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I had trouble with pasting the letter the way I had made it so it looks a bit weird now but it's the best I could do 😭

Yoongi's POV

"A sudden crater was found in the uninhabited part of a desert. No one knows how it took place, except that it suddenly appeared overnight. The closest village's inhabitants claimed having heard a big explosion and felt a wind of such strength that some of their buildings fell in shambles, but nothing has been confirmed as of yet. Their government disclosed the case as one within their control and proclaimed that it's nothing to worry about, but they haven't given any more information. Now following up with this week's weather-"

I turn off the radio and sigh as I lean back into my office chair, the information heavy on my mind when added on top of what we already know.

This must be her doing, from when they took her away to remove her collar safely. They must have taken her somewhere far from any living beings, so for a village to still be affected by her magic like that, it shouldn't surprise me, but it does.

The fact that her magic still did damages even with proper measures taken lets me understand more why she was so adamant about the wards at her home not being enough. I wouldn't trust them either if having a bunch of them as well as barriers wouldn't be enough to contain my magic.

That added to the reality that she has no control over it, how must she feel right now at the hospital knowing that she's forbidden from wearing her collar again?

Not just for now, but for the rest of her life. She's probably so scared of what could happen.

In her mind, the past can happen again, but she forgets about what led the events to happen in the first place. What pushed her magic to cause an earthquake? There has to be something that we don't know, something important that could explain everything.

A knock on my door and I look up to see Sung-kyung coming in with a box of donuts that she settles on my desk before sitting in front of it, her eyes looking tired, but I can see that she's also experiencing the same relief that we all are from knowing that Y/N is finally receiving the care she should've gotten long ago.

"Eunwoo brought donuts for everyone, Jin put two aside for you in this box before leaving for a call we got about a robbery, tasked me with making sure you would get them before someone else eats them" she explains and I smile, hand reaching out to pull it closer before I flip it open to see my two favourite flavors.

"Thank you, I wouldn't have been mad if there were none left" I tell her as I take a small bite of a random one, to which she shrugs.

"Jin would've gotten mad and I'd rather avoid being on the receiving end of his ranting. Anyway, I wanted to ask you about Y/N, it's been two days now, have you had any news of her?" she asks and I sigh with a shake of the head.

"No, Taehyung had to finish a case first so he didn't have time to go see her yet, but he should be able to go maybe today or tomorrow, he freed up his mornings so that he could spend them with her, even though she doesn't know yet".

She nods with a small exhale, relief flashing across her face.

"I have to admit, I'm so glad that we didn't have to do anything in the end. With how things happened, she won't be able to get mad at anyone, she knows that it wasn't Jungkook's fault so she won't blame him for her state" she lets out and I hum, that is something I'm also very glad for.

I would've hated for her to look at us with heinous eyes, I feel like it would've been very hard to be forgiven if we had forcefully pushed her to her limit.

Anyway, with what I heard on the radio, we would not have been adequately prepared for the blow. She would have had a good reason to hate us if we'd caused her to hurt more people, whose fault it was would not matter, she would be in the middle of it all either way.

"Still, she must feel wronged, that her choice was taken from her like that, she was convinced that her way was better, so to be thrown in the hospital with her collar removed... I can't even begin to imagine how it must be for her" I say and she looks down with a slow nod.

"I know... but she's going to have to face the truth at some point. She can't keep doing that to herself. Ever since I've met her, she's never tried to forgive herself, it wasn't even an option in her mind. She was convinced that she had to keep her collar on so that she would avoid the same catastrophe from occurring again. Dad and I... we didn't know what to do anymore to help her, so to me, this outcome is ideal" she admits and on the spot, it feels weird to imagine chief Bang as her father, I won't lie.

"Is he going to be allowed to visit her at the hospital? With his rank as well as who he is to her, they should let him through without getting in the way" I ask and she hums, eyes meeting mine showing that she doesn't know yet.

"He made a request but we've yet to hear word from them. He said to give them a week, they must be really busy right now so he'll try again then, he's been having trouble sleeping ever since he heard about her state worsening, I'm sure it would be good for the both of them to meet soon, they've been at odds for too long now".

Looking at the way she looks hopeless about the matter, I can sense that there's a fragility between her father and Y/N and it pulls at my curiosity, I can't help but wonder if something happened between the two of them.

She huffs softly when she notices my silent wondering. "I can almost see the question written on your face. You want to know about them two?" she asks and I nod with a sheepish smile, I wasn't being that discreet, was I?

She taps the surface of the desk with her nails, chin resting on her other hand then turns her gaze to the wall on which I have installed a board where I store the cases that I have yet to complete, phone numbers and the likes, things that I need to be able to find quickly, the sight helping her balance her thoughts properly.

"My dad and Y/N... they're very close. Dad loves her, adores her even and she loves him just as much, you'd think they'd meet often because of that but it's her love for him that kept her away. She knew it would break his heart to see her in bad shape, for him to see what she's doing to herself.

She must have felt guilty at least a little, he didn't take her in and treat her like a daughter for her to do that to herself, but she knew she would never agree to change just because of the look in his eyes, it would've only been one more pain she would have had to deal with, so she's been very constant in her wish to stay away from him until now".

As she speaks, I can see the defeat in her face about their relationship, how difficult it is, the love that they have for each other should make them happy, yet in this very situation, it hurts both sides.

The old man... he's a good one, took Jin and I in when we first graduated without a second of hesitation, he's always made us feel like family, guided us when we'd be unsure of the right path to take, he's someone we all started seeing like a dad at some point, he cares for us just like one after all.

To know that he's hurting from missing her so much, someone he's taken in as his own in her harshest struggles, how hard must it be for him too, to know of her pain, yet unable to do anything about it.

Y/N and her opinion over the past, over herself and her magic, it's something that needs to change, not just for us but mainly for her.

She's building such thick walls around her when what she should be doing instead is to build bridges. If she could allow us in, all of us, we could help her see that life has moved on, life continues.

Will it be easy? No, Hoseok and Jungkook, upon learning of what she's caused, will probably find it hard to process.

Hoseok, because he lost his sister, someone he almost idolized, she was his family's treasure, yet she didn't survive the earthquake, something that broke his parents, his own heart.

Jungkook, because he was too young when he lost his entire family. He ended up under the government's care until he became of age, he spent most of his school years living in a boarding house supplied by the president as a way to show his support, it was mostly to impact the elections, but it still gave our soulmate a home, to him and many others who became orphan, just like him.

Those years, he doesn't keep many good memories out of them. He struggled a lot until he met us and even then, it wasn't easy for us to get him to smile, although once he started, no one was stopping him anymore.

I feel blessed that I was there to see him grow stronger as he started picking up skills here and there, when he shared for the first time his wish to study to become a designer for companies, it didn't really matter what kind, as long as he could create things.

We supported him to the best of our abilities, we were there to feed him when he would be too focused on his homework, we'd be the ones waking him up when he would oversleep, but from time to time, he would have that shallow look in his eyes, like the past had managed to get a grip on him.

It's not as frequent now, it feels like maybe he finally overcame the shadows of the past, finally accepted what came out of it, but none of us dare ask him by fear of causing him to drop once more.

We won't be able to avoid asking him for much longer though. Where Hoseok might forgive Y/N easily, his love for her is too strong for him to change how he feels about her, Jungkook... I really don't know how he will react.

Namjoon and Taehyung have already verbalized how they don't blame her, she could never do such a thing on purpose, she lost control, she was so young, how could such a young mind wish to cause the chaos that occurred that day?

That's one less worry to have, to know that they will accept her no matter what, but the one I'm most afraid for is Y/N herself.

Once she learns that she is behind her soulmates' pain when she tried so hard to keep her distance to keep herself from hurting us, once she hears that the earthquake that was caused by magic took our soulmates' families, how will the information break her?

Because I know that for a fact, it will break her. How would she react then? Will she disappear? Will she stay out of our life, out of sight, out of reach? Will she take the time to listen to us or will she be on the run before we can even say her name?

It terrifies me. She deserves to be happy, I know she can attain that happiness with us, we already care so much about her, but is she going to allow herself that?

I want to know how she sees things, how she thinks, where does her heart lead her in the unknown, in uncertain times? Would she be strong and face the truth with us? Or would she grow so ashamed that we would never see her face again?

A snap of fingers in front of my face pulls me out of my thoughts and I look up to see Sung-kyung staring at me with worried eyes.

"Lost you for a couple of minutes there, you okay?" she asks and I blink a few times, surprised by how far my mind took me before being brought back to the present.

"Y-yeah, sorry. Just a lot on my mind. I hope your dad gets to see her soon, I'm sure she must miss him a lot if not more than he does, it's not easy to do, isolating yourself from the people you love" I tell her, mind trying to get back to what we were talking about, to which she nods a few times in agreement before motioning for the box, the donut I took a bite from earlier still resting on top of it.

"Take it easy, Yoongi-ah. Y/N will get better, she just needs some time. She won't be able to resist her magic once she's spent a few days with it, it's part of her after all, it cares about her much more than it cares about anyone else" she reassures me with a pat to my shoulder before standing up to head to the door, but just before leaving, she turns back to me.

"Please, let me know if you hear anything about her. They kept her phone, she doesn't have any ways of contacting us except for that doctor we gave our numbers to, we're worried about her. We dropped off a small bag of stupid toys for now, we're hoping it helps ease her mood a little, maybe make her laugh but it's not the same as seeing her in person or hearing her voice".

I nod at her with a small smile. "I'll be sure to let you know, don't worry" I promise, a wave of the hand her way when she steps out of the room before I look down at the donut, my stomach feeling way too heavy to be able to eat any more of it.

I sigh and set it back in the box before pushing it aside. Maybe later.

Your POV

To say I'm bored would be an understatement.

Unable to meet anyone except for Jinjin, my current doctor and his assistant, Lisa, even a new face becomes repetitive when all they do is smile, give you food, ask you how you feel, look at the monitor before leaving.

It's not like I'm not content to see them when they come by, they try to entertain me as best as they can, it's just my shitty mood getting in the way that makes them not stay as long as I would have them if I had a choice.

Between the annoying questions they ask and having my magic try to become friendly with me, I can't say I have much happy things to look forward too.

"You know we're all going to spend ages in here if you guys are waiting for me to become chummy chummy with it" I tell Lisa and Jinjin as they come in with a bag.

The woman shrugs and proceeds to observe the monitor, my vitals still increasing notably from yesterday, something that feels great, I won't lie. Not feeling like dying anymore... I had forgotten how it feels.

"We're still paid so it doesn't matter. You, on the contrary, aren't, so you might want to start thinking about getting a move on before you come out of here homeless" she tells me and I groan audibly.

Damn she's right.

"Alright, hey magic, we're good friends right? Yeah, we are, see? Can I go? I'll just grab my collar and get going" I let out, watch as pity flashes through Jinjin's eyes while Lisa only snorts. "Yeah, right, good attempt though".

The doctor clears his throat and hands me the bag he's still holding, one I grab with curious eyes, unsure of what it might be but definitely too happy about it than I should be. You're a grown up, Y/N, you can't get excited over surprise bags!

"Your two friends, the police officer and another girl came by and gave me this for you, said you're the kind to grow bored easily so they got this for you" he explains and my eyes widen in surprise, heart swelling with love for my two girls.

They take such good care of me, I owe them for this.

I open the bag and look inside to see books, a few that look really interesting, this is great, there's my laptop too, candies- crap they can't see this-

"We searched the bag already, as long as you resist going through all of the candies in a single day, because want it or not, this is still an hospital, we'll turn a blind eye to it" Lisa says as if she read my mind and I grin, more than happy about this.

Talk about a privilege, to be allowed candies in this blinding room, they don't realize that this is physical joy, my mood is going to rocket through the roof and head for the moon, these two will be thankful for my sweet tooth.

She huffs and shakes her head with a discouraged sigh. "Having known that lollipops would make her that happy, I would have brought some sooner, it changes from her ugly frown" she mumbles and I snap my head towards her with an insulted whine, ready to counter that statement but Jinjin is raising a hand to keep things from escalating.

"Alright, no fighting you two, this is a hospital, not a battle ring" he lets out, already in over his head with the both of us and it's only been two days, the poor guy.

Lisa and I share one last huff before allowing him some peace and quiet, after which he turns to me with a tired smile and I have to hand it to him, he's good for tolerating us the way he is, anyone else would probably be crying and begging for a transfer just to be away from us.

"Is there anything you need? They left us their numbers in case you'd need them to get you some things so I can ask them for you, and if you can't think of anything right now, just let me know whenever you do, it's not a one time only deal" he offers with a gentle smile, to which I hum in wondering.

With all the strong wards and barriers going around right now, I can't use my phone to contact anyone, heck, they even took it from me, those are the rules Jinjin had said, and the Wi-Fi doesn't work either so I haven't been able to talk with the girls, probably won't be able to for a while at this pace, it's good that they offered me a link to the outside world.

I clap my hands and nod before grabbing the pretty notebook I saw from the bag along with a sparkly pen with a unicorn attached to it, something that has me huffing with a badly hidden grin, they really thought of everything when they put this together.

"I do have something in mind, let me write it down first then you can either give it to them or take a picture of it, doesn't matter, as long as it ends in the right hands" I tell him as I turn the book open to the first page to get writing.

He smiles and nods before taking a seat on a nearby chair while Lisa exits the room, other things she needs to do, or she just can't handle the sight of me anymore, I don't care, I'm going to have fun annoying her the next time I see her anyway, it's funny when she gets mad.

But that's for later, right now, I need to focus on the matter at hand, quite literally.

Jungkook will probably have enough of the tasks I gave him for the week but I'm pretty sure he'll have to report to Bo-young instead of me considering the situation and I would like to be able to see his progress and comment on it, as unpractical as it would be.

I'm aware that it's not going to be ideal, but Jungkook is not only under my responsibility at work, he's also my soulmate and as much as I try to pretend like I don't care, it does mean something to me so I'd like to ask Bo-young to send me what he's done via USB. That first paper is for her.

I might not be able to get close to him, that really wouldn't be good for my soulmates, but the idea that he would have a bad image of me if I let him all by himself so soon when he just started at work, I don't want that.

Is it selfish of me? Maybe, but I can't help it. Imagining them hating me... yeah, it hurts.

Once done, I pull the page out of the notebook before getting started on the second paper, one that is intended for Jungkook this time.

I want to give him some encouragements and answers to questions I know he'll think about, so hopefully it makes him smile and believe in himself a little. Cheesy or not, soulmate or not, he's still my junior and I intend to take care of him well, whether I'm present or not.

I start writing quickly because I know Jinjin doesn't have only me to care for even though he should because heck, I'm a handful, and read the letter over once then twice to make sure that it's not too cringy, something I'm failing miserably in doing, it's awkward as fuck, but a girl is trying here, give her a break.

Once done gritting my teeth at it because... it's much worse than I intended and there's no time to start over, I eventually decide to just give up on my pride and pull the page out of the notebook before handing it to the doctor who's been very patient, an eternal smile on his face.

"Please send these to Bo-young. You know, not the officer, the other one, the smaller girl, she's cuter- wait don't tell Sung-kyung I said that, she'll have me killed, anyway yeah, tell her to give this one to Jungkook. Please. That'd be nice of you" I request clumsily and he chuckles before nodding his head, papers safely in hand with a promise that it will be done before he makes his way out of my room, henceforth leaving me alone.

I hum to myself at the new-found silence, this is probably the best I can do for now. Hopefully I didn't just ridicule myself with the letter. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. Oh well.

I bring my gaze back to the bag, just now remembering that I didn't take a look at everything and so, I bring it closer to me to pull out every item I see, mind wondering what kind of things they thought I might need for my stay in the hospital because the notebook was a wild guess for sure.

What weird things did they get? There's bound to be at least one in here.

I am not disappointed in the least when I find toys made for children and part of me is offended that they thought I would like them while the other is absolutely thrilled because I really do like them.

I am too easy to please, I think my inner child never got to grow up with me, there's no way other people my age could like these things as much as I do.

A sling-shot, a bubble blower, bouncing balls, cute stickers, probably to go with the notebook, stupid sparkling slime, they really went crazy in that dollar shop and I'm here for it, this hospital room will become a mess soon.

I laugh to myself at that thought. One more reason for Lisa to hate me, this is great.

I find something else at the bottom of the bag and when I take it out, I tear up instantly at the picture of the two girls doing heart fingers, that one was obviously taken in a rush before being printed out but gosh, I love it.

I wipe my eyes and smile at it, wishing they both could be with me right now. I truly don't deserve such good friends.

Jungkook's POV

Once at work, a little out of breath because I ran all the way since no one could drive me over and I didn't feel like taking the bus, I enter inside the building and head straight for my desk where I find Bo-young waiting for me, her smile widening when she sees me come over.

"I wasn't sure when exactly you would get here considering you start a little later than we do this week, figured it'd be around now but anyway, it doesn't matter, this is for you" she chirps excitedly before handing me a paper, one that appears to be a letter.

Curious, I tilt my head and drop my bag by my chair before accepting it, unsure of who could have given me it, nor why. Who writes handwritten letters nowadays?

I watch as she winks at me before heading for her own desk in front of mine and I do the same, chair pulled out so I can sit on it before looking down at the piece of paper in my hands, not thinking much of it, but when I see the name of who's written it, my heart immediately skips a beat.

Y/N? Y/N wrote me a letter?

Unable to resist the smile that appears on my face, I quickly allow my eyes to read the words, mind, heart, soul and magic beaming at the attention from a soulmate. She wrote me a letter! Me!

Dear Jungkook, Y/N here.

I suck at writing stuff so please be nice and understanding ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶s̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶,̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶l̶a̶u̶g̶h̶,̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶f̶r̶e̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶e̶m̶b̶a̶r̶r̶a̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶.̶  ̶D̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ Anyway.

From knowing you for a few hours, I know you're talented but you're also lacking in the confidence department so here's some from me. *throws some confidence sparkles at you*

Gosh, that made me sound like a fairy, am I a fairy? Keep this secret well, junior ssi, my freedom depends on you.  ̶N̶o̶t̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶ Ignore that one, that's not why I'm writing this, I'm getting side tracked.

Here are the main points that I want to share with you:

1: If you think about calling my name to ask me a question, remember that I'm not there.

2: Bo-young is busy but she's the nicest from all the people in the office so just stick to her if you have questions, the others will start talking to you as if you're a baby they need to brainwash and just thinking about it annoys me, stay away from them.

3: If you feel like asking the same question for the second time, don't, ̶y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶b̶e̶t̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶n̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶, you're doing good, don't worry.

4: If you want to ask Bo-young if what you did is good enough, it's good enough, stop wasting time on things that can only take some adjustments later.

5: If you  ̶r̶a̶e̶l̶l̶y̶ really, really have questions or need opinions from me, for whatever reason, tell Bo-young and she'll contact the doctor because I can't use my phone here. ̶F̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶s̶k̶ ̶m̶e̶,̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶ ̶c̶a̶n̶ ̶l̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶h̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶a̶d̶a̶y̶s̶?̶ ̶It might take some time but I'll send a reply as soon as I can.

I think that's enough for now, good luck for this week, I'm sorry I can't be there to help in person, I wish things were different but for now, there's not much I can do about that.

I've asked Bo-young to send me your work as you progress so if she asks you to send it to her, it's for me, just do what she says, I want to see for myself how well you did so I can give you other tasks that will suit you.

Fighting, Jungkook, the confidence fairy believes in you! *sparkles sparkles*

When I reach the end of the letter, I resist the urge to burst into exalted laughter because my heart feels so happy from this, way too happy.

This letter is filled with errors and scribbled notes that she tried to hide, but I can read all of them and oh my gosh, this is the cutest thing I've ever been given in all of my life.

I suddenly understand very well why Jimin and Hoseok fell for her, why they're so endeared with everything she does, why they always shine brightly when they talk about her, she's so very cute.

I can't wait to show this to the both of them, they're going to be so jealous and I'm going to enjoy every ounce of it. Namjoon would probably scold me for teasing them over her, but what else am I supposed to do with this letter? How can I not show off?

Already feeling better since this is the first real news we get from her, directly from her at that, something that hints at how she seems to be feeling a lot better, not so sad and angry as we were expecting, I look back at the letter and let her last words inspire me.

The confidence fairy believes in you.

I guess I'll just have to believe in myself too then.

I smile and safely tuck the letter in my bag to avoid losing it before getting to work.

Let's get it!


Once I'm done with work for the day, I decide to head to Jimin and Hoseok's coffee shop, the only possible course of action considering the treasure I need to show them and so I grab my belongings before turning to Bo-young who's still at her desk, something about her needing to get in some more work before she can head home too.

"Sunbae?" I call out to her as I reach her desk and she turns to me with a soft smile, wordlessly waiting for me to continue patiently as it also allows her a little break from her difficult tasks, something I remember briefly struggling over when we learned that in class for the first time.

I scratch the back of my neck and bite on my bottom lip before opening my mouth, finding that omitting some information would probably be better for Y/N, I don't think she would want everyone to know that she writes such cute letters and part of me wants to protect that knowledge selfishly with my soulmates

"Could you thank Y/N for the letter, the... well she'll know what I'm talking about, they worked. It helped" I tell her, watch as she nods with creased eyes, her mood now a hundred times better than the first time I met her.

Y/N just naturally seems to make a big impact on everyone around her, me included, she's probably not even aware of it, the way she captivates us, even without knowing her. It just gets worse when you finally meet her.

"Consider it done, Jungkook, I'm sure she'll be pleased to hear that she could help you feel better. Good work today and see you tomorrow" she muses, after which I bow before exiting the building on quick feet.

Once outside and on the way to my soulmates, I can't help but grin to myself, uncaring that people are seeing me looking foolishly happy, they wouldn't understand even if I told them why I'm feeling that way.

That she thought of me even while in her complicated situation, that she wrote that letter for me with the intention of helping me to believe in myself, it means a lot to me.

A part of me just wants to keep this as a secret to myself, but everyone knows I can't keep things that make me happy under silence for too long and I think it would be good for my soulmates to hear about her, it wouldn't be nice from me to keep this knowledge from them.

They all care deeply about her too, it would be too selfish and egoistic from me to not tell them.

I jump my way to the building that is, to my joy, very close to my workplace and enter inside, my magic reaching out right away to my soulmates in greeting as we haven't seen each other for hours already.

They both turn around at the feel of it before gracing my eyes with bright smiles as they invite me over so I can take a seat behind the counter to be with them while they work, it wouldn't be the first time I do that, except that this time, I'm not here just to kill time.

When I reach their side, they hug me tightly and kiss my face tenderly before telling me to wait for just a moment since they need to clean some tables, that they'll be quick and I nod, not in a hurry, their work is important and the letter won't run away just because of a few minutes.

While they get started with their task, the shop calm and quiet, I think I saw a few people sat in a corner but there's otherwise not many inside at the moment, I carefully dig the letter out of my bag so I can proudly show it to them when they come back.

It feels like a trophy, something I earned by working hard, it's kind of funny. I'd be the first one among all of my soulmates to get something from her, right?

It makes me silently preen on my seat, soul so proud that I could be blessed with a first time from a soulmate and that earns me a few glances from Jimin and Hoseok because of the way my magic dances around me, it being just as happy as I am.

It takes a moment, but as soon as they come back, their curious eyes fall on the paper in my hands and I grin before handing it to them, way too excited to see what their reaction is going to be like.

Hoseok is first to reach out to grab it and he unfolds it very carefully when he notices how my eyes observe his every moves, my nervousness uncontrollable even though I trust them to be gentle with it.

I want it in pristine condition. Would it be exaggerated for me to frame it? I want to find it a pretty frame and keep in on my desk at home.

Him and Jimin share a look before reading the letter together and it doesn't take too long before their eyes widen in shock once they see her name, addressed to me.

I watch as they go from casually reading to absorbing every single words and I feel myself beam with pride and joy at the pure exhilaration that takes place on their face, a look that can only be put there by her.

They both laugh loudly and Jimin even has to hit the counter a few times to process what he just read, a hand over his stomach and eyes shut tight as he lets out a "Sparkles sparkles-" he can't even finish his sentence as he doubles over in laughter, Hoseok also grinning like a man in love as he shakes his head, eyes glistening with relief.

"I guess that means she feels better, right? This didn't feel forced at all" I ask them, watch as they both nod, their posture the most relaxed I've seen in a long time, to hear about her, to read words written by her, they must be ecstatic right now, I know their magic is.

"Should I write a letter back? I think Taehyung is going to see her tomorrow, maybe I should give it to him so he can give it to her" I wonder aloud, the idea sounding appealing to my ears, would it be okay?

"Oh! Me too! I want to write her a letter too!" Jimin gasps, excitement in his voice and eyes and even Hoseok seems attracted by the idea as well, something that doesn't surprise me, I'm just happy to finally see them smile sincerely, just like before.

It feels like we managed to get through a dark month and now the sun is finally starting to peek out and grace us with its presence. Hope is back and it feels amazing.

"Let's all write her a letter then" I chirp, already finding myself wondering about what her reaction would be once she gets them.

I know she's been avoiding us as her soulmates, but letters don't hurt, right?

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