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Hey guys.

Asallaam u Alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarkatuh 😉😉

I have changed my character Zayn

Malik as Syed Rehaan

Ayaan's POV.

V reached our apartment around 7pm. It was tym for Magrib. So v (Rehaan, Ayaan and Hashim) prayed aur Salah which was
Ma Sha Allah leaded by Rehaan bhai.

After praying our Salah, v decided to eat but v were so tired to go to hotel. So v decided to order food through Swiggy 😉😉.

Hashim bhai placed order. Within an hour our food reached home. It was so Yummy. Allhumdullilah
It has to be yummy because he ordered "Chicken Tikka Biryani". Which I really missed 😿😿.

After that V chatted little about business with smoking Vape with coke. (Aadat sai majboor. Don't worry In Sha Allah jaldi chod dunga. Inni minni promise🤞🤞)

After that V gathered in Rehaan bhai room. I laid myself on edge of Rehaan bhia's bed. Rehaan bhai with his laptop sitting with his legs folded on other side of bed. Hashim bhai sitting on chair with his phone.

V were busy in our own business. As I was having nothing to do so, I thaught to have some fun with my Mistress. As I was having her number 😅😅 which I took without her permission 😎.

Asallaam u Alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarkatuh


I was waiting for her text to come. Within a minute she came online.

Ohh Allhumdullilah she's an active person on whatsapp 😥.

Walaikum Asallaam Warahmatullahi wabarkatuh.
May I know, who's this??

First I thought to reveal my name to her. But, she has already given me a weird name 😒😒 so I thought it will give a quick click in her mind.
Who m I?

Your JERK ❤❤❤

I knew it, she will understand quickly😂😂.

How did u got my no??

Ohhh!!! I got new name in my name list 😂😂😂😂. Hope She doesn't add more 😅😅

I was enjoying her. I was so much having fun with this weird girl.
It's fun to annoy her 😂😂😂.

😂 Chill....Chill girl.
U r so hot like 🌶🌶🌶

Ans, my que first. 😠😠.

😂😂 I was smiling from ear to ear with this msgs.

Let me remind her about the number.

Your memory is low I think.
Remember, u dropped your
phone at airport.....

How can u do that.
Don't you have some shame?

Ohhh... So she's getting angry now.🙄🙄. This girl really have a bad temper.

What's wrong in sending a
msg to a girl??

It's haram to talk to
Non- Mehram.

I think she has never talk to Non- Mehram before. I guess, I m the First..🤔🤔

I think, I m the First non-mehram
to whom u r talking with???

There was no text from her. On my screen it was showing she's online. But she was not replying. Ohhh!! ALLAH I got her.. 🙄🙄🙄

So it's her 1st tym. I see.... Now I was more falling for her

That's Y, I like to talk to U...

Plz it's a request. Plz don't
send me any text. I don't

This girl is really weird...

What's wrong?
Y, r u so afraid. Hugh ??

Your world and my world is
different, so don't thik of me ok.

It's is true that mine and her world are different. But, what to do with this heart ❤❤❤. Dil hai k manta nahi 🙄.
(This mischievous heart doesn't listen to me)

Then let me in...

I was waiting for her text. She went offline. I was very curious to talk with her more. More I waited but, still she didn't saw my text.

Com'on girl, r u trying me. 🙄

I cannot wait futher. So I gave her a call.

"The number your trying to speak to, is unreachable at the moment. Plz try again later".

Damnnn. She blocked my number. 😬

Whom she's trying to get rid off. Girl u shouldn't have cross your limits. 😏😏

I took my laptop which was kept on table and sat on side of the bed. I started working on my laptop and hacked her mobile. Within a minute I unblocked myself from her mobile.

Done😉😉. I shut down my laptop and kept aside. Again I was back with her on Whatsapp.

C girl, don't take me easy.
Block how many times you want .
U won't be easily get rid of me .
Btw, Y did u blocked me???

Bcoz, u r sending creepy msgs.
Which I hate. Don't send me this msgs again.

Ok, fine.
I won't, but
What happened again should
not happen again.

What do u mean ??

Ufff!!!! This girl 😧😧😧. How much i have to explain her...

Today on airport u were
in my arms.

So What??

So, u should watch when u walk.

To tell the truth, In future I don't wanted her to fall in any other man's arm. I cannot be always there with her side, till then Allah will protect her from my side. I will protect her when she will be properly mine. By the time I have to have SABR (patience).
In sha Allah, she will soon be mine.

Same 4 u.
If u have some respect for me,
can u stop texting me.

Ok, fine I will drop..
Jazak Allah hu khairan
for chatting with me,
even though I m hard to deal
with 😉😉😉.

Here, I stopped irritating my girl. I don't want her to get more scared now. The chats were quite enough for me to understand about her tough life.

I know, my heart won't let her go. Though it is not easy for me.There's no space for others except her. But, I won't give up.In Sha Allah.


Hashim POV.

This brothers (Rehaan and Ayaan) were busy in their own world. So I thaught to have some fun with my world (Alina).

Who has guts to turn my world 🙄🙄 from North to South. East to west.

This girl of mine is very Sassy. From afternoon I m thinking of the incident. The way she snatched that guy hair and smashed inside the cake 😂😂😂. I never ever in my life have seen this incident before. Awesome incident ever.

I was missing her so much so I thaught to chat with her. I took my phone, with my connections I told my man to find a number of my girl.

Within 5 minutes, I got her number. First I thaught to call, then it would be very direct. So, I thaught to chat on whatsapp.

Asallaam u Alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarkatuh.
(How r U?)

I saw she was online and within a fraction of second, she saw my msg. And started typing....

Walaikum Asallaam Warahmatullahi wabarkatuh.
(I m fine)

Aap kaun?
( who r u)

I knew she would ask this Que.
Girls ask so many questions. Ufff!!! 😥

Your saviour or helper 😉.

Mr. Khan 😲

Ufff.... Y she's calling Mr. Khan. I don't want her to treat me formally. She should call me by my name.

Too... much respect I don't like. It does not suit me.

Hey, don't call me Mr. Khan .
Call me Hashim. Ok 😊
Mr. Khan is too formal .

Sorry, I m not going to call U,
Mr. Khan nor Hashim
Ur 6 years elder to me so.

That word BROTHER hit me so badly at core of my heart. I choked my saliva and started coughing.

Damn. This girl know how to play tricks on boys. She showed me place from I belong. I m happy with
Mr. Khan.

What??? 😲😲
Hey it's fine with Mr. Khan.

Lol 😂😂😂
Btw, where did u get my no?
And Y r u texting me ??

Because, I was worried. U were alone fighting with them. What if those bastard would have done something to u. Allhumdullilah, nothing happened to u. Allah send me to save u at right time. Hope, u can understand my feelings dear. 😔😔

Just wanted to know that,
U didn't got hurt right ??
While u were fighting with
those guys. I mean u r fine right.

Yeah, I m absolutely fine.
U don't need to worry about me.
Hope u r done with que's.
Don't need to text me again.
I don't like to talk to guys.

It felt little bad the way she said not to worry about her.

Girl, let me tell u. U r the one with whom my mind got stuck. And even I don't know from where this stupid feeling came from that I have started caring about U.

Stupid Girl. Y don't u understand , that my heart has started falling for u.
Hope u won't make difficult for me to enter in your world.

Ohh... I think i did a mistake
to care about u .
Miss. Syed Alina.
My apologise.
Allah Hafiz.

After bidding her Allah hafiz. I bang my phone on the table in anger. And then I noticed Ayaan trying hard to peep inside Rehaan's Laptop.
And Rehaan, his eyes were stuck on laptop screen.

I went to Ayaan, tap his arm with my palm and ask him what he's trying to C in Rehaan's Laptop.

He (Ayaan) gestured his eyes from me to Rehaan and kept his index finger on his lip. Asking me to be silent.

I was now more curious to know what Rehaan was staring on his laptop screen.

After few second of silent, Ayaan grabbed Rehaan laptop from him.
He kept Rehaan's Laptop on his lap.

When I looked at the screen which made me smile sheepishly. And then I looked at Rehaan who was rubbing his back side of neck and a smile on his face.

Looking at him a pray came from my heart. Allah plz bring this two together. And never ever separate them in this world and there after. Ameen 😊😊


Rehaan POV.

I was sitting with my laptop with my legs folded. I was missing her so much. After her accident, Allhumdullilah she got saved, but I didn't even asked her, how she is?

My eyes were pleading to see her. But I cannot and nor even I can call her.

Though I cannot see her in real but I can see her pic. I opened my laptop and her pic came on desktop.

I was having this picture of her's. This picture is of, when she came to attend my Business party.

Her eyes are so pretty
That I have become their lover,
Let me be in your eyes forever.

Every moment my heart says,
'You are it's only wish'
Every moment my lips plead me,
To talk about you only,
Your talks are so beautiful
That whenever I recall your words
They smell like blossoms

I wish to hide u somewhere such that,
no one can touch your shadow even
I wish to live with you at a place where,no one else will live, except me.

Allah, plz give me some space in her heart. I will adjust myself anywhere in the corner of her heart.

I was so messed up with her and my thoughts that I didn't realize when Ayaan grabbed my laptop.

"Hey, return my laptop Ayaan".

He didn't listen to me and kept my laptop on his lap and after looking at her picture he said,
"Ma Sha Allah, her eyes are adorable".

I was smiling in shy and then I rubbed my back side of my neck.

Ayaan started with his questions.
"Hey bro, who's she?? What's her name and when did u met her first??

Hashim answered first two question.
"She's is your so called Bhabi
(sister- in-law) . And her name is
"Syed Sara".

Recalling the first day, I met her.
"It was a meeting with her. It was wonderful to see her adorable eyes.
Until that day, who was just part of my thoughts. I was astonished to see her in person". I said with a deep thought in my mind and remembering our first eye contact.

After that Hashim started telling Ayaan each and everything about me and Sara in detail.

I started recollecting memories with Sara and started following the track of Hashim.

I went in deep thought and did not realize, when I went in dreams with Sara. My chain of dreams broke when I fell down from bed and my alarm was non - stop buzzing.

Yeah, it was morning, the next beautiful day. Allhumdullilah. I looked at Hashim whose both legs are on Ayaan back and Ayaan was sleeping on his stomach. My alarm did not even affected them.

I went in my bathroom filled a bucket of water and add some ice into it. They were sleeping shirtless. I spilled the icy water on their naked body.

Hashim woke up in shock and started screaming "Tsunami!!! Tsunami!!!"
And Ayyan fell down from the bed in shock. Good Ayaan was silent. But Hashim stupid, was continuosly shouting "Tsunami!! Tsunami!!".

Damn this guy will scare whole building residents and the cops will be there on my door within an hour. For this fake Tsunami.

I jumped on my bed and took a pillow and covered his face with it.

" Shut up, Hashim there is no Tsunami". I assured him and he kicked me on my stomach.

I rolled myself on bed in pain. After they both were completely awake. V prayed aur missed Fajr Salah. And then left for office.

On aur way to office, V prayed Zohar Salah in Mosque and had lunch in one of muslim hotel.

Yeah, v woke up around 12pm. And it took 1 hour for us to get ready for office.
Plz don't ask, how it took 1 hour to get ready. V r guys and don't expect us to be punctual.

I reached my office at 3pm and then left to attend the meeting with my Board of Directors. In middle of the meeting, I started getting continuous calls. I didn't receive any of the call. But when I got message from the same number. My eyes got widen and my heart was saying me to leave.
After apologizing to every Director, I left the meeting in the middle.

I can hear Hashim shouting in concern from behind,
" Hey Rehaan wait, where are u going"??

"I don't have time to explain, I will call u. Don't worry". I shouted at him and then pressed the button for elevator.

I called my driver and told him to ready my car fast.

The elevator door got opened. I saw Ayaan in it. He came out and I got inside the elevator.

"Hey, bro. Where?? Ayaan asked

" Later". I said. As the doors of elevator was closing I waved them bye.

I reached the destination where i was called. I mumble under my breath
"Allhumdullilah, I reached on time".

Asallaam u Alaikum Warahmatullahi

How r u guys?? It's been a long time since V have met.

Sorry. Hope you guys didn't forget the story. Because I have updated after a long time.

Hope u guys enjoy reading and don't forget to comment and vote.

Jazak Allah hu khairan. 🤗🤗

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