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Four boys in their early 20's is seen sitting on their bikes in their college compound and chatting.

Vidyut : Guys, Why we are here this much early ? It's only half past 8 and class will start only at 10. More over it's our first day at college.

DD : Exactly. And for God's sake, we are freshers. What if some seniors rag us ?

A nervous DD looks at the handsome boy who was beside him.

Neil (by pulling out his sunglass) : Haha DD. Are you scared ?

DD : Oh you are not scared of anyone. Great, smart and daring 
Neil Khanna.

Neil : Of course I am not. N you too dont need to be scared of anyone.

Vidyut : But Neil, tell me why are we here at this time ? Why did you ask me to come this early ?

Neil : Ask him. He is the one who irritated me to call you all here.

DD : Yuvi. What's the reason ?

Yuvraj (laughing) : Simple guys. I just dont want to miss any beautiful gals at college. All beautiful girls deserve to see Yuvraj Khanna at first.

Neil (annoyed) : Yuvi.... If you take this interest in studies, I am sure you will top the class.

Yuvraj : No my dear bro. Even if i get so engrossed in studies, I am sure I can't top you. So I am happy with the research I am doing now. GIRLS (smirking).

DD : You are too much yuvi.

Vidyut : Do you think all those girls who are behind you are good one for you ?

Yuvraj : Who cares about that yaar. Yuvraj Khanna just need some time pass. And girls can give a good company. It's fun to see their flirty side.

DD : Why dont you stick to one girl ?

Yuvraj : I gets bored man. Can't handle a girl more than 2 days. Their attitude easily changes after one or 2 dates. And you know very well that Yuvi can't stand bossy type girls.

Neil : You are crazy.

Yuvraj : You know what Neil.

Neil : What ?

Yuvraj : You are so boring.

Neil (with attitude) : I am happy with that.

Yuvraj : With this attitude of yours, no girls gonna fall for you.

DD : Who told ? You don't know yuvi, there are many girls behind our Neil.
Of course because of his attitude.

Yuvraj (surprised) : Really ?

Vidyut : Strange yaar. You don't know what's happening with your own bro ?

Neil : How will he know that Vidyut. He is so behind girls that he doesn't have time for his bro and friends. But yeah he does have time for girl friends.

Vidyut : You are right. You are more with Sunheri these days. What's cooking ?

Yuvraj : Oh VP. Not again.

Vidyut (raising his brows) : VP ?

Yuvraj : Yup. Short form of Vidyut Pandit. Didn't you like it ? I will call you like that from today. Vidyut is very long name to call out.

Vidyut : Yuck. Suggest something other.

Yuvraj : VD ?

Vidyut : Hmmm Ohhk

Yuvraj : So VD. Sunheri is my best friend ok. She is not other girly types as you know. And I am not interested in her too. She always helps me in getting connected to pretty ladies.

Neil : Oh just the way she got you connected to Mithali ? Girl friend turned friend.

Yuvraj : Tillu. Don't take the name of that girl.

Neil : Yuvi. Don't call me Tillu.

DD and Vidyut laughs seeing the cute silly fights of brothers.

Yuvraj : Why can't I call you Tillu ? TILLU.

Neil : You can call me that when we are at home. Not in college or any public place.

Yuvraj : Why Tillu ?

Neil : Yuvi, you very well know that I don't like anyone calling me by that name in public. We are not kids Yuvi. And tillu sounds like a kid.

Vidyut : Why are you irritating him Yuvi ?

Yuvraj : Ask him to stop mentioning mithali as my girlfriend then.

DD : Neil didn't tell she is your girlfriend. He told girlfriend turned friend. It means ex girlfriend.

Yuvraj : Oh God. That girl is not even my ex. It was true that I told sunheri that she looks good. Stupid sunheri thought I liked her and that mithali too befriended with sunheri because she wanted to be with at least one of us. Since sunheri is eyeing DD, she very well knew that she can't be with DD. So she was behind rest of us.

Neil & Vidyut : What ?

Yuvraj : I am not joking. You can ask Sunheri. And that mithali she is not like other girls who is only in to partying. She wants straight to commitment, live in and marriage.

Neil, Vidyut and DD laughs out loud hearing that.

Neil : That's why you got nullified and rejected her ?

Yuvraj : Of course.

Neil : Why Yuvi ? You need fun right.

Vidyut : Yeah it will be fun in bed

They laughed and hi-fied each other.

Yuvraj : Oh come on guys. I am still a virgin.

DD : Really (laughing).

Vidyut : Who told you are not, Yuvi ?

All bursted out in to laughter whereas yuvi looked at them all confused.

Neil : My dear bro Yuvi. You may be aggressive, arrogant and naughty boy to the outside world. But we very well know that you are so innocent and is just like a kid sometimes.

Yuvraj smiles at them and they four goes in for a group hug.

Precap :

Vidyut : Hey Yuvi, look at those girls. Very very beautiful.

Yuvi : Where.... Where ?

Vidyut : There. Near that Red Car.

Yuvi (mesmerized) : She is soooooooo beautiful.

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