Falling Slowly

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This is exclusively for my best friend in the world x_justafangirl_x 😘 good luck to you with Dan!!

The song is Falling Slowly by Kris Allen 😍


(Dan's pov)

I stare at the clock by the corner of the front wall of my math class, watching time tick by ever so slowly.

My ears have been zoning in and out of the moment, not really able to comprehend what Mr.Hall is saying.

I can't wait for school to end because it means it'll soon be time to spend 3 whole hours with my best friend, Alexandra, who'll be helping out with the Grade 8 night alongside me.

I look behind me where Alex is sitting and stare at her copying down notes and focusing on the lesson.

For whatever reason, happiness just radiates out of me whenever she's around, and I can't suppress a smile.

Paul, my other best friend who sits beside me, knocks the back of my head.

'You're so into her.' He teases and I shoot him a death glare.

Finally the bell signaling the end of class rings and I jump up from my desk instantly and walk towards Alex, excited.

She sees me and waves slightly.

'You're staying at school, right?' I ask her, hopeful.

'No? Because you said you were going home?'

'Oh no...but I said to my mum that I'll stay if you're gonna be there'.

'Oh wow, well this is why you need to keep answering texts', she sasses.

'Oh wow, oh my gosh, of course.' I reply and laugh.

Great, now I have to wait here for a half hour before she gets here. What am I gonna do?

I pace around the school, killing time.

There's legit nothing to do!

Thankfully it's only a half hour. When I'm texting on my phone, I spot a speck of ginger waiting by the corner of the back parking lot of the school.

As it starts walking towards me, the speck of ginger turned into a blob, which turned into a figure, and the figure turned into a girl by the name of Alexandra.

I notice she's not wearing her glasses but still looks stunning. I smile at her and she tells me the cutest thing ever.

'I can't miss your smile', and a smile appears on her face too.

So we walked back in together and started helping out by handing out questionnaires for a while.

I joke to her, 'you'd think that they're using us, "volunteers", as cheap labour.'

She laughs and agrees but I know that I don't care if we're used for cheap labour because I would do anything to be able to spend time with Alex.

Not long after though, Mr Alexander, our history teacher, asked for a cup of coffee. So we started going around making coffee or tea.

We set up an efficient system whereby she would take the orders and pour it and take it on the tray and I would add milk and, or sugar and hold the doors open for her.

It felt as though we were living in the 60s where gentlemen would hold doors open for ladies.

Mr.Hall suddenly passed us by and we passed him a cup of coffee.

But just as he leaves, a majestically evil idea forms in my head and I consult Alex to get on in with it.

'We should give Mr.Hall like all the sugary coffee imaginable'.

'Hell yes!'

So together, we made another cup of extra sugary coffee and send it off to him, joking about how high he'll be by the end of the night.

Every now and then, people walking by us would wave or say hi to Alex and she would smile back that adorable smile of hers.

Watching her greet people distracted me and I accidentally bump into someone.

'Sorry!' I apologize profusely.

'No worries.' Mr.Alexander assures me.

I smile and apologize once again before he walks off but he turns around and has this creepy smile on his face that says, 'I know something' and I raise my eyebrows.

'Go for her, Daniel! Alexandra is a great girl. If you don't get her now, someone else will.'

I blush deep red and can't even begin to imagine why Mr.Alexander would say that.

Eventually, I got my cheeks under control and returned them to their normal colour.
As less and less people came, we left our job of making coffee and tea and decide to go wander around the school like nomads instead.

When we're walking to nowhere in particular, my eyes catch the sun setting outside the school and I invite Alex to sit with me and watch the sunset.

We go out to the garden and  watch the sky change from light blue, to dim yellow, to bright orange, to faded red, to heavy magenta and finally, to a dark navy blue.

Staring at the sunset, my eyes can't help but occasionally drift to Alex sitting beside me.

Her hair glows a strange golden colour when the sky turned orangish and her bright blue eyes shines like a star.

Mr.Alexanders words ring in my head as I watch Alex and have to resist the urge to put my arm around her shoulder and close to gap between us.

But the moment ends and we get up and start walking around again, thinking of things to do while cracking random jokes.

We were walking past the food court which used to be the old sports hall and she spots the lights that are on in the old gym.

'Let's go see what's going on.' I suggest, partly curious.

We peek through and see some people playing badminton and we wave and laugh thinking that they didn't see us.

'I think they saw us!' Alex warns me.

So we run down the stretch and saw an open door and dashed in quickly. I smile to myself thinking about how this adventure turned into an adventure.

We soon find ourselves in the old fitness suite. Taking a moment to catch our breath, we sit just breathing for a bit until I spot a light at the end and notice it's the door to the food court.

Smiling mischievously, I urge her to sneak in with me and rack havoc.

We went further in and went into the kitchens.

I reached for my phone and snapped a picture of Alex while she wasn't looking and I Snapchat it to Paul quickly. I always love catching pictures of her when she's not looking, because it's when she's most herself. I remind myself to add this picture to my collection of secret pictures of Alex in my phone gallery which she has no idea about.

Once she noticed that I'm taking pictures of her, she grabs her phone and seeks revenge.

I start posing for the pictures and Alex Snapchat's the pictures to me.

God, she's so cute.

Careful not to get caught, we left quietly through the back door and went to explore the lower school in a mission to find our English teacher.

Unsuccessful in doing so, we head back to the middle school and I tell Alex, 'Operation Find English Teacher failed.'

And she replies, 'But Operation Find RE Teacher is a success,' as she points to our RE Teacher walking in our direction.

'Imagine if you weren't here.  I'd be so bored.' I thank her for her presence because honestly, she makes just getting through life so much easier.

Like, I'm not even kidding. I can never admit this aloud but every morning, when I wake up and think about the hard day of school I have ahead of me, I think about getting to see her and that alone changes my whole mood.

We soon found our way back to the kitchen again.

'I really don't care...' Alex sings as we stop trying to be so discreet about sneaking around and I'm totally not thinking, 'Stop being so cute. You're making it so hard to resist.'

I write "Hi" on the board of the kitchen but then as we leave, the door knob twisted and I jumped.

We react at the same time and run for it.

That is not a coincidence... it's almost as if a ghost is replying to my "hi".

I follow after Alex but she ran to the door that didn't open and we flip out even more thinking that there must be someone who locked us in.

We panic but eventually found our way out where we bumped into Alexander, a friend of ours.

'What happened to you guys?' He asks.

'We just ran a marathon, thanks for asking.' Alex reply, half out of breath from that sprinting.

I laugh, 'I'm pretty sure Halloween is 11 days away. Or did it just come early for us this year?'

We explain that freaky scenario to Alexander and he laughs at us.

I swear if he were there, he wouldn't be laughing so much. But to be fair, it was kinda funny now that I think about it.

'Shall we continue our Tour De La Maison Du Haunted?' I joke.

So we went to the drama department and raved in the drama suite.

On our way there though, I say to Alexander, 'Alex is so amazing. Honestly, I don't know how bad this evening could have been without her.'

He smiles at me and winks which makes me confused but I just shrug it off.

Alex took Alexander and I on a tour in the girls changing room and we showed her the guys'.

Then we walked past some people doing yoga. Making eye contact with Alex, we stifle our laughter and very nearly burst out.

We continued running rampant around our school.

And we went down to the astro and watched kids do football training.

We take a sit by the hilltop without Alexander. I steal a glance at Alex and smile as all my insides go crazy for her.

I stare at the sky with her and it's almost as if the skies want us to be together by enlighting us with this perfect evening together.

Or not.

Because Alexander has to ruin the moment and shout, 'YOU GUYS LOOK SO ROMANTIC'.

I blush so red and don't dare make eye contact with Alex.

As a punishment to Alexander for ruining my special moment with Alex, I suggest taking him to show the kitchen to freak him out.

I whisper to him, 'is it just me or is Alex's smile the cutest thing ever?'

'I agree.'

Somehow, his response irritates me.

Does he like her too?

Wait...did I just say, "too"?

I like her...

As the thought settles within me I try to but fail to let it go.

As we approach the original entrance Alex and I went in from, we find it lock and I come up with a better idea, 'How about I go in alone? Because I don't want Alexandra to get hurt'. And that's the truth.

So I went in alone as she waited for me, to go rub of the word "hi" I wrote previously.

To be honest, that thought of the door knob twisting again crossed my mind and I shudder.

'Holy, I was so scared', I admit to Alex when I come back out.

'Jesus Christ, you're brave', She compliments to which brings another smile to my face.

When Alexander came back from pouring Mr.Hall another cup of coffee, we took a selfie on Alex's phone.

By the end, my mum texted me and said she would be picking up in the back parking lot so I waved goodbye to Alexander and Alex and turned around, walking away.

As I'm walking away, I realize that I have to tell Alex.

I like her.

But what if she rejects me?

I did kinda reject her last time...

How can I be sure she likes me?

A plan forms in my head and I stop in my footsteps and turn around.

She's still there, watching me go.

I wave again and smile.

Maybe she does like me too.


On the way back in the car, I keep thinking back to those moments we shared together. I definitely had a great time with Alex. I wonder if she thinks so too?

I wish I didn't have to go so soon. I wanted to stay back and wait with her, this time, watching the stars, instead of the sunset.

Just when I reach home did I realize that the place I needed to be was the place I had just left.

So I call Alex.

'Alex? Are you still in school?' My heart racing as I ask her this. I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing.

'No, I've reached home already. Why?'

But I realize that distance shouldn't stand in the way. It won't. I won't let it.

I hang up suddenly on her not wanting to ruin the surprise.

I beg my mum to drive me to her house and with a negotiation of doing the chores for a week, I'm back in the car heading towards Alex.

The girl I need.

The girl I want.

We've stopped in front of the house door and mom says she'll give me 30 mins or so to do whatever it is I need to do and I jump out of the car, heart pounding.

I knock quietly and Alex opens it.

Shocked, she stands at the door demanding to know what I'm here for.

Suddenly I'm not so confident anymore.

But I can't back away. It's been too long. I've made her wait too long.

'Alex...' I whisper, my voice stuck as I'm unable to get anymore words out of my mouth.

'What's wrong, Dan?' She puts her hands on my shaking ones to calm me down but it only makes me more nervous and stressed.

'I love you...This whole evening spent with you has made me realize that I love you and I don't want to see you go away to some other guy...Please, please tell me it's not too late to ask you to be mine?' My whole body's vibrating and I'm prepared for the worst.

Which doesn't come.

Alex stares at me, her bright blue eyes piercing right into my soul.

'Of course it's not too late. I've been waiting for a thousand years for you to say that.' She smiles and I see tears spilling out of her eyes.

I know she's happy but I can't help but feel guilty for making her wait so long.

This time, not having to resist my urge anymore, I allow my mind to act on what I want to do. And that is to bring Alex into my arms.

I kiss her forehead and hug her so tight I just know I'll never let her go again.

She cries into my shoulders and I run my fingers through her hair, smiling, and silently thanking God that I'm not too late.



Once again, love you x_justafangirl_x

Ur so precious and I hope you enjoyed that :)

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