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Shivaay and Anika were sitting on the bed and Shivaay was holding the photo frame in his hands and his eyes were filled with tears.

S- She is Shivani, my sister and Aadi's mother.

Shivaay said and Anika looked at him in shock.

A- You...r....sis...ter.

Anika was asked hesitantly and Shivaay nodded his head.

S- My twin sister. We were 19 and studied in same college. She was in love with my best friend, Rahul and we were all very happy. One day, she realised that she was pregnant and we were so mad at her. Mom & dad were very upset with her as we were still in college. But few weeks later, we accepted the baby and Rahul also wanted to marry her as he didn't want the baby to be called illegitimate.

Shivaay sighed and clutched the photo frame tightly in his grip. Anika just held his hand to support him emotionally.

S- It was Shivani's 8th month of pregnancy when she went into labor. We were very worried especially rahul. But everything was fine and Shivani gave birth to Aadi. When Aadi turned two months old, Shivani and Rahul got married. I gifted them honeymoon tickets to Spain. They were so happy and we gladly kept Aadi with us. They boarded the flight but....

A lone tear escaped from Shivaay's eyes and Anika side Hugged him.

S- But their plane got crashed. No one was alive in that plane crash.

Anika's eyes were filled with tears. She rested her head on Shivaay's shoulder and started sobbing and Shivaay caressed her hair as few tears escaped from his eyes.

S- At first it was very difficult but I decided to adopt Aadi legally and give him a good life. Aadi doesn't know about all this and we want to keep it that way as the pain of losing parents is immense.

Shivaay said and Anika nodded her head.

A- Aadi is our son and he will always be our eldest son.

Anika said and Shivaay looked at her with immense respect.

He smiled and pecked her forehead.

S- You're really perfect for Aadi and for me as well.

Shivaay said and Anika smiled.

S- Come on, Let's sleep.

A- Yeah I'm taking Aadi to school tomorrow.

Anika said with excitement and Shivaay chuckled.

Soon they slipped into bed and drifted into sleep.

It was early morning when Anika's sleep broke and she felt an arm wrapped around her waist. She slowly opened her eyes and found Shivaay's arm wrapped around her and her face snuggled in the crook of Shivaay's neck.

A red tint covered Anika's cheeks and she slowly removed Shivaay's arm from her waist and hurriedly got out of the bed and went to get ready.

She adorned herself with a blue and yellow saree.

She was applying Sindoor when Shivaay woke up from his sleep.

He looked at Anika and a Smiled came upon his lips.

S- Indeed its a good morning.

Shivaay whispered to himself while glancing at Anika through the mirror.

Anika's eyes fell on Shivaay and she nervously tucked her hair strand behind her ear.

A- Umm.. good morning.

Shivaay sat up on the bed and smiled at her.

S- Good morning beautiful.

He smiled and went to freshen up and here Anika was blushing to the shade of deepest red.

She smiled sheepishly while looking at herself in the mirror and then went to Aadi's room.

She looked at sleeping Aadi and smiled. She sat on the his bed beside him and gently caressed his hair.

A- Aadi. Wake up baccha.

She cooed at him and Aadi opened his eyes slowly with a smile.

Aa- gool molning Mumma.

A- Good morning my baby.

Anika said while pecking his forehead.

A- come on let's get ready then Mumma will drop you at your school.

Anika said and Aadi jumped in excitement.

Aa- yaay! Aadi go to shchool with mumma.

Aadi sang and Anika chuckled. Soon she made him ready in a rust colored jacket and white pants.

She took him to the dining area and Shivaay joined them.

S- So mumma and son ready for the day?

A/aa- yes/Yesh!

They said together and Shivaay chuckled.

Anika served breakfast to Shivaay, Aadi and some on her plate.

A- Where is Aunty and papa?

S- Dad has left for Manhattan for an important meeting and Mom is at hospital for some emergency case.

Shivaay said and Anika nodded her head.

S- Come. We'll drop Aadi at his school first and then we'll go to your college as we have to submit some documents there.

Anika smiled and nodded her head.

They settled in Shivaay's car and headed towards Aadi's school.

They reached Aadi's school and Aadi excitedly ran inside the school and Shivika followed him.

Aadi held Anika's hand and took her to his friends.

Aa- Mumma, theshe ale my fliends, Lohan,  Shaan, Dev and Shwati. And fliends, thish ish my mumma.

Aadi's friends greeted anika and anika gave them chocolates and one Chocolate to aadi too.

Aadi's teacher came towards them and smiled at anika.

T- hello mr & mrs. Oberoi.

A- Hello.

T- you both should be proud of aadi. He is such a well behaved kid and he has topped his class this year.

Teacher praised aadi and Shivaay and anika smiled proudly at their son.

S- Thank you.

Soon they left for Anika's college.

When Shivaay stopped the car in front of Anika's college, Anika was stunned after looking at the luxurious college.

A- Is this my college?

S- Yes. Now come.

Shivaay said with a smile.

A- this place is so beautiful.

S- Yeah my grandfather gave his soul to make this place. He loved this place.

Shivaay gave a tour of college to Anika and Anika loved each and every spot, especially the library.

Soon they completed the formalities of the college and headed out.

S- Would you mind to come to office with me? As there will be no one at home and you'll get bored. And we can also go pick up Aadi together from school.

A- Yeah. Why would I mind? Let's go.

They settled in the car and headed to Oberoi industries.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next Chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

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