority of captain Retsu Unohana of the 4th division and myself, Isane Kotetsu. Please listen carefully. Everything I am about to say... Is all true.

Ichigo: What was that just now... ? She said something about 46 something, and then something about hypnosis... What are those supposed to mean ?

Orihime: How come I didn't hear anything ? ?

Chad: That voice was from the 4th division. You never came in contact with them, that's probably why you didn't hear it...

"Are we truly concerned with that... ? I mean, captains killing other captains is their problems. As far as we're concerned, we have no reason to fight him, why did she tell us that ?"

Ishida: She told us because she thought we ought to know. Don't you see ? From the sound of it, this central 46 chambers is probably a high standing governing institute of Soul Society, and the captain named Aizen murdered everyone in it. Aizen probably did that to make people think that what he wants is what the 46 chambers wanted. What does he want ?

Ganju: ... The execution ?

Ishida: Correct. Since we came here, Kuchiki's execution date has been pushed forward again and again.. You must have found that strange as well.

"I fear to understand now... relating this to that message just now, Aizen's real goal... Is to kill Rukia !"

Aizen: What ?

Renji: I said, "I refuse" captain Aizen.

Aizen: Very well, then. You are so stubborn, Abarai. It can't be helped that you refused, when I told you to leave Rukia Kuchiki with me; I understand how you must feel right now, so it's fine if you want to hold down to her. Then you will simply leave your arms here with her, and step aside.

Quick question, do you want me to include the translations when i mention a zanpakutô's name or a technique's ?

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