Chapter 32 Giving Thanks

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Chapter 32


"Happy Thanksgiving!" Benji yells as he opens the door, "There's my little girl!" Before I can even say hello he takes Paisley from my arms and runs back into the house leaving Nico and I standing in the entryway. I look up at Nico who's carrying a case of wine and a diaper bag over his shoulder.

"Well, I guess we know who the important person in the family is now," he says.

"We've definitely been demoted to the 'B' list," I add.

We step inside and close the door behind us. After we hang up our jackets Ajax comes out to greet us and then he and Nico take the wine to the dining room. I wander in and look around. The kitchen is full and the smells coming from it are amazing. Louisa and Rosita spent last night here since Ajax's mother was in town and the three of them probably got up at the crack of dawn to start the preparations. Jonah and Rob are in there helping since they both love to cook, as well as another woman I don't recognize, but who might be Tonya's mother since Benji told me she was coming last night with Tonya (Aiden's girlfriend), Aiden and the boys. With all those cooks I know dinner would be amazing.

I peek in the living room and Benji is sitting on the couch with Paisley in his lap, Aiden and Tonya are sitting on one side of him with animated faces as they talk to my sweet angel and Liam is on the other side leaning against Benji watching her with a fascinated smile on his face. Paisley looks completely content with all the attention as she kicks her legs and laughs at her crazy Uncle Benji. I see Garrett and Luke standing behind the couch looking over their shoulders at the scene with broad smiles on their faces. Those two seemed to hit it off well at my art opening and have been dating ever since.

Brett is sitting in a chair across from them watching with his usual impassive expression while Peter, Benji's friend and Rob's partner sits quietly taking in the whole scene. Next to Peter is Sebastien. Gregory's funeral was three days ago and he still looks shell shocked. He's staring at his hands in his lap while sitting stiffly in the chair. I look around wondering where Gregory's brother Lancaster is. He'd flown in right away and had organized the funeral. Benji had mentioned they were both coming today and that it looked like Lancaster would be looking after Sebastien for a while. I didn't know much about him and only met him briefly at the funeral. He seemed a quite a bit younger than Gregory who was in his late forties. Lancaster looked to be in his early thirties maybe. He was a businessman from Chicago who had a confident and take charge 'air' about him.

Sebastien hadn't said much at the funeral or luncheon afterwards and I was concerned about how he was holding up. I didn't know if he was staying in L.A. moving to Chicago with Lancaster, though they'd never met before this so that didn't seem likely, or maybe he was moving back to New York where he grew up. Maybe he still has family there. I don't know if he sensed my attention but he looked up at that moment, but before I could smile in greeting his eyes darted back down to his lap. I figured I'd take him aside later and speak with him in private. Let him know I was here for him if he needed anything.

I don't see Chris and Thomas yet, but I assume they're just running late like they usually do. I also notice a few others are missing until I hear deep voices from the dining room. I take a few steps in that direction and see Nico, Ajax, Eli, Phillip, Quentin and Lancaster speaking quietly. Probably talking about Sebastien so I leave them to it and walk into the living room.

"Finn! I didn't see you come in!" Lucy's high pitched voice rings through the whole room as she races out of the kitchen. "Where's that grandbaby of mine!" As she rushes over she gives me a quick hug, then makes a bee-line to Benji, stealing the baby out of his arms, causing him to pout.

I chuckle as I watch the scene and soon Louisa and Rosita come out of the kitchen to greet me followed by Rob and Jonah. I walk into the room saying hello to everyone with hugs or handshakes while Lucy coos over her little "nieta". Tonya jumps up and introduces me to her mother, Janet so I go to shake her hand and introduce her to Paisley who is now sitting on Lucy's lap.

I ask Peter if Gavin and Evan are coming, but he tells me that they travelled to Evan's family for the holiday, but he and Rob decided to stay in L.A. because Rob had an important meeting tomorrow. Peter blushes and looks away when he tells me so I think maybe there was more to it than that, but I don't question him. We all have issues with our families and I know that Peter and his adoptive family didn't always see eye to eye on things.

Last to arrive are Chris and Thomas, who show up about 20 minutes later. When Lucy returns to the kitchen with Louisa and Rosita, baby Paisley gets passed around from person to person but takes it in stride as she charms all the guests.

When I feel a hand squeeze my shoulder I look up to see that Nico has walked into the room, the other guys not far behind. "You'd better go in and say hello to Lucy, Nic, otherwise she won't let you have any of her special pecan pie."

"I'll get right on that baby," he says with a chuckle and gives me a kiss on the cheek before he heads that way. I stand up and greet Eli, Phillip and Quentin and once again give my condolences to Lancaster.

I can hear rapid Spanish coming from the kitchen and imagine that Lucy's giving Nico a hard time for not calling and visiting enough. Even though I've learned Spanish, when she gets talking that fast I can't follow the conversation much at all.

I hear Paisley fussing and check my watch and realize it's just about time for her bottle, and she probably needs a change too. I grab a bottle from the cooler we brought and bring it in to Nico. "Hey Nic, can you warm this up while I go change baby P?"

"Sure baby," he replies taking it from my hand. "What was with the Pow Wow?" I ask quietly before I leave.

"Just discussing Sebastien, he's not doing so well and Lancaster's afraid to leave him here alone when he goes back to Chicago."

"Does he have family any place else?"

"No. Lancaster received a letter recently from his brother imploring him to look after Sebastien when he passed. He didn't go into too much detail, but basically as we suspected, the boy isn't equipped to take care of himself. He was very dependent on Gregory and Gregory was very adamant that Lancaster look after him. Lancaster has a business in Chicago, so he can't stay here, so he's going to take Sebastien back with him."

"But all his friends are here? I'm sure they had a staff at that big house they lived in, between all of us we could make sure he's okay."

"The butler and his wife who managed the house are retiring to Arizona. They'd only put it off when Gregory was diagnosed. Lancaster feels this is what Gregory wanted. Even if it's temporary, he can enroll him in college, teach him some independence, then when he's ready, if he wants to come back, he can. Gregory left him the house, a large sum of money and a small percentage of his shares in the family business, Lancaster got the majority of them, but regardless, Sebastien is in a position where he doesn't have to work if he doesn't want to. Lancaster just wants to make sure he knows how to manage his money and doesn't get taken advantage of."

"Are you sure he doesn't want to be the one taking advantage of him?"

"I don't think so. I know a little bit about him through some acquaintances in Chicago. I gave them a call the other day, he seems to check out. Eli has connections in Chicago as well. Between all of us, we'll keep an eye out. Otherwise there's not much we can do unless Sebastien doesn't want to go."

"Has anyone asked him?"

"Phillip spoke with him. Sebastien told him that Gregory had discussed it with him before he passed and told him he was to listen to Lancaster. That Lancaster would look after him. He says he wants to follow Gregory's wishes."


"Finnnnn!!" Suddenly I hear Benji calling from the other room. "Diaper emergency! No! Diaper catastrophe! Bring the big guns!"

"Oh no, I'll be back," I chuckle before grabbing the bag and running toward Benji who's holding Paisley two feet in front of him as he heads toward the nursery he put together for when Paisley visits.

When we get into the beautiful room I have to laugh. "I don't know why I bother bringing a diaper bag when you have everything she could ever need in here."

"That's right! Only the best for my little niece!" he coos at Paisley. "Besides, wait until you see the cute onesie I got her just for today." He places Paisley down on the changing table and as I begin to unsnap the little corduroy jumper she's wearing he goes to the closet and pulls out a onesie that says "Little Turkey" on the front and has turkey tail feathers on the back.

"Very cute," I admit. "So what do you think about Sebastien going with Lancaster to Chicago?"

"He says that's what Gregory wanted. I asked if he wanted to stay here for a while, but you know Seb. Even with Gregory gone, he still wants to do just as he says."

"Well, if that's what he wants, I guess there's not much we can do."

"Ajax says he's okay, Lancaster I mean. I guess if Gregory appointed him to take care of Seb, we have to trust his judgment."

When we return to the living room Nico has Paisley's bottle ready and we let Liam give it to her. Some of the guys were in the den watching football, while Aiden, Tonya and Brett pulled out a Scrabble game and convinced Peter and Sebastien to join them. I follow Benji to the dining room to help him set the table for dinner which should be ready fairly soon. Benji sets up a little high chair for Paisley, one of the little ones for infants so if she falls asleep she'll still be comfortable since after her bottle she probably will. We could put her down for a nap, but it was her first Thanksgiving and we wanted her to be a part of the meal together.

It wasn't too long after that when the food was ready and we all sit down at the large table. Before we begin eating Ajax stood up to make a toast.

"Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorites holidays. A time that friends and family gather for the primary purpose of enjoying good food and good company. Some of you travelled many miles," he says smiling at his mother, "and some of you only a few, and I'm grateful to have every one of you at the table here today. I'd like to welcome some new friends to our home; Tonya and Janet, Garrett, Luke, Eli, Sebastien, Lancaster, Chris and Thomas. Welcome all of you. I'd also like to welcome the newest member of our family, who is celebrating her first Thanksgiving, my sweet little niece Paisley."

Ajax then turns to Benji and gives him a broad smile. "I have a lot to be thankful for," he began. "I have a wonderful family, great friends and a passionate lover who makes every day unique and exciting." We all chuckle as Benji turns a shade of crimson and looks down. "Thank you everyone for coming today to share this amazing meal made with love by the beautiful women gracing our table, Louisa, Rosita and my mother Lucy...with the help of Janet...and also their esteemed assistants, Rob and Jonah," he adds as everyone again laughs. "Now, I know my elder brother will want to say a few words as well."

Ajax gestures to Nico who stands up next. "I'd like to second everything Ajax said, especially to thank our talented and beautiful chefs for this splendid meal." He holds up his wineglass toward the ladies and then looks at the men, "and Rob and Jonah too."

"What? We're not beautiful?" Rob complains as everyone laughs.

"Sorry Rob, you don't hold a candle to the ladies here at the table. I'd also like thank Ajax and Benji for hosting this feast today. Hopefully it won't be too long until Finn and I are hosting a Thanksgiving in our own home."

"Finally, I'd like to thank the love of my life, Finn, for giving me a second chance and making me the happiest man in the world...and for sharing with me the other love of my life, our little girl." Nico again raises his glass toward me and I feel my eyes moisten. "This is to you baby," he adds and I can hear the sincere emotions he's feeling in his husky voice.

I look around the table at everyone who sits quietly thinking about the words just said or their own things they are thankful for and something prompts me to stand up.

"If it's okay, I'd also like to add something?" I ask Ajax who nods. "I certainly could never express how I feel for the many gifts I've been given." I look at Nico who's now holding Paisley and smile at the two most important people in my life.

"I feel incredibly lucky for my family," I look over at Benji before I continue, "and my friends who have pulled me through some of the darkest times. I've experienced loss, so I know how devastating and alone one can feel. But my friends, most of which are here at the table with me today, pulled me through to a place in my life where I don't think it could be possible to feel more lucky or more blessed. Light can come from darkness and when you have people behind you, supporting you, loving you...when you let them be there for you, and trust that things will get better...they will, they will get more than better. I'm thankful for the people at this table who did that for me." I look around the table until my eyes rest on Sebastien, whose gaze finally looks up from his lap and meets mine. "And we will always be there for each other. Whenever someone at this table is hurting, we will be there for them. We will get them through...and that is what I'm most thankful for today." I raise my glass to Sebastien and keep my eyes trained on him.

He blinks a few times before reaching up a careful hand and picks up the glass of wine which had been set before him. Slowly, with a slight tremble, he raises his glass back to me. Everyone else follows, lifting their glasses and we all take a sip together.

"Benji, will you say Grace?" Ajax asks as I sit down.

Benji stands up and grins at everyone around the table. "When Ajax asked me if I would give the Thanksgiving blessing I thought it would be best if I googled something appropriate...since, you know, sometimes I don't say the most appropriate things." I snicker to myself, 'Benji? Say the wrong thing? Nah!'

"He said it couldn't be too long because by the time he and Nico made the toasts everyone would be really hungry...and then of course, Finn here stole some of my time. But luckily I found two short blessings. The first one is by Ralph Waldo Emerson,

For each new morning with its light,

For rest and shelter of the night,

For health and food,

For love and friends,

For Everything,

Thy goodness sends.

Amen," he finishes and we all do the same.

"And my other one is really's by some guy who nobody probably knows anyway and I don't remember his

When turkey's on the table laid,

And good things I may scan,

I'm thankful that I wasn't made

A vegetari-an."

Everyone at the table chuckles except Ajax who pretends to look annoyed and then shouts out, "Okay, let's eat!"

The turkey and all the trimmings are delicious. There's so much food and I do my best to try at least a little of everything. After the meal we all decide to relax for a bit before dessert. Some of the boys go outside to kick a soccer ball around while Nico and I put Paisley down for a nap. I'm leaning over the crib rubbing her back while Nico is sitting in a rocking chair watching when Ajax and Benji come in. They'd been doing the clean-up after making the ladies sit down and relax.

"How's she doing?" Ajax whispers.

"She's out." I stand up and stretch. "Are you sure it's okay for her to stay here?" I ask. Nico and I are taking a drive to Malibu for a couple of days of one-on-one time at Ajax's beach house, leaving tomorrow morning after breakfast.

"Are you kidding? Lucy would have it no other way and Louisa and Rosita are staying over too. She's in good hands, lots of them," Ajax laughs.

"Besides, I'm here," Benji adds, "I'm the cool uncle." We all chuckle and the room is quiet and relaxing. Nico is rocking quietly and looks like he's close to taking his own nap. I feel kind of bad because he's such a light sleeper, he'd often be off taking care of the baby in the middle of the night before I even notice she was awake. He really is an amazing father to our little girl.

"So there's something we wanted to talk to you about," Ajax begins and for some reason that reminds me.

"Oh, there's something we need to talk to you about too," I add.

"You go first." Benji looks very curious so I look at Nico who nods for me to go ahead.

"Since we have Paisley now, we thought it was important to have our wills and everything in order., just wanted to ask...if anything ever happened to both of us, would you be Paisley's guardians? And also her Godfathers...even though we're not really religious, just more of in the..."

"Yes!" Benji almost shouts. "I mean...not that anything will ever happen to you, but of course we'll always be there for her and we want to be her Godfathers too!!!"

"Yes." Ajax looked at Benji with a smile, "he's right, we would feel honored."

"Will you have a Christening?" asks Benji.

I let Nico field this question since I had left that up to him. "Yes, we were thinking of taking her to the island for Christmas and then asking the Priest in Lucy's little parish to do the honors just after the New Year."

"That's a great idea, she'd love that," Ajax agrees. "Now, our turn." He pulls a large piece of paper out of his pocket and when he unfolds it, I see a drawing of some sort. I walk closer as he spreads it out on the dresser.

"This is a drawing of the property this house is on. As you can see, we're on 6.5 acres," he points out the house and the land all around. "When this area started being developed I bought up as much as was available next to us just to preserve our privacy and....well, just because I could," he laughs.

"There's a spot over here," he says pointing to a section on the paper, "it's the perfect place for another house and lots of flat land around it for a pool or play area...or whatever you might want. There's even a path to a little stream in the back where it's heavily treed." He looks up at Nico and I. "It's yours...if...if you want it. We'd love to have you close by and if we eventually have a family."

"When," Benji pipes up.

" would be nice for our kids to grow up together, like we did Nic."

"Wow," I breathe. Nico and I had been looking around for a good spot to build, since we'd like to move from the apartment to a house after I graduate. I look over at Nico and when he looks at me with a raised brow I smile.

"That's very generous of you Ajax and Benji...and we'd love to take you up on the offer. We both love it here and...well, thank you!" Nico says gratefully.

"Yeah guys, this is great. It would be awesome to be neighbors."

"Come on," Benji says excitedly, "we have time before dessert, let's take a walk around the property so you can see it for yourself. There's a path from the back garden that goes straight there."

The four of us set off to walk off some of the turkey after leaving a baby monitor with Lucy. We follow Ajax and Benji to a slightly elevated meadow look around enjoying the beautiful view. "This does look perfect," I muse and look at Nico whose content grin tells me he agrees.

"Well, I know an architect, I guess it's time to set up a meeting with him," Nico announces. "We have a year and a half until you graduate, that gives us plenty of time to agree upon a design and find the right builder."

"This is so effing awesome!" Benji screams at the top of his lungs making us cringe.

"Let's go back, I bet everyone's ready for dessert"! Ajax suggests.

When we arrive Benji and Ajax make some tea and coffee and Nico and I start cutting up the pies. We had pumpkin, pecan, blueberry and lemon meringue. Once everyone was served, Nico and Ajax join Lancaster, Phillip, Quentin, Eli, Brett, Jonah and Aiden to watch the game. The others are now playing Monopoly so Benji and I take Sebastien into the sunroom to have some private time with him.

"How are you holding up?" I ask.

"I'm okay. It's still, weird. I don't really know what to do with myself...I keep thinking if I go into his study he'll be sitting there. Then of course when I walk in and hear someone on the phone or the computer keys tapping I think maybe it was all a dream, but then I see its Lancaster and it all comes back to me."

"What's he like?" Benji asks.

"He's okay. Not at all like Gregory. They're brothers, but so far apart in age, I guess they hardly grew up together. They're nothing alike."

"Is he nice to you?"

"Mhm, he's been super busy dealing with the business and lawyers, but...he makes sure I'm okay and have everything I need."

"Are you really going to go to Chicago with him?"

"Yeah. It's what Master Gregory wanted. He'd written me a letter, the lawyer had it. He...well, he said a lot of stuff, but he said that he'd written to Lancaster and that he would take care of me for as long as I needed it. I know...I should be able to just move forward on my own, but I'm scared." He whispers the last few words. "I don't have any family left...Master Gregory was everything to me...he wanted me to go with Lancaster, he knows what's best for me. I...I don't know...there are parts of him that make me think of Master Gregory and I guess it makes me feel safe. They look alike, Lancaster is like a younger version of Master Gregory, just a little bigger I guess...and they have a similar accent and they even have some of the same gestures."

"But he's not Gregory," I say. "The relationship you had with Gregory was different, he's not going to replace him..." I trail off suddenly wondering if this was all part of the lifestyle. Had Gregory given Sebastien to Lancaster like something you inherit. "Is he?"

"Is he your new Master?" Benji asks outright.

"No!" Sebastien assures us. "He's just going to help me learn to take care of myself. He's going to help my get into college, he knows somebody at Chicago State University...and he can introduce me to people at his club, when I'm ready to find a new Dominant."

"You're going to stay in the lifestyle?" I ask.

"Yeah...not right away, but...I'm comfortable in it. I...I'm sorry Finn, I know how independent you are, but I'm not like that. I need...somebody, I feel lost without someone to guide me."

"Just don't let Lancaster pressure you or take advantage of you," Benji says. "Don't let him use you."

I was actually surprised Benji laid it down on the line so directly, but I'm glad he did. Though Sebastien looks almost horrified. "I'm not like that Benji...I never...there was only Master Gregory. I've never been with anyone else, I don't...I won't be with just anyone. It's not going to be like that."

"Okay Seb, I didn't mean to freak you out. I've just heard that Lancaster is kind of a player in Chicago, different sub every night..."

"Well, nobody's going to use me. I'll only give myself to a real Master, not just anyone. I don't want to be with anyone for a while, but when I'm ready, Master Phillip said he'd talk to his friend who runs the club in Chicago and they'd help me find the right one."

"Okay, just keep an open mind," I caution. "Go to college, meet some people your own age, maybe date outside of the scene, try all sorts of things. You can do whatever you want."

"I know," he replies defensively and I can almost see him shutting down. His eyes don't keep our gaze any longer and he looks like he's itching to get out of the room. "I have, I'm going to go use the washroom," he finally whispers before getting up and leaving the room. I look at Benji and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I'll keep in regular touch with him," he assures me. "I'll even make sure I get to Chicago every couple of months to go see him."

"Good, I never got as close as you two, but I'll keep in touch with him too." When we wander through the house a few minutes later I see Sebastien in the den with the men watching the game. He's sitting on the floor leaning against the end of the couch next to where Lancaster is sitting. He looks tense and miserable and I watch as Lancaster's hand slides over the arm rest about six inches and the tips of his fingers tangle in Sebastien's hair and rub circles on his scalp. Almost immediately Sebastien's head relaxes back and his eyes close and his body sags slightly as the tension leaves him. It's a very subtle connection that I don't think anyone notices.

As the late afternoon turns to evening, the guests start slowly making their way home. Nico and I are staying over and will leave from here in the morning. When Paisley had woken up from her nap earlier I let Lucy give her a bottle and then we all played with her. Later in the evening we made turkey sandwiches and then watched a movie together.

Nico and I set up the baby monitor in the guest room after we put Paisley to bed after the movie.

"Did you have a good Thanksgiving baby?" Nico asks as I crawl into the bed into his warm, inviting arms.

"Yeah, it was great. I can't believe Ajax and Benji gave us the land for our house. It's so cool that we'll be so close too."

"I agree. I'm glad you're pleased. All I want is for you and Paisley to be happy. That's my one focus in life now."

"I want you to be happy too," I tell him.

"When you're happy, I'm happy."

"You're such a sap, Nico," I tease and he lets out a deep laugh.

"Maybe so, but I'm telling the truth."

Nico startles me suddenly rolling me over on my back and hovering over me. "I'll always tell you the truth baby," he growls and then leans down and attacking my neck with kisses, licks and nips. My Achilles heel because I'm soon writhing and my body is putty in his hands for whatever he wants to do with me. I close my eyes basking in the feel of his mouth as it begins to move all over my body once he's taken his fill of the sensitive skin on my neck. "So beautiful," he breathes as his tongue drags across my chest, "and you always taste so sweet."

"Nico, you're...making needy," I gasp out as his lips and teeth capture one of my nipples. He bites gently and I feel myself swelling, my erection pressing against his thigh.

"Don't worry baby, I'm going to make sweet, gentle love to you tonight. I don't want to tire you out too much. I have lots of plans for Malibu." He lifts his head so it's directly above mine and his brown eyes peer right into mine.

"Oh really? Mmmm, I can only just imagine." Reaching up I pull my man down into a kiss. A long and hard taste of his plump lips and warm mouth. "I'll do my best to keep up."

"I'm sure you can baby," he chuckles. "Now you are wearing entirely too much clothing." I give him a smug grin as he pulls the boxers I'm wearing down my leg, the only piece of clothing I have on. I feel goosebumps on my skin as he drags his fingers down my thighs admiringly and when he stands up to remove them from my feet, he drops his black, silk sleep pants letting them pool on the floor before he steps out of them. His impressive erection pops out of the waistband and bounces enticingly as he crawls back onto the bed.

"Roll on your side baby?" he asks and I let out a content sigh as I roll away from him. Soon he's snuggled up behind me letting a hand drag over my side as he kisses my shoulder. His hand slowly meanders down to my cock and begins giving it long, gentle strokes. "I love very much," he breathes into my skin and I moan my approval, pressing my hips back into his groin. I let out deeper groan as his hard shaft presses against my entrance.

"Mmmm," I moan pushing myself further back against him, letting there be no confusion as to my intentions and desire.

We'd gotten into the habit lately of getting right to the point, as they say. Since we often are interrupted by the baby, we often take advantage of the short private moments before the sound of a fussy baby can be heard through the monitor. Although Nico is the master of foreplay, I don't mind because once I get turned on by him, my mind becomes flooded with anticipation at having him buried deep inside me. As I coil and uncoil my body against him he reaches a hand under his pillow and I hear the sound of a bottle opening. Slick fingers are soon pressing against my entrance, gently probing and stretching me.

I reach back and grip his shaft, I want him so badly.

"Easy baby," he whispers, but complies, taking himself into his hand and leading his cock right where I want it. "Mmm, yes," I hiss as I push my hips back as he presses into me, soon breaching the tight ring of muscle and sliding gently deeper and deeper. I lift my leg to give him better access and once he's fully seated his arm reaches under my knee and holds my thighs apart. His hips begin a steady pace pushing against me and back, forward and back while the movement of my own hips meets him thrust for thrust. This feels so natural to me, like when we connect like this, we are one unified being, two halves of a soul that becomes one as we make love.

"I can't ever get enough of you," Nico groans as he picks up the pace and I feel his body tensing up.

"I don't want you to," I reply between panting breaths. I begin pumping my shaft, getting closer and closer.

"I want all of you."

"I'm all yours."

"And I am all yours," he replies as the hand holding my leg moves around my middle and in one swift movement I'm rolled onto my stomach, his hand underneath my stomach lifting me up and he's thrusting harder and harder.

"Oh...god...Nico," I pant. "I'" I feel a wave of heat flow over my body and before I can say the word I cry out and am cumming into his hand that's now gripping my pulsing shaft. As my orgasm flows over me in bursts I feel my channel tighten around Nico and soon he's groaning and gasping until with one final grunt he thrusts deep inside me and I feel his shaft swell and then quiver before flooding me with his hot juices.

"Baby," he groans, thrusting a few more times as I milk every last drop from him. When he's totally spent he rolls us onto our sides, his cock still buried inside me and I lay in his arms, catching my breath. My body lets out a few shivers as the final traces of my orgasm tingle through my over sensitized groin. Nico reaches down and pulls a blanket over us. I sigh with contentment at the feel of him still connected and as I languish in the sweet moment I soon feel myself drift off to sleep. Safe, warm and one with my lover.

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