Chapter 45: Game...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Rukia: Re... Renji... !

Aizen: Impressive...

Aizen: So you have become strong enough to dodge successfully, Abarai. You've grown so much ! I'm happy for you. However, if it is possible, I wish that you wouldn't be so stubborn. It is quite difficult to control one's strength, while stepping on an ant without killing it. Being your former commanding officer, I can't bear to see you die.

Rukia: Renji... !

Renji: Be quiet, Rukia. You said, "Being your former commanding officer, I can't bear to see you die". Then why did you, kill Hinamori ?!

Aizen: Ah... So that powerful tremor of spiritual pressure earlier really was from tenteikûra. Is was Isane, wasn't it ? As for Hinamori, I had no choice. She couldn't live without me, that was how I brainwashed her to be. Don't you think that it was charitable of me to kill her ?

Aizen: Though I honestly didn't want her to die by my hands. That was why I went through the trouble of getting Kira and Hitsugaya to fight her. However, that plan didn't go so well... Thus, I had no choice, but to do it myself.

Renji: I see... So Kira and Hinamori... Were just puppets that you manipulated at will ?

Aizen: As are you, Abarai.

Renji: ... I get it now... You're not the same captain Aizen that I knew any more... I don't know what your intentions are, but I won't give Rukia to you even if I die !

Aizen: I'm not the captain Aizen that you know ? Sadly, that is just your delusion, Abarai. The Sosuke Aizen that you know... Never existed to begin with !

Renji: ... Roar !! ZABIMARU !!

Aizen: Your Shikai, that's all ? Well, in your state, it's not like you can do much more. But you know as well as me, that alone won't even delay the inevitable for the slightest bit.

Renji: I DON'T CARE !!

Aizen: What a troublesome child.

Renji: 'With his bare hands ?!'

Aizen: Among the three, you were always the most difficult one to handle, Abarai. I was very certain... From the very first time I met the three of you, I was very certain that I could "Use you". Thus, as soon as you entered the 13 divisions, I got all three of you into the fifth division. Then I let the most useful ones be Gin's and my direct subordinates. As for you, the most problematic one, I sent you to another division right away. It looks like my hunch was correct. I will say it one more time, put down Rukia Kuchiki and move aside.


Renji: I refuse ! I told you to be quiet, Rukia ! I won't do it ! I'll never let her go, you bastard... !

Aizen: I see. How unfortunate.

Ichigo: Yo !

Your POV:

"Why are you kneeling down ? Is Rukia really that heavy ?"

Ichigo: We've come to help, Renji !

Renji: Guys... Sorry. You had to come and save-

Ichigo: What the... ?! You look pretty beat-up considering that you were only carrying Rukia around... Was the load THAT heavy for you to run away with ?

Renji: Ah ?! What are you implying ? Aren't you looking a little wobbly yourself ? Shouldn't you be wrapped up in a bed somewhere instead of coming here ?!

Ichigo: What ?! Is that what you have to say to the guy who just saved your ass ?

Renji: ARE YOU STUPID ?! I was going to thank you !! but then you...

Rukia: Guh... Gmmmuh...

"Oh hey Rukia. You okay ?"

Rukia: FOOL ! Were you trying to have me set a new record for holding my breath ?!! Pressing me against your chest with all your strength and chatting away, you nearly killed me, moron !!

Gin: Sorry. I was thinking about what to do and didn't notice them coming.

Aizen: Ah, that's okay. The difference between one or several specks of dust isn't something you can see with your eyes.

"So he's Aizen ?"

Renji: Yeah.

Ichigo: Do you still have enough energy to run away, Renji ?

Renji: I do, but I'm not running. I've got a plan. Zabimaru may be broken, I can still do something, so I'm going to fight ! I'm sure you know, too, but it's impossible to just run. I'm not saying we have to beat them, but... Unless we immobilize them somehow, they'll just drag us back here without breaking a sweat.

Ichigo: Heh... Fine then. Let's get this done, as a team !!!

Renji: I can only use this technique once, but if this hits, it will definitely create an opening. Captain Aizen is strong, so the opening may only last for a split second. You guys will have to move fast.

"Got it. Saisentan, Hogo Reiâmâ !!"(Cutting ray, protective ray armor)

Renji: 'This might hurt a bit, but.. Hang in there, Zabimaru.' let's go, Zabimaru... HIGA... ZEKKÔ !! (Baboon fang breach)

Ichigo: Our turn !! LET'S GO !!!

One finger... All he needed was One.Single.Finger to completely stop Ichigo's Bankai.

Aizen: Oh my ! I meant to completely cut off everything below the waist, but... was my swing to shallow ?

As for me, I was lucky enough to back away at the last moment, but even doing so, a large chunk of my armor was now laying on the ground, in a growing puddle of my own blood.

"H... How's that... How's that possible ?! Just like that, he..."

Aizen: You have an interesting ability, drifter. If it wasn't for that armor, you'd both be in the same state. But that's alright, I have something I want you to do anyways, so it's a good thing for you to stay alive for now.

Renji: Wait... He vani-

Renji: ... Damn... It...

'That guys... He's monstrous ! That armor can withstand Ichigo's Bankai easily, and yet... He cut through it like butter !'

Rukia: 'Ichigo... Renji... Y/n... My body... It won't move... !'

Aizen: Now, get up, Rukia Kuchiki. Ah... I see. Your whole body became limp because of my spiritual pressure ? Ok... Don't worry about it. It's just easier for me if you can walk on your own...

Ichigo: Haa... Haa... Haa... Haa...


Aizen: How pitiful. You're still conscious. You must really hate the fact that your strength doesn't match the level of your vitality. Though it would be best to stop that recklessness. Right now your spine is the only thing holding your body together. No matter how hard you try, there's no way to stand up without destroying your body. It's not a matter of spirit, it is physically impossible. Look on the bright side. You've been really helpful already, so now... Just lay there quietly until you pass out. Your mission, is over.

"... Mission... ?"

Aizen: Yes. All along, I knew you would come, and I knew the point of entry. I knew you would appear in the western Rukongai. Therefore, I dispatched regular patrols in the vicinity, so that the walls would be lowered immediately after you arrived. Then I sent the 3rd and 9th division to the inside of the wall, and sent Gin to keep you out. If you thought that there was a captain patrolling on the other side of the door, the only perceivable method of entry would be through Shiba Kûkaku's cannon. That would result in a dramatic entrance of invaders who survived a fight against a captain ! Therefore, all of the shinigami in the Seireitei would inevitably focus their entire attention on you.

Aizen: The actual invasion was truly phenomenal. Thanks to you, even when a captain was murdered, it didn't seem like that big of a deal in comparison. It was... Really easy to make our moves.

Ichigo: W... Wait... How... Did you know... That we would land on the western Rukongai ?

Aizen: That is an odd question, was there any other possibility ? Kisuke Urahara's referential location was in western Rukongai. So the only place his Senkaimon could take you was western Rukongai.

"What... ?"

Aizen: Why are you so surprised ? Aren't you his subordinates ? Didn't you come here to take back Rukia Kuchiki, because Urahara ordered you to ?

Ichigo: Wh... What the hell... ?

Aizen: I see... So you don't know anything. That's fine, since it's all over, I will tell you about it.

Aizen: Do you know about a shinigami's four basic forms of combat ? They are sword skills, hand-to-hand, shunpo and kidô. All of them are similar in that they each have a limit. No matter how much innate capability you have, you can never overcome the limitation of a shinigami's spiritual body. That is where the growth stops. Is there no way to break that boundary ? Is there no way to grow and surpass your innate limitation ?

Aizen: There is, but there is only one way. And that is... A shinigami-hollow hybrid.


Aizen: Hollow-shinigami, shinigami-hollow... When the boundary between hollow and shinigami is removed, you can create a new existence capable of achieving new heights. This concept has existed in theory for a long time. I focused on shinigami-hollows, and I had successfully created several hollows that were close to shinigami. Hollows that could hide their spiritual pressure, that could make a zanpakutô disappear, and even fuse with a shinigami...

Aizen: But all of them were trash, and not worthy of being called "new existences". Other researchers are bound by stupidity and morality, so no one has ever made any sort of achievement either. No one, except Kisuke Urahara. He created a substance that reacts beyond the conventional physics of Soul Society, and can instantly put down the barrier between hollow and shinigami. The name of that substance is "Hôgyoku".

Aizen: It is an extremely dangerous material. He probably thought so too, because he tried to destroy the hôgyoku. However, he could not find a way to destroy his own creation. So, in desperation, he did something else. That was, to put a barrier around the hôgyoku, and bury it within the depths of a person's soul. Figured it out yet ?

'No... He didn't...'

Aizen: The place he chose to hide it in, was you, Rukia Kuchiki.

Ichigo: Wh... What did you say... ?

Aizen: By the time I discovered this, you had already gone missing in the real world. I knew intuitively, that this was all Urahara's doing. A gigai is made up of high-density spiritual matter and is used to temporarily contain a recovering shinigami. Therefore, it is usually very easy for Soul Society to locate them, and yet they lost track of a shinigami after she entered a gigai... ? That should be impossible. However, he developed a type of substance that did not contain spiritual matter, and because he created an untraceable gigai using that special substance, he was sentenced into exile.

Aizen: There was another reason for his exile, that particular gigai caused the spiritual power of the shinigami inside it to deteriorate. So the shinigami that entered that gigai, could never recover their spiritual power. Their control over that gigai would become dull, and eventually... They would lose all of their spiritual power, and then change from a shinigami, into a normal human spirit.

Aizen: Don't you see ? He wasn't trying to help you. He was actually making you human, so that he could hide his hôgyoku forever.

Kisuke: Hello ? You look troubled.

Kisuke: Would you like to rent a gigai ?

Aizen: Fortunately, you were discovered a few months later. I immediately went to the 46-chambers and...

Komamura: AIZEN !!!

Aizen: I haven't seen that for a while. Your face, that is. Did you have a change of heart of some sort, Komamura ?

Komamura: How... Can you still laugh... Aizen ?!! For your lies and betrayal of all of us, I shall give you no mercy ! And you, Tôsen... ! Do you have anything to say for yourself ?!

Tôsen: ...

Komamura: Nothing... At all... ?! How disappointing... Tôsen ! BANKAI-

Komamura: 'Impossible ! Aizen is still... Standing next to Tôsen !'

Aizen: Black spell ninety... Kurohitsugi ! (Black sarcophagus)

'H-How... Even the other captains... Can't do anything to stop him ?'

Aizen: Kyôka Suigetsu's complete hypnosis is absolutely flawless. Even if the target is aware of it's ability, they cannot resist its influence.

Gin: You skipped the incantation for a spell at the 90th level. How terrifying. When did you become able to do that ?

Aizen: No, it failed. The power of that blast did not even reach one third of its full potential. Now then... My apologies, I was in the middle of talking to you, wasn't I ? So, Rukia Kuchiki, when I found you in the human world, the first thing is did, was to assassinate the entire 46 chambers.

Aizen: You've probably heard something like this from Isane: "Aizen Sosuke faked his death to move in secrecy, and then he murdered the 46 chambers". That was incorrect. I butchered the 46 chambers as soon as I found you, then I used Kyôka Suigetsu in the central underground conference room, to create the illusion of the 46 chambers holding a meeting, alive and well, so that even if someone intruded unexpectedly, they wouldn't notice anything wrong. However, without permission from someone on the inside, not even captains may enter the conference room. So the three of us took turns going inside the conference room, to play the role of the 46 chambers, and giving out orders to achieve our goals. To ensure your capture, I assigned the task of your retrieval to the two officers of the 6th division. To keep you from becoming a human, I ordered the immediate destruction of that gigai. And to completely evaporate your soul, so I could retrieve the hôgyoku inside you, I decided, to execute you by using the Sôkyoku.

Aizen: the only times that we left the conference room unguarded, were the few hours before and after each of the two captains' meetings. I have been in the conference ever since I feigned my death, because of the possibility of your group causing the execution to fail. There are two ways to extract a foreign object implanted into a spiritual body. One can either use an intensively heated and highly destructive force, like the Sôkyoku, to evaporate the outer shell of the spirit, or use some sort of special procedure that causes the spiritual body's structure to break down and thus create an opening. If the Sôkyoku plan failed, I'd have to find another way.

Aizen: That's when I heard some pleasant news. I was simply reading captain Kuchiki's report from when they went to retrieve Rukia from earth. According to what was written in that report, one of the enemies they fought back there, possessed an energy similar to a shinigami and a hollow, despite claiming being human, and could completely erase a zanpakutô like nothing.

Aizen: You understand what I'm saying, right ? Drifter from another world... I've kept an eye on you since then, analyzed your abilities quite a bit.

"... So what ? You really expect me to do this for you or something ?"

Aizen: Oh no no no, certainly not. Not out of free will, at least... But if you're truly not intending on not doing it, I suppose I have no choice...

In the blink of an eye, he has my throat in his grasp, effortlessly crushing my armor and lifting me off the ground with one hand.

Aizen: I suppose we'll have to do this the rough way. That power of yours, you will tell me what to do to acquire and use it, so I can extract the hôgyoku myself. How does that sound ?

"Heh... Hehehe... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... !! Funny... This sounds funny as hell. The level of cautiousness you prepared that plan with clearly only match your own stupidity."

Aizen: Oh, really ?

"'The more carefully you scheme, the most unexpected events come along.' I can't remember where or when I heard that, but it describe that situation quite well. My power, that you seek so much, is not something that can be achieved by training, and becoming a hybrid won't help you. This power... You're either born with it, or... or nothing. You've wasted your time, retard."

Aizen: Is that so ? Well, if I can't get what I want, I suppose you aren't of any use for me anymore. Now let go of my arm, drifter.

"No... No, I don't think I will... If you discovered my ability from those guys' report, then I guess you're not aware of the full extent of my powers."

Ichigo: 'Wait... He's not...' Don't do that Y/n !! You'll know what will happen !!

"I have no choice, it's the only way... He's too dangerous to be kept alive, even if it ends up killing myself, I'll still do it ! Maximal power... [DARKER VOID] !!!

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