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Your comments about my tattoo made me smile and giggle lmao, glad you guy approve of it! 🥰

Now on with the chapter~~


"Is Taehyung going to come here soon?" I ask Jinjin just as he enters my room with breakfast.

The doctor smiles and sets the tray on the table by my bed, his curious eyes falling on the letters that I carefully slipped back within the envelopes to keep them intact before he hums.

"You've asked that question five times already, Y/N. I don't know when Taehyung will come by" he answers simply while moving back and I pout with a long sigh that comes from deep within.

"Sung-kyung and Bo-young aren't allowed to visit me, you're boring because you always talk about my health and Lisa is always rude as fuck. I'm bored out of my mind and Taehyung is the only one who offered to bring games on his next visits to entertain me, you can't blame me for asking so many times" I let out, eyes taking in as the man frowns at my words, lips parting to deny my claim before he eventually relents.

"I guess you're right... but as you said, can you blame me? I am a doctor and my goal here is your recovery, which depends on the bond you manage to build with your magic. I can't just talk about the weather-"

"Yes you can" I deadpan counter his point, to which he sighs.

"Alright then, the weather is good today isn't it?" he asks, clearly with the intent of ending this conversation quickly but I narrow my eyes at him before pointing at the nearest window. "It's raining, Jinjin".

He looks up to it and purses his lips when he notices that it has indeed started raining, he didn't get to go home yet, that's his bad. "Is it now? Anyway, now that I talked about the weather like you wanted, how do you feel today?" he asks instead and I groan before laying on my back in annoyance.

"Bored, I feel bored, Mr. Doctor. I need someone fun, and that someone is-"

The door suddenly opens and a boxy grin appears within sight. "Me?" Taehyung chirps excitedly as he enters inside the room while I sit up with a gasp, thumbs up to greet him with a happy smile.

"Yes, you! You took your time!" I scold him as he settles his bag down by the chair, eyebrows quirking my way at my comment while sitting down to gaze at me properly.

"I didn't know I was supposed to get here at a specific hour. It's nine in the morning, I thought I was being nice by giving you enough time to wake up and eat breakfast" he states the obvious, who would visit earlier than that? Even I know that, but it doesn't mean I wasn't dying of boredom as I waited.

"Well, as you can see, being alone in here means I have a lot of time to myself already, Taehyung. I fall asleep at eight and wake up at four, there's only so much I can take before I turn crazy and right now, knowing that you're one of the only people who can come visit me is pushing back the inevitable so you need to come see me more often, my sanity depends on you" I mutter before grabbing the tray to settle over my lap so I can start eating while he releases a laugh, Jinjin now gone to leave us alone after seeing that his presence has completely disappeared from existence in my eyes now that my savior is here.

"I'll come as often as I can manage if that can make you happy then. I'm glad to see that you're looking forward to my coming here after all, I wasn't sure if you were going to change your mind after I left yesterday" he muses before reaching out for his bag to get the colouring set he'd promised to bring, one he settles on the table by the letters for me.

My eyes widen at the amount of colours I can see in the box and at seeing all the other things he pulls out of his bag next, I chew faster on my food before swallowing my bite, tray then pushed aside when my curiosity gets the best of me so I can crawl towards the foot of the bed to see better.

He shows me the last thing he gets out, a big box that shows a weird guy in a black tux and grins at my expression. "Have you ever played monopoly, Y/N?".

I shake my head incredulously, that dude looks weird with his monocle and his hat, the version of the game he owns seems very old compared to the ones I've seen in shops when going shopping with Bo-young.

"Nah. I've seen the game before but I've never played it so I don't know what it's all about. My parents weren't into that kind of thing when I was young and I don't have siblings, add to that being home-schooled..." I shrug a little "I guess it never crossed my mind that I could've played games like these with Sung-kyung and her father when they took me in" I explain with a sigh, thinking of the old man adding a weight of nostalgia over my heart, I really miss him.

Taehyung takes in my expression and hums softly before smiling.

"It's never too late to play with them, I'm sure they would love to play games with you if you asked. I'll teach you how to play, okay? I admit, it's funnier when playing with many people but it's still enjoyable with only two players, I promise I won't cheat since you're new to this" he muses to save the mood, his smile turning into a grin when my eyes raise up to his in confusion.

"How the heck can you cheat at this kind of game? And in my face? I would see it if you did anything against the rules" I blurt out but he laughs, and to see his boxy smile from this close...

Butterflies don't take too long before swarming my soul, something that takes me aback, what the fuck is that?

"Oh tigress, there are so many ways to cheat, especially without you seeing anything, you just have to know what you're doing" he answers teasingly, and the sudden use of such a pet name on me acts like thunder hitting on a metal roof, it echoes within my whole being over and over again.

Tigress. Tigress. Tigress.

"W-w-where the hell does that come from?" I ask in a stutter, eyes blinking quickly at him because of how it's making me feel, heart pulsing with every wave of embarrassment that attacks me, how the fuck do I react to that pet name? Why do I feel like this?

Taehyung's face falls in worry at my aggressive question, eyes going over my face unsure of how to take my suddenly avoiding eyes, was that too fast? Should he not have called me that?

"Sorry... do you hate it? I thought it fits you well since you have a strong character, you're strong but still adorable so I said it without thinking but I can stop if you prefer" he apologizes but his words only serve to make me blush and I have to avoid growling when my magic starts teasing me from behind the man without his knowledge.

I clear my throat a few times before side glancing his way, a hand to my neck to get rid of the shy itch that I can feel all over my body, why do I feel so stupid around him? I've never felt like this around anyone else until now, is it just because I'm not in pain all the time anymore?

"You... you really think that of me? That I'm strong and... a-adorable?".

Way to go, Y/N, you really had to go and ask him that, good job.

He nods his head quickly, no hesitation in his frame and I bite on my tongue slightly to resist the smile about to take place on my lips, haven't I made a fool out of myself enough as it is? I need to stop being such a... such a softie!

"Then... I guess you can keep calling me tigress. I like the sound of it. Because I'm strong. Just strong".

He chuckles and nods, his heart pleased and his soul endeared. "I shall keep calling you as such then, strong tigress. You should resume eating before your food turns cold, I wouldn't want to get in the way of your meal. We can start a game of your choice when you're done" he coos softly, chin pointing at my tray to emphasize his request.

I make a small sound of approval and crawl back to my initial spot at the head of the bed before grabbing my tray once more, the food is indeed turning cold but it feels good right now, the heat I can feel spread throughout my body finding some relief with each bites I take.

A few times does my hair slide over my face and threatens to enter my mouth along with the food, something that annoys me tremendously, but my wind always comes to my rescue with soft ripples of air to push them back and it's so hard to pretend like it's not happening, my eyes nervously locked onto my food to avoid acknowledging my magic, though that alone must show just how uncomfortable I am.

It has been acting calm this morning, no invading behavior, no consistent reminders that my powers are actively seeking my attention, that they are free to do as they please and I'm grateful for that because I haven't had that mental mess, a mix of hate and pain that constantly swirls within me yet, it's been a peaceful morning so far.

I don't know if my magic is aware of what it's doing, that it's currently giving me time and space to adjust to this change while still being able to feel it around me but I think this is exactly what I need.

Just... time. Time to digest what is happening because I know that I can't stay here forever, and I know that I won't be able to leave until I form an honest bond with it.

I have been able to observe my magic during my short stay here so far and I have to say that my wind is by far the most comforting one amongst them and it doesn't bother me as much as my water and fire do, these two have more energy than a young dog and I don't know how to handle them.

Luckily, my water seems to have given itself the official job of keeping my fire under control for me so it doesn't cause too much trouble, but it's not rare to see a ball of fire suddenly appear, eager for attention only for a wave of water to take it out before I can even move a finger.

I'm not blind, I can see that it's not as... evil as I had convinced myself it was, I can see that it does not intend to cause me any problems, it's just that I've been telling myself for so long that to keep people safe, I need to keep it under lock and to change that mindset all of a sudden... it's hard.

But after spending time like this, even if it hasn't been too long, I can't pretend otherwise any longer, my magic isn't bad, I know that much now.

It's helpful, caring and overall pretty nice and I don't know how to feel about that realization, was I right to keep it locked for that long in the end? Should I have given it a chance sooner? Should I have at least tried instead of refusing every time it begged me for a breather?

Could I have made things different with my soulmates if I had given it the benefit of the doubt? Would we be together, happy and in love if I had not made the decisions I have made? Would I have made everyone so... unhappy if I had done things differently?

I stop mid-chewing, jaw suddenly tired and food burdensome on my tongue.

So many things that I now have time to second guess since I have nothing else to do, yet that should be the last thing on my mind at this very moment. One thing that really bothers me is how I haven't seen my earth even once since my collar has been removed.

It hasn't shown itself to me at all and I have that deep feeling within my soul that it's hiding out of guilt, out of shame because of what it did that day and I don't want to admit that realization just yet, that my magic could feel as much guilt as I do about what happened.

I don't want to admit it because if it's true, if I'm right... it means that all that suffering that I've forced upon my magic and I for years and years wasn't necessary to begin with.

If I'm right, it means that even without a collar, my magic wouldn't have done anything wrong because it already knows that what we did that day was bad, because it's already afraid of the same thing occurring a second time.

What we did... that's right, I'm not entirely free of blame either, am I?

I've been pushing all of the fault on my magic but... I've been lying to myself all this time, I really have. My magic is not the only one who has done wrong, heck, if I think about this with logic, it hasn't done anything wrong at all.

I swallow the food in my mouth despite it feeling squeezed in my throat as it goes down, a sickness making itself known in the pit of my stomach as I think back to the events that took place prior to the disaster.

The day of the earthquake... all I can remember is that I was hurting a lot.

I was in a lot of pain, so much pain that I passed out multiple times only to wake up again in agony, it was like being stuck in permanent hell, no exit in sight no matter how much I cried and begged for my parents to stop, and it's also when I reached my limit.

I couldn't protect myself, so my magic took it upon itself to do it for me because it couldn't handle seeing me suffer any longer.

Would the earthquake be my fault then? Because I wasn't strong enough to endure the pain? Because I didn't try hard enough to resist losing control, because I let it be?

If that's true... then it means that I'm responsible for all the death that occurred that fateful day, only me.

"I guess things are even uglier than I thought they were" I murmur to myself, fork settled down on my half empty plate, appetite completely gone as a new feeling swells within me, not hate towards my magic but disgust towards myself.

It's such a coldness that fills me up from within at the thought that I caused all that pain because I was weak, because I was suffering. Was there really no way for things to happen differently at that time? What if I had waited for a little longer?

After the earthquake, when I saw the extent of the damages done to the city, I immediately started blaming my magic, because to admit that it was me behind the tragedy would have crushed the child that I was at the time.

For thirteen years, I put all the blame on it, I was so sure of what I was doing but... I guess I've just been hiding behind my collar so that my young mind wouldn't break under the heavy responsibility that I've had to carry until now.

I've blamed my magic for everything for all this time and what is it doing now that it's free? It's taking care of me, showing me the respect and love that I could never give it.

I have a lot to be forgiven for, I really do.

A warmth gently slides over my skin to get rid of the coldness that hugs me tightly into its grip and I relax slowly as my heart warms up, eyes looking over my body and finding nothing but somehow already knowing that it's my fire, a thoughtful attention to keep me from falling too deep within my mind. I guess it knows how to care too, sometimes.

I've been so mean with it, so harsh and disrespectful, but can I do better? Is it too late if I start trying to do better now, even if it's hard?

Just now remembering that I'm not alone, I quickly look up to find Taehyung smiling softly at me, no sign showing me that he wants me to explain myself because of the words that slipped out of my mouth, he shows no sign that he even wants to breach the subject, he really meant it when he said that he would follow my pace.

I know that he was called here because of his job, to get me to talk about my trauma, I know that's why he's here but... that's not what I need right now.

What I need is a stable presence, someone kind who can offer me time, patience and gentleness, not because it's his job but because he wants to. Is that asking for too much?

"Taehyung" I start, voice weaker than I intended, yet I have no strength right now to rise up my tone, it fits how I feel, upset and so freaking small with too much weight on my shoulders.

He hums softly in response, a smile still on his face as he awaits for me to continue, it's so easy to see in his eyes that he truly would not judge me, no matter what it is that I end up saying, but I still feel nervous about it because for some reason, it would break my heart if he refused.

I look down at the tray on my lap again, finding in the sight something to ground my wavering heart.

"Instead of coming here as a psychologist... can you simply come as a friend?".

Silence greets my words and I clench my fingers, am I going to get a broken heart after all? Why do I even care that much?

I don't know the guy, I met him yesterday, he promised me pencils, fun games, respect and suddenly, I can't imagine staying in the hospital without his daily visits.

"Y/N, look at me" Taehyung's gentle, deep voice requests softly and I inhale slowly before looking up to meet his sparkling orbs, eyes creasing and alight with delightfulness. "It would be an honor to be here not as a psychologist but as your friend, Y/N, I would love that".

My heart jumps in my chest at his answer, butterflies swarming in with even more power than earlier as relief drowns me under its ocean, does he really mean it? He wouldn't mind coming to see me as a friend?

I look up at him to say something, just a small thank you because it really means a lot to me when my eyes notice something moving behind him, something that has my eyes widening, and no, they can't be serious-

Noticing my shocked expression, he turns around to have a look at what's going on behind his back and to my utmost horror, here they are in all of their splendor, the huge flashy hearts that my water and fire paint with their bodies to humiliate me, by the same occasion exposing exactly how it is that I feel to our visitor.

I hiss and wave a hand to get them to stop, this is so embarrassing, but they completely ignore me and Taehyung's smile widens, beautiful lips stretching into a large amused smile while his eyes fill with fondness, I want to hide, can I hide?

"Oh tigress, do you have any idea how much I adore your magic? It's bright, funny and caring, just like you. You really make quite the pair, you're all so lovely" he muses with a chuckle leaving him when the hearts start twirling around him, my magic over-excited by what it just heard, he's going to become its favorite person if he says things like this again.

Still, I can't deny myself the blush that is currently raging across my face and the only thing I can come up with in response is to hide my face from sight by using my hair, a weak attempt that only serves to make me look ridiculous but it's the only protection I have and I intend to use it before I try to resume eating again with shaking hands.

What the heck is happening to me? Why do I act like someone who's having a crush on him?

Oh fuck. Am I having a crush on him?!

Taehyung's amusement echoes in the room before he sighs in contentment, his gaze falling on me causing his heart to swell with warmth, so much warmth. "I guess even a strong tigress can be a shy little cub at times".

I inwardly scream, steam about to seep out of my ears if he doesn't stop and when I try to bring a trembling fork to my mouth only to have the food fall on my shirt, I groan in annoyance, my need to hide higher than ever when my water and wind work together to clean me up and dry the clothe so it's not uncomfortable.

Why does it feel like my magic's a fucking baby-sitter? Why does it feel like I'm the baby?

And Taehyung is seeing all that?


Hoseok's POV

It's been a few days now since she was sent to the hospital, since Taehyung has started visiting her and my heart is soaring high because despite Y/N being out of reach, I don't think we've ever communicated as much as we currently do with the letters he always comes back with.

It's truly an event when he walks inside the house only to hand Jimin, Jungkook and I the letters we so eagerly await, and needless to say that it's been both amusing and saddening to see the pouts the others make when they receive nothing from her.

But why would they when they themselves haven't sent her anything? And what's more, they can't think of a good enough reason as to why they could write her something like this without it revealing just how much we know about what she is to us, so there's no getting out of it for them.

Jin for a time really wanted to make her food so that Taehyung could bring her the lunchboxes along with the letters, Namjoon and Yoongi were desperate to participate just so that they could have something linking them to her, a way to make her think of them during the day, but Taehyung had to crush their hopes every single time by saying that he wasn't sure if it was a good idea.

Going too far might destroy his cover and as he says, things are going very well so far and he doesn't want to make everything fail.

I walk down the stairs after being done with my shower while Jimin continues enjoying his bath and find in the living room Yoongi watching something on the tv, his magic lazily floating around him, the both of them clearly bored as we wait for the others to come back home too.

He's been so hard at work these days that Jin sent him back home sooner to take a break today, to possibly take a nap too, something I don't think he has done because his mind is constantly on a roller-coaster of thoughts, I know he's still worried about Y/N, about her safety.

He didn't reveal everything about his current case at work, but I know that when Jimin was asked to drive her back home that day, it was because there was the possibility that whoever caused the explosion could go after her next and it's indeed worrying, especially since we don't know who it is.

My magic greets his own softly and Yoongi looks from over his shoulder as I reach the last step before making my way around the couch to join him, and when his arms invite me over, I smile before making myself comfortable and snug within his embrace.

"Hey Hobah" he muses when I end up face to face with him, eyes creasing when our magic hug the both of us like a warm blanket, I could stay like this forever.

"Hey hyung" I muse back, a hand reaching up to caress his tired face gently, he really looks exhausted. "You haven't rested much since you got here, have you?" I ask him, and we both know that I already know the answer to that so he simply hums while shutting his eyes.

"There's too much to find out and not enough answers in my hold yet, it's hard to relax when I know that her leaving the hospital also means getting exposed to a danger that I don't understand yet".

"Does she know?" I ask him, and to that, he nods again, slowly. "Sung-kyung told me that she let her know about it, so Y/N should be careful but... even the most careful person can still fall off a cliff with a moment of inattention. I think it would be good to resume escorting her once she's out but I know that can't be a solution forever".

I exhale deeply, eyebrows furrowing slightly in worry, I hate the very thought of knowing her in danger, I did not get to know her for a year, I did not yearn for her with all of my soul only to lose her to some freak who seeks death for fun, but would she even lose to such a person?

"Maybe she'll be able to handle whoever they are better than we could? She's strong, her magic is strong, Taehyung said that she's getting a lot better with it, that they are not fighting anymore, it will keep her safe, won't it? Maybe it'll keep her from being used by whoever is causing all those incidents?" I try, words that have Yoongi sighing softly.

"Yeah... I want to hope so, Hobah, I really do, but it's my job to make sure she doesn't have to deal with anyone dangerous to begin with. I took the case concerning her safety so I feel like if something happens to her, it's going to be my fault and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope if that's how things go" he admits nervously and I slide my hand up to his hair where I push his head forward so our foreheads meet.

"You're doing your best, hyung, we can all see it, no one's working even half as hard as you are. If something does happen to her, it will not be your fault, you're a police officer but you're no magician. You said that they're hiding well, that they found a way to keep you from tracking them, you're clearly not dealing with some newbie criminals, they're experienced and they know what they're doing. You need to work together with her, hyung, I think that's the only way you can reach the bottom of this".

Yoongi remains silent, but I can tell that my words are not leaving him unaffected, his magic tensing with what this means, can he purposefully put her in danger just to reach the truth? Can he put her in danger when it's the very thing he wants to avoid?

"I'll... think about it, Hobah. It's true that working together with her would allow me to keep a closer eye on her but... I don't like this. What if things go wrong? I don't want her to get into all this mess, she has enough on her plate already" he mumbles and I nod with a sigh, he's right.

"I think you should at least get some sort of communication going when she does leave the hospital. At least to hear if she's noticed anything strange, I'm sure there are details that only her will get to see, especially if they'll be after her, which we don't know for certain yet. You doing everything in the background while you each do your things... I don't believe that's what will keep her safe".

"You... speak the truth, Hobah. You're right, I'll see what can be done with Jin, Sung-kyung and the others. I'm sure we can come up with something to make this work. Keeping her safe... it's keeping us all safe as well" he mumbles softly and I hug him tighter, his words sound so... ominous.

I really want her to be with us soon, where we can keep her safe from harm. I hate that we're all spread apart with danger lurking nearby.

"Let's believe that everything will go well, hyung, we have to, for her".

"Yeah, everything will be fine. I'll make sure of it".

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