Chapter 60: Hueco Mundo, NOT welcome...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Urahara: ... Welcome. I was thinking it was about time you showed up. Kurosaki.

Ichigo: Why did you think that ?

Urahara: Didn't Y/n tell you about where he was going ? He has already guessed that I might know "The way to Hueco Mundo". Well, the preparations have been made already.

Urahara: I feared that Aizen may be gunning for Inoue's abilities, so I tried to take her out of the battle. But it was too late. Taking her feelings into consideration and not removing her sooner was my mistake. That's why I intend to do everything I can to help.

Ichigo: ... Is that okay ? You'll be disobeying Soul Society's orders.

Urahara: Disobeying Soul Society's orders, is the reason of my presence here.

Ishida: That's a pretty long face, Kurosaki !

Ichigo: Ishida... Why... Are you here... ?

Chad: It's obvious, isn't it ? To go to Hueco Mundo, Ichigo.

Ichigo: Chad...

Chad: We heard everything from Y/n, and we're going too.

Ichigo: ... You can't. I appreciate the sentiment, but... Chad, Ishida, with your power...

Chad: Ichigo !

Chad: Even after that, is my power still not enough... ? Ichigo. Believe in us, don't carry the burden by yourself. That's what friends are for...

Urahara: Well, well, are you all prepared ?

Ichigo: Almost, Y/n's still not here...

Urahara: Well, actually...

Ishida: He's already gone.

Ichigo: What ?!

Urahara: he made me open the gate the second he got here once it was finished, to, and I quote "Go for a walk." It's been nearly an hour now. So, once again, are you ready to go ?

Urahara: In my right hand I hold the stone that connects the border of worlds. In my left hand I hold the blade that binds existence. The black-haired shepherd, the seat of the nose. A bank of clouds comes, striking us and the crested ibis.

Urahara: This is the hole the arrancar use to come and go. It is known as "Garganta". There's no path inside, just a turbulent flow of spiritual energies swirling around. Make a foothold from those and use it to move forward, if you head towards the darkness you should arrive in Hueco Mundo.

Ichigo: Understood. Urahara, will you, take care of my family ? I want you to tell them good things so that they don't worry about me.

Urahara: Alright. And your friends ?

Ichigo: I'll apologize to them when I get back.

Urahara: Understood.

Ichigo: ... Let's go !

Aizen: Welcome. To our castle, of "Las Noches". You are Orihime Inoue, correct ?

Orihime: Y- yes sir...

Aizen: Sorry to be so forward, Orihime, but would you show us your power ? It seems as though there are some who are not happy with you being brought here. isn't that right ? Luppi ?

Luppi: ... Of course it is... Our entire fight was just a smokescreen designed to lure out that one girl... Who would be happy with that... ?

Aizen: My apologies. I did not expect you to get so severely beaten. Now then, that's right. Orihime, in order to directly demonstrate your power... Please heal Grimmjow's left arm.

Luppi: Ridiculous ! That's impossible, lord Aizen ! His arm was reduced to ashes by officer Tôsen ! How can you heal something that doesn't exist anymore ?! She is not a god !!

Orihime: ... Sôten Kishun... I reject...

Luppi: Hey ! Are you listening, girl ?! If this is some show to save your ass you'd better knock it off !! if you can't do it I'll kill you !! if that power of yours is fake, then there will be no reason to... Keep you... Alive...

Luppi: ... What... ! How... How did... She restore... I've never heard of anything at that level... How did you do it, woman... ?!

Aizen: Do you not understand ? Ulquiorra, you saw this as "Temporal regression" or "Spatial restoration", right ?

Ulquiorra: That is correct, sir.

Luppi: No way... no human could possess such an ability... It can't be...

Aizen: Correct. But this is neither of those. This is, "the rejection of reality".

Luppi: Wha...

Aizen: Her ability is to limit, reject, and negate any kind of event that has happened to her target. It is an ability that can return a target to a former state no matter what has happened to them. That is even greater than "temporal regression" or "spatial restoration". It easily tramples the horizon of events that God has decided. It is a power, that trespasses into God's territory.

Grimmjow: ... Hey girl. You forgot to fix one spot.

Luppi: What are you planning ? Grimmjow...

Grimmjow: Can't you tell ?

Luppi: Gri.. Mm... Grimmjow.. You son of a...

Grimmjow: That's how it goes. Later, Former Mister 6.


Your POV:

Ichigo: I think I can see the end ! This is it, we've finally arrived at-

Ruins. Everywhere. No matter where they looked, there was only piles and piles of rubble, an entire area scorched to the ground by some fierce battle...

"You guys, are late."

Ichigo: Y/n ? Did you do all of that ?

"Correct. Although I was just planning on calmly waiting for you to show up, these guys suddenly attacked me. I suppose they were some sort of guardians here. But now that you're finally here, shall we move on ?"

Ichigo: So this is... The Hueco Mundo ?

"There's nothing here, and it's pure white..."

Chad: There's some plants, but they're all withered.

Ishida: No... They're made of a quartz-like substance...

"Hey... I think I found where to go next..."

Ichigo: How come ?


"Some sort of gut-feeling..."

Ishida: A castle... or a palace ?

Ichigo: It's frickin' huge... Look, those quartz trees are like needles...

Chad: The sense of distance seems weird... The real thing is probably even bigger...

"Well, at least, now we can't possibly get lost... It's a safe bet that Orihime is somewhere inside there."

Ishida: probably. There doesn't seem to be anywhere else they could hide her.

Ichigo: Let's run. Because if we take it slow, we might get into another fight.

Chad: Hmm...

Zommari: Seems like intruders... I heard underground path 22 has been entirely destroyed.

Baraggan: 22 ?! They've broken in pretty far away already !

Szayelaporro: Geez... You know, it would've been interesting if they had just burst right into the throne room.

Nnoitra: Hyaaaaaa !! This is great !!

Starrk: Put a sock in it... i'm tired, so quit it with the loud voices...

Aizen: Greetings, ladies and gentlemen of the Espada. We are under attack. But first, shall we have some tea ?

Aizen: Has the tea made its way around to everyone ? Now then, please listen while you drink. Kaname, visual, please.

Tôsen: Yes sir.


Aizen: There are four intruders. Uryû Ishida, Yasutora Sado, Ichigo Kurosaki, and Y/n L/n.

Aaroniero: These... Are our enemies ?

Baraggan: What the ? When you said we were under attack, I wondered what kind of people they were, but they're just kids !

Szayelaporro: They're not the least bit arousing.

Yammy: ... Ch.

Aizen: Do not take them lightly. These are the humans formerly known as "drifters" who, with just five people, marched into Soul Society and challenged the Gotei 13 to battle.

Zommari: Five people... They're short one. Who's missing ?

Ulquiorra: Orihime Inoue.

Nnoitra: That means they came to save their friend, right ? That's great, but they look so weak.

Harribel: Did you not hear lord Aizen ? I believe he said not to take them lightly.

Nnoitra: That's not what I meant, don't get testy. You scared or something ?

Tôsen: Grimmjow... Where are you doing ?

Grimmjow: To kill them. It's best to crush insects quickly once they've gotten inside, right ?

Tôsen: Lord Aizen has not given any orders yet. Go back.

Grimmjow: It's all on his behalf, that I'm going to crush them !

Aizen: Grimmjow.

Grimmjow: ... Yes, sir ?

Aizen: I'm pleased that you would mobilize on my behalf, but I'm still in the middle of talking. For now, would you please return to your seat ?

Aizen: ... What's wrong ? I can't hear you, Grimmjow Jaggerjack.

Aizen: I see. It seems you understood me. Now, my dear Espada. As you can see, there are 4 enemies. Underestimating them would be foolish, but there is no need to make a fuss, either. Each of you return to your quarters and behave normally. Do not be haughty, do not get impatient, just sit and wait for the enemy. Do not fear. Even if something should happen, as long as you walk with me, there will be no enemies in our way. Even though, there is something you must be aware of...

Ichigo: ZUAHHHHH !! Huff... Huff... Huff...

"Man, we've been running for hours now, but it doesn't feel like we're getting any closer..."

Ichigo: Is that palace really even there... ? It's not mirage or something, is it... ?

Ishida; It's not a mirage, there's no way we could see one here. Shall I explain the theory behind mirage so that's it's easy to understand ? To begin with, a mirage is-

Ichigo: NO, THANK YOU !!

"... I wonder if Aizen managed to build that castle from scratch in just two months, or if it was already there..."

Ichigo: You ask yourself too many questions... I'm going on ahead, let's go guys.



"A... Another human ?"

Ishida: It can't be... Human other than us ? There's no way...

Ichigo: We'll think about it later !! Let's save them !!

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