Life in Danger😨😨

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Sara POV

I prayed my Zohar Salah. And even prayed 2 raqat Nafeel Salah as I was leaving today for Dubai. I was very nervous and even excited that I was going to marvellous Arab country

"Sara it's time".  Sana was shouting from leaving room. Asking me to join for lunch. 

"Coming ". I screamed from my room. Doubt my voice went to her.

Before going down in leaving room. I checked the msg on my whatsapp from Priyanka.

Priyanka : Sara, aur flight is at 5 pm. Reach at 2 pm on airport. Because it will take time for us to check in. I will give you, your passport and visa when I will meet u on airport. C U soon 😊😊

Me : Yeah don't worry. I will be on time. 😊.

I went downstairs for lunch. Everyone was already seated on dining table. I went and sat in middle of Sana and Alina. We silently had aur lunch.

I was ready to leave. I was wearing a  bkack Abaya and black hijab, a vail covering my face. My bag was already got inside the car trunk.

My mother with my aunts and grand mother suddenly started crying looking at me. The men in my house started making weird faces looking at the ladies. I knew this was going to happen. 😓😓😓.

"Sara, before the plane departs, don't forget to recite "Ayatul Kursi". My grand mom suggested.


"Sara, take care of yourself. Don't forget to eat your meals. Pray your Salah on time. When u will reach Dubai, don't forget to call. Give your updates 3 times in a day. I will call u. Don't miss my calls. Keep your belongings safe". My mom was continuosly talking. And I was just nodding my head in "YES".

"Enough, she will going to miss her flight. If u ladies won't leave her." My grandfather shouted.

"Yeah, u guys are doing too much. Don't worry she's not leaving for her in - laws place. She's is going Dubai for 3 days". Alina commented in Attitude.

I wiped my tears. I hugged each ladies of my house. They gave me hug and kissed on my forehead. I sat in car and waved them bye.

I reached airport before time. I and my grand Father with my father and uncles was waiting for priyanka.

Yeah, all the men of my house was there with me on airport.

"Sara". I heard a lady voice from behind. I turned and saw Priyanka coming towards me with her bag in her hand.

" Sorry, for being late. Hope i didn't made u wait for long". She said

Though she was 1/2 hour late. I still didn't mind. And shook my head and said "No, it's fine". 😊

"So, Mr. Syed Hussain (Sara grandfather) shall we leave now? We  both are getting late". Priyanka asked my grandfather's permission.

"Yes, you both should leave. Do take care of her. If there will be any problem, call me". My grand Father said Priyanka and she nodded her head in 'Yes' with a smile.

"Ok then, don't worry. In Sha Allah, I will be back soon. Allah hafiz". I said to everyone who were there, to drop me on airport. 

"Come, let's go".  I said to priyanka and then we went inside the airport.

"Sara, U wait here. I will bring aur tickets. Ok". She said and left.

I was standing. Waiting for her. After few minutes she came running to me.
I was little worried looking at her.
She was gasping for breath.

"Calm down Priyanka. What happened"??.

" Sara, my mom".

"What happened to your mom Priyanka?".

I know her mother has health issues. I don't know Y, I was having some negative thoughts in my mind.

"Sara, my brother called me up. He said "Mom got an attack". He took my mom to hospital. He wanted me to be there."

"So whom you are waiting for, leave."

"Sara, how can I leave u here alone. U haven't been Dubai before. And I cannot leave u alone. What if  your grand Father got to know??".

"Don't worry about him. Who's going to tell him, that i went alone to Dubai.
Listen, u leave for hospital now. Don't be late. And don't worry about me. I will handle every thing. U send me every detail of hotel and to whom i should meet in Dubai. There's no time for you to tell me now. U send details on whatsapp. Ok. Now leave. And take care of your mom. Ok". I assured her by gave her a hug.

"Sara, think twice about it. I m more concerned about you". She said in worried tone.

"Priyanka, leave". I said 

"Thanks for understanding Sara. I know u will get this deal done. All the best. I won't forget this big favor of yours. Love U". She said and handed me my print out of ticket, passport and visa.

After she left. I went to the ticket counter. Showed the print out and got my ticket. I passed my main bag  which I will directly get on Dubai airport.

I was standing in fear, looking here and there. I was getting nervous. In guts I said Priyanka "to leave". But what about me. I had never travelled by flight alone. Someone has to be there with me. But this time I m alone.

Allah plz help me in this lonely journey 😔😔

I opened my backpack zip and removed my earphone. I plugged my earphones and Allan Walker song started playing "On my way".

I'm sorry but
Don't wanna talk, I need a moment before I go
It's nothing personal
I draw the blinds
They don't need to see me cry
'Cause even if they understand
They don't understand

So then when I'm finished
I'm all 'bout my business and ready to save the world
I'm taking my misery
Make it my bitch; can't be everyone's favorite girl

So take aim and fire away
I've never been so wide awake
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And I'm on my way
The blood moon is on the rise
The fire burning in my eyes
No, nobody but me can keep me safe
And I'm on my way

This song was motivating me a lot. I started moving ahead towards Gate no. 16 where my flight was. After an hour, I with other passengers started boarding inside the plane. 

I saw my ticket. I was happy to see I got a window seat. I don't have to worry. I just have to stare outside the window.

I went and sat on my seat. I felt something touching my arm. I looked on my left. I saw two Arab men sitting next to me. So the man, sitting next to me, his arm was touching mine.

I really didn't like it. I wanted to interrupt him but he was busy talking with other guy in Arabic.

I rubbed my temple and called an
air hostess.

"Excuse me, can I get another seat please. I m not comfortable here.

Air hostess : Ma'am, all the seats in economy class is full. Today was the only flight which is departing from Mumbai - Dubai. So all the economy class is full.  Sorry I cannot help. My appologies.


I was having no option. Except to sit with these two Arabs. I was even getting frustrated and sat back on my seat.

"Miss Syed". I looked to the person who called me. Little surprised I got looking at him.

Wooww. What a coincidence.


Rehaan's POV

"Miss Syed ". I called her out. She saw but I guess she was little surprised looking at me.

"I think, u r uncomfortable here. Wanna join me?". I asked waiting for her answer.

She nodded her head in "Yes". I gave her a smile and asked those Arab guys to give her some space to come out.

I took her to business class. Where my seat was. And a window seat was empty. So, I made her sit on that window seat and I sat next to her. 

" Mr. Syed, I cannot sit here. My seat was in economy class.  It will create problem, if the owner of this seat will come".  Here she started complaining.

"U don't need to worry about if I m here".

"As u say. Btw, Y r u going to Dubai?". She asked.

For you....

"For Business. What about you? I didn't thaught u will be travelling alone to Dubai. Did your Grandfather knew about it? I m surprised that u r travelling alone".

I looked at her. Her eyes got widen and she started ignoring me.

"I think, there's an explanation
Miss. Syed". I asked her in doubt.

She hesitated first. And then told me all her story related with Priyanka. I was carefully listening to her and nodding my head.

I knew everything because Priyanka was  the one who send me those calls and msgs. Priyanka trusted me and asked me to take care of Miss. Syed .

"Please don't tell this to my grand Father. I hope you won't Plz. I m just helping Priyanka and it's also important for aur business". She pleaded.

I looked at her pity eyes and said
"Ok, I won't. No need to worry". 

"Jazak Allah hu khairan" She thanked me and looked outside the window.

Announcement started. Miss Syed and I plugged aur seat belts and plane took off in the air.

When plane got stable in air. We unplugged aur belts. I looked at her she was listening to music and went off to sleep.

I removed a book from my bag which was closed to my heart and started reading. 

Time was passing by and my I was stuck inside the book. I can feel someone peeping inside my book. I looked at her. She started looking here and there. 😂😂😂.

I started laughing.

(Imagine Rehaan looking at Sara👆)

"So u r awake?". I asked her.

She looked at me. Her hijab got loose so her hair locks can be seen. Her hair locks was dancing on her face. I feel ashamed the way I was looking at her.  So I diverted my gaze again in book.

She adjusted her hijab first there was a smile on her face and said,
"Yeah. I always sleep whenever I travel by plane. It's boring and tiring.
Can u stop laughing".

" Y r u smiling. First u tell me". I asked her with a smile on my face.

"Forget it. What u r reading?" She asked

I showed her the book cover.


Sara's POV

I looked at the book cover. And then at Mr. Syed. It was unbelievable.

He was reading aur "Prophet Mohammed biography".

"U should not judge a person by his appearance". He said straight looking into my eyes.

My eyes were locked with his for few seconds. After that which was broken by air hostess.

Air hostess : Your coffee ma'am and your espresso Mr. Rehaan Syed.

I took my coffee from her. But he was still holding his book in his hand. So I took his espresso from air hostess.

"U know him" I asked the air hostess.
Because she called him by his name

"Yes madam. Mr. Rehaan Syed owns 50% shares of Emirates. He's one of the known businessmen in Dubai. Aur magazine has his picture on first page.
He's also...." She stopped

"Stop. U may leave. I will call you to collect the empty cups". Mr. Syed cut her off. And she left saying "Yes".

He kept his book back in bag. And took his espresso from my hand. We both drank aur beverage and then handed aur cups to air hostess who came back after few minutes to collect the cups.

I took the magazine which was kept in front and it has Mr. Syed picture on front page. I was going to read the magazine but it fall from my hand due to the sudden shake of plane.

Allah what is happening 😯😯.

( U guys can imagine that girl as Sara👆)

The plane was shaking as it was going to land. I was so scared that I didn't realise when I hold Mr. Syed hand.

"Miss. Syed, u don't need to worry. The pilots will manage". Mr. Syed started assuring.

I looked at him. And let go his hand. And apologised "I m sorry".

An air hostess came running and said to Mr. Syed, " Mr. Rehaan Syed, captain passed away and co - pilot is operating the plane. We need your help".

My jaw dropped listening to that. And tears started rolling. Passengers were shouting, yelling, praying, crying and I, my mind was not working.

Few days before my life got saved Allhumdullilah, and now again my life was again in danger. Not alone mine but all passengers in flight.

Mr. Syed made me sit on my seat. He also helped me to plug my seat belt. And before going with air hostess he said, " Sara, don't worry. Recite some Surahs that u know.  Pray to Allah. Allah is the one who will help us out. Ok. Don't worry I will be back".

He left me. I did the same what he said. I started praying to ALLAH.
Indeed, Allah is the one who's gonna save us. In Sha Allah.


Asallaam u Alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarkatuh

How r u guys?
Allhumdullilah, hope u guys are fine.

I know I m not responding to your msgs or comments.
I m really sorry.

In Sha Allah. I will be responding them soon. I m really very busy. Hope you guys understand.

Jazak Allah hu khairan for reading my book leaving comments and votes.

Love you guys. Allah hafiz.
Hope u like this chp and leave a comment and vote. 💜💜

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