Pretty Girls

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Neil : Guys, I am getting bored from here. I am going to library. Anyone wanna join ?

Yuvraj : Why don't you get tired of reading ? YUCKKK Neil, You are a bookworm.

Neil : Reading can increase your knowledge my bro.

Yuvraj : I have got more than enough knowledge and why do I need books when I got an encyclopedia brother (laughing).

Vidyut : You said it right yuvi.

Neil : Impossible. You guys do whatever you want. I am going.

DD : Wait Neil. I will come with you.

Yuvraj (with a sarcastic laugh) : 2 Bookworms.

Neil gave him a death glare and went to library with DD.

Yuvraj : Ufff VD, Neil is sometimes very boring. I wonder how we became brothers.

Vidyut : He is not boring. He is extra decent.

Yuvraj : Extra decent is only boring.

Vidyut : That's your point of view bro. He is amazing.

Yuvraj : Whatever.

Many students passed them in the meanwhile.

Yuvraj : Oh God. Why can't you send some beauties ? Even I am getting bored now.

Vidyut : Let us go inside bro. There is no point in waiting.

Yuvraj : Just a few more mins. My heart is saying that someone will come to steal my heart.

Vidyut (laughing) : You are so cheesy Yuvi.

Yuvraj : Haha. Unlike my bro.

Vidyut : Very true

Both their eyes were at the gate.

A gal to Yuvraj (from behind) : Excuse me, Can you show me the canteen ?

Yuvraj (with attitude) : VD. Tell her that I dont speak to strangers.

Gal gives an irritated look.

Vidyut : Dont mind sis. Go straight from here and turn left before the main building.

Gal : Thank you. You are new here ?

Yuvraj (with a stern voice) : If we are new, how can he direct you towards canteen ?

Gal got frightened and walked to canteen with her friends.

Vidyut : Why are you speaking rudely to poor gals Yuvi ? She just asked about the way.

Yuvraj : Cant you see she is trying to flirt ?

Vidyut : Who told ?

Yuvraj : I can feel that.

Vidyut : What if she was not flirting ?

Yuvraj : I don't care.

Vidyut : Even if she was flirting, What's the problem ? Even you flirts right.

Yuvraj : I dont like certain gals. That's it.

Vidyut : What to do with you Yuvi.

Vidyut pats his shoulders and turned towards the car parking area and the view stunned him.

Vidyut : Hey Yuvi, look at those girls. Very very beautiful.

Yuvi : Where.... Where ?

Vidyut : There. Near that Red Car.

Yuvi (mesmerized) : She is soooooooo beautiful.

Vidyut : Without doubt. I liked both.

Yuvi's eyes were stuck on the girl in white dress.

Yuvi : I loved the white one.

Vidyut : Ok then I will try to tackle the red one and you handle white one. I am ok with any. Both are gorgeous. Pretty Girls.

Yuvraj was so lost in her beauty that he was not listening to Vidyut.

Vidyut : Yuvi. YUVIIII

Yuvraj : What ?

Vidyut : Come let's go near them.

Yuvraj : Nope. You go and talk to that red one. Make sure that white dressed girl comes to me.

Vidyut gave thumbs up and rushed towards the girls.

In the meantime near the car :

Juhi : Avni, it's 9:30 now. Where is Rhea, Ali and KK ?

Avni : Rhea and Ali is on the way. KK is still at home.

Juhi : Oops. We are new here. Don't know how the students here will be.

Avni : Don't be scared Juhi. Be strong.

Juhi (worried) : You always stay beside me ok

Avni (laughing) : Ok dear. Dont worry.

They saw Vidyut coming towards them.

Juhi (smiling) : Wow avni. See that. That's Vidyut.

Avni : Vidyut ? How you know him ?

Juhi : You don't know ? He is the son of the famous politicians Vikas Pandit and Ragini Pandit.

Avni : I don't know. I am not interested in these politics.

Juhi : I told you about my uncle Jagdish right. A politician.

Avni : Yup. Your mom's brother.

Juhi : Yes. He had showed Pandit's family pic clicked during the last political party they had.

Avni : Ohhh. Why this guy coming here ?

Juhi (excited) : Dont know. We never met. But look he is so handsome.

Avni : So what ?

Precap :

Neil : You alright ?

Avni : Yeah I am fine. Thank you for the help.

Neil (smiling) : Anytime.

Avni : You are so good. I really liked you. Can we be friends ?

She put forward her hands for a handshake.

Neil : Why not ? FRIENDS (by shaking hands with Avni).

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