Trusting the Family

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The rest of 4th year continued without any other events. Severus didn't have the heart to talk to Harry the next morning after the third task. Instead, he comforted his son as he uncontrollably wept and cried over his friend. Finally, summer rolled around and the two packed their things and left for Spinners End. That's when Severus sat him down for the conversation.

"Harry, we need to talk," Severus said from his place by the door to he living room. Harry looked up from his book.

"About what?" he asked. Severus walked over to a nearby chair and sat down.

"Do you know anything about the Death Eaters?"

"They are followers of Voldemort," he replied.

"Well, it's time you knew," he paused and took a deep breath, "I'm a Death Eater," and to prove his point he undid his cuff on his left sleeve and rolled it up to reveal the dark mark against his skin.

"Dad..." Harry said sitting up more.

"Now, please hear me out before you say anything," he asked of him, "I was in my seventh year when one day my father requested my presence at home. When I arrived home my father took me on a walk. It was a short walk for he led me to a secluded alleyway where there were these people with long, black cloaks and masks on. The one grabbed me ruffly by the arm and the other grabbed hold of my father. We were whisked away till we laned in front of a manor. Then it was a good ten-minute walk until we were inside. I was in a massive ballroom filled with more hooded and masked people. I knew then I was surrounded by Death Eaters. My father stood a few feet away from me, refused to look at me. Eventually, after standing there for what felt like an eternity the Dark Lord entered the room."



'I'm going to die'  Severus thought to himself as he stood there before the Dark Lords presence. Every Death Eater fell to one knee while his father and him stayed standing. Severus kept his mask in check, not letting his fear show through.

"Ah, Severus Snape," he said as he reached out a hand and cupped his cheek. He stiffened at the touch.

" I have heard so much about you from your darling father," he said. He then snapped his fingers and a man rose from the floor and walked over to his father. He then presented him with a pouch. Severus could hear the change rattle around in it. That bastard sold him off!

"What do you want?" he asked through clenched teeth. Voldemort gave the boy in front of him a smirk.

"What I want is very simple. I wish for you to join me. I have some people at Hogwarts who have been keeping an eye on you for a while now. You're top of your class in every subject. Especially potions. I could use someone like you in my ranks."

"And if I refuse?" he questioned him.

"You can't. Your father already had you paid for," and at that moment he was seized and forced to take a knee by two other Death Eaters. One pulled up his left sleeve to expose his left forearm. Voldemort raised his wand and with a swift movement pressed the tip into his skin. Hot firey pain erupted over his skin as the dark mark embedded itself into his skin. He refused to cry out, refused to show this monster in front of him satisfaction of causing him pain. When he was finished, Voldemort stood back with a satisfied look on his face.

"This is what I need in my ranks. Not even a whimper of pain escaped your lips. Already you are promising, better than the rest who all cried out in pain. Impressed, you've earned a small reward. Name something you desire and you will have it."

Severus held his left arm with his right and looked at the mark. His new mark that marked his as evil. His new mark that now would prevent him from doing so much with his life. His new mark that now just ruined his life. And it was al his fathers' fault. Filed with anger Severus lifted his head to his new Lord.

"What I want," he said through clenched teeth," is that bastard to suffer," he said to him as he glared at his father.

"So be it," he replied and a screaming Tobias was dragged down to the dungeons. "Now, someone return him to the school." Severus was grabbed by a Deather Eater again and taken back to school where he was dumped at the gates before said Death Eater vanished once more.



"So that's what happened. Harry, you have to understand, I never wanted this life," Severus said as he looked at his son. Harry rose from the couch and hugged his father crying in his chest. He was doing this often now it seemed. Severus held him in his arms tightly.

"B-but weren't you still friends with my parents? I thought they didn't like Death Eaters?" he asked him.

"Well, you see Harry..."



Severus rushed up the grounds and into the castle. He had to find Dumbledore. He had to do something! As he made his way through the corridors, he only expected to run into teachers for it was past curfew. He was not expecting to run into Lily.

"Severus?" she asked him as she approached. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying," he told her. He felt his cheeks and found them with tears on them.

"Sev, what ha-" she stopped as she saw what was on his arm, "S-so you joined?" she asked backing away from him.

"I'll explain lat- wait, come with me to Dumbledore's office. I'll tell you there," she stood there for a few moments, "Please Lil," he begged her.

"Alright..." she told him and together they made there way to the headmasters office. That's when they ran into a James Bloody Potter.

"Lily? What are you doing with Snivillus?" he asked her.

"We're going to the headmasters office," she told him.

"I'm going with you. Don't want you hurting her."

"Fine, let's just go," he said as he began walking again. James wrapped his arm around Lily's shoulders and began to climb the stairs. Eventually they made it to the statue guarding the stairs. The statue must have sensed the urgency of this visit because it opened with out a password. They road the stairs up and found a certain headmaster sitting behind his desk.

"Ah Severus, Lily and James," he said smiling "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Headmaster you have to help me."

"Why? What ever is the matter dear boy?"

"That bastard sold me off!" he shouted.

"Sold you. Who, who sold you?" Albus asked now growing extremely concerned for the boy standing in front of him. Severus lifted up his left sleeve and showed him the mark. "My father sold me to them," he whispered. He heard Lily gasp and hugged him from behind. Potter just stood there completely stunned from what he just heard.

"Now you might not know he sold you," Albus said.

"He was with me. He took me to them and we both went to that meeting. Voldemort personally had one of his Death Eaters give him the money. He even told me himself my father sold me to him so I couldn't refuse the mark." He looked down at the ground unmoving. Lily was now sobbing on his shoulder. 

"Headmaster, isn't there something he could do?" James asked him.

"Yes, but it won't be easy.." he said after thinking for a few moments.

"I'll do anything."

"There is a group of us called Order of the Phoenix. I want you to spy for us." Severus registered what was said. Spy and risk his life, or just plan risk his life. At least if he spied he would have a chance of doing 'something' good.

"Wait, spy? Headmaster, he could be killed!" Lily shrieked at him.

"I know," Severus said finally speaking up, "but at least this way, I maybe able to do something good with my life." Severus looked Albus Dumbledore in the eyes and sealed his fate on his own terms this time.

"Severus..." Lily said.

"Headmaster I accept the offer."



"So you're a spy?" Harry asked him.

"Yes I do what is necessary to remain close to the Dark Lord," he told him, "So be prepared Harry, with the Dark Lord back, I'm going to be gone a lot more often and do somethings that may upset you." Harry just sat there for a few moments before he questioned his father again.

"So I'll be staying with uncle Luc for a while then?" he asked the man. Severus got a pained look on his face. Lucius was at home explaining to Draco what was happening and he would floo over to talk to Harry when they were done.

"He will be over soon to discuss this with you," he replied to him. Harry only nodded his head and relaxed against his father again. Minutes later Lucius Malfoy stepped through the floo. 

"Uncle Luc!" Harry cried out when he saw him. He jumped down from the couch and ran over to the man and gave him a hug.

"Hey Harry," he said trying to put some enthusiasm in his voice. Harry looked up at him with a certain look showing he knew something was up.

"Uncle, what's going on?" Harry questioned him as he was lead back over to the couch.

"I have something to tell you. As you heard from Severus he confessed he was a Death Eater. Well... I'm one of them as well. Now, unlike him, I joined willingly when I was younger because of the house hold I grew up in. My father drilled into my head that it was my destiny to become one. But after a while I began to see what a true monster he really was. I came to Severus because he was my only friend at the time, and I told him I wanted out. He listened to me and took me to Dumbledore. Like him, I began spying for years.

"Then, right before the incident with your parents, I found out that Aunt Cissy was pregnant and I was going to have a son. The Dark Lord found out about this and he essentially started mapping out his future. I couldn't bare to stand by and let that happen. Then, after your parents death, about a year later a few remaining Death Eaters found your location. I swore to protect you so I went ahead of them and found you first, bringing you to Severus."

Harry sat and patiently listened to the blond man in front of him. He looked between the two of them and found these two men to be the bravest men he has ever known. All for family these two men have been risking their lives for years and now they are going to have to do it again.

"When you both are gone, where will me and Draco go?" He asked as he turned to look at his father.

"You will be staying with Grandpa," Severus answered him. Harry sat in between the two men on the couch and snuggled up to the both of them.

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