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It was dinner time and Anika started serving dinner. Everybody settled down on their respective places and Shivaay and Chris also settled down.

Before Anika could walk out of the kitchen with the food, Anuradha clutched her arm tightly and twisted it and Anika winced in pain.

An- Did you prepare all the dishes as I asked?

Anika winced in pain and nodded her head with teary eyes.

An- Good. Because you already created so much scene in front of Shehri babu (city boy). Now go and serve the food.

Anika nodded her head and left the kitchen with dishes in her hand.

She kept the dishes on the table. And started serving palak paneer, dal makhni and naam to everyone except Chris.

Anika noticed Chris's worried expression as he glanced at the food.

C- Mr. Oberoi, is this food also spicy like the one we ate at that food stall? I'm sorry dude but I'm not used to it.

Chris asked Shivaay worriedly and Shivaay was also worried now as he also thought that how will Chris manage eating such spicy food and they are in village so it's obvious that the food must be spicy and there are no restaurants from where he can order food for Chris.

They were talking in English so everyone thought that they must be praising them and they started eating happily but Anika heard all their conversation and smiled.

She took a covered bowl and moved towards Chris. She opened the bowl and Chris and Shivaay looked at her in shock.

A- Pasta for you, Mr.Chris. I thought that it will be difficult for you to adjust with Indian spices so I made this.

Chris was over the moon after looking at the pasta.

C- Thank you so much, sister. You're a saviour.

Shivaay was just admiring Anika and her exceptional quality of making everyone happy.

S- How did you even make this? I didn't find any shop nearby. And where did you even learn to make it?

Anika bowed her head while blushing.

A- I made it from the scratch. And my friend from city taught me this recipe.

Shivaay's eyes widened in surprise and he smiled widely.

S- Thank you.

Anika just nodded her head. They turned to look at the family members, who were looking at Chris and the pasta weirdly, not knowing what it was.

Anuradha then glared angrily at Anika.

An- Why are you making our guest eat this weird thing? Why didn't you serve him with our lavish dinner? DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SHAME?

anuradha shouted at Anika and Anika shivered in fear and Shivaay noticed it.

S- Excuse me, Mrs.... Uh... Whatever. Chris wanted to eat pasta that's why Anika prepared it. Chris doesn't eat spicy food.

Shivaay said angrily to Anuradha and she gave a sheepish smile to him.

An- We were just concerned about our guest.

S- That doesn't mean you can shout on your family.

Shivaay said sternly and Anuradha nodded her head while secretly glaring at Anika.

Everyone started eating their food except Shivaay.

S- Anika, come eat with us?

Shivaay said and Everyone looked at him shock except Chris who was lost in the world of pasta.

Anika's eyes widened in horror.

Before she could say anything, Parul said-

P-Oh handsome man, don't care about her. She doesn't eat with us.

Parul said with an evil laughter and Shivaay frowned in Confusion.

S- What do you mean?

Now it was enough for Baldev that a stranger man was poking his nose in his family affairs.

B- She is my son's widow and she lost the right to live like us when my son died. She eats according to her rituals so it's a request that don't interfere in our family matters, Oberoi Sahab.

Baldev said and Shivaay was About to say something when he looked at Anika who shook her head in negative with teary eyes as the final word was said.

Shivaay sighed and didn't eat his dinner too saying that he was tired from his journey. Everyone nodded their head and left to their respective rooms to sleep and Anika cleaned all the house.

Anika saw that the sun was about to set so she immediately rushed towards her hut to eat her food otherwise she won't be able to eat for another 24 hours. Shivaay was also in his room, when he saw Anika rushing out of the haveli.

He immediately went to the kitchen and grabbed some food and followed her.

Anika unlocked her hut door and entered inside. Shivaay, who was following her was shocked to see the hut.

S(thinks)- Is this Where she lives? How can these people be so heartless? Losing your life partner is itself so difficult and they are making her stay here and follow these stupid norms to make her life more difficult.

He immediately went and knocked on the door. Anika who was serving her boiled potato and dry chapati on her plate, stopped and was confused after hearing the knock as noone comes here.

She covered the plate and headed towards the door and unlocked it.

She was shocked to see Shivaay standing at her door.

A- Mr. Oberoi, what are you doing here? You must be at the haveli. If someone saw you here, it will be a whole mess. Please go.

Anika said worriedly.

Shivaay shook his head in disbelief.

S- You talk too much. Now tell me why are you here? Is it some store room or something?

Anika looked at him in shock and shook her head hesitantly.

A- No. This...this is ... Whe... Where I... Live?

Shivaay nodded his head and looked around. Although the house was broken but still it was clean and homely.

He glanced at the plate and saw dry chapati and boiled potato without any spices. He felt his heart twist in pain.

S- come let's eat together.

Shivaay said while forwarding a plate, full of delicacies which Anika made earlier and Anika looked at him in shock.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Here you go with the next chapter.😁😁

How was it?😊😊

What do you think? Will Anika eat all the delicacies with Shivaay or refuse him?🤔🤔

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