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It was 4 in the morning when Anika woke up with a huge smile. She was finally feeling happy after two years in her life. She Finally took a step towards her dream, all thanks to Shivaay. If he wasn't there to guide her then she wouldn't have the courage to take a step towards her dream.

She smiled to herself and got down from the bed. She neatly made her bed and her eyes fell on the iPad which was now hers. She unlocked it and saw some notifications from the university. It said that there was an entrance exam for the admission in the university in 3 days. Anika looked at the iPad worriedly as Shivaay didn't tell her about this exam.

A- It's alright. I'll ask him but is it okay to pester him about these small things? I mean he is already doing so much for me and I.... Anika, calm down. It's alright. I'll ask him and then I won't disturb him afterwards.

Anika smiled and went to freshen up. She was about to prepare her dinner but then she left it with a smile. She didn't have the heart to eat the dry and tasteless food anymore.

She filled the buckets from the well and took them to the main house. She then heated the water and kept it in front of everyone's bedroom. She was keeping the last bucket in front of Shivaay's room when Shivaay opened the door and Anika looked at him in shock. He was ready in his jogging suit.

Shivaay looked at her with a smile.

S- Hey, Good morning!

A- Good morning.

Anika smiled at him.

S- Why are you up so early in the morning?

Anika looked at him hesitantly.

A- Uh.... I'm usually up at this time. I had to do all the house chores and make breakfast for everyone before they wake up.

Anika said hesitantly and Shivaay looked at her with a frown.

S- But why do you do it alone? Doesn't anyone help you?

A- Uh... I.....

Shivaay understood the whole scenario and he shook his head in disbelief.

A- Uh...i....I've to ask something.

Anika asked him hesitantly. Shivaay looked at her and smiled warmly.

S- Sure. Tell me.

A- Uh... There's a university entrance exam but you didn't tell me about it.

S- Oh that! Don't worry. You don't have to give that exam. I've already talked to the Dean.

A- No. I mean I want to give that exam. I want to take admission with my knowledge. Please can you let me give that exam?

Anika asked him politely and Shivaay Smiled at her proudly. He was really elated after seeing her self respect.

S- Alright. You can give the exam and it will be conducted online so there will be no problem.

Anika smiled widely with happiness.

A- Thank you.

S- At your service, Ma'am.

Shivaay said while bowing down in front of her and Anika blushed.

A- Uh... I should go.

Anika was about to leave when Shivaay stopped her.

S- Anika.

Anika turned to look at him with confusion.

S- can you tell where can I go for jogging?

A- There's a park, a little far away from the house. It's good.

Shivaay smiled.

S- Thank you.

Anika nodded her head with a smile and went to make breakfast.

She prepared Aloo paratha, raita for everyone and vanilla pancakes for Chris.

Anika was arranging the breakfast on the tray when Anuradha walked in the kitchen with Parul.

Anuradha clutched Anika's hand and twisted it.

An- Why was the bath water cold today? I think that you've forgotten your place in this house after those guests praised your useless skills. But remember that your place in this house is just like a doormat, which isn't important to anyone.

Anuradha said angrily and some tears slipped from Anika's eyes.

A- I....I....am... Sorry....

Anuradha and Parul smirked at her.

P- You're doing right, didi. Didn't you see how she was talking to those guys? God know what she can do with them? We can't let her spoil our name.

Parul smirked and Anika looked at her horrified.

A- I... I...would... never....

An- you better stay in your limits. I already killed my son but I won't let you spoil our reputation. Now stop crying like a fool and serve breakfast.

Anika nodded her head and wiped her tears.

Anuradha and Parul left the kitchen with a smirk playing on their lips.

Anika took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

She took the tray and served breakfast to everyone.

Chris smiled at her when she served him pancakes. She smiled back.

Shivaay looked at her and he knew something was wrong. He asked her with his eyes but she just shook her head in negative.

She served Aloo paratha on his plate. Everyone started eating their breakfast except Shivaay. He was finding a way to share his breakfast with Anika.

The silence was broken by the ringing of Chris's phone. He looked at the caller ID and a 1000 Watt smile came on his lips. He immediately answered the call.

C- Hey baby. How are you and how's the baby?

J- I'm good, Chris and baby girl is too.

C- Baby girl?

Chris asked her in excitement and Jennifer chuckled.

J- I went to doctor yesterday and she told me that it's a girl.

C- Oh My god! Baby. I'm so happy. I told you that it's a girl. She'll be my princess.

J- How's your trip? Baby, please don't eat too much spicy food. You know it's doesn't suit you.

C- I know baby. But there's this nice lady here, Anika. Yesterday, she made pasta for dinner and today she has cooked pancakes, that too from the scratch. She's very sweet, just like my little sister.

Jennifer smiled widely.

J- That's great. Is she there? I've to thank her.

C- wait. She's here.

Chris forwarded the phone to Anika and all the family members glared at her except Reeti and her husband.

Anika was hesitant for a while but she took the phone.

A- Hello.

J- Hi, Anika. I'm Jennifer, Chris's fianceé. Thank you so much for taking care of him. I was very Worried for him but you took away half of my worries. Thank you so much.

Anika smiled at her words.

A- you don't have to thank me. It's my duty. He is our guest and it's our duty to take care of our guests.

Anika said and Jennifer smiled.

J- Chris is right. You're very sweet.

Anika smiled and gave the phone back to Chris.

C- Okay baby. I'll talk to you after breakfast.

J- Sure. Bye.

C- Bye.

Chris disconnected the call with a smile.

S- How's Jenny and the baby?

Shivaay asked Chris with a smile.

C- They're fine and it's a girl. I'm so happy.

Shivaay patted his arm happily.

S- Congratulations, Man.

Chris nodded his head with a smile. He soon left to talk with Jennifer.

Anuradha couldn't keep her curiosity so she asked.

An- Who was it on the phone and why was he so happy?

S- That was his girlfriend, Jennifer and he's happy Because he got to know that his girlfriend is pregnant with a girl.

Anuradha looked at him with shock.

An- What? Aren't they married? How could she get pregnant without marriage?

Shivaay rolled his eyes at her questions.

S- It's because they love each other and marriage isn't necessary for love.

Shivaay said with irritation.

An- Why was he so happy that he's going to have a daughter? It's nothing to be happy about. And I never knew that doctor tells the gender before birth. This doesn't happen here.

Anuradha said and Shivaay glared at her angrily. He stood up from his chair.


Shivaay shouted and everyone was shocked while Anika and Reeti had a small smile on their face.

S- I'll have my breakfast on the terrace. Anika, please can you show me the way to the terrace?

Anika nodded her head and they walked towards the terrace with a plate of Aloo parathas.

Shivaay sat down on the bed and Anika sat beside him. She gave him the plate.

A- Uh.. That was... Uh... Amazing. I'm happy that you took a stand for a girl child.

S- I don't know when she said that why was he so happy about a girl child, something went off in my head.

Anika smiled.

S- Let it be.

He rolled a paratha and forwarded it to Anika.

Anika looked at him in shock.

S- What? Eat it.

Anika looked unsure but Shivaay made ber hold the paratha.

S- Come on. Eat it otherwise how will you prepare for your exam if you don't have energy.

Shivaay said and Anika smiled.

She took the first bite and smiled. They started eating the breakfast together.

Suddenly they heard footsteps approaching the terrace and Shivaay and Anika were shocked.

Hello everyone.🤗🤗

Huh.... The longest chapter. *Sighs tiredly*😁😁

How was it?😊😊

What did you think about Shivaay's behaviour? Was it right or wrong?🤔🤔

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