Today Was A Fairytale

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Exclusively for x_justafangirl_xx only :) hope you like it dear. Also, there's alot of pov changes, just a heads up.


(Lexi's pov)

I came to school today rather excited. It was the last week of school and we were having a class party for the end of year celebration.

Last week of being in year 9....sigh. Am I ready?

Not like I have a choice.

I take a step into school and for some reason, I feel extremely excited for this day. I just have a gut feeling that it'll be great.

'Heya, Alex!' Dan calls to me.

I smile at my crush.

He walks off with Paul, his friend, carrying his football like his lover.

For some reason, I'm jealous of that football. But I soon snap out of it.

'Alright guys!' Our form tutor catches our attention. 'You guys planned this, so are you ready?'

'Yes!' We all shout out, pumped.

The Ultimate Slope Challenge, is what we called it.

I'm totally drenched and laughing my head off with all my friends.
But we soon run out of water, ( I'm pretty sure I soaked all of it up) and start playing Castles, Maidens and Knights.

'Yo, Alex! Wanna pair up?' Dan's voice rings loud and clear.

'Yes, sure!' Though I sound cool outside, I'm really extremely excited. I mean hello? I'm pairing up with my crush! Anyone would be excited.

When someone shouts, 'Castles!'

Dan and I get into position almost instantly as we wanted to be the fastest to not get kicked out of the game.

I had to crawl through his legs with my hands and knees on the ground so he sat on my back.

He's surprisingly heavy....
Stop thinking about that! I scowl at myself.

We scramble once again to position as we hear the voice shout, 'Knights!'

He picks me up before I even know it and he's carrying me in a piggyback position.

Because he can't see me, I smile to myself. Letting Dan carry me is like a dream come true.

Once again we hear the shout, 'Maidens!'

This time, my heart pounds like it's ready to be launched off.

I climb through his legs and a second later, I'm staring up at his face.

He's carrying me again, this time, bridal style. My heart is fluttering as I realize how close I am to him.

I hear one of my classmates shouting, 'ALEX AND DAN!'


I'm positively embaressed and I can't help but blush slightly.

'You're such a good friend, Alex.' Dan tells me.

I smile even wider.
'You are too!'

'Well, I'd kick anyone who hurt you in the place where the sun doesn't shine.'

Before I even get the chance to reply, the game gets temporarily interupted.

'Yaha! Gotcha Alex!' My old form tutor, Mr.Hall, laughs.

I look at him in shocked. How could he do this!? Ooh I am so getting him back!

Having been soaked by a bucket of water because of Mr.Hall, I'm plotting revenge in my head when Dan laughs at me in delight.

I plot to get revenge on him too and I smirk evily.

My maths teacher sees my sneaky smirk though.
'Alex, always throwing herself into stuff! Make no mistake, someday will come were you can't cover up what you're going to do.' He teases.

'What do you mean!' I defend myself while half laughing.

When we switch partners for more Castles, Knights and Maidens, I see Dan looking at me from the corner of his eyes with an expression I can't quite read.


(Dan's pov)

Alex....hmm, why do we have to switch partners? That's stupid. I just want Alex to be my maiden. I can't stop the jealous glare at Levi, who is Alex's partner now.


I shake my head to get the jealousy off my mind.

During the classroom session, I walk into the class and my eyes absentmindedly search for her.

Ah, there she is.

'Hey, Alex! Can I sit with you?'

'Sure!' She smiles at me.
God, that smile...why is she so darn cute and innocent?

'Who votes for Dan and Alex to be a couple!?' I hear Sasha shout.



Everyone, literally everyone in our group raised their hand.

I'm blushing so hard, I just can't help it. I I like Alex?

I can't look at her now or I'll blush even more. But from the corners of my eyes, I can see her looking at me.

Oh no, what do I do?!!! Am I making it too obvious?!

To hide my embaressment, I snatch her phone and start taking pictures of her and videos.

She's trying to hide but I zoom in on her and just manage to capture her perfect smile.

'Stop it, Dan! Give me my phone back! You're gonna bloody use up all my memory!' She struggles to grab her phone back.

I'm having the time of my life teasing her at her struggle. But I make sure to send those videos and pictures to myself so I can watch them over and over again.

I mean, who wouldn't want to watch Alex's smile as many times as they could?

(Lexi's pov)

After finally being able to get my phone back, my friend leans over to me and whisper-yells in my ear.
'You know boys tease you when they like you!'

I desperately want to believe that's true but I just brush her off.
'Nah, come on. That is so 1960s!'

I'm fooling around with Levi and Luke when my ears catch something and my head automatically turns to that direction.

'Do you like Alex?' I see Sasha asking Dan.

I'm almost sure he would say no because it's how he always response but today, I can see him blushing, clear and bright.

He hesistates for a moment and his cheeks are still slightly red before he gives a 'no'.

Hmm....could it be that it's true?

(Dan's pov)

Whilst doing the zombie run, I just can't get her out of my head. She's there everywhere.

When I'm not paying attention I see her run right past me.

I don't want to lose the game getting attacked, so I try to grab her hand but then I realize what I'm doing, and she does too. She looks at me and I look away, still running, and mumble to myself, 'oh, awkward.' Then I reach to hold Paul, my best friend's, hand instead.

Her felt like it was made just for me.

Ah...if only I wasn't such an awkward potato.

(Lexi's pov)

In another session, I volunteered to be in the seperate group from my friends for a bit. So I turned to my friend in the other group and we chatted for abit.

When I turn back my eyes widen.

Before me is a drawing of a bed, labelled....Dan and Alexandra's Bed in what seems to be a locked room with what I assume to be a security camera hiden in the corner.

My mouth drops open and I glare at Levi, Luke and Oli, who created this drawing.

Dan notices and laughs.
'Oh wow, well she is the dictator I suppose.' He reaches his hand out and pushes my mouth close, 'close your mouth, you might catch a fly.'

'Oh actually, I did see a fly earlier. I think it's carrying the size of your miniscule ego, Dan.' I pull a fast one on him.

My mind just starts subconsciously imagining Dan and I....


(Dan's pov)

'So...I had fun today, did you?' Alex asks me as we sit together soaking up the sun after the day was over.

'Yep.' I answer immediately, because I know for sure that I did.

'Are you ready for year 10?'

'Hmm...I don't know. I mean we'll have to be all mature and we won't get to act like childish little five year olds anymore!' I laugh.

'Of course we still can!' She hits me lightly and laughs too. I find myself staring at her smile for a long time before Paul interupts.

'I feel like a third wheeler.'

Ah Paul, stop ruining the moment.

When it's the end and we get up and part, Paul leaves us first and I catch Alex before she walks out the school.

I wave at her and smile, 'bye Alex!' For some reason, I don't say that like I usually do. It sounds more sincere than ever and it makes me wonder if I really am in love with her.

She waves back and smiles that beautiful smile again and I throw a stick at her. Not to harm her but in a way that's different.

In ancient Greece, throwing an apple at someone means a proposal. So I guess in mordern Brittain, sticks can be apples.

She looks rather shock but waves again.

As she moves farther away from me, I don't know why, but I just have this urge to not let her leave yet. So I run to her and pull her aside from her friend.

'Alex...I have to tell you something...' WHAT AM I DOING AH DAMN I'M GONNA BLOW IT.

'What is it, Dan?'


'Huh?' She looks confused. 'What is it? Speak slower.'

'I think...I'm in love with you.'

And that's it. It's out. I finally sucked up the courage to do it.

But I almost regret it when I see her reaction. Which is no reaction at all. She's frozen.

'Um, hello? Earth to Alex? Dan to Alex?'

'I'm just so glad!' She says and her face unfreezes and a genuine smile forms again on her face.

I've heard the rumours of course, but I'd like to hear her say it.

'Can you say it?'

'I'm in love with you, Dan.'

I pick her up bridal style again and spin around in my arms in joy.

'Dan! People are watching!'

'So? I don't care! Will you go out with me, Alexandra Robinson?'

'Of course!'

(Lexi's pov)

I can't believe it! He actually asked me out! Omg!

I practically run home and scream in my pillow.


I text my friend immediately.

I'm so overwhelmed with joy I literally cannot speak. This just couldn't have happened. Today was a fairytale.


Omg ahaha the last bit was a joke hope you liked it, Lexi! Omg the number of times I had to correct myself from 'Lexi' to 'Alex' cause I'm so used to calling u Lexi. 😂 anyways, continue to #prayforalan
#alanistotallyreal stop denying Lexi! And good luck with him!

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