Half-Blood Prince

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Fifth year some how ended with little events. Besides the twins going out with a bang during their O.W.L.S test. Severus survived the pink-pocolips that his classroom went through. During the summer Harry and Draco spent a lot of time that summer with Albus for their father's where called away quiet a bit during that time.

Harry was growing increasingly worried for his father. After every meeting he came to Hogwarts to collect him, he noticed the man was always tired and looked drained. Hell, even sometimes he had to stop at poppy's to recover before they went home. He was starting to get really worried. One day Harry woke up and found that Severus was called away sometime during the night. Harry took it upon himself to make a small breakfast for him when he returned. Whenever he returned that is.

Harry was sitting on the chair in the living room when the fireplace roared to life and Severus cam stumbling out of it. Unlike with his usual grace, he fell to the floor and looked as if he didn't have the strength to get back up. I hurt Harry for him to see the man like that. He slowly crept off the couch and sat on the floor next to him. Severus turned his head to him and looked at him. He noticed the man's eyes were darker than normal, they where carrying a certain weight in them now. A weight of tiredness.

"Harry," he said barely above a whisper. His voice sounded so broken, so tired, so... done. Harry's heart couldn't take anymore. His eyes filled with tears and he threw his arms around his father's shoulders. Severus reciprocated the action and they sat like that for a while. Just with Harry crying in his chest. Eventually he said, "I'm worried about you," Harry whispered.

"I know you are. That's why I'm done with it."

"W-what?" Harry stampeded out as he looked at his father.

"I said I'm done with it. I talked to Albus before I came here and I told him I wasn't doing it anymore. I can see the hurt it causes you and I don't even know how much more I can take," Severus told him. He eventually found his strength again and walked over tot he couch where he collapsed down on it and Harry sat right next to him. 

"S-so your done now? W-what about V-The Dark Lord? Won't he try something?" he asked nervously.

"He will cause pain through the mark but I have a way around it," he said as he lifted up his sleeve and showed Harry a sliver band just above the mark on his forearm, "this will subdue the pain. It won't get rid of it completely but it will make it bearable. And we will also be going to Hogwarts for the rest of the summer."


"Because like you said, he may have one of his followers try something. And as much protection I have on this house, if they really tried to get in they could. Hogwarts is the most protected place we can stay," he told his son. So together they made there way upstairs and packed their things. Harry didn't know if they would return here again. But, he had to say he was glad to know his father will be home and not risk getting killed all the time. But the pain with the mark would still be a problem, but his father said the band would make the pain bearable so that was something that on the plus side.

Once the two where finished Severus rushed his boy in to the floo and off they went to Severus quarters that are at Hogwarts. Upon stepping out of the fireplace, Harry felt the same magical sense wash over him. He always did love the castle, ever since he first stepped foot in it. Harry went to his room and began to put his things away. Soon his father joined him.

"You okay? I know I kind of just sprung it on you that we had to leave and I wa-"

"It's fine dad. I get it and I don't mind being here. Especially if it means you can be a little bit safer as well," he said as he turned and faced him. Severus gave him a small smile in return and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. 

"Come on, it's time for lunch. I'm sure grandpa and aunt mini would like to see you," he said as he led Harry out of the chambers and up to the Great Hall. A few teachers would spend the summer at the castle and had the choice of taking lunch in their rooms or the hall, though many chose the hall. Even Severus opted to take his meals their instead of alone in his rooms. 

"Harry, what are you doing here? And Severus? I thought you two would be home for the summer holidays?" Minerva asked them upon entering. Harry only smiled at the woman while Severus gave a brief run down of why they where there. As expected aunt mini fussed over Harry and scolded Severus for springing this on him without even asking for his opinion. Harry mean while just sat there and stuffed his face with food. Now don't get it wrong, he loved his fathers cooking, but their is something about randomly spawned food from magical little creatures that just taste different.  Severus ignored her bantering and continued on with his meal.

Severus felt a small little sting in his forearm about half way through the meal. He knew he should report to Albus but, he looked over at Harry and found him smiling and laughing as he talked with Minerva. Severus knew bringing them here was the right decision to make. Harry was happier here and so was Severus. But he still needed to report about the cuff actually working to the headmaster, but he didn't want it to seem like Harry now was an after thought. Luckily though, his arse was saved.

" 'Ey Har'y. I was a'wondering if ya'd like to 'elp me wit' some new crea'ures. 'Er a bit of a 'andfull," Hargrid said as he made his way over to the group. Harry turned to the potions master with pleading eyes.

"Can I dad?" he asked.

"You may, just don't bring anything back with you though," he said as he gave his son a smile and watched the pair leave the hall, Harry practically bouncing on the balls of his feet.  After the group was out of sight Severus excused himself from the hall and made his way up to the headmasters office.

"Ah Severus, how are you and young Harry setting in?" Albus asked his when he step through the doors of the mans office.

"We are settling fine. Harry's currently off with Hagrid taking care of some new animals for his class," he said as he sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. And like always he had to refuse the lemon drops the man always offered. 

"Has the cuff been put to the test yet?" he asked the potions master.

"Yes it has. It's comparable to a small sting instead of the searing pain," he told him.

"Good, excellent!" the headmaster exclaimed with a sparkle in his eyes. Severus only gave a roll of his eyes. He dismissed himself from the mans office and made his way down to the classroom. He should get a head start on cleaning it. So slowly he  walked over to the cabinet and started searching through all the old sixth year books that where in there. Some where still in good condition, others passable, and some just down right had to be thrown out and replaced. He had gotten half the cabinet sorted through by the time Harry returned.

"Oh, this is where you are," he said as he stepped in side. Severus turned around and found a Harry covered from head to toe in mud.

"I thought I told you not to bring anything back with you?" he questioned.

"I didn't dad," he replied.

"Mud counts as well," Severus said as he turned back around and using the cabinet got up from his position on the floor. Harry gave a slight chuckle to himself.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he walked over to where he currently was and looked at the pile of books, papers and vials that where on the floor and in the cabinet still. 

"Cleaning for next year," came the short reply. Harry grabbed one of the books from inside the cabinet and opened it. In it he found a student had written in it. Everywhere. It seemed not one page was missed from this students opinions. 

"Dad, you have a book full of writing," Harry told him as he continued to flip through the book. Severus poked his head out from the supply room and looked at him.

"From who?" he asked Harry. He then flipped to the front cover and didn't find a students name. Instead he only found,

"It says 'property of the Half-Blood Prince'," Harry told his dad as he handed it to him. Severus stared at it in disbelief for a few moments before a smile broke out on his face. After all these years, Severus never knew his old potions book was still here.  

"Dad why are you smiling?"

"Because this is my old book from when I attended here," he told Harry. He then went on to tell him about how he went through the book and corrected everything wrong with it. Then he asked him a question.

"Did you ever realize how in class I never tell you kids to open your books? And instead I opt to write the instructions on the board? That's because for the past few years the books have been under a different publisher and ever since then most of the information in them is wrong," said Severus. Then he handed the book back to Harry. 

"Here, you use it. Maybe then you might get better grades in potions."

"But, wont you be teaching it?"

"Yes, but sixth year you are more on your own. And there are more tips and tricks in that book that will also help," he said as he turned and returned back to his work in the supply room. Harry looked down at the book and smiled. He would take this small gift to heart. 

Throughout the summer Harry kept his nose glued to his new book. He learned some many new things about potions, about how instead of cutting certain ingredients he can crush them, how to guess the perfect temperature of the potion, even somethings on proper storage. Eventually the school year rolled around and Harry, thanks to the book became top of his class. Even Hermione couldn't couldn't keep up with his. Though from there, every went bad.

Upon reaching the end of the year Death Eater activity increased around in London and through Hogsmade. Severus made sure every night Harry was safe, Draco was safe and from there he worried about himself. Many of his Slytherin students looked at him differently now and he had to be on his guard. Unfortunately that was not the worst of it. Somehow, someway, Death Eaters go into the school right at the end of the year. That's when tragedy really stuck. That was the night Dumbledore was killed. His lifeless body fell of the astronomy tower and landed in the courtyard. Severus, Harry and Draco where the first to be there, then the rest of the student body and staff. One by one they all raised their wands to their headmaster. Severus looked at Harry and Draco before he grabbed them both by the wrist and lead them down a small, empty corridor.

"I need you two to listen to me very, very carefully. There's something that you two need to do. Harry, you may need the help of Weasley and Granger, but head up the the headmasters office and in his top left drawer, you'll find what you need," Severus said trying to keep his voice steady.

"Dad what's going on?"

"I have to return to him."

"What? You can't you'll be killed!"

"Not necessarily. I've been lying to him for years, I can come up with a reasonable one this time. But there's something only you can accomplish. Please, trust me Harry," he said his eyes pleading with him for his son to comply. Harry threw his arms around his father and hugged him for what he feared may be the last time. Draco followed suite and hugged the man he considered to be a second father to him. Severus gave one last look at his boys before he disappeared down the corridior leaving the two boys alone in the dark with an unbelievable task ahead of them. 

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