The Pink Toad of Hogwarts

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The fifth year of Harry's school year at Hogwarts had just begun and already he wanted to quiet. First and for most NO ONE even bothered to acknowledge that the Dark Lord was back besides him and his friends. And second (which in his opinion was the worst) was there was a women from the Ministry that was filling in the dark arts post in the school. Harry and his friend tried their very best to avoid her, but it seemed she tried to follow them and make their lives a living nightmare. Everywhere they turned, she seemed to be right around the corner. No matter what they did, she tried to take points from them. Once, all Harry did was slam the door shut to hard and she took five points from Gryffindor for it. He thought he would be in trouble with his dad for it but Severus didn't even question it. It got so bad, eventually the him, Hermione, Ron and Draco spent all their free time out by the lake reading. That's all they could do so they could stay out of her sight. But even that wouldn't prevent them all from getting a detention. Harry had become fed up with no one believing the Dark Lord was back and lost it. So happened Umbridge was around the corner and gave him a detention for that night. He was so screwed with his father.

Truth have it Severus was quite feed up with this pink toad himself. The first day she was in the Great Hall Severus stared at her with distaste. Who in their right mind would wear so much pink? He hoped to Merlin that she wouldn't sit next to him, but lack hace it she did. When she stood up to talk it took everything he had not to cringe and wince at the sound. He tried to ignore her, but she would drop in on some of his classes. Didn't she have her own to teach instead of bothering him? Honestly that woman had some nerve. One day, while he was in the middle of teaching she had the guts to just flat out question him. He was so irritated he was close to getting a student over the head with a text book. But he held it in. Harry came down that night explaining how she took points because he accidentally closed a door to hard. Severus was losing his patience with that woman. But what really set him off was one day he hugged Harry. Now, to the rest of the castle that was nothing knew. Everyone knew Severus was Harry's father now, everyone except the woman in pink of course. She flat out screamed he was a pedophile. She wouldn't drop the subject until he went to the ministry and showed her Harry's identification papers proving he was now legally Harry's father. He was close to strangling someone.

On the night of Harry's detention Harry made his way down to Umbridge's office. He silently made his way through the halls until he found it. He softly knocked on it three times.

"Come in," he heard from inside. He opened the door and found throughout the whole room there was pink, and cat plates. Each cat had its own personality but they were all meowing. She didn't look up from her tea cup, which was oddly blue, as she was adding sugar. A lot of sugar.

"Ah, Mr. Potter. Sit." she said as she pointed to a big pink fluffy chair. He hesitant sat down and a table appeared before him. On this table was a piece of parchment and a quill.

"For your punishment you must write 'I must not tell lies' three hundred times." Harry let out a quiet sigha and picked up the quill when he noticed something.

"Um... Professor there is no ink," he told her. She just gave him a very toothy smile.

"Don't worry about it. It's a special quill. Just write," she instructed him. Harry put the tip of the quill on the page and began writing. Expecting nothing to happen, but found as he wrote ink flowed onto the page. Red ink. After about ten lines he felt a burning sensation on his hand. He turned it over to find the words he had been writing were now being embedded into his skin. Then he realized that this wasn't red ink at all, but his own blood. He began to write at a slower pace as he didn't want to lose so much blood quickly. Buy a hundred lines he felt a little weak, he took a small break before starting up again. Now by two hundred we wasn't sure he was going to make it to three hundred, but he pushed on anyways. Every sentence he wrote he got closer to being finished or passing out.

"Done," he said once he reached three hundred. The quill, parchment and desk disappeared and she dismissed him The words looked red, raw and angry on the back of his hand. He would have to talk to his father about it soon. But for now he headed back to the tower (or as best as he could wobbling like he was about to pass out) so he could sleep. Eventually he dragged himself to the tower and to bed where the second his head hit the pillow he was out like a light. He didn't even remember dreaming, but when he woke up he wished he was dreaming for his father was standing over him.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Harry asked as he sat up. He felt around on the nightstand for his glasses but couldn't find them. Soon his father placed them on the tip of his nose.

"I'm here because of what's on your hand," he replied.

"H-how do you know?"

"Your friends noticticed and came to me about it."

"It's from Professor Umbridge's detention last night. I meant to talk to you about it after class today. She made me write 'I must not tell lies' three hundred times with this weird quill that drew my blood instead of ink," Harry told his father as he kept his eyes glued to the back of his hand were the words where. Severus gently too Harry's hand in his own and looked it over.

"Why didn't you come to me about it right away?"

"I didn't know if you were still up. Plus, I was so light headed I wanted to get to bed and rest first." Severus pulled a jar of a cream coloured clav out from one of his many robe pockets and applied some to his hand.

"The scaring will stay, but this should heal it and make it feel better. Come back down to my rooms and I'll apply more before you go to bed." he told his son and Harry leaned forward and hugged him. When they pulled apart and smiled at each other.



"So that's what she did to you," Lucius said as he looked at the scar on the back of Harry's hand. Even to this day, though faded, the words 'I must not tell lies' were embedded in his skin.

"Yeah, when the headmaster found out and banned her from taking house points, or giving detentions I thought that was the greatest day ever. But a few days later is what holds the number one spot."

"What do you mean?" Lucius asked him. Harry looked over to his father with a smirk.

"Oh I know what day you're talking about."



Harry went down to his father's chambers that night like he was asked. But upon his arrival he didn't find his father. Instead he found a note saying he was called to a meeting and would be back in the morning. The jar of cream was next to the letter. He placed a quarter amount in his hand and then spread it over the words. Instead of heading back to the tower he went into his father's bedroom and slept. It always scared him when he went off to the meetings. He normally would then sleep in his father's bed for some comfort. Severus did return in the morning, not surprised to find his son in his bed he already talk to Albus and he had to have a substitute for the day. The activities they partook in exhausted him and he needed a day to rest. Harry wanted to stay back and help him, but Severus just told him he needed to rest and he'll be perfectly fine tomorrow. So harry reluctantly went to class and checked in on his father at lunch.

After lunch was potions, and the substitute was Umbridge. No one but Harry d Draco new about the condition Severus was in The class was supposed to be taught the properties of an aging potion but instead  she made them write a five foot essay on why wand's were not allowed when making potions. And it was due at the end of the class. For an hour all you heard was quills scratching against parchment, the sound of parchment shifting on the table, the light mild cursing of a student who spilled their ink, or worst of all, the sound of Umbridge stirring her tea. At the end of class she retreaded into Professor Snape's office and that's where you would turn in the papers w When Harry walked in there where no more of things that represented Severus Snape's office. Now all it was, was pink. She basically moved everything from her office down to his. Harry stared mesmerized by it. 

That was until he heard someone clearing their throat and saw an impatient looking Umbridge. He quickly handed her his essay before racing out of there. Harry wanted to go tell Severus what she had done to his office when he remembered he had quidditch practice. Swearing to himself he made his way to the tower to change and made a mental note to visit the man afterwards. That didn't happen though, he was so tiered he forgot about it. 

The next morning all was quiet. Children where eating their breakfast, the mail arrived like usual, soft chatter could be heard. Until a very pissed off looking Professor Snape came bursting in through the hall doors. 

"UMBRIDGE!" he shouted.

"Yes, Professor Snape?" she questioned him.

"The hell did you do to my office?"

"I just moved some of my things down there while I was covering your classes."

"Some things?  You moved your whole office into mine!"

"Well, you whe-"

"I was gone for one day!"

"I don't really see what you want me to do," she told him. Severus strode up to her set and leaned over the table and looked her dead in the eye.

"I'll tell you what you can do. You can remove every ounce of the hideous God damn pink from my office or so help me you will not leave this school in one piece."

"Are you threatening a ministry official?"

"You are not  a ministry official. You're a four year old running around in her mothers heals! Your office is a six year old girls dream with cats and fluffy chairs everywhere. You are not a teacher and by no means are you a ministry official. So my statement till stands. You WILL remove every ounce of pink from my office or I will personally take great pride in smashing every single cat plate you own!" and with that he stormed out of the Great Hall slamming the doors behind him. 



"I remember this day. Draco wrote home to me about how you lost it and let that woman have it," Lucius chuckled as he relaxed back into the couch.

"Indeed I did. Till the very day I left I swore I still saw flecks of pink here and there."

"I never," Harry said, "saw a woman in heels run so fast around the castle. That had to be one of my favorite years there."

"Yes, besides Albus having to leave due to her and a few other minor mishaps but yes, that incident would make it a great year for you," Severus commented.

"Better than the years that followed." 

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