Chapter 61: The great desert brothers

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

'Human': Haa... Haa... Haa... Haa...

Arrancars: BAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!/ Shushushushushushushushushu !!/BOHOHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!

Arrancar 2: BIG BROTHER !! Ah ?

"Sunlight yellow..."

Arrancars: NOOOOOOOOO !!

Arrancar 2: AH !! Ow ow ! The tip !! The tip is hitting me !!!

'Human': St- Stop ! Please stop !! What did we do to you guys ?!! Quit bullying us !!

Ichigo: A mask... Are you... A hollow ?

Nel: We are reeeaally sorry ! I mean it !! We never thought that this endless chase play would create such a misunderstanding... It's no fun here in Hueco Mundo !

Ishida: 'Endless chase play... ?'

"A game ? But you were crying, weren't you ?"

Nel: Yes ! I'm an extreme masochist, so it's no fun unless they chase me 'till I cry a little.

Ichigo: What are you teaching this kid ?!

Dondochakka: NEL ! Help me !!

Ishida: Nel ? Is that your name ?

Nel: Yes ! I am Arrancar Nel Tu !

"... Arrancar..."

Pesche: I'm Pesche, Nel's big brother.

Dondochakka: And I'm his big brother, Dondochakka.

Nel: And the big one behind us is our pet Bawabawa !!

Ichigo: Wait, timeout... Arrancars have pets and siblings ?

Nel: How rude ! Of course we do !

Dondochakka: We ran into each other by chance, and she was so cute I decided to become her older brother.

Pesche: Me too !

Nel: Hehehe...

Ichigo: That really doesn't make you siblings.

Nel: T- Then what are we... ?!

Ichigo: Uh... My bad... Whatever you guys want !

"But... Are you guys really arrancars ?"

Nel: What are you saying ? Can't you see my finely cracked mask ?

"It's just, you guys looks nothing like the arrancars that attacked the human world..."

Nel: Ah ! They were the Numeros ! The true fighting experts, they're as different from us garbage bugs as heaven and Earth !

Ichigo: Garbage bugs... ?

Nel: But if you're going to say that... You guys look even less like arrancars ! You have no mask... And you are wearing a black robe... It's as if... You're a shini-... ... ... ... ... ... Uh... What are you guys exactly ?

Ichigo: Ichigo Kurosaki, shinigami substitute.

Ishida: Uryû Ishida, I am a quincy.

Chad: Yasutora Sado, human.

"Y/n L/n, Stand user."


Ichigo: You didn't know ?

Nel: I thought it was weird !! A normal arrancar would never say they want to go to Las Noches ! We'll be killed !!

Ichigo: We won't kill you.

"... ... ..."

Ichigo: I said no.

???: No, you won't be killed by a mere shinigami... I'll be the one to kill you painfully !! The guard of white sand, Lunuganga !!

"Is that some sort of Gillian ? It looks like one."

Lunuganga: I just received a message from Las Noches that intruders have entered. To think, you garbage bugs are connected to the intruders... You won't be forgiven !! I'll turn you all into desert sand !

Nel: No, um, that's not it ! We really-

Ichigo: Move. Getsuga... TENSHÔ !!

Ichigo: There.

"And you call ME the violent one..."

Pesche: AAAAAAAH !!

Dondochakka: No warning ! A surprise attack !! Cheating !!

Nel: Bad guys !!

Ichigo: Shut up, I saved you. Besides, when you attack from the front, it's not a surprise attack...

Lunuganga: No regret... Intruder ? You, will not be forgiven !!!

Ichigo: What is that thing ?!

Nel: It's obvious. Lord Lunuganga is the sand.

"You're being targeted too, why are you so easygoing about that ?"

Ichigo: The same applies to you !! Damn !! Isn't there anything we can do ?! Guys !!

Ishida: Not possible, an arrow will just put a hole in it...

Chad: Against sand ? I don't think it's possible, want me to try ?

"Maybe I can vitrify him with my attacks..."

Ichigo: Let's run away ! We gotta think of something ! Let's get away from him first !

Nel: Bawa ! Go Bawa !!

Lunuganga: I'm... Not... Letting you... GET AWAY !!

Ichigo: Nel ! Doesn't he have some kind of weakness ?!

Nel: I can't tell bad guys !!

"You're about to be swallowed too. I don't think you got a choice !"

Nel: Water !! It's water !!

Ichigo: Water ?! In a desert ?! Where the hell would we find that ?

Rukia: Next dance... Hakuren (White Ripple)

Messenger: Reporting in ! Renji Abarai, vice-captain of the 6th division, and Rukia Kuchiki, officer of the 13th division, appear to have disappeared from their squad's headquarters ! Currently, the second division of the secret mobile corps and the patrol division, are expanding the sphere of their search to include all of Seireitei !

Yamamoto: ... Damn kids...

Ichigo: Rukia... Renji... !

"And right in the neck of time, as that."

Nel: Ah ! Where are you going, Ichigo ?! AH ?! Mo... More shinigami ! More bad guys !!!

Ishida: ... You're a little slow, aren't you...

Ichigo: Rukia ! Renji ! You guys...


Ichigo: OOF !!!

Renji: Tag in.


Ichigo: BUAH !!

"You alright there, Ichigo ?

Rukia: FOOL !!! Why did you enter Hueco Mundo ON YOUR OWN ?! Why didn't you wait for us to return ?!

Ichigo: ... But you left like that, I didn't know if you were gonna come back or...

Rukia: Of course I was going to come back !! BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY !! BOTH RENJI, AND I, PLANNED THAT FROM THE START ! Why... Why didn't you wait for it... ?! Why didn't you... Have faith in us... ?! We are your allies, aren't we, Ichigo ?!

Ichigo: ... Yeah... You're right.

Rukia: Hmph. It's good that you know that. Do not make me confirm such a foolish thing, ever again !

"Hey, now that I think about it, what's up with the cloaks, where did you get them ?"

Rukia: These... We were told to take these to protect us from the dust clouds...

"That answer the first question, what about the second ?"

Rukia: Well... It was... My brother. He gave them to us.

Ichigo: B... B... But then... Then the one who sent you to Hueco Mundo was Byakuya... ?!

Renji: Well, the one who opened the garganta was Urahara, but we were able to come to the human world thanks to the captain.

Rukia: Brother said, "the only orders I received were to bring you back. I did not receive any orders regarding what to do with you after that, so do as you wish."

"I guess Byakuya has mellowed quite a bit after all."

Rukia: He also said "I feel bad enough for the arrancars, having to deal with that Ichigo brat wandering around by himself."

"Nevermind, that's Byakuya alright."

Ichigo: 'Bastard...'

Rukia: Anyways... Just what the hell are these guys ?

Nel: Wha wha... Saying "What the hell" is rude, you know ! NEL TU !!

Dondochakka: DONDOCHAKKA !!

Pesche: PESCHE GUATICHE !! Together, we are...


Ichigo: You're not together at all.

Nel: Wh... When we talked about it we chose "The mysterious Neldonpe", didn't we ?!

Pesche: I said I'd only agree to "The great desert brothers" !!

Dondochakka: And I definitely want to have the word "siblings" in it !!

"Well... As you can see, they're all hollows."

Rukia: See what ?


Nel: Aww ! Bawabawa is crying !!

Dondochakka: It's OK, Bawabawa !! We haven't forgotten you !!

Pesche: Ooookay ! Add in Bawabawa and we are...


Ichigo: Just shut up and forget it, you guys.

Ulquiorra: How unexpected. You're looking rather good.

Orihime: Whaa ! H... How long have you been there ?!

Ulquiorra: Just now. Don't make such a fuss about ever little thing, it's annoying. I have some news. Your allies, have broken into Hueco Mundo.

Orihime: ... Why...

Ishida: Well, we're here, huh...

Nel: Good job, Bawabawa !! You did so well !!

Rukia: But what are we gonna do about this wall ? It doesn't seem to be made of Sekkiseki...

Ichigo: If it's not Sekkiseki, then that means we can do this with force ! Let's go, guys !

Renji: You're not running the show here, moron !

"Both of you shut up, and get to work."

Ulquiorra: You ask why ? In order to rescue you, of course. For them, there is no other reason than that.

Orihime: They came... To rescue me...

Ulquiorra: Indeed. But for you, that should no longer hold any meaning. For in both mind and body you are already one of us. That's what you wearing those clothes means, Orihime Inoue.

Orihime: ... yes sir.

Ulquiorra: Say it. For just what purpose, do your mind and body exist ?

Orihime: ... Yes sir. They exist for lord Aizen, and for his will.

"Think this is enough ?"

Renji: Seems like it. There's wind coming through.

Nel: Wha... What the hell are you doing ?!! if you needed to enter, there's a gate about 3 days walk from here !!

Ichigo: You dumbass. This isn't a friend's house. We can't just walk in through the front door.

"And we don't have 3 days to waste either."

Ichigo: Nel, thanks. For bringing us this far. If you involve yourselves with us any more than you already have, you'll be considered traitors. This is goodbye. Later !

Nel: W... Wait ! Nel and her brothers were already traitors the moment lord Lunuganga spotted us ! No, maybe since long before that , lord Aizen might have foreseen it !! Lord Aizen is the type of person who would never forgive that !! And even if he did, the Espada wouldn't !! If you doesn't take us, we're just gonna get killed here !! If you doesn't take us... If you doesn't... Uu... I'll cry !! UWAAAAAAAAHHHH !! I... Ichigo is a dumbass !! He's a baldyyyy !! Shithead !!

Ichigo: I get it ! I get it so stop crying !!

Nel: Limp dick !!


Rukia: What are you shouting ?

"Don't bother, it's Ichigo-ish."

Nel: Viiiiirgiiiin !!!


"Man this is a thick wall, how long will it take us..."

Ichigo: And it's dark so we can't see anything...

Renji: Hm... No choice then, leave this to me !

Ichigo: What the ? You have something up your sleeve ?

Renji: Shut up and watch ! If you tweak it a bit, Kidô can be used for things like this too. 31th technique of the Hadô, Shakabô ! (Red Fireball)

Ishida: heh. That's a pretty small light. I didn't know you had such sharp eyes.

Rukia: Fool ! You know you're bad at Kidô yet you still try to be cool by skipping the chant !

Ichigo: Don't worry, we can follow the brightness of your red hair. You know how it goes, Rudolph with his nose so bright-

Renji: Put a sock on it !!!

"Well, I guess it can't be helped then. Hogo Reiâmâ !"

Ishida: It seems that we've made it through.

Chad: And of course this place is dark too...

Renji: ... ... ...

"A crossroad..."

Renji: What a pain in the ass spot to end up in...

Ichigo: Nel... It seems that this place is going to be goodbye for real. The reiatsu up ahead, seems to be of a heaviness that you won't be able to handle.

Chad; There are 6 paths...

Ishida: Are we going to have to try them one by one starting from the end ?

Rukia: No. We'll each take 1 path, at the same time.


Ichigo: What're you saying ?! Our opponents are the Espada ! It's obviously better for us to all go together !! They won't necessarily come at us one at a time ! If we get spread out...

Renji: Knock it off. Showing concern for a warrior's life on the battlefield, is an insult to that warrior.

Rukia: All go together ? It sounds like you're saying that because you're worried about me. But that's not like you, Ichigo. I told you, to not worry about me. I didn't come here so that I could be protected by you !

Ichigo: *Sigh* Understood, we'll each take a different path.

"What are we waiting for then ?"

Renji: Alright ! Now let's do a little chant before we go !

Ichigo: A chant ?

Renji: Yeah. You do it before a decisive battle, it's almost like a tradition in the Gotei 13. Lately it's gone out of style and almost no one does it, but I thought it's something that would be done at a time like this. Now put your hand in ! And don't give me me this look ! I think it's lame too !!

Renji: WE ! At this moment, head into the decisive battle ! Have faith, that our blades will not shatter ! Have faith, that our hearts will not waver ! And even if our paths should diverge, we shall share a heart of iron !! Swear, that even if the ground beneath us should be rent asunder, WE WILL LIVE, AND RETURN TO THIS PLACE AGAIN !!!

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