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It was 11 pm and Shivika were sitting in Aadi's room after making Aadi asleep. They were relieved that the horrendous dinner was finally over.

S- Uh.. do you fancy a walk in the garden?

Anika was stunned for a moment but she nodded her head.

A- Sure. Let's go.

They walked outside the room.

S- Wait a minute.

He immediately ran towards their room and Anika frowned in confusion.

Soon he was back with a shawl and wrapped it around her shoulders and Anika looked at him in surprise.

S- it's cold outside.

Anika nodded her head and they headed towards the garden.

At night, the garden was looking beautiful and serene.

A- It's beautiful.

S- Hmm.. dad loves to maintain the greenery around us. Dad's very possessive about his plants.

A- well this is a surprise, usually women are too possessive about their plants but I guess here the case is different.

Shivaay just nodded his head with a smile.

They were walking when Anika's eyes fell on a small pool near the stairs.

A- Wow! Is it a pool?

Anika said while ascending the stairs and Shivaay followed her.

S- Kind of.

A- Uh... Can we dip our feet in it and sit here for a while?

Anika asked hesitantly and Shivaay just nodded his head.

S- Yeah sure.

Anika pulled up her Saree a little and dipped her feet in the pool.

A- Oooh! It's cold. Why are you standing there? Come.

Anika said while pointing the pool and Shivaay just folded his trousers upto his knees and dipped his feet in the water.

A- How is it?

Anika asked him about the temperature of water.

S- Fine.

Anika just nodded her head.

A- You know, I never thought that one day I'll get out of the village or land here in this place. I like this place, there are many people here like family, even 100s of servants but still I feel lonely sometimes. In village, I was habitual of those taunts and rude comments but still it was familiar. Even reeti chachi. She was like a  mother figure for me. Always cared for me. Always loved me unconditionally like her own children. It was a warm feeling.

Anika shared her inner turmoil with Shivaay and she didnt even knew why she did that. But she wanted to get rid of this heavy feeling from her heart.

S- Uh.. do you want to talk to her?

Shivaay asked her hesitantly and Anika frowned.

A- Who?

S- Reeti chachi.

Shivaay said and anika looked at him in surprise.

A- Now? No. She must be asleep by now. I can call her tomorrow, with your mobile, if you don't mind.

S- you can't call with my phone.

Shivaay said and Anika lowered her eyes in sadness and nodded her head.

S- Because you're going to call with this.

Shivaay said while forwarding a brand new phone to her.

Anika looked at him in shock.

A- Who's this?

S- Yours. I realised that you didn't have a phone and now you'll be going to college so you'll need it. And I've saved everyone's number in your phone, even Reeti chachi's, chachu's and uh.. your father's number too.

Shivaay said and Anika was dumbfounded.

A- But i can't take this. It's so expensive and i don't know how to use it.

Anika said hesitantly and Shivaay Smiled.

S- This is nothing in front of what you're doing for me and for Aadi. So please accept it. And I'll teach you how to use it. You're quick learner and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon.

Shivaay said and Anika nodded her head.

A- Thank you.

S- Uh.. there's one more thing.

Shivaay took out a ring box which had two rings.

Anika looked at him with widened eyes.

S- These are promise rings.

Anika looked at him in confusion.

S- With this ring, I wanted to promise you that I'll try my best to make you trust me and I'll be always there for you whenever you need me. And that I'll trust you even when the whole world is against you. Anika, I know I was wrong for what I did but I always cared for you. I always wanted you to be a part of my life and give a chance to us.

Shivaay said truthfully and Anika's eyes filled with tears when Shivaay slipped the ring through her ring finger.

Anika took another ring from the box.

S- You don't have to.

A- I want to give this relationship a chance too. I promise to be a good wife, a good mother and a good daughter-in- law and I'll always make you proud. I trust you, Shivaay. But you have to promise me that you'll never hide anything from me and always tell me the truth.

Anika said and Shivaay nodded his head with a smile with his teary eyes. Anika smiled and made him wear the ring.

S- Do you really want to give a chance to our relationship?

Anika nodded her head.

Shivaay thought of a mischief and smirked.

S- So do we start as girlfriend-boyfriend or direct husband-wife?

Shivaay asked her and Anika blushed.

S- I guess, former is better. So Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh oberoi, will you be my girlfriend?

Shivaay asked her and Anika chuckled. Anika just shyly nodded her head.

S- Great.

Suddenly, Anika shivered due to the cold wind and Shivaay noticed it.

S- I guess we should head inside. It's getting cold here.

Shivaay said and Anika nodded her head.

They headed inside when Shivaay stopped her.

S- Uh.. Anika, do you mind sharing a room with me? I don't want to give a wrong idea to Aadi and Mom too.

Shivaay said and Anika nodded her head.

A- okay.

They headed towards Shivaay's room, which was now their room.

A- I'll take the couch.

S- No. You can take the bed. I'll sleep on the couch.

A- But...

S- No. Its final.

A- Okay. Then we can sleep on the couch on alternate days. Please.

Anika said with a puppy face and Shivaay Smiled.

S- Okay.

A- Tell me where is extra blanket? I'll arrange the couch for you.

S- In that drawer.

Shivaay said and Anika walked towards the drawer.

As soon as she took out the blanket, she came across a photo frame which was tugged in the farthest corner of the drawer. She took the photo frame out and it was photo of a woman.

Shivaay, who was curious that why anika was taking so much time, turned to look at her holding a photo and his smile faded.

He walked towards her and took the photo from her.

A- Who is She?

Shivaay looked at Anika for a few moments and then answered.

S- She is Aadi's mother.

Shivaay said and Anika's eyes widened in realisation.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with next chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

Aadi's mother? Any idea who is she or where is she?🤔🤔

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