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Here is my newest tattoo!! My little baby ☺️☺️☺️

Also, I hope you enjoy this chapter! It's been a long time since I've last updated this story, we're getting back into it now!


As soon as I stick a new colourful lollipop in my mouth with a pleased hum, my hospital room's door opens suddenly to reveal Lisa.

I freeze like a cat caught doing something it knows it's not supposed to do and we both stare at each other in silence, and I know, I know that she sees the glow of guilt flashing across my face as I try to hide it under an unbothered mask, her eyes then noticing the candy stick peeking out of my mouth while I discreetly make a move to hide the three wrappers hiding behind me to avoid receiving her nursing wrath.

Or that's what I would do if the wrappers where still there, what is this sorcery?

Lisa sighs and shakes her head before entering inside to grab the tray I was sent for breakfast and in the meantime, I quickly look behind me to try and understand what happened to my candy wrappers only to find them in the trash can a good distance away.

I bite on the inside of my bottom lip with a light frown, I don't want to be given a reason to be thankful towards my magic but on this one... I might just have to give in a little, it really saved my skin.

I turn back to rest properly against the bed's pillows and happily suck on my lollipop with a song hummed as I observe Lisa do her usual morning tasks, the sugary treat in my mouth enough to give me happiness even through the hurdle imposed on me.

"How many candies have you eaten this morning?" she eventually asks me with a dull voice and I pause briefly before shrugging lightly in an attempt to appear normal. I don't have much of a choice if I want to keep the remaining candies in my possession.

"Not that many" I let out as she eyes the monitor besides my bed before glancing at me with a hand resting on her hip. "Then why is your heart rate so high?".

Does she know? Shit, she knows. This is not going well, I repeat, this is not going well!

"Why do you think? My magic is annoying, the usual" I tell her with a boring tone, thinking this an easy way out of my current predicament.

But I should've known, oh, I should've known that it wouldn't be an easy way out, it never is with my magic.

Offended by my words, because it had done absolutely nothing to bother me ever since I asked it to stop, the elements barely even made a sign of life to avoid scaring me, heck, they tried so damn hard to stay still and at a distance, the care they want to give me only given in my sleep, and this is how I thank them for their efforts?

There is a limit to everything and for my powers... this is it. Lying is bad.

It is with that thought in mind that my magic causes the three wrappers I had hidden behind me along with the two others I had thrown in the bin in the middle of the night to fly up in the air and right into Lisa's waiting hands.

My jaw drops to my lap in shock and I stare at her with wide eyes, was I just betrayed by my own magic? Really?

"What the fuck? Can't you even take my side?" I whisper-shout in the air as disappointment settles over the nurse's face once she takes in the impossibly high amount of candy wrappers in her hold, something she shouldn't have to see in a hospital to begin with.

"Why the heck should your magic take your side if you can't even be nice with it? You reap what you sow" she counters my comment and I frown, arms crossed over my chest and lollipop not doing the happy it should be doing anymore.

I start chewing on it with the intent of being louder and more annoying, the crunchy noises filling the newfound silence as I grumble under my breath, this previously good morning now leaving me feeling grumpy.

"If I don't see your heart rate going down within the next hour, I'm taking your lollipops away indefinitely, so make sure you calm down on the sugar" Lisa threatens me and I huff as I turn my head away from her, the crush of the lollipop between my teeth intensifying until she leaves the room.

This sucks.

"Why did you do that? These candies are the only positive thing I can focus on while being here and you just had to expose me like that, for what, because of a little stupid comment?" I whine to my magic, unhappy with the trick it pulled off on me, isn't it supposed to like... I don't know, like me?

Balls of fire appear around me in an attempt to rush to my hair in anger and I jump up to my feet on the bed, ready to scream bloody murder when it gets nearer when a wall of water suddenly steps in to protect me from being burned alive.

The fire goes off with a noise of steam and I stare at the emptiness in front of me with wide eyes.

This is the first time my fire has ever tried anything like this before and it has to be a personal attack just because of some harmless words I said?!

"What's your problem man?! I don't wanna be bald, find something else to attack for fuck's sake!" I screech, after which I stare in shock as it goes on a tantrum by burning the content of the trash bin angrily before staying at the bottom with waves of noisy flickering flames.

I huff at the sight and sit back down on the bed with a hand running through my hair, thank goodness it didn't reach me, I have not grown my hair out only to lose it this quickly. "Hot-headed isn't the right word to describe you, you're a freaking child".

Speak for yourself! it wants to retort so badly, but sadly, it cannot so it instead decides to remain in the burning hot trash bin to sulk alone, unhappy with my attitude.

I shake my head as I relax once more against the pillows.

My own fire tried to burn my hair... I'm so going to counter-attack one day, I don't care if it takes weeks, months or even years, I will have my revenge eventually.

I start laughing to myself, unaware that it currently sounds like the devil's, a hint of craziness seething into my voice that scares the man on the other side of the door.

Taehyung's POV

"Hyung! Wait!" I suddenly hear Jungkook shout just as I'm about to open the door to head out of the house for the day.

I let go of the doorknob and turn around with a curious tilt of the head as I watch him run down the stairs three at a time, Jimin and Hoseok on his heels all the way down to the floor where they stop in front of me side by side, out of breath but with a bright smile on their faces.

I grin lightly, so I wasn't imagining it after all, something did happen yesterday.

As soon as the trio had gotten home, Jungkook was about to say something, his magic letting us know that he was very excited about it, proud even, but then Hoseok and Jimin had whispered something to his ear, something that had him beaming with delight and we had to watch in confusion as they'd stepped up the stairs with giggles shared between the three of them.

We hadn't questioned their behaviour any more than necessary, their joy was a hundred times better than their previous sadness and we didn't want to take that away from them, but as I stare at the letters they each hand out to me, cute little stickers on the surface to seal them closed with their names prettily written on the paper, I can only quirk an eyebrow in wonder.

"Can you please give these to Y/N when you see her? Pretty please?" Jimin pleads with puppy eyes lovingly looking up into mine through his lashes to add as much effect as he can, a sight that manages to melt my heart instantly, why so much efforts when he knows that I can never say no to him?

I hum in response and then reach out to grab the letters given to me, but Hoseok pulls back at the last second when it's his turn, his eyes narrowing slightly in warning, like he's dealing with something of the utmost importance.

"You can't read them, no matter what, they're for Y/N's eyes and hers only" he mutters with determination and I huff with a nod of the head, who does he take me for?

"I know what privacy is, hyung, I won't look" I reply simply, eyes on his face as he grins cutely before handing it to me again, to which I shake my head with a smile before tucking them safely in my bag.

I don't know what led them to want to write her letters all of a sudden, but I can't say I'm surprised about it, though I can't help but also feel a little jealous about it because I've never gotten letters from my soulmates, not even once and I've known them for longer!

What does that say about me, huh?

"You can't forget, okay Tae? We're counting on you" Jimin chirps, his eyes alight with joy, and when I take in the three men as a whole, three bundles of sunshine, my heart instantly fills up with warmth.

That they can finally smile again and truly mean it, no shadows overlooking their light anymore, it means the world to me. The only thing that would make this better would be to have our last soulmate by our side as well.

With a smile, I kiss their cheeks, their magic wrapping around me despite my collar to wish me a good day before I walk out of the house and into one of our cars, bag settled carefully on the passenger seat before I start up the engine with a deep sigh.

Their cuteness did help to alleviate my nerves, but now that I'm alone again, I can't help but feel incredibly nervous about my upcoming meeting with Y/N, something that I've looked forward to for what feels like ages now.

This is going to be our first meeting and I want to make a good first impression, but I'm afraid that it might be hard to do considering that Y/N doesn't seem to like psychologists from what Namjoon has told me, and that's exactly what I am.

I'm not going there for work, obviously, it's only a cover, I don't intend to push her to open up about anything unless she wants to, but what if she thinks the opposite? What if she believes that I was sent to her to try and convince her just like everyone else has been doing? I don't want her to give me the cold shoulder, but I have to expect it, it's a possibility.

I leave home and get on the road, lips pursing as I try to remember the steps I'm to take before being allowed on her floor.

I'm to meet a certain... Jinyoung this morning, the security agent responsible for Y/N's floor. He's not part of the LRMS, but he's been put on the job to give the agents a break when necessary, too many inquiries from journalists to find out what is going on putting a strain on their focus that needs to be on Y/N at all time.

I tried to show my soulmates that I'm confident, that everything will go well without a doubt, but in reality, I'm incredibly anxious about this whole thing.

I don't want to disappoint them, especially not with the letters I was just given, they depend on me for this to go well but I just don't know how I can give her our soulmates' letters without making her suspicious in the first place.

She'll want to know how I got these, how I know the guys and I don't want her knowing who I am to her just yet. I was allowed to go for now because she doesn't know about me being an additional soulmate, but what happens if she finds out? Do we lose every chance of contact with her?

I try to force my nerves aside as I drive into the hospital's parking lot, the reality that Y/N is getting nearer by the minute making my heart beat faster and faster, in anticipation, in excitement, but also in worry.

The only image I have of her is from when she was suffering, from when I saw her from a distance in this building. Does she still feel the same way or is she feeling much better? How is she doing right now? Will she reject seeing me before even giving me a chance?

So many thoughts flood through my mind as I introduce myself at the front desk so I can be guided to Jinyoung's office, which is in one of the restricted areas, but when I end up in front of the door, it takes me a moment of deep breathing before I knock on the surface to alert the man of my arrival.

Each steps that I make bring me closer to her and the pressure is real, I have six soulmates counting on me, it's not easy to handle when I don't even know how the first meeting with her will go.

"That's not like you, Taehyung, get a hold of yourself" I whisper softly, annoyed with my current emotions that make me feel like a scaredy-cat, hands quickly patting my cheeks to calm down before I still when the door opens to a man who seems slightly older than me.

"Kim Taehyung, right? The psychologist, Ahn Y/N's soulmate?" he asks right away, eyes appraising me intently and I nod, hand reaching out to offer a handshake with a smile, both of which he responds to easily.

"In the flesh. It's nice to meet you, thank you for agreeing to see me on such short notice" I answer him before walking inside when he motions for me to step in with a shake of the head meant to reassure me.

"You were made a priority by the agents so I was waiting for your arrival since she got here, you didn't even need to call" he assures gently while closing the door behind me.

His words make me feel important, I didn't expect to be on a priority list by them but I guess they are aware that it can benefit her to be close to a soulmate, especially in such a circumstance.

Having her not wear a collar while I still have mine will allow her magic and soul to unconsciously react to me, which means that she'll be more inclined to catch feelings quickly, which can surely not get in the way, I for one won't complain.

It's something I'm excited about, to see her slowly fall for me, it would surely be a lovely experience, or so I hope.

Jinyoung walks around his desk to sit on his chair and I take one of the two in front of him, aware that there were conditions I need to comply to before being allowed to see her.

They'll probably make me sign an NDA contract as well since the knowledge that comes with her is a sensitive one, I dare even say protected by the government, though I'm unsure if it's for her own well-being or if it's to hide something bigger.

"So you must have been made aware by Doctor Kim Namjoon, who is also your soulmate, about the Last Resort Magic Services organization wanting to make sure that you will respect the secrecy of the current situation. Of course, as her soulmate and considering the nature of you and your soulmates' jobs, you have already found out quite a lot about her.

They trust you to be careful with that knowledge, but there are some points that are important to them and they need a proof that you will cooperate" he starts explaining as he gets some papers out of a folder and I nod, I expected that much.

"First of all, anything about Y/N that causes you to worry about her well-being and the hospitals' residents' security, you are ordered to let the first agent you see know so that they can take adequate measures.

No removing your collar in her presence without permission, which won't be until she's shown signs of accepting her magic. As long as she fights against it, she cannot bond with any of you so it would be in your interest to keep her unaware of who you are for as long as possible. If she does find out, assess the situation and inform the first agent you see so that they can take adequate measures.

If you see something concerning her magic that worries you, something that leads you to believe it could be dangerous, you are to inform the first agent you see so that they can take adequate measures. You get the gist of it.

If you fail to respect any of these conditions, the Last Resort Magic Services agents are in their right to detain you until they determine what punishment is required by the laws depending on the heaviness of the problem caused so I would advise you to stick to the reason you are allowed over and no more than that. Do you agree with everything?".

Oh gosh, this is terrifying.

"I do, that sounds fair" I tell him, knowing very well that I'm not that good at hiding my cold sweat, to which Jinyoung smiles understandingly.

"Don't worry, they make everything sound scary but really, the chances of anything turning bad is near zero. Y/N is responding well to the current situation, her magic is stable and within the wards, it hasn't made any attempts to breach them and no bad intentions has caused them to activate. Everything will be fine" he muses kindly and I nod my head slowly, some relief taking place in my soul upon hearing that she's handling this better than I had anticipated.

He pushes a paper towards me along with a pen and then points at a section at the bottom. "You can sign here, just your signature will do, don't bother with the rest, that's all we need from you, Kim Namjoon already handled the needed paperwork".

I do as told, and to hear that Namjoon already signed everything else that was needed lets me know that they're taking this very seriously because he's not even allowed to go see her just yet, so they really are apprehending any eventualities.

The man sighs and puts the papers aside before grabbing another one. "Now, for the last thing we need to go over, it concerns your collar. They allowed you in mainly because of it, but they want information on how you got it. How honest you are about this will determine a lot, but I honestly would tell you to just admit everything you can think of, as hard as it can be. There's not much they don't already know, this is mostly to see how sincere you are".

I inhale deeply, of course they would ask something like that. It's not like the reason is a secret, but I'm not proud of what led to me wearing a collar, that's for sure. To lay everything out in the open... well it's not going to be fun, but then again, nothing about this whole thing is fun.

"I've been wearing my collar for eight years now. I'm supposed to have only two years left with it, but I suppose it could happen anytime soon now since I've made sure to behave properly since then.

Thirteen years ago, I lost my family to the earthquake that ravaged the city and my dad and I were the only survivors. We had gone together to a safer area without knowing what would happen, it was supposed to be a bonding day but... a day has never gone from good to nightmarish as quickly as this one did.

When we got the confirmation that everyone else in our family had passed due to the catastrophe, he couldn't handle knowing that he had lost his soulmate and most of his children, so he quickly lost it after that.

There wasn't much I could do in that situation, he... he killed himself nine years ago when it got too much for him and after that, now on my own... needless to say I became really angry at life and turned into a delinquent.

I used my power to bully people more often than never, I was a real piece of work. I took it too far once, it ended badly and that was the end for me, I was given a collar and got forced into intensive therapy until they deemed me better to be part of society once more".

To explain all of that aloud, I'm really not proud of it, but what is done is done, there's no use in spending all my energy regretting the past and I wish Y/N could also understand that eventually.

Yes, the past was hard and dark, but it is behind us now, there's no need to keep pulling it behind us everywhere we go. We'll always remember the past, we'll never forget what took place, but what she's doing to herself is too much.

She was too young when it happened, the way the events changed her occurred when her mind was too... tender and soft so she's still blaming herself with the intensity of how she saw things when she was ten.

She believes she was in control when the tragedy happened, but it wasn't the case, that was too much power for what her body could handle at the time and I wish she could realize that.

Jinyoung sighs softly and I bring my attention back to him.

"I see, I'm sorry for what happened to your family, truly, and I apologize but I need more information. What is your power? What happened exactly for you to get arrested?" he continues with a small frown, he looks like he feels terrible for asking but he's just doing his job, it's not his fault.

If doing this can assure me free passage to Y/N, then I will bare my soul to all if needs be.

"My power is teleportation, I can teleport myself as well as others without having to follow them. I used to send some annoying kids across continents to get them to leave me alone, that much wasn't too bad because they'd always be back the next day but one time, I took it too far and got blinded by rage. I sent them right in the middle of the Antarctic sea where they drowned, their bodies were never found. I was detained the next day".

Silence greets my words and honestly, I can't blame him for having such a shocked expression on his face. It is a terrible thing to do for a child, but I had issues and no one to help me with them, that was all my mind could think of doing to cope with the pain, but I never wanted to kill, that was never my goal.

"Thank you for your honesty, it mustn't have been easy to say. That will be more than enough to prove your sincerity, I have your pass here, it is registered to your name so all you have to do is show it to the agent by the elevator on each visits. And I should mention that only you will be able to use it so no sharing with your soulmates, I hope you understand. If you need anything else, you're welcome to contact me but I do believe that from here, everything should run smoothly, you're free to go see her".

I relax at his words as I allow my confidence to come back to me and then bow after standing up. "Thank you for your help, it means a lot to be allowed to see her during such a hard time for her. I would've hated for Y/N to have to go through this alone".

He chuckles warmly with a smile. "Of course. She's lucky to have soulmates who care about her so much, I hope you can manage to make her see it as well, she needs all the support she can get if she wants to overcome the hell that was her past".

I look up at him when he says those last words, I wish he could tell me more, he looks like he knows a lot more than he lets on but his only response to that is to invite me out of the room to go see who really matters at the moment and I sigh before complying.

It doesn't feel like he was talking about the earthquake in general, something bigger happened to her beforehand and I know I'm going to lose sleep over this matter, just like Namjoon and the others have.

I walk back to the lobby with a heavy heart, the pass card tightly held in my hand and then head towards the elevator where I find an agent standing still by the doors, their body blocking the path to make sure no one gains access to her - it must be the only one with a currently functioning button leading to her floor to keep her safe.

Their eyes fall on me once I make it close enough and when I show them my pass, their eyes scan it over attentively before allowing the doors to open, after which they nod at me as they let me through, and when I turn around once inside to look at the buttons, there is only one lit up, just as I thought.

I press on it with a dry gulp, my heart staying on the main floor while my body is taken upwards, soul shaking within me with how anxious I am. My magic is also worried because we know what is coming, the pain that awaits us, it's not something I enjoy but compared to what she had to go through, I can't complain.

The elevator slows down once at her floor and when the doors open, I'm welcomed by another agent who motions for my bag so he can look through it. I hand it over without hesitation, knowing that the more I obey without resisting, the easier it'll make things for my next visits.

The man carefully inspects the content of my bag, going as far as to take out the letters in the front pocket, and when satisfied with what he's seen, nothing that could be a source of danger for her and her magic, he gives it back to me before pointing in a direction.

"You'll find her in the room 809, the one in the corner once you reach the end of the corridor. You shouldn't miss it, it's the only room with a closed door" he explains with a kind smile and I nod his way, relieved that everything seems to be going well so far, this agent doesn't seem as scary as the other one I met earlier.

I get on my way, content to know that she was given a room with more natural light coming in given that it has more windows, that's great.

As I get closer, I get to feel her magic more and more, the recognizable burn flaring within me with how strong I can feel it, but my magic doesn't fight against the collar since it knows that we will get to bond with her soon enough, it's just uncomfortable.

I turn a corner and I suddenly hear a voice shouting, which makes me start running, is something wrong?! Is she in pain or-

"What's your problem man?! I don't wanna be bald, find something else to attack for fuck's sake!".

I stop just before opening the door, eyes widening. What?

"Hot-headed isn't the right word to describe you, you're a freaking child" the voice continues, and then I hear the most frightening laughter I've ever heard.

I look up. Door 809.

It's her. Oh my gosh.

What do I do? Her laugh sounds borderline on the psychopath side and I'm unsure if I should run away right now or brave through the storm.

"Aish, now my lollipop tastes like shit, I can't even enjoy the last bites properly because of you" the voice whines and I blink at the door, is she already with someone? Should I come back later then?

I breathe in slowly and shake my head. No, it's fine, you can do this, Taehyung. Remember the sweet things you heard about her from Hoseok and Jimin, it's the same person, she's the sweet girl I heard so much about, it's fine.

I clear my throat and knock on the door before slowly opening it to find the beautiful girl I saw the last time on a bed.


Who was she talking to?

"Oh, a new face! Are you here to ask me annoying questions too?" she asks with curious eyes, lollipop quickly pulled out of her mouth to throw in the bin before she sits up to stare at me with a tilt of the head that defies the standards of cuteness.

But that awe is short lived when suddenly, all of her magic wraps around me without any warning, something of an intensity like I've never felt before as it analyzes me, observes me. It's strong, incredibly powerful and it hurts, but it's also safe and warm and it confirms everything we have gathered over the last weeks, she really is our soulmate.

I let my eyes take in her current state, her joviality not one that goes hand in hand with the previous anger that I heard in her shout on the way to her room, she even looks... happy now, nothing like what I had expected to see when I left home.

I step inside the room and carefully close the door behind me before walking closer to her bed while still keeping a safe distance between us so as to not invade her personal space.

"You're right, I'm here for the annoying questions" I tease her, a chuckle leaving me when her smile falls instantly, a groan instead leaving her as she throws herself to her back in a small tantrum, it lets me see some of her charm, and no doubt this is what pulled Jimin and Hoseok in by the heart, she's adorable.

"I don't think anyone told you about my presence here today so allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Kim Taehyung, I'm a psychologist, but while my job is indeed to ask annoying questions, that wasn't really my goal for the moment so you don't have to worry about that" I tell her, but as soon as she hears about my job, I get to see the way the spark in her eyes turns bland and empty, Namjoon really wasn't joking when he warned me.

I sigh softly at the sight and move to take a seat on the chair by the bed, heart squeezing painfully in my chests when she turns away from me with a closed off stance, arms hugging herself to keep herself safe from me.

"Look, Y/N, I know how you feel about people with my job and I understand why you would be uncomfortable, but I assure you, I'm not here to make you feel trapped. You don't have to talk while I'm here if you don't want to, you don't have to open up, I'm not here to force your hand, but if you're willing to give me a chance, we can talk about anything you want. We can get to know each other slowly, and when and if you feel comfortable enough with me, if you want to tell me things that are harder to say, I will listen and I won't ever judge, how's that?" I try with a light tone, watch as she side glances at me with hesitant eyes.

"That... sounds like a lot of trouble to go through for a psychologist who I've never met before. Why would you do that? Why are you here?" she asks and I press my lips together, wondering if I should just go and take the risk but I decide to go ahead and open my bag to pull out the three letters that were written for her, this might help her trust me faster.

Or not, I'm not sure, really.

I hand them to her and at the sight of them, she grabs the letters with unrestrained curiosity as she opens up to me once more, body sat and legs crossed before her eyes widen when she sees the names written.

She looks up at me with her round orbs, confusion showing easily on her elegant traits. "Why do you have letters from them?" she asks with wariness, she must - with obvious reasons - expect me to be a soulmate, which would definitely cause her to kick me out with fervor.

And so that means it's time for a little lie that might or might not save the whole process.

"I'm their friend. When they heard that I'd be coming here to visit you per the agents' request, they begged me to give you these letters and I thought it couldn't hurt to accept so I stopped by this morning so they could give them to be before coming here" I explain, and immediately do I see her posture relax, the hesitation on her face melting away with relief.

"A friend... that's good, okay" she murmurs, more to herself than it is for me and it hurts, but her reaction is a relief to me as well because I don't want her to lock the path to her heart before I even get to do or say anything. This might be a long process and I can't fail right at the beginning.

"I don't want to undo the stickers... should I use a knife?" she mumbles next when her attention focuses back to the letters in her lap, her eyes of a softness that makes the pieces of paper look as if they're the most precious things in the universe, which I find curious.

She avoids us as much as she can, but I guess she longs for our affection nonetheless. A soulmate pull is stronger than anything else after all, resist it all you want, your magic will always find a way to bring you to them.

She's about to get out of bed, probably to get the mentioned knife when I see one suddenly float up from her used tray of food and down in front of her, the metal clean after some water makes the surface shine under our eyes.

Hm. A very helpful magic it is.

Y/N tsks her tongue but still grabs it before gently starting to cut the side of the envelope to avoid tearing the sticker, something that makes me cover my mouth to resist a chuckle at the terribly cute attention, she's like Namjoon when he takes care of his plants.

Once done, a celebratory gasp leaves her at the successful task before she's pulling out the letters inside, myself growing rather curious of what could be written in there, what did they write her?

She makes herself comfortable on her bed before grabbing the one that was in Jungkook's envelope and I observe silently from the side as her eyes begin reading, and it's truly fascinating when I get to see her huff fondly with a laugh, amusement and discouragement clashing over her face as she shakes her head.

"Oh dear... that Jungkook... he'll be the death of me one day, I swear" she mumbles to herself with a small chuckle before pushing it back in the protective envelope, and then she apprehensively glances at the other two.

She was closer to Jimin and Hoseok, they've known each other for a year, so to see their names like this, messages meant for her... I wonder what is going through her mind right now.

Honestly, it's impressive, the way she managed to go see them so often even with the collar.

With her magic being locked away for so long, I can't even begin to imagine how strong the pull must have been for her, how painful it must have been to leave them every single time, it must have been terrible.

In the meantime, the two of them could only be excited and wonder when they'd see her again, they'd wonder if she would stay longer, if maybe this time they could invite her to stay for a meal, if they could have longer conversations.

If only they knew the efforts it must have required from her simply to enter their shop.

I let my eyes fall on her when I hear a soft sniffle only to find tears falling down her cheeks just as she tries to wipe away, eyes falling on me briefly with red bashful cheeks before she turns her back towards me to hide.

As if I hadn't melted enough, what more can she do to have my heart fall for her already? Whatever it is that Jimin wrote in that letter, I think it touched her greatly and I'm sure he would be so happy to know that, he must have poured his whole heart into his words.

When she's ready to read Hoseok's letter next, her hesitation upon unfolding the paper doesn't last long when she quickly reads something before laughing lightly, a shake of the head as if she can't believe what she's seeing.

"I don't have colouring pencils, dummy" she whispers as she sniffles one more time, the back of her hand used to removed any wetness remaining under her eyes.

"Should I bring some of mine the next time I come by? I don't use my set that often these days anyway, it would be nice to see it serve again" I offer with a gentle smile, and she twists her body to stare at me sheepishly, eyes red and still a little teary from emotions.

"Would you? That'd be very nice of you, I can't get out of here and I don't want to make my best friends buy one just because I asked" she lets out with a disappointed pout, one that has me grinning with pride, do I already get to be useful then?

"Of course, it's going to be a pleasure. Is it too indiscreet to ask what you would need them for?" I then ask softly and she chuckles, the sound like a ray of hope in my heart as her magic tickles my skin in an embrace.

"Well, Hoseok drew me a drawing and asked me to colour it before giving it back to him. I can't really do that without anything to colour with, I don't know why he expected me to have that here" she explains and my heart melts for my hyung. Oh Hobi.

"He must have done that knowing that he could always lend you his if needed" I comment with a smile, to which she nods with a small smile of her own. "Yeah, I guess".

I hum and lean back in my chair happily. "I'll have a look at what I have tonight then and I'll bring you everything tomorrow in the morning, that way you'll be able to get started on it soon" I muse, watch as her eyes widen in surprise at my statement.

"Tomorrow? Do you intend to come everyday?".

I tilt my head and gaze at her with a slightly amused expression on my face. "Is that too often for your liking?".

She seems taken aback by my retort but eventually shakes her head, a little shyly must I add, it makes my heart implode with warmth, a blush crawling through my soul, I just want to reach out to her and pinch those cheeks of hers.

"I mean... I wouldn't hate that... I don't think so anyway, you're not... you're not annoying like the others I'm used to seeing. Are you sure you came here as a psychologist or did you just use your title to get in here for the guys?" she blurts out with a suspicious frown and I scratch the back of my neck as my face heats up.

Busted already, aren't I?

She smiles and giggles at my obviousness before grabbing the letters to settle safely on the table by her bed. "I should reply to them right? They would be sad if I didn't" she chirps, a hint of happiness seeping into her words as she moves to grab her notebook, but just like with the knife, it flies up in the air along with a pen before gently resting on the bed in front of her before she even has to ask for it.

Her smile freezes in time before slowly falling and I hum softly. "You look confused" I comment, watch as she turns her gaze to me, lost orbs meeting my own.

"I just... I don't know how to act with my magic. I hate it, I've always hated it but it's so sweet and- and it makes me feel like I shouldn't hate it, but I can't find it in me to be nice so I... I don't know, it's complicated" she ends in a murmur when she realizes that she's said more than she initially wanted to.

I nod and look around me. To feel her magic like this, thick and potent in the air, it probably wouldn't be exaggerated to say that the air itself has become her magic, every particles of breathable oxygen now a part of it.

Only very strong magic can fill up a space like this to such an extent and her being scared of it must not help to make her feel more comfortable around it.

"After thirteen years of locking it away under a collar, it must be troubling to suddenly be forced to bond with it against your will" I say, to which she nods her head slowly, hands holding the notebook in front of her tightly.

"It is. My soul wants one thing, to be close to it, but my head tells me the complete opposite and it's hard to know what the right thing to do is here. Not having a collar makes me anxious but there's nothing I can do about it anymore, Lisa left with it when she saw me holding it, she didn't want to take a chance" she explains with a small shrug, as if she's trying to pretend like it's not affecting her as much as I know it currently does.

I nod my head and bring a hand to my own collar when her eyes fall on it, a sigh leaving me as I release it. "I misused my power when I was younger and struggling. It wasn't its fault" I answer her silent question, after which she looks down with pinched lips.

"I wish I could say the same thing. My magic... I can't control it, it's free like a butterfly and wild like a lion, it's scary not knowing what it might do next. I mean, it listens to me, but that's what scares me the most, the fact that it can decide to listen or not".

For someone who didn't want to open up about a single thing, I'm hearing more than I thought possible in such a short amount of time and it makes me feel proud, because that means she doesn't see me as a threat.

"Have you ever tried seeing this another way? Your magic listens to you because it likes you, it respects you, doesn't it? It hasn't tried anything to hurt you" I tell her but she scoffs softly.

"That's because you didn't meet my fire. That little shit is a real piece of work, it tried to burn my hair earlier because it wasn't happy with something I said" she blurts out with a strong pout while sparkles of fire flicker around her, a sight that makes me laugh.

"It looks rather proud of that fact" I muse with creased eyes before noticing a hint of a smile trying to pierce through before she clears her throat.

"As I said, it's a little shit, I'm not surprised. But... I guess my water and wind are pretty nice... they help around a lot and... my earth hasn't really reacted to be honest, it almost feels dormant, as if it's hiding" she admits the end with concern, one she cannot help because her magic is part of her, it's part of her soul, ignoring it fully would be like ignoring all of her.

But that is interesting information she's giving me freely.

"Do you know why? Do you have an idea about why it could keep a distance?" I ask her as gently as I can while hoping that it doesn't make me sound like I'm asking for work, and she shrugs again with a soft noise. "I think I do but... I don't want to talk about it".

I smile at her when she hesitantly looks up to meet my gaze. "It's okay, Y/N. Like I said, you don't have to open up if you don't want to, your pace is the only one that will happen here. Now, are you going to reply to my friends?" I change the subject to something easier to handle and she perks up a little with a nod, eyes falling on the blank page in front of her while she grabs the pen.

I shift on my seat to be more comfortable and observe as she starts writing, many pauses taken when her eyes physically search for words that she can't see and amused smiles shown from time to time, a sign that she's proud of what she wrote, a belief that it might make them laugh lighting up her face the same way it does her magic.

Her wind gently blows her hair out of her face while her water and fire dance together around her and it's a lovely sight, it really is, but just as she'd said, she's right. Her earth is nowhere to be seen.

And I think I know why.

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