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Shivaay, Anika and Chris were about to leave for the factory site seeing when Balwant stopped them.

B- Wait. Keshav will also accompany you all as we can't let our daughter-in-law leave with two strangers.

Anika exchanged looks with Reeti worriedly but Reeti blinked her eyes assuringly as she has already told Keshav, her husband, about Anika's studies and he was very happy and supportive about it.

Keshav settled at the backseat beside Chris as Anika and Shivaay were already seated at the passenger seat and driving seat.

Keshav showed the directions of the factory to Shivaay and he drove accordingly.

As Shivaay was driving, Chris was admiring the pure village environment.

They reached the factory area and Shivaay parked the car. They walked towards the area.

K- This is the land. It's been barren for a while, only wild Crops are present here so we decided to sell this land and its away from the river also.

Keshav explained the surroundings of the land while Shivaay and Chris were observing the land carefully as Anika was translating it in English to them. Keshav was government employee but still his English wasn't strong so he let Anika explain everything to them.

After seeing the land, Keshav turned to look at Shivaay and Anika.

K- I think you both should go and prepare for Anika's exam while I'll take Chris to show around the village.

Shivaay nodded his head and they left.

Anika was leading the way and soon they reached near a broken Buddhist temple near Lake.

S- Wow! What place is this?

A- This was a broken Buddhist temple so nobody comes here. Come I'll show you a place.

They walked a little further and they saw a wooden platform near the lake. It was surrounded by greenery.

S- Wow. It's so peaceful, here.

A- Advay used to bring me here and he used to teach me. This was the only place, where no villagers come so it was safe for us as his family wouldn't get to know About my studies.

Shivaay looked at Anika in Confusion.

S- Advay?

Shivaay asked her in Confusion.

A- My husband.

Shivaay nodded his head head in understanding.

S- Oh! If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

Anika and Shivaay settled down on the wooden platform.

A- As soon as I turned 17, my parents married me to Advay as they were under debt of my father-in-law. I used to cry whole day and night as I wanted to study and I thought that after marriage, my dreams will be shattered. But after my marriage, Advay was very supportive, he said that we'll begin our married life when we'll fall in love and he promised me that he'll convince his family for my studies. He used to bring me here to study.

S- He sounds like a good person.

A- He was. He became my best friend in the span of just few days. After 15 days of our marriage, he left for some work in the city. After two weeks, he was returning back and he called me that he enrolled my name in an University also but that day he didn't return. Later we got the news that he died in an train accident. Since then, my Life is like this.

Anika said while wiping the single tear which escaped from her eyes. Shivaay felt bad for her.

S- I'm sorry that happened to you. But I promise that I'll try to support you through this. I'll help you to study.

A- But you aren't here forever. What will I do after you leave?

Anika asked him, leaving him stunned.

A- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked that. You're already helping me so much.

Anika said with hesitation and Shivaay Smiled a little.

S- we'll figure out something.

Anika nodded her head.

S- Let's study. You've your exam tomorrow.

Shivaay said and Anika nodded her head.

They studied for a while and soon it was evening.

A- We should go otherwise, Everyone will get angry.

S- Wait. Did you bring the tiffin box I asked you to?

Shivaay asked her and Anika nodded her head.

Anika took out the tiffin from her bag and Shivaay opened it.

S- Wow! It looks delicious.

Anika smiled at his excitement.

S- Come on, let's eat.

Anika nodded her head and they started eating while admiring the nature and laughing together at each other's childhood stories.

S- You know, when I was 15, I found a stray dog on the street. He was shivering due to cold in rain and I took him home. Mom was very angry at me for bringing a stray dog home as she thought I'll get infected but dad convinced her.

Shivaay said with a smile.

A- Do you have him now?

S- Yes. His name is Coco. Wait I'll show you his picture.

A- He's so beautiful.

S- Yes. Whenever he sees me, he just jumps on me and he gets so angry when someone else interrupts our time together. He's a bit possessive about me.

Shivaay said with a chuckle and Anika chuckled too.

Anika and Shivaay spent some time together and then they headed towards the haveli along with Keshav and Chris.

As soon as they reached home, Anika rushed inside the haveli. She was about to go to kitchen when Anuradha caught her arm and glared at her angrily.

An- Did You have fun, you useless girl? You left us to do all the household work alone and went to have fun. Wait till this city man leaves, then I'll make you realise your real position.

Anuradha glared at her angrily. Anika was just listening to her silently.

An- Now go and prepare dinner too and wash all the utensils as well. And you won't eat food today.

Anuradha said angrily and left while Anika hid her smile.

She was habitual to Anuradha's taunts but today she was feeling content as she spent a full day with freedom and happiness.

She went to complete the household chores. Here Shivaay fell on his bed with a content smile. He knew that he was falling for this innocent village girl.

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