PREGNANT prt.1 (adiza)

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This is the collection of shots that I have been waiting to post!!!! It's about Aditi becoming pregnant and I know you guys will love it!!! Hopefully after the many hours of work I have put in to it. This is the first part to around maybe 3/4 or 5 parts I will write continuing this. Please please leave your precious comments, they mean so much to me and they make all this hard work worth it!!

Please enjoy, and please comment ♥️♥️♥️

It is @Shreya_patel160 that has requested this, i hope you enjoy it lovely 💕 thank you for the request and the constant support


"Neil... suno meri baat... I wasn't trying to hurt you..." Aditi kept tugging his hand till he looked at her,  hitting his chest repeatedly. Zain glanced at her at and immediately faced away, unable to see those tears in her eyes. His jaw clenched in rage, his eyes squeezed shut to drown out the agony of hearing her cry. She quietened suddenly, her voice meek and heartbroken, "Neil... please... ek akri Baar..."

"And cut. Perfect shot guys... go ahead and have a five minute breather..." The director yelled to the cast and crew, brushing the dust of his trousers, satisfied with the work.

Zain looked around carefully, before grasping her hand subtly, brushing her knuckles with his thumb. He signalled her to wipe away her own tears sulking, wildly aware of all the media people surrounding them to film olvs. She grins in awe as she wipes them, he couldn't see tears in her eyes even when they were fake.

They went and sat with 4/5 seats space in between them, aware of all the cameras at every second.

She takes her phone out of her pocket as it pings loudly, and opens the message that has appeared on the screen.

Her world tumbled down. Crashing in front of her.

-congratulations Miss Rathore. The reports conclude that you are expecting. -


A small baby, an innocent life, inside of her. Her hand flew to rub her stomach gently. She couldn't do it, they weren't married. Zain was about to go to KKK9, naamkarann was still shooting and he had a million projects lined up. She couldn't burden him with this. His parents would hate her. Her parents would be so mad. The poor baby, how could she handle such a small precious little thing?

Her breathing went raspy as she tried to control it helplessly, in slow gasps she regained her stability. She took deep breaths to calm herself, she decided to not tell anybody and think about it later.

"Shoots back on guys!" She patted her face dry, trying to preserve her makeup and hide the sweat soaking her face. They walked back on to set and when the olv cameras clicked again, she realised she had to hide her emotions right now.

"And action."

"Leave me alone! Wasn't the ten year years of suffering I went through enough?! " Zain bellowed, his eyes bloodshot in passion. Her heart sank in her chest, all she could think of was how he'd react when she told him about her being pregnant.

"Neil... no listen..." She cried, pleading with folded hands trying to keep up the act. But suddenly the tears felt genuine, sobs stuck in her throat.

"More lies? More excuses? I don't want to hear it!" He shoves her away, still somehow being very careful, hating manhandling her though it was for their job.

Aditi sniffs back her real tears to continue with her dialogue, but as soon as he hears it he stiffens, somehow knowing the difference between her real tears and her fake ones. He breaks out character to look at her in concern, he whispers faintly so nobody could hear them, "Adi?"

She shook her head with a tiny smile, trying to convince him she was okay, blinking twice in the homely way that she always did to calm him down, to tell him that she was just crying for the scene.

He wasn't convinced, he wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her closer, she looks around, conscious of everyone watching her, seeing the olv media people suddenly look really interested.

"Adi? Baby?" He whispers again persistently, his scared eyes not moving from her face. He glances up to see all the cameras focus on them and gets frustrated seeing her so tense because of them, he couldn't stand anything bothering her.

"Stop rolling for a second." He looks over at the director and from the look in his eyes, the director calls the cut but Zain still sees the media filming olvs. 

He gritted his teeth to maintain a professional voice as he glared at them, he holds her closer to himself protectively. He caresses the back of her head, holding her head against his chest and hiding her away from the cameras,  "please. Stop filming."

He cups her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb, "Adi what's happened-'

She jumps straight in to his arms, throwing her arms around his neck making him stumble backwards in surprise. He frowned in panic as he scooped her up in to his arms, bundling her in to his chest. He held her tightly as she shook with sobs against him, the media people did not stop filming, hyper with their exclusive news.

He strokes her hair gently, burying his lips in to her hair and rubbing her back, "Shhh... Shhh..."

"I'm sorry Zain... I'm so sorry..." She shuddered, clinging to his shirt desperately. He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head no, unable to hear her upset.

"Adi I'm here... I'm here... you don't need to be sorry..." She cried bitterly, snuggling in to his chest. She tried to breathe him in, his musky scent, her home.

He tightened his arms around her frail body, his fists clenching at the thought of somebody causing her pain, "don't be sorry... if you don't tell me what's wrong... who will you tell? "

"I'm so sorry Zain..." She murmured tearfully in to the crook of his neck as she leaned in to him.

The room around her was going hazy, all she could see was his blurry figure and all she could focus on was the guilt, the fear building inside of her. Her head felt heavy and her knees week.

"Why are you saying sorry?" He looked down at her in confusion, running his fingers through her hair and playing with it in the way he knew always calmed her down.

"Aditi aaram se!" His face warped in worry as her knees buckled and she almost collapsed to the ground. He gathered her in to his arms immediately before she hit the ground.

He clasped her close to him in fear as he sat her on the ground, she shoves him away as she thrashes around helplessly.

Her chest heaves as she breathes erratically, gasping with suffocated sobs. She tremors, her eyes closing as she moves back and forth, "I'm sorry... Zain I'm sorry... I'm scared- I'm scared..."

"Hey, Hey... no baby... shhh..." He lifted her on to his lap, cradling her in his arms. He kissed her hair frantically everytime she took a jagged breath, "You're going to be okay... Adi... you're having a panic attack... breathe...."

"I can't- I'm sorry... I can't breathe- I just... I just get everything wrong... I- I- I-" She couldn't speak, the world spinning around her as she closed in on herself.

"Adi please... come on stay with me..." He took her hands in to his and rubbed them, massaging them gently. His eyes brimmed with tears seeing her such an awful state.

He kissed her knuckles gently, his heart was breaking but he knew he had to calm her down. He rocked her on his lap like a baby, "Adi look at me... come on tell me what you can see..."

"Breathe... tell me baby what can you see?" He cupped her cheek, using his finger to lift her chin to look him in his eyes. His caring eyes calmed her down slightly, and she took long shaky breaths to control herself.

She tries to point to the camera that she can see, and to the directors chair, things that weren't too blurry but struggles. He smiles a little, stroking her cheek, "that's right baby, tell me..."

"The camera, the director's chair is okay I think- you... I can see you... you're here..." She gasped out, sighing in exhaustion. He smiled as she leaned on to his chest, curling up on his lap, her panic subsiding.

He brushed through her hair, kissing it like his life depended on it, "Yes I'm here, I'm here... you're going to be okay now... that's like my girl... well done baby..."

"Thank you... you're the only one who can do that..." She whispered, gripping to his thumb tenderly, he was the only one who knew how to calm her panic attacks. He smiled down at her, shaking his head.

"Pagli... if I don't look after you like that, who else will I look after and pamper? Huh?" She finally smiled, making him relax a little.

He grazed her ear lobe softly with his knuckles, as she tucked herself in to his side, "Now tell me what's wrong..."

She suddenly leans away, noticing everybody staring at them in shock. She grimaces in discomfort, "Zain let go of me, people are staring..."

"Let them stare. I'm going to sit here and hold you tight like this, until you tell me what's wrong... understood?" He gripped to her waist,  refraining from stroking her thigh, knowing there were people around them. He frowns in worry, wrenching her heart, "You're scaring me adi..."

"Take me away... I don't want to be infront of all these people right now..." She nuzzles her nose in to his neck, hugging him tightly. Her breaths are shallow and he can tell it's her trying not to cry, "It's so hard..."

"I know baby... I know... but you've got me right?" He rubs her lower back, whispering  sweet nothings in to her ear.

He lifted her on to her feet and wrapped an arm protectively around her side, as he tried to walk her out in to her dressing room he was swarmed by media people who had been watching and filming the whole scenario.

"Are you okay maam?" Lots of voices pitched, shoving microphones in her face.

His brows furrowed in anger, as he pulled her behind him, holding out his hand to shield her, "let us pass please..."

"You both seem very comfortable together... you consoled her sir... is this a confirmation of your relationship?" She hid her face in his shoulder, the lights were bright and dizzying. He hushed her softly, rubbing the exposed skin on her hip to calm her.

He felt the anger rise within him when seeing her so uncomfortable. He protectively hugged her waist, guarding her from the camera, "No, Can't I just look after my- my friend without you guys making such a big deal of it? Come on, there are time for these questions later... let her rest.. please..."

"Okay sir. But what is the problem ma'am? Something from the past? Something about your ex boyfriend?" There was a moment of horrifying silence.

The anger in his eyes in that moment could terrify anybody, nobody would want to challenge that glare in his eyes. His frown deepened as his jaw clenched.

"Enough! Who the hell do you think you are to ask her that-" The media person regretted ever opening his mouth, his tone so cold that shivers of regret ran through his blood. Zain tensed, his muscles tightening as rage boiled inside of him, if he carried on talking god knows what he was capable of.

Aditi clutched to Zain's shirt, squeezing his bicep, looking over at him in concern. He immediately relaxed at her touch, his muscles untensing. He looked over at her and she blinked at him in reassurance, he took a deep breath as she rubbed his arm, "Sorry. Sorry that was inappropriate... just leave the questions for another time please, she's already stressed out."

"Yes sir, sorry." The media person murmured and the other media people too quietened down, Zain nodded stiffly, his hand instinctively stroking her thigh possessively.

It's safe to say that the adiza fandom went crazy when these olvs got released. They wondered what further conformation was needed that these two were made for each other. They were posting about them everywhere, it was insane.

"Oh my god look how he somehow realised that she was upset, he knows her so well! Aww he's so careful and caring and protective, he consoled her like she was so delicate and precious. He is GOALS as a boyfriend. Come on... who's calling them just good friends anymore...."

"Awwwww OMG!!!!!!!!!.... this just made my life... we've been waiting for this for days guys! Look! He's so possessive, look how he shielded her from the media, honestly, aditi has gotten a man of dreams!"

'AM I DEAD!? Because I cannot believe what I am seeing.... Awwwwwwwwwwwww my ADIZAAAAAAA!!!! Look how angry he got when they mentioned her ex, he's so loving and guarding.... And JEALOUS! She had to calm him down!!!! Aww she's the only one that can control his anger! Did no one else notice how touchy they are, she squeezed that bicep of his and he was touching her thigh! Her THIGH! He was showing all his RIGHTS on her!!!!"


"You're safe now adi... come on..." He carried on lulling her in his arms, unwilling to let her go anywhere. He pecked her temples, as she clutched on to his shirt, "what's up?"

She didn't reply, fiddling with the buttons of his shirt to distract herself. She crawled on to his lap and burying herself in his chest, physically bringing herself as close to him as possible.

"I hate it when you cry... It's like someone's stabbing me right here..." He sighed pointing to heart, making her sniffle back her cries and look in awe at the love in his eyes.

He grabs his sweatshirt of the side table and wraps it around her like a blanket as she snuggled in to him, "Adi... is this because I'm going away for KKK9?"

He gulped back his tears seeing her so vulnerable, not wanting to break down in front of her, he wiped away her tears with his thumb and knocked his forehead playfully with hers, "baby it all scares me too... I don't want to go away from you for so long, you know that..."

"I'm going to ruin your life... god I'm so stupid..." She cursed herself, her frown hurt his heart, he held her fist before she slammed it in frustration.

"Aditi stop. You have to tell me what's going on now." He was stern now, she could see how serious he was from that hardened look in his eye. He never messed around when it was a question of her wellbeing.

She lifts his hand with her shaking one, and places it in on her stomach, her eyes closing as her shoulders slumped forward in defeat, "Zain... Zain I'm- I- um... I, i got a text and- they- he- I-"

"Don't be scared Adi... you know you can tell me anything..." He murmured softly in to her hair as he gently caressed her stomach. His skin paled in fear that he tried to hide, his knuckles clenching.

"I'm.... I'm pregnant." She said in the quietest tone, her voice low and hoarse.

There was a moment of silence as shock settled on his face. His eyes widened in surprise, utter disbelief in his voice, "you're what?"

"I know, I know I'm sorry..." She covered her mouth to muffle her weeps, her ashamed eyes clenching shut.

"Our little baby?" Zain's eyes flooded with tears as his expression softened with awe, his eyes lighting up in joy. He rubbed her stomach carefully as if safeguarding the most precious thing in the world, " Our little baby is in here? Adi I'm going to be a daddy?"

Aditi watched him in confusion, taken completely aback, "Yeah but-"

"Sorry? Why the hell were you saying sorry?" He frowned at her in question.

"We're not married and I'm putting this huge burden on you, I know you, you'd never tell me if you didn't want the baby and it's just going to restrict you in your career... and I don't want to be the one to hold you back..." He watched her in amusement, as she flailed her hands and ranted on and on dramatically.

"God I fucking love you so much you crazy woman..." He holds her head and pulls her in to a fiery, passionate kiss. He wraps his arms around the back of her thighs and lifts her up, spinning her around, breaking the kiss with ecstatic giddy laughter.

"Adiiiiiii!" He gently placed her on to the ground, only to pepper her with kisses, all over her hair, her soft cheeks and her nose.

"Adi look at me...." He tilted her chin towards him, pecking her lips and wiping away her tears, "You are looking at the happiest most luckiest man in world... how could you even think I wouldn't want a mini you in our lives?"

"Zain you aren't thinking straight... What about KKK9? What about your parents? Oh god. What will they think of me?" She still kept on chattering in panic, as he bundled her up in to his arms.

"Aaarrrgh meri panicking pessimist....."  He squeezed her tightly, pretending to bite her cheek making her giggle quietly, at how he always acted silly to cheer her up. "If anybody has anything against it they will have to face me first. Okay?"

"And What KKK9? I'm not going anywhere leaving you..."

Her face fell, as he kept hugging her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, "You have been excited for this for so long... you can't let it go just for me..."

"Pagli..." He kissed a trail of kisses from her shoulder up to the nook of her neck, and a final kiss against her cheek. He lingers there with the biggest grin she had ever seen on his face, he grazed his nose against her cheek as he murmured in to her skin, "What could be more exciting than starting a family with the woman I love?"


"But nothing-" He pressed his finger on her lips, shaking his head, "nothing matters to me more than you... and your health, your safety and our little baby"

"Our little baby?" Aditi whispered, her eyes suddenly hopeful, hopeful of their future together.

"Yes Adi... our baby..." He murmured, a tear falling down his face as he brushed the hair out of her face to look in to her eyes, "Thank you so much, thank you for giving me the  greatest gift on earth..."

And then he leaned down and lifted up her shirt. He planted a loving open mouthed kiss against her stomach.

She stroked his hair choking back her cries seeing how adorable he was, "Thank you mere baby, daddy is so happy you are coming in to our lives"

"God you're so perfect Zain, what did I do to deserve you..." She mumbled against his lips as she tugged him in for a soft kiss, he pulled away to shake his head no and wipe away the tears streaking her face, "And now my little boy is going to get the best daddy in the world..."

"Wait a minute- little boy?" Zain asked in disappointment, his face crestfallen.

"Yeah obviously, I want my baby to be all handsome and charming like you..." She grinned at him, poking his nose playfully.

"But I want a little girl just like you, with the same pretty smile and just as adorable..." He frowned like a stubborn child, making her giggle as he traced her plump bottom lip with his thumb possessively.

"But Zain-" She tries to protest but immediately loses at that face.

"Pleaseeeee adi.... give me a little princess that's just as beautiful as you..." He pouted with his irresistibly adorable puppy eyes and her heart melted.

"Awwww mera cutie pie" She cooed as she grabbed his face and kissed his lips repeatedly until his pout turned in to a huge smile.

She pulled back to kiss his forehead, and laughed at him in amusement, "By the way you know I don't choose right?'


Zain opens the door and lets Abhilash, Gulfam and her husband, Zaan, Nupur, Poonam and Sanjay and other of their close friends, "Arrey welcome guys..."

"A party now?  That too by our chup chup ke pyaar karne waale couple who prefer spending all their time together on their own?" Abhi teased as he flopped down on to the sofa.

"Just enjoy the rare moment. Okay pagal?" Zain rolled his eyes as they all made themselves comfortable on the sofa.

Aditi gets up of the sofa with a warm smile, "Who all wants tea and who all wants coffee?"

Sanjay started, lifting his finger, "I'll have a-"

"Adi no, come on now sit down..." Zain grabbed her by both her arms and sat her forcefully back down on the sofa, brushing her hair out of her face and pecking her forehead, shooting her an authoritative look, "Hilna mat... samji? I'll do it..."

"But Zain-" Her mouth zipped shut at the stern glare on his face, "Fine. You obviously will have black coffee, gullu and Zaan also will have coffee but baki sab logo ko chai... teek hai? Don't mess it up..."

All their jaws dropped to the floor seeing Zain willingly enter the kitchen, which he used to behave as if he was allergic to till now. He obediently brought them all what Aditi had ordered him to bring, making them all suppress their laughter.

He hands her the tea, and she is about to take a sip when he yell out, "Wait!"

He perched beside her on the sofa, taking the mug and blowing in to it gently. She watched him in utter admiration as he frowned in worry, overly protective of her.

He pressed the mug to her lips and made her drink, using his thumb to wipe her lips, "you were going to burn your tongue..."

She just stared at him in awe, tears filling her eyes as she was overwhelmed by his love. She had nothing to say, she just leaned over and planted a big wet kiss against his cheek, melting his heart.

Everyone around watched in confusion, Zain wasn't letting Aditi do even a little bit of work, panicking that she would get hurt when she moved  even an inch, he kissed her ear and whispered in to her ear, "I'll go and get the cake okay?"

He walked in to the kitchen, and still hadn't come out in 15 minutes making their guests glance at each other awkwardly, as Aditi held back a smile.

"Mein jaake dektha hun... he must have done something stupid..." Abhi mutters as he approached the kitchen, and then suddenly out of nowhere Zain jumped out from behind the door.

Abhilash let out a girly shriek as he stumbled backwards, making the room burst out in laughter at his comical face.

Abhilash frowned at the Zain, who held his stomach, almost weeping in laughter, "Are you playing with me Imam sahab? Are you a kid?"

Zain's face slowly lit up, there was a gigantic grin on his face spreading from one corner of his face to the other, his eyes watered as he took his best friend in to a warm hug, "No... but you will have a small kid to play with in a few months..." 

There was a moment of shock before Abhi pulled away, looking at Zain in absolute shock, "What?"

Zain brought out the cake covered by a cloth, placing it on the table inbetween everyone. He took Aditi's hand in to his, and looked in to her eyes as his heart swelled with pride. She bit her lip to hold back a cry seeing how proud his smile was.

He nodded in reassurance, and gestured for her to do the honours, she lifts the cover of the cake as everyone desperately cranes around to see it.

And there it was, a creamy chocolate cake with the words scrawled across it in white icing, "Baby imam "

Everyone stares silently at the cake, and then at them, their eyes were wide open and their lips parted, speechlessly.

Aditi nods at their questioning looks, laughing through her tears, as she looks up at Zain lovingly, "We're having a baby..."

"Oh my god! Meri aduuu maa ban ne wali hai!?" Poonam screeched as she pounced on to her and embraced her, squeezing her tightly.

Zain's hand flew to Aditi's belly, caressing it protectively as he watched Poonam carefully and he warned her cutely, "Not too tight...Don't hurt my baby..."

"Bhabhiiii!" Abhi pushed his way in to the front, "Mein chacha banne wali ho?!"

Aditi nodded tearfully, giggling at his hopeful eyes. He screamed out in happiness and leaned down to kiss her stomach.

"Hey buddy, mind it... that's my girlfriend..." Zain snapped cutely, making Abhi laugh loudly.

Aditi side hugged Abhi with an affectionate grin, ruffling his hair, "Actually you mind it mister, this is my devar you are attacking, mera pyaara devar..."

"Hey! Adiiiiiiiiii...." Zain whined with his infamous pout, making her internally melt away at the adorable sight.

"arrey... wo sab chodo... I want to know man..." Zaan babbled on and on like the chatterbox he was, "shaadi tak intezaar nah kar paya bhai? Hmm?"

Aditi went bright red, looking to the ground with a shy smile as Zain's eyes locked on her. God her blush, just a glimpse of her rosy cheeks were enough to drive him wild, he smirked as he fell in love with her all over again.

"Leave my babies alone... I can't believe it, my zainu has grown so big already..." Gulfam exclaimed in pure joy, squeezing Zain's cheeks and kissing his forehead. "and my adu is going to be a mumma?"

"Correction." He stated proudly, there was the brightest grin on his face as he hugged Aditi tenderly, tucking his face in to her neck as he grasped on to waist from behind. And she would never forget the devotion in his eyes as he kissed her hair, "She is going to be the bestest mumma"

"Yes, yes your precious Adi will be the best, now come here, let me talk to adu" Gulfam tugged Aditi making Zain frown playfully, gulfam pulls her along with her as Zain batted his eyelashes at Aditi asking her to stay with him. He groaned as he reluctantly let go of her hand that he had been clutching to the entire time when she shook her head no.

Gulfam took her to sit on another sofa, and made her sit comfortably. She cupped her face warmly, and the motherly nurture she gave made Aditi tear up. She smiled and wiped away the tear streaking her face, "You're news has made me so happy adu, I'm over the moon with joy... but- but I've been a girl your age once. You have a career that will be affected by this, you and Zain are not married... and I need you to know I'm going to be there for help 24/7. And you can tell me if this all has made you scared... okay?"

"I was scared. Not for my career, but for Zain's. At the moment I found out I was so afraid, afraid that Zain wouldn't want the baby but wouldn't be able to tell me... that I'd be holding him back. I was afraid for the baby, because I have no idea with these things, and I'm still so broken that I can't even look after myself- how could I deserve such an innocent life in my responsibility..."

Gulfam frowned at her words, tucking Aditi's hair behind her ear, "But now?"

"Adi! I've ordered food for these guys! But what do you want? I'll make it!" Zain called out to her, getting her attention and making her turn around.

"Why? I'll just have what everyone else is having na?" Aditi got up and went to him in the kitchen. A grin made it's way on to her face seeing him trying to frantically work in the kitchen, flour dust adorably stuck to his nose and in his hair as he frowned.

She wrapped her hands around his torso from behind, hugging on to him tightly, as she rested her chin on his shoulder to peer down at what he was doing. Zain smiled, turning to the side slightly to peck her forehead, "Are you mad? What if the outside food makes you sick? Tell me... kya chaiye tumhe? I'll make anything..."

She thought what would be easiest to make, "bus dal chawal..."

"Haan haan... mein chicken tikka bana deti hu..." Zain smirks at her, pouring a little oil in to the pan and tossing in onions.

"Chicken tikka?" She bit her lip cutely, wondering how he had predicted what she actually wanted to eat.

"Haan chicken tikka..." He teased, he grabbed her hand that was around him and used it to pull her in to his front, he leaned down to her ear whispering in to it sweetly, "Tum kya sochthe hu? Mujhe nahi pata hoga ki meri jaan ko kya chati hai?"

She blushed and turned around to face the pan, she stirs the onions but he places his hand over hers, gently taking the spoon of her, "I'll make it... you go back to gullu and relax okay?"

She smiles at him and goes back and sits with Gullu, who smiles goofily at the sight that was in front of her, still waiting expectantly on Aditi's reply to her question, "Are you worried about all this Aditi?"

"Just look at him gullu..." She watches Zain with immense love in her eyes, "When he's here what do I have to be afraid about?"


Zain got down on one knee holding on to her hand, in front of everybody, making Aditi let out a small little gasp, covering her mouth.

Her eyes watered, her face crippling,  "God Zain please... you don't have to do all of this..."

He was looking so cute, his cheeks heated up in shyness while he stuttered nervously, "Adi... I've been thinking about this... planning this for months- thinking about some grand gesture to impress you, maybe some function or something but I kept screwing myself over because I'm not a romantic guy and I can't do things like that... but all I wanted to do was make you happy... And then I thought what better day to do this than on the happiest day of my life..."

"Zain please... wait... we shouldn't rush in to this..." Aditi shakes her head in worry, squeezing her eyes shut in pain, she felt like she was burdening him, forcing him in to this.

"No Adi... this isn't because you're pregnant. I don't give a fuck what anybody thinks, I would love you no matter what anybody says about us, whatever they label us. Our family would be perfect either way. I'm asking you this because you've come in to my life and changed my world. I've never ever been happier. I just know that I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone. And I want to protect you from anything that could ever hurt you. And keep you happy..."

"Oh Zain-"

"I know I don't deserve you... that someone as wonderful as you could find so much better. I'm stubborn, and careless and jealous and I have such a short temper... I may never be able to make you as happy as you make me... but I'm a selfish man. I still want to keep you with me forever, because I know you may be happier with somebody else, but nobody will ever be able to love you as much as I do, I promise you that."

She shook her head at him with watery eyes of awe, she couldn't understand how she was blessed with someone so perfect, someone who loved her so much. He took her hand softly and her breath hitched in her throat, "Will you marry me adi?'

She stared at him blankly, entirely overwhelmed, he looked adorable scratching the back of his neck nervously as fear rises within him. Finally she grinned, the smile so huge that it lit up her whole face. She nodded, pulling him up by his shoulders on to his feet.

"Of course I will meri Jaan..." She murmured against his lips, before he could even react she surprised the whole room, slamming her lips against his. She kissed him with all the passion in her body, and his heart throbbed as he felt all the love she poured in to the kiss.

Abhilash got out his phone, and clicked a picture of them. Her arms were wound around his neck, pulling him so close that even air couldn't pass in-between them, while his arms held her possessively by the waist.

In the picture we could see her sheltered protectively in his arms and Zain smiling in to the kiss, so happy that a tear rolled down his cheek.

He pulled away and took her hand in to his, he grazes her knuckles with his thumb, as if examining her hand admiringly. He makes her wear the ring carefully, and then brings her hand to his lips. He cries silently as he kisses her knuckles and then slowly turns her hand and kisses the inside of her palm.

"Thank you future Mrs Imam... I'm sorry about the crappy cheesy lines... I really did mean it all..." He whispers, and she shakes her head, leaning up to kiss away his tears.

"My crazy boy..." She chuckled caressing his face, "I didn't need all these big things or a fancy proposal...

"Really?" He looked at her cluelessly, with his adorable big brown eyes.

"Yeah, when I have you what else do I need?" He beams innocently at her words as she knocks her forehead with his.

Everyone crowds round to congratulate them, and Zain scoops her in to his arms, clinging to her from behind as she talks to everybody.

Once she's talked to everybody she turn her face to the side to look at him still nuzzling his face in to her hair with an amused smirk, "Are you always going to be this needy Mr Imam?"

"Yeah you better get used to it... you're going to live with it for the rest of your life...", He chuckled into her neck, his hot breath tingling across her skin.

He sighed happily, kissing her cheek as he questioned her innocently, "How long do you think it will take for our baby to kick?"

"Arrey! Ages Zain..." She ruffles his hair, scrunching her nose at his cuteness, "It will take months baba..."

"Seriously?" He pouts in disappointment, melting her heart.

She pats his cheek, smiling at his antics, "Maybe if you ask nicely he'll do it sooner..."

His eyes brighten in excitement as he moves his hand to caress her belly from behind her, his eyes looking at her stomach in awe, "Good evening baby... it's your daddy... will you kick for me my princess? Come on baby- it's your daddy asking na?"

Abhi takes another picture of them in this adorable position while they didn't even notice, so engrossed in one another.

He was cradling  her stomach from behind, and her hands rested on his, stroking his hands lovingly, her engagement ring was clearly visible in the photo. His face tucked in to the nook of her neck so he could look down at her belly eagerly. He kept on talking animatedly to the baby, as she drooled over his cuteness dreamily, leaning over to peck his cheek when the picture was taken.

Aditi sighed, picking at the skin around her fingers, "Are you sure guys? It's not my kind of thing..."

Zain was in Delhi to visit his family and tell them the good news, she was desperate to meet them all too but there was no way her overprotective boyfriend would let her fly in this state. So she was staying with poonam, who her boyfriend had told to keep her housebound. Gullu and Nupur were visiting them and they all were  discussing the media frenzy around Zain and Aditi. After the olvs were released the speculations had gone insane.

"Come on Adu what are you waiting for? Officially confirm it. Your parents know, you're happy, you're secure... it might be okay hiding a relationship... but hiding a wedding? A baby bump? Eventually a child? That's not going to work is it?" Poonam tried to convince her as the others backed her up, pestering her until she gave up.

She opened Instagram and posted the picture that Abhilash had taken of them kissing after his proposal with a heart- touching caption.

@ad_aditirathore_93 - For a long time, because of my past, because of the how the media scrutinises everything, I was too afraid to tell you all something that means everything to me. I was afraid because this thing we have is so special, so perfect, I didn't want anything to ruin it, to ruin what has finally made me truly happy. But I was being stupid. When I have him,  I have nothing to be scared about. Nothing can hurt me. Thank you to the most important person in my life, thank you for sitting and holding me while i cried through nights, protecting me when I struggled, teaching me to live and love again. Thank you for loving me so much, @Zainimam_official (PS. An extra special thank you for pampering me so much)

Zain choked up as he found it on his phone as he scrolled through his feed, he knew they'd make it official someday but he never thought she'd be the one to say it. He laughed through his tears reading it, imagining the blush on her cheeks and the smile on her lips if she would have been infront of him right then.

He replied simply, "@ad_aditirathore_93- What do you have to thank me for when I am yours?"

She grinned, video calling him immediately, she blushed bright red as he teased her. The whole fandom went crazy, they were the talk of the town. Nobody could handle how adorable they were.

Zain 's parents had no issue at all, initially they knew the stigma attached, but seeing that pure unadulterated joy in his eyes, they knew nothing could make him happier than aditi and his child. His mother hugged him tight, peppering him with so many kisses that he squirmed in discomfort, "mere baccha itna bada hogaya?'

"Aur humari bahu ko humse kab milvayenga? We have to arrange your wedding now na?" His dad teased, making his family laugh seeing him blush bright pink as he looked here and there to avoid the teasing.

"Ab yeh news bhi offical kardo bhai... humne dekh liya tha bhabi ne kya post kiya tha..." His friends irritated him, slapping his back playfully. He ran his hand through his hair shyly, but he took their advice on board.

He posted the second picture Abhi had taken, where he hugged her belly from behind, talking to the baby and Adi kissed his cheek seeing how adorable he was. His eyes watered as he wrote the comment, unable to explain what looking at her felt like in words.

@Zainimam_offical- You're looking at the luckiest man alive, with the love of my life. And now future Mrs Imam and the mother of my child. Adi, I'm so goddamn proud, because only allah knows what noble thing I have done to deserve someone as beautiful as you @ad_aditirathore_93


They were throwing a huge party in celebration for their engagement, for all their friends, and other big industry names and the media.

She run through the corridor in a rush, talking to him absent-mindedly before running to the door of their room, "I'll just go do my hair and makeup quickly okay?"

Zain grips to her wrist and yanks her back in to his chest, She places her hand on his chest to steady herself, staring back at him in shock, stroking his chest,  "Arrey kya hua Zain?"

He grinned at her affectionately, delicately moving her hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear, "Do that thing na... when you let your hair out... I love that..."

A shy smile appeared on her face as she looked down, making his grin even bigger, "Yeah yeah I will... I'm just going to straighten it so it doesn't go frizzy..."

"Wo kya hote hai? Straighten?" Zain's expression was absolutely adorable as he frowned in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows.

She chuckled and kissed his cheek, making the huge smile return on to his face, "You know were I run the heated machine through my hair?"

"Nahi wo sab mat kar... I like your hair more when you don't do anything to it..." He shook his head stubbornly, like a small child, playing with her hair, "Aur lipstick aur woh sab mat lagana... you don't need it..."

She awed at him, sighing, "I wish... but the media, the public won't think so..."

"Why do you care what the hell anybody else thinks? If anyone has anything to say about you then I'll answer it." Her eyes watered seeing the pride in his eyes as he caressed her face, "And anyway kitini bhi ladkiya kitni bhi make up karo... the media are never going to find anybody else as beautiful as my fiancée."

She leaned in and kissed him softly, smiling in awe against his lips, "okay I'll only do a little bit... now let me go get changed..."

He grunted in frustration as she pulled away from his grip and ran in to their room.


He walked in to the room and his eyes lit up and his heart swooned at the priceless adorable sight infront of him. Aditi stood in front of the mirror wearing her cute confused face, furrowing her brows and biting her bottom lip. She was wearing an off-shoulder black blouse which had a v-cut that showed off her cleavage, and she had bundles of slightly transparent glittery black sari wrapped in her hands as she struggled to drape it.

"Oh teri... kaise Karo mein yeh?" She mumbled to herself innocently, she had wrapped it around her waist but had no idea where to go with it next. He chuckled at his angel, and how cute she looked when she was clueless.

He walked over to her, hugging her from behind and dragging her closer, making her gasp as her bare back touched his chest. He buried his face in her neck, inhaling deeply to take in her intoxicating scent.

She shuddered at his warm breath hitting her skin and her shocked eyes looked up and met his in the mirror in front of them.

And he was entirely taken back by her enchanting kohl lined eyes, the intensity of them stole his breath away, his mouth falling open.

"Mashallah..." A faint whisper was all he could let out, as he kissed her hair gently, his eyes still widen in shock. She giggled, blushing as she looked to the floor.

"Man don't blush like that or I'm going to eat you up... " He awed at her face, unable to cope with her cuteness.

"I'm warning you baby... mere iraade teek nahi hai..."  Zain smirked at her shyness as she turned and hid her face into his shoulder.

She looked up at him, furrowing her eyebrows, "Staring is rude Mr Imam..."

"Yeah well I am your to be husband, I have every right to stare at you..." He grabbed her possessively, stroking her thigh so intimately that her hair stood up in sensation. He brushed his nose down the side of her face and her neck, tickling her collarbone.

"Chodo mujhe... My saree will fall..." She muttered weakly, defeated by the magic in his touch.

"Let it..." Zain teased, his finger tracing her arm.

She shoved him away, pouting like a baby as she almost tripped over her unravelling saree, "Dekho na Zain? Mujhse nahi ho pa raha hai..."

He scrunched up his face and pulled her cheek, "aww babu... it's okay..."

"What will I do now?" She stomped like a stubborn child, frowning.

Zain chuckled, kissing her reddened nose, "Watch... your Zain will use his magic now..."

He kneeled down infront of her, level with her hips.

She stiffened as he caressed the soft skin on her waist, her breathing strained in tension. Her eyes rolled shut as his knuckles brushed across her navel as he draped it around her waistline.

She smiled down at his cute concentration face, sticking out his tongue as he pleated the saree. He draped it and pinned it to place, then stood up to marvel at his work.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed cutely, kissing his cheek. He couldn't say anything, just gawking at her in awe.

"What happened?" She asked, watching him tentatively, "Does it not look okay?"

"Okay?" His voice was laced in disbelief, pulling her in to his arms and kissing her hair slowly, as if sheltering  her protectively with him, "you look stunning..."

"Stay close to me." He muttered quietly, barely audible but she nodded holding his hand in reassurance, already spotting him getting possessive. He was always nervous about her at public events.

She smiled cheekily to ease his nervousness, straightening his collar, "you are looking very dapper Mr Imam..."

"Hmm?" Zain replied with an amused smile, raising an eyebrow.

She took his hand and placed it on her stomach, nodding her head, "uh huh... look he also agrees.... papa is looking super handsome hai na?"

He couldn't take her cuteness, pecking her lips and burrowing her in to his arms, "You're so precious adi..."


All cameras are pointed at them as several media reporters tried to question them, as they entered the building. They had been invited to cover the party that had become a huge ordeal and a gigantic event. He was smiling like crazy, his hand wrapped around her waist and caressed her belly.

"Oh wow aditi maam... aren't you looking gorgeous tonight?" It was a male reporter's turn to interview them, she flinched, sensing Zain stiffen beside her, she was a little scared at his reaction to this.

But he didn't do anything, he just hugged her closer, rubbing her back, as he grinned at her, "Of course... after all kiski hone wale biwi hai?"

He joked playfully, but still threw a stern glance at the reporter, asserting his rights with this line.

The reporters continued, "How did your families take the news? We know how having a child out of wedlock is stigmatised and Zain, your family-"

"His family was the most supportive." Aditi snapped politely, Zain admired her in absolute awe. She took such offence at anything about his family, truly like they were her own.

He buried his lips in her hair while she talked, cradling her in his arms lovingly. She smiled, knowing he was showing her how proud he was of her, as everyone awwwed at them.

"Infact Inaayu is already asking her chachu when a little one will come to play with her and safi, Haina Zain?" She turned to face him, smiling at him innocently. He was lost in her eyes, nodding at her question quietly, forgetting that they were in front of cameras.

"Hello sir?" Zain snapped out of his trance and looked at the reporter blankly, making Abhilash burst in to giggles beside them.

"What do you think? Will it be a boy or a girl?" Zain grinned at the question.

"Ek choti pari... iski jaise..." He rubbed her belly, nudging his head towards Aditi, the female reporter couldn't help but melt at their cuteness.

"I don't agree... but I promised I won't fight with him on camera... he has bribed me with chocolate..." Zain rolls her eyes at her blabbering mouth, as the public chuckles.

"Okay maam instead answer this," The reporters laughs, diverting the subject, "how are you finding pregnancy? Are there many difficulties?"

"It's been good,  Zain has been at home all the time to look after me... he's been there whenever I needed it...' Aditi smiled proudly, patting his shoulder, making him beam at her.

"But morning sickness has been the worst, like even today... I woke up at 3:00 am in the morning with the nausea..." She groaned about it without realising, and Zain's head snapped round to look at her.

"You what? Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked in panicked concern, scanning her up and down. Their fans watched them in wonder, disbelieving how adorably caring he could possibly be with her.

"It was a normal thing Zain..." She frowns, automatically massaging the tense muscle at the back of his neck to calm him down.

"If something causes you pain or discomfort, that is not normal to me..."

He was stern as he gently caressed her forehead, checking her temperature with his palm and then the back of his hand, without caring about the cameras, "Tum abhi teek ho na?"

She hummed and he frowned her for a few seconds, quickly double checking her before being convinced. Then sighed, pressing a relieved kiss to her forehead as the crowd was awestruck by his dreaminess. The reporters scavenged on these details.

"Girls everywhere are dreaming to get a fiancé as loving and perfect as you, Zain... I mean your engagement story must have been spectacular right?"

"Not really, it was a very small thing, and very spur of the moment... I'm not a really romantic guy... Mujhse nahi ho paya wo sab..." Zain jumped a little in surprise hearing Aditi try to conceal the way she burst in to a fit of giggles.

His voice is husky and seductive as he pulled her in to him, roping his arms around her waist, "itne hassee kis baat pe aa rahi hai, Hmm?"

She cutely shys away at how intimate he was being in public, burying her face in his bicep. The public literally aww at them in adoration as she murmurs in to his arms , "I was just laughing at you saying you were unromantic..."

"And why's that?" He whispered sensuously, staring at her with so much desire that she felt exposed.

"Are you telling me you have no idea Zain?" She smirks at his antics and bites her sultry lips. She was completely unaware of how much she was turning him on.

"my fiancé is shameless you know... he's always on a one track thought process... desperate for romance..." She traced a line down his chest, which seemed innocent to bystanders but almost sent his hormones out of control.

"Oh really Mrs Zain?" He raises his eyebrow mischievously, yanking her in to him, "And what do you think of that?"

She grinned at him adorably, throwing her hands around his neck and pecking his nose, "I love it..."

He traces his lips from the helix of her ear till the base of her neck, whispering in to ear as he started tracing patterns on her stomach, "Is that so?"

She kisses him on the corner of his mouth, her lips brushing against his ever so gently, so teasingly, taking his other arm and moving it to her hip, shocking him, "I wouldn't have it any other way..."

"Arrey... aise mat karo mere saath, mere niyaat phisal gayega..." He groaned in to her skin, making her laugh at his frustration.

"Hum ko bhi bateyenge kya baatein chal rahi hai tum dono ki beech?" A reporter yelled out, making them break away immediately, Aditi red in embarrassment.

"Actually she was saying-" Aditi's eyes widened, pressing her hand over his mouth to muffle his words.

"Zain!" She exclaimed in surprise, making him chuckle heartily at her cuteness.


"Hey Sir... I hope you're enjoying the party..." Zain greeted the casting director warmly, and shook hands with him. She clung to Zain's arm, extremely uncomfortable. This man made that internal instinct flare up in her mind, he was leering at her, his eyes filled with lust.

"It's wonderful..." His eyes were still stuck to Aditi, but Zain hadn't noticed anything off, considering he was close enough to her father's age. "Good evening Aditi..."

He held out his hand for to shake, and she did so hesitantly, noticing how he lingered for too long, stroking her skin. She pulled away quickly, clutching to Zain's shirt with both her fists. She wasn't scared, she knew he wouldn't let anything happen to her when he was around.

"Zain... are there any martinis tonight?" He asked, smirking at Aditi.

"I'm not sure sir, they must be serving them around here somewhere... I'll go find some for you-"

"No Zain- I'll go..." She frowned in fear, dread ran through her blood as she realised what the man was trying to do.

"You stay Adi... it's not good for you to be doing so much work in this state..." He reassures her with a smile, before leaving her alone to face this man.

"Well Aditi aren't you looking hot today..." His voice is sickening as he looked her up and down, raising goosebumps and sending shivers down her blood.

"Sorry?" She asked, surely this guy wouldn't be so direct about it? He smiled, his eyes darkening.

"I was just thinking you'd make a fabulous heroine for my next show..." He effortlessly made an excuse, stepping closer toward her, she looked around the room for Zain, getting panicked.

"Sorry sir... I don't think I'll be able to manage work for a while after the baby is born..." She too responded courteously, without batting an eyelash. Zain had explained to her countless times how to stand her ground in front of people like this.

"Ah... thats a shame... but what a beautiful necklace you're wearing..." He indicates toward the intricate jewelled necklace that Zain had gifted her, but his eyes weren't looking there, they leered at blouse, "May I have a look?"

Before she could refuse, he started examining the necklace with his hands. Lifting it and tracing the jewels on front, but he used this as a filthy excuse. He subtly touched her up, his hand brushing against her neck and blouse intimately.

She flinched, and tried backing away slowly but she didn't want to create a scene with so many people around, in such a big party. She looked around for Zain but he still hadn't arrived back, she saw Abhi pass beside them and tried to catch his attention quietly.

He looked at them, and she sighed in relief slightly. She mouthed him to come over, and he frowned at the look on her face, seeing her discomfort.

He rushed over, as the casting director still found excuses to stay close to her. Abhi stepped in-between them, anger clear in his eyes, "Hello sir... It's so nice to meet you again..."

He looked pissed off to be disturbed but nodded at Abhi in greeting, stepping back slightly, Abhi presses his lips in to a forced smile, "Actually I had bought a similar necklace for my sister, it's upstairs, you can have a look if you'd like?"

Abhi placed his hand on her shoulder protectively, and she calms down finally.

He leaned down and whispered in to her ear, "Zain ke paas jao... teek hai? We can't kick this guy out or create a fuss in front of these people, better you stay with Zain till the end of the party. And if he is busy, you come to me, okay?"

She nods meekly, her eyes filled with unshed tears, he kisses her hair, "And don't you dare ever just stand there and suffer it like that again... hit him straight across the face. Understand? Samji bhabhi?"

She smiled slightly nodding, she rushed off quickly before anybody could see the tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks. As she rushed, she banged in to someone's hard chest, and looked up to see Zain watching her in concern.

"Adi?" He tipped her chin up to look her in the eyes, she hadn't cried yet but she knew he could immediately spot it in her eyes. He dragged her away, pinning her to wall behind a pillar.

"Adi kya hua?" The anxiousness was clear in his eyes, making her heart hurt. She shook her head, forcing a smile on to her face.

"Bus mood swings..." She smiled at him, but he could always see through that false smile she puts on.

"Sacch bolo..." He was stricter now, his eyes narrowed at her. She mellowed, knowing she couldn't lie to him much longer.

She held on to his thumb like a baby, pulling his hand toward her heart. She made her biggest puppy eyes at him, as she pleaded innocently, "Promise you won't do anything about it... promise you won't get mad..."

"How can I promise without knowing what you are going to say?" He asked her, getting frustrated as the tension built up inside of him.

"Please... or I won't tell you..." Her eyes were wet with tears, and it felt like it was stabbing him.

He nodded reluctantly, hugging her tightly, as he softly ran her hands through her hair, "Teek hai... batao..."

She breathed heavily as she forced the words out, she squeezed her eyes out as she said it, feeling disgusted as she relived the moment.

"Usne tumhe chua?" His eyes was burning with fury, he stiffened, his teeth gritting as he growled. She nodded in to his shirt, shivering  badly, "kahaan?"

She covers her chest with her hands in shame and his heart shattered, his fist clenched as he spat out his words of rage, "filthy bastard... how dare he?"

He starts to storm off but she stops him, holding his fist, making him look back at her in confusion, "You promised me Zain... don't do anything crazy..."

He frowned at her ridiculous request, but she took his fist in to both her hands and brought it in to her lips and kissed him gently, "Please..."

He sighed heavily, heavy heartedly stopping himself. He scanned her body carefully for any injuries. He furrowed his brows, silently pulling up her blouse up to hide her cleavage, protectively.  She holds his wrist to try and get his attention but he shakes her off, behave rashly in fury at that man.

"Are you mad at me Zain?" She questions him innocently, her eyes brimming with tears, "I'm sorry... I know I shouldn't have worn such a dress-"

"Do not say that. Never ever say that." He grimaced at her in pain, pressing his finger to her lips to cut her off, "This is not your fault understand? You didn't do anything wrong. You did not ask for it."

She bit her lip, smiling tenderly at what a perfect man he was. His jaw was still clenched in fury as he seethed. He pulled her in to him, brushing the hair that was stuck to her face behind her ear, "Yes I might get possessive or protective but My fiancée should still be able to wear whatever the fuck she wants, however short, however revealing, however tight or whatever style and nobody should dare touch her, nobody should dare pass any comments, nobody should dare even look at her in the wrong way. They should respect her."

"Never ever blame yourself. You have nothing to apologise for."  He whispered to her, shaking his head with teary eyes.

"I won't..." She promised, smiling at him softly.

"God Adi... I want to kill that sick old man... Chop of his hands and rip his eyes out for touching you..." He scowled in anger, heart-breaking tears spilling down his face.

She giggled, affectionately wiping away his tears, "Arrey... people must be looking for us, clean up now... you are a grown man who's about to be married and become a father and you are crying like this?"

"It's about you na? You're my weakness..." Zain groaned like a child, making her aww at his cuteness.

She nudged her forehead with his with a huge grin, "But you are my strength... that's why I'm not worried about any of these people. Tum hai na?"

He finally smiled, and she sighed happily as he pecked her lips, she held his hand muttering as she pulled him back to the hall, "Okay... lets go... promise not to make a scene..."


"Zain... aisa nahi karna chaiye tha... It was meant to be a celebration but now the news will be full of this stupid fight..." She sighed in exhaustion as she walked over to get the first aid kit.

"Good. I hope the whole world can see how disgusting that bastard is. He deserves to be humiliated." Zain yelled out in frustration, holding his pounding head.

Aditi perched beside him on the bed, frowning as she ran her hand through his hair and kissed it to settle him, "But you didn't have to hurt yourself for that did you? You scared me so much..."

"What was I supposed to do? He dared to touch you. And then had the audacity to tell me to my face that it was because you were irresistible? That you should have covered up? I am not having that Adi. I will not let anybody speak like that about you." He was still almost shaking in rage his fists clenched tightly.

A tear streamed down her face as she dipped the cotton in antiseptic with shaking fingers, she started dabbing at the deep gash on his forehead, "He could have died Zain, he's a more elderly man, and you were so vicious-"

"I wish he did die. I wanted to slaughter him." His eyes were cold as she cupped his face to turn him toward her.

He flinched as the antiseptic stung his cut, she looked at him in concern and he held it back, biting his tongue to control his pain so he didn't worry her. He smiled through it, shaking his head.

She blew over the cut gently, then kissed it carefully, causing Zain's eyes close in emotion. She gets up and puts the stuff away to hide her tears and he gets in to his side of the bed, weirdly silent.

He falls asleep almost immediately in exhaustion before she even returns from freshening up. She lies beside him, but he was turned away. She props herself up and watches him sadly, brushing away the hair that was stuck to his face with sweat. She kisses his temple before lying beside him, tears falling down her cheeks as she fell sleep.

"Aditi!" He shot up, yelling her name and panting, his breathing shallow in terror. He looked around in a panic before looking beside him to find her sleeping.

She stirred at his voice, sitting up straight. She frowns seeing him look so distressed, tears flowing down his face, and horror in his eyes as he looked at her. She cupped his face in her hands, "Zain what's wrong?"

"Tum- tum- tum teek ho na?" He ran his hand down her body, patting her down and checking her for injuries. She nodded slowly, still in confusion.

"I couldn't save you... I couldn't save you Adi... I couldn't..." He sobbed bitterly, crushing her heart.

"Shh... shhh jaanu...  everything is okay..."
She held out her arms and he cuddled her tightly. He wrapped an arm under her shoulders and the other around her hips and hid his face in her chest, clinging to her like a baby.

"I couldn't do anything- and- before- before they touched you- you-you called out my name but I couldn't- I couldn't protect you..." She cried silently seeing his broken state, she never seen him so broken before. He caressed her belly, kissing it lovingly.

"They touched you- they- they- you were in so much pain and it hurt so much- I couldn't do anything..." He frantically kissed her cheek , her lips, peppering kisses all over chest, then her stomach and then her thighs, "they touched you everywhere- i couldn't-"

"Nothing happened jaanu... nothing happened... I'm here... I'm safe, I'm with you... " She kissed away his tears as she took his hand and lead it down her body, "Look... no one has done anything, I'm fine..."

"Bus ek bura saapna tha... shhhh...." She whispered tenderly, kissing his forehead and lingering there until his breathing calmed down.

"You are completely fine?" He asked innocently, sniffing back his tears, looking at her with such vulnerability.

"100 percent... it was just a dream..." She smiled at him, caressing his cheek.

He held the hand that was cupping his cheek and kissed her palm, his eyes squeezing shut at the touch of her skin, it was reassurance, she was really there.

"I thought I was going to lose you..." She had never felt so much agony in her life than when she looked in to his eyes as he said this, his shattered eyes were filled with terror.

She had never ever seen him afraid of anything, he was never scared, it pained so much realising the one and only thing that could rattle him like this was the thought of losing her.

"I'm not going anywhere..." She mumbled against his lips as she pecked him gently, "Now sleep okay?"

He hummed, and she turned slightly to sleep when she felt him instinctively grip on to her wrist in a panic, with a terrified whisper, "Don't go..."

"Mein kahi nahi jaa rahi hu... I promise I'll be right here..."

"I'll be right here jaanu..." She turned toward him, waiting and stroking his hair as he slowly laid back down. He rested his hands under his head and looked up at the ceiling, his heart still in unrest.

She sighed seeing him still so disturbed, she laid beside him, taking his hand and resting it under her head like a pillow. She smiled as he looked over at her, "you want to talk about it?"

He takes a deep breath, staring at her intently, as if trying to memorise every one of her features, so he could keep it close to his heart. He couldn't lose her, he would give everything away, he was prepared to do anything to keep her safe.

He tucked away her hair behind her ear, his voice quivering, "I don't want our baby to be a girl anymore..."

"What?" She asked cluelessly, she takes his hand in to hers, clasping it tightly. She runs her thumb over his knuckles soothingly.

She looks at how devastated he looks, having a little princess had been his dream for so long, so many times he had described how he would pamper her, "Why Zain?"

"I don't want to bring our daughter in to a terrible world like this... I don't want anyone to look at her in the wrong way- I don't want her to ever have to be scared of anything. I don't want her to be unsafe. I don't want to ever fail to protect her."

She almost weeped seeing how terrified he was, his eyes glassed over with tears. How could he be so precious? Over protective over their child that didn't even exist yet.

"Zain Imam uske papa hai... Do you think anyone will dare to do wrong with her... Tum hai na? You will murder anyone who even tries..."  She tried to cheer him up, ruffling his hair.

"Tum Zain imam ki hone wali biwi hai... I would kill anybody who hurts my girl yet people still come after you... I can't- can't keep you guys safe... I'm so-"

"Shhh Zain aise nahi bol the..." She kisses his forehead, smiling playfully, "I know for a fact that I and my daughter or my son could ever get anybody better than you... If you say one more thing against my Zain I will hit you.."

"Really?" He asked, smiling slightly.

"Don't test me Imam sahab..." She laughed, she half-laid back on to the bed, her head propped up on to the headboard slightly, "Now sleep... stop thinking about such things..."

He hugged her belly and laid his cheek just on top of her very slight bump, sleeping on her chest like a child,. She watches lovingly as his eyes close finally, she stays running her hand through his hair slowly lulling him to sleep.


To be continued


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