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As soon as my collar touches the ground, my magic seeps out of me like a flooding torrent, extreme relief as it finally gets to feel the fresh air for the first time in years, but it's so overwhelming, so strong that my body can't control it and it causes a blast of energy that propels everyone nearby meters away just as the deafening sound of the explosion becomes even louder, everything in slow-motion as I realize I need to act right now.

Fire and gas. The obvious choice would be to use my earth power, but I'm terrified that it would only cause even more damage, I can't do that here. I'll need to fight fire with fire, anything to protect my best friends and my soulmates.

My magic reacts without waiting for my permission and causes a dome of flames to cover the coming explosion just as the building's walls crack and give up the fight under the intense pressure happening inside.

The first impact as my fire attempts to absorb the strongest wave is like my insides burning and melting and I scream, not having expected that in the slightest.

The inhuman heat that swarms me from the inside is enough to have me almost lose consciousness but I push through, knowing that the fight is far from over yet and me blacking out would only give free reigns to my magic, which I can't have happening.

That explosion wasn't natural and unless I get rid of the source, it won't end.

Needing to add more strength to my fire, I let loose my wind as well, a second dome covering the fire and fueling it, making it stronger so I can start pushing against the enemy, knowing that he's somewhere within the mess, fighting for his life because there's no way he can run away now, not anymore.

My magic has so much pent up energy that I can feel it filling every streets, spreading through the air and dancing in liberty, free and ready to make the most of this moment and that terrifies me because so much can turn badly if I let it be.

I hiss when my water twirls around me, as if not conscious of the situation. Now's not the time to have fun when we have so many people to protect!

I can't have Bo-young and Sung-kyung die when I can have a say in that, I can't have that old woman whisper that my best friend should've listened to her, that she should've stayed away from me.

And what of my soulmates? I might not know these two well, but I know Jimin and Hoseok and the simple thought of imagining them crying over their death, it turns my soul bitter and heartbroken.

I can't make them regret trusting me. I can't cause misery to the only people that care about me. I can't cause them pain when that's all I want to avoid.

My magic comes into focus on the task at hand and I sigh in relief as my fire grows in intensity, a literal volcano erupting inwardly and trying to break through the enemy's protections, which means he's not alone. Someone's trying to keep him alive.

The gas suddenly fades into nothingness but before I can make use of that opportunity, no time to think about what this implies, or even why it disappeared in the first place, a new barrier adds itself to the man I need to stop, his fire gaining in strength, an act of desperation.

But sadly for that man, I'm stronger. I'll always be stronger. There's no way he can win.

My fire absorbs his, eats through it like it's made of air and my insides burn, scream against it, that an unknown source of magic essence could be absorbed by my body, hurting it but also nourishing my own magic.

My wind gives more and my fire keeps devouring, no hesitation even if it hurts me, because our goal at the moment is the same. We need to protect, anything to keep safe.

This would have been a piece of cake had I not locked it away for so long, it wouldn't have to try and make up for lost time in such a short amount of time. My magic is hungry for power and it will take it however it needs to to attain its goal.

I drop down to my knees and fall into a coughing fit, the taste of blood filling my mouth and dripping down my chin. I don't know what I was expecting from this, but it's much harder than anything I could've imagined. I don't know how much longer I can hold on like this.

I wipe my face with the back of my hand, but that only results in spreading the blood over my skin and when I cough again, the harsh current of lava flowing through me growing in intensity, more blood trickles out of my lips, a cough splattering it to the ground when I almost choke on the liquid.

Damn it, my body can't keep up with my magic. I need to end this soon if I don't want to die.

Just as I think that, a gasp reaches my ears over the infernal chaos and when I turn my head to look behind me, it's to see a body crawling over to me that has my eyes widening, a whimper leaving me at the sight of Sung-kyung's bloody body, her eyes locked on me as she tries to reach me with difficulty.

She's hurt, because of me.

"Stay away Sungnie, you know how dangerous I am" I manage to tell her, lungs unable to fully fill with air as I start panting but she ignores me and hugs me from behind, her sobs shaking against my back as I bring my attention back to the fight at hand at a slight waver in the enemy's magic before it dims down.

He's growing weaker.

I need to get to him, if I can just fight through the barriers, then I could get rid of the danger...

I start coughing again, watch as even more blood coats the ground, the crimson ruby in liquid form hardly processed by my mind as being mine.

Sung-kyung tries to take me away from the fire, her pleads for me to stop hurting myself, to follow her making me wince at how desperate they are, but I don't move from where I am, I can't, she doesn't realize that this wouldn't change anything.

I could move miles away that my magic would still remain here, it would still cover the magical explosion, it would still have my insides burning like a flaming hell.

The blazing heat she feels from the tornado of lava in front of us feels so fresh to me, a breeze of warm air that feels simply comforting.

It screams to me that it's part of me, that although it hurts me right now, it doesn't have a choice, that it's for a good cause and I understand that, I really do, I brought that upon myself as soon as I removed my collar.

The problem is the enemy's fire, the barriers. As long as they don't stop, I can't put an end to this.

"Please Y/N, stop this, you're killing yourself!" my best friend screams, desperation in her voice but I shake my head, she doesn't understand that me stopping would only kill them. This place would blow up and then I wouldn't be able to save them all.

Anyway, my fire wouldn't listen to me, it's too far gone.

"We'll all die if I stop now" I tell her as I push her hands away from me to try and stand up to my feet, body wobbly and filled with exhaustion and too much energy all at once, a dizzy feeling that makes me see a blur as I step towards the dome.

I need to see what the heck is going on in there.

Sung-kyung tries to hold me still but my wind pushes her back, too roughly.

I snap my head towards her, eyes wide as I see her unconscious against a nearby building's wall and that's when I take in the many unconscious bodies around me, not dead, but clearly heavily wounded by my magic.

My eyes notice Bo-young and my two soulmates not too far from her, blood on their faces, scratches covering their skin, rubble surrounding them from a pavement that has seen better days.

Hate. Shame. Disgust.

I did that.

I turn back to the matter at hand and enter the dome of elemental magic, heart broken and torn apart at what I just saw, at what I caused and it only serves to fuel my fire as it feeds off my emotions to become more vicious, more aggressive, as if not understanding that it is itself the cause behind all this destruction.

Once I get through the thick wall of my own magic, the heat that I would expect from an explosion is nowhere to be seen, which means most of it was absorbed already.

I look up and right in the middle of what remains of the building, I find the man on his knees as his body struggles to breathe, the fire taking everything with it, oxygen included.

My magic is made to kill after all. It's made to destroy, it's made to turn everything to ashes, it's made to drown everything, it's made to ruin and hurt.

It won't kill me, never, but it's ready to go quite far to get what it wants and there's no way I can stop it, not until it's satisfied and right now, it wants this man.

Because what better way to protect our loved ones than to kill the ones threatening their lives?

The man looks up to meet my gaze, eyes filled with fear as he finally understands that he's gone against more than he could handle.

"Please spare me, I-I will stop, I promise I'll stop, please let me live" he pleads pitifully but my magic only pushes stronger against the barriers, ones that start to fade, as if sensing that it's almost over, that it's useless to even try anymore.

I step closer to him even if it demands so much energy from me until I stand right in front of him.

"Who are you and why are you doing that? Why did you attempt to blow up this area?" I ask between pants, watch as he shakes his head miserably, himself torn between limited choices.

"It was a sick plan, it was, the mall is full of people, he wants death, that's all he wants! Please, I didn't have a choice, if I didn't listen he would've-" the man starts crying out but too soon, the barriers disappear.

And even as I step forward in an attempt to stop my fire, it jumps on the man like a lion finally finding the right moment to pounce on its prey and I watch as he melts in front of my eyes, screams of agony reaching my ears as his skin falls right off his body, a bloody mess before he gets completely disintegrated in front of my eyes.

The surge of power that floods my soul next makes me fall to my knees a second time, tears falling down my cheeks as my magic finally becomes satisfied, as if after the best meal of its life, it can finally rest easy.

The tornado of fire fades into thin air and only remains around me a circle of pure destruction, everything that the building was completely melted, no sign that there ever was something here to begin with if not for the ash and the remnants of a once human body.

My magic absorbed him. It absorbed the man, his magic, his energy, everything.

Disgusted with myself, I stand up with some difficulty and look behind me to see everyone still unconscious as the sound of police sirens get closer, no doubt this chaos needing more hands to take care of, and although it feels like hours just passed by, the fact that they're not here yet lets me know that it was but mere minutes.

I limp my way to my collar but my magic pushes it out of reach, as if daring me to even try.

I scream, out of anger, frustration, pain, that this day was supposed to be great but now, all remains is a shitty mess, something that was never supposed to happen now happening and I couldn't hate it more than I do at the moment.

"You give me my collar right fucking now" I growl, not in a mood to handle its moody ass, not in a mood to handle it at all. I never wanted to interact with it and I'm not starting now.

My wind caresses my skin, as if to apologize and the collar falls in my hands. I stare at it and after a moment of hesitation, I clip it around my neck.

Then everything becomes dark.

Yoongi's POV

When I open my eyes, it's to pure confusion as the sirens around me are loud and many.

My head hurts much more than I ever thought possible and I grunt as I try to lift myself off the ground, body barely responding to my brain as it tries to process what happened.

Because what happened? What was that?

I turn to my left to see Jin waking up, his own blood covering his face and I hurry my way to him, hands going to remove the ash from his skin but only ending up lathering it more and I cup his cheeks, wait for him to look at me.

I need to make sure that he's fine, that he's not in pain. His confused eyes open and fall on me and I sigh in relief, a small smile that he responds to weakly, slowly as his eyes register the state of the place surrounding us.

Feet start running around the area and a body crouches next to us, hands on our shoulders with a comforting squeeze that feels familiar.

"Are you two okay?" I hear, look up to see Eunwoo's concerned face before Jin lets out a painful sigh followed with a grunt as he tries to sit up with our help.

"Why do I feel like I got run over by a truck?" he mumbles, a sentiment I share. That is a very good question.

"What happened?" I ask, eyes staring around me to take in the state of the area, notice the many bodies being taken care of right now, paramedics spread all over the place with urgency, yet I can't even begin to understand how this came to be as my memory has yet to really come back to me.

I think back to when Jin and I got here at first, our meal interrupted by the call, how we had to secure the area, how we had to ask surrounding restaurants and shops to close, for everyone to get away while trying to avoid creating panic.

Sung-kyung arrived, she had her friends with her, they were standing a while away and-

Then it all comes back to mind and my eyes widen as I start searching the ground more intently. Oh my gosh.

"There was about to be a frighteningly big explosion, I have no idea what spurred it but it was something that even my power wouldn't have been able to handle. I saw the way the fire came alive from inside the building, but then this girl-" I stop there as I remember when Sung-kyung's friend ran towards the building just as the air started to shake with power, a terrifying sight that I won't be able to forget for a long time.

I try to stand up from where I am, even more eager to search for her now. "Where is she? Did she die? Why are we all alive? This was a mushroom kind of explosion, it was supposed to be massive, we shouldn't be alive right now, no amount of power could've stopped that" I let out, eyes searching every face, every bodies before falling on where the building once was, the only thing gone in the area.

"Ahn Y/N. She removed her collar and saved you all. This explosion clearly wasn't of natural cause, such a strength of blast could never be contained in such a small building and she somehow sensed it before the sensors could" Eunwoo says, eyes solemnly watching as one ambulance goes away.

"She did? Just how strong is she that she could've stopped such a big explosion? Who is that girl?" Jin asks as he tries to stand up too and I move closer to him to help him up to his feet along with Eunwoo.

"Um... I don't know if it's my place to say, hyung, I don't even know that much. All I can tell you is that she's not wearing a collar for no reason and the fact that you're all alive right now is a miracle, in more ways than you know".

A fucking miracle it is. There's no way we would've survived without her.

"Which hospital is she going to? Was she badly injured?" Jin asks urgently, needing to know the state of our savior and Eunwoo sighs.

"The same one you'll be sent to, every one of you. Sung-kyung-ah was already taken there with her friend and more ambulances are on the way for the people who stayed too close to the area. Her releasing her magic was no joke, it caused a shock-wave like I've never seen before, it was felt on every sensors on a radius of thirty kilometers".

Holy shit.

"Come on you two, get in my car, I'll drive you there, there's no need to take one of the ambulances if you can walk" he says and we nod with a grunt, bodies really not liking being moved right now.

I get my phone out of my pocket only to find it broken and dead.

"Jin hyung, is your phone in better- guess not, should've expected it. Eunwoo-ah, can you lend me yours? I need to call our soulmates, they must have seen the news already and I bet they're worried sick" I ask, already imagining them pacing around unable to join either of us after getting a live of the explosion.

The man nods and hands it to me as we sit inside the car.

They'll probably hurry over to see this girl once they hear just what it is that she did.

Your POV

Waking up is not a fun thing to experience when it brings with it pain, soreness and terrible memories.

The constant beeping of a monitor and the smell of cleaning products lets me where exactly it is that I am, which lets me know that it really is over, and I'm not dead.

I'm not in prison so I guess I didn't kill anyone except for that guy, or they're just waiting for me to recover before throwing me in a cell. Two lovely possibilities.

I did unleash my magic when I wasn't supposed to. Not because people forbid me from using it but because I'm wholeheartedly against it. We can't risk the same thing happening again and I just took a huge risk doing what I did.

I'm lucky that my magic didn't do more than what it needed to do. There's no telling what would've happened if it had decided to go around and destroy everything on its path, I wouldn't have been able to stop it.

We were all very lucky.

Thinking about facing Sung-kyung and Bo-young scares me so much. Just remembering what I did to them... and to my two soulmates as well, I can't ignore the guilt that overwhelms me as a lump forms in my throat.

I hate this, I hate my magic so much. How it came to be the way it is... how wild it is... it makes me sick.

A magic that cannot be controlled. That's what I have.

Removing my collar was a really dangerous move on my part and I'm well aware of that, but I couldn't stand still and do nothing. Knowing my loved ones in danger, loved ones of dear friends, I just knew that my magic would cooperate, for it would never let its puzzle pieces die without at least trying to save them.

But that's the extent of it. My magic couldn't care any less for strangers, it's shown that much in the past.

I can only hope that they're all fine. I slowly open my eyes to take in the room where I am and to my relief, I find it empty.

I wonder if I can make it out of here without being seen. Would that end up looking like a chase worthy of an action movie with police chasing after me? Now that sounds kind of fun.

But I doubt it would go that far, the hospital can just send me the receipt at home and I'll pay by sending a cheque back, I don't want the risk of being visited by anyone, I don't know how I could face any of them, especially not my soulmates.

My attempt to get out of bed makes me groan and that seems enough to alert whoever's walking by the door because soon, it opens quickly with a slam just as I'm falling down on the floor, my legs having completely given up on me.

A familiar small swear reaches my ears and I can't help an amused snort even though the situation is currently a shitty one considering I'm ass up in the air, face to the floor.

"How can you even laugh in that position?! Do you know how worried Bo-young and I were? I tell her I'll go visit you, make sure you're fine and what do I see? My girl kissing the damn floor" Sung-kyung exclaims with exasperation, her voice too loud as it makes my ears ring but I only manage a giggle in response as she helps me back to the bed with a gentleness that warms my heart.

So much for wanting to avoid her, at least they healed her well, she doesn't even have a trace on her skin anymore, something that helps ease my mind. I'm sure the others were all well taken care of as well, even my skin looks soft as a baby's.

I avoid looking into her eyes as she stares at me, knowing that it's only a matter of time before she understands how I came to fall out of bed and when she lets out a sound of disbelief, I turn my head away with my lips pressed tightly together.

"Don't tell me you were trying to run away?" she asks, but I know that she knows that's exactly what I was attempting to do and my turning my back to her only confirms her assumption.

"Y/N! Why the heck would you do that? After what happened, you need to rest, do you have any idea what you just did today? Do you realize the extent of what you have accomplished?" she asks as she sits on my bed behind me, a hand resting on my shoulder and patting it softly, as if to coax a child into looking up into their mother's eyes.

I keep my eyes closed, unable to look at her as guilt rushes back at the mention of what happened.

"Because I'm ashamed. I hurt everyone, I hurt you twice, I hurt so many people without wanting to" I let out, unable to keep the truth from spilling out, not when she knows me so well, it would serve me nothing to keep quiet.

"Bubs... I'm fine, I really am. Do you know how many people you saved today? You saved more lives than we can count and everyone knows it, you avoided such a terrible nightmare from becoming reality, no one died thanks to you!" she says gently, proud of me, so proud.

I shake my head. "Someone did, Sungnie... I killed someone. The source of the explosion... he died, my fire ate him, my fucking magic absorbed him. I have the magic essence of a dead man in me right now and I'm so fucking disgusted with myself" I let out, voice shaking as I clench my fists tight, eyes burning with the tale of unshed tears.

She scoots closer to me and pulls me into her hold, her arms wrapping around me comfortingly, her magic soothing as it caresses me and it's enough to make me break down as she gently shushes me, a kiss pressed to the back of my head.

"It's okay. That was self defence, Y/N, you did it to protect us, you saved more lives than you took, you have to remember that. The past... it's behind you, Y/N, your magic didn't do anything bad this time" she whispers and I allow myself to believe, just for now.

To believe that this is fine. Because I know it's not.

The door suddenly opens and comes with it a new magic that responds to me.

As soon as I feel it extend to me, hoping for a response, for a connection, my magic whimpering because it can't reach out to this once again new soulmate of ours, I can't resist the hurt that spreads through my whole being and I start crying, face going to hide in the nook of her neck because I can't face this, I don't want to.

I'm just so tired of nothing going my way.

Namjoon's POV

I hum as I exit the room of a young girl who has a slight concussion and a broken rib, but otherwise nothing a healer can't take care of and head for the next room on my list, the one of the woman who saved my soulmates and all the people that currently fill the hospital.

She's giving us a lot of work, but to know that all of them are walking again within the first hour of being here, the care brought to them by the healers enough to allow them to be discharged the very same day, it's not nearly as bad as it could've been if not for her.

We could've received no bodies at all because of the explosion, they could all be dead, nothing but dust. I prefer much more working hard for a few hours than grieving the loss of all these people who I don't know. Once was enough and already too much.

I could never thank her enough for the way she protected my two soulmates, the two men thankfully fine and already out of the hospital for a few hours now, something relieving to our group because when we heard of the news, when we learned that it was happening right where they had said they would eat lunch at, we had all become a distressed group of nerves, unable to focus on anything as none of our calls would reach through.

When Jimin had sent a link to a live feed from the explosion area, we had all been holding our breath as we'd seen the way a dome of elemental magic restrained the explosion, a terrifying sight that gave us all the chills, yet we were fascinated all the same, this person who we couldn't see doing their best to save the day, to save everyone.

When I learned that she was even younger than Jungkook, that she was Jimin and Hoseok's friend who fascinated them, I couldn't believe it, her frail body as she left the urgency department to reach a quiet room making me wonder just how this young woman could even manage something so incredible.

So it's with badly restrained excitement, a heart singing praises for her that I open the door leading to her room, but my joy at seeing her awake dims down the hole when my arrival is accompanied with the sound of her crying, one that almost sounds like it was spurred by me.

It sounds so pained, so tired that my heart twists for her, wondering if the shock from the events is simply getting to her, if she's scared of the possibilities that could've taken place now that she has the time to think about them.

Sung-kyung, my soulmates' colleague, turns to me and offers me a tight smile, her eyes filled with worry for her friend, her hands softly rubbing her back to try and soothe her as her cries turn more to wailing than anything else.

It alerts me that it is possible she might be in pain and I join their side near the bed, feet only coming to an abrupt stop when she flinches away from me, as if simply sensing me near her was enough to hurt her.

Guilt fills me as I realize that I didn't even announce myself before entering, my eagerness to see her and thank her in person taking over my professionalism and I step back, pad clutched to my chest as I meet eyes with her friend again, the woman looking a little lost herself by her friend's state.

My eyes fall on her collar and understanding takes place in my mind. Right, of course she would be in pain. She'd let her magic free only to lock it again, it would make anyone cry, would make any souls suffer.

Part of me wishes I could simply remove it for her, let it free so that she could rest easy, so that she could heal better, but I know it would be unbecoming of me, collars aren't meant to be removed outside of the wards used to keep it under check.

But her reaction seems somewhat abnormal. If she can remove it at home, then the collar shouldn't be hurting her that much right now. Could she be hurting, not from her soul but from her body after all?

I shake my head and clear my throat. I need to stop trying to guess the problem and just ask her, seeing her in that state breaks my heart and I wish nothing more than to put an end to her pain. I kneel by the bed and look up at her face that hides in her friend's neck, as if hiding from me and for some reason, I really don't like that.

"Miss Y/N, I'm Doctor Kim Namjoon, I'm here to see how you are and if you need any special care, I'm here to be of help, but for that, I need you to cooperate with me. Can you tell me if you are hurting anywhere? Is there anything you would like, anything to help you?" I ask her softly, only to sigh, a little defeated when she shakes her head and turns away from me to hide within the officer's embrace.

She shoots me an apologetic gaze.

"She's been through a lot, it's a lot to process so I think it would be better to give her some time, maybe you should come back later" Sung-kyung says with a small smile as she runs a hand through Y/N's hair and I nod, sensing that there's nothing I can do right now, as disappointing as it is.

I can't get rid of the feeling of failure that fills me at seeing her reject me so clearly, but I understand how this could all be a lot to process, so I decide to focus on what I can do at the moment, as little as they are.

After quickly making sure that her IV injections are still good to go, I look around the room to make sure that everything is in order before making my way out of the room, a request to let me know when I can come back before closing the door in front of me.

I remain where I am, unsure of what to do now that my current list of patients is seen through, ears picking up every sounds of her sobs as they increase and my soul clenches with pain, a part of me needing to get to her, to do anything to make her stop crying and feeling utterly powerless that I can't.

I sense Hoseok and Jimin's magic before I see them and I hurry to them to stop them from coming any closer, overwhelming her the last thing she needs right now.

When they hear her crying even from a good distance, their eyes widen and I have to hold them both by the arms to keep them from rushing to her, eyes confused and worried for their friend who's having difficulty calming down.

Jimin turns to me with teary eyes, his hand holding Hoseok's tightly, the two of them needing answers as they stare at me with glassy orbs.

"What's going on, hyung? Is she in pain? Why is she crying so much?" he asks with an anxious voice but I shake my head, unable to give him an answer as I don't know myself.

Sliding an arm around their back, I lead them away from the corridor with me, to give her some privacy and to keep my soulmates from hurting even more.

"She woke up not long ago, I think all the weight of the situation is overwhelming her at the moment. I tried asking her what was wrong but she didn't say anything, Sung-kyung is with her right now so let's give them some space, you two can visit her later" I explain to which they nod sadly, eyes gazing at the door one last time before it gets out of view as we turn right.

Hoseok hands me a lunchbox that screams Jin and I smile softly as I take it.

"Give it to her when she feels better, will you? Once Jin hyung made his way back home, he rushed to the kitchen to make her something healthy to help her recover faster, you know it's his love language, he was hoping to thank her that way, even if he says that it barely covers a small portion of what she did for us" he says, words that don't surprise me because that's indeed something he would do, even after what he went through himself today.

It's also his way of finally accomplishing something that he's attempted often in the past.

Whenever Jimin and Hoseok would talk about her, we could all see the bright stars in their eyes as they would share how funny and kind she is, her laugh something they simply adore about her.

That resulted in all of us getting curious about her, we all wished on more than one occasion to get to know the woman who put such a smile on our soulmates' face and Jin offered a few times to invite her over for dinner so we could all meet her, but that has yet to happen even once so far.

It caused a lot of disappointment and confusion in our group so after a few refused attempts, I eventually had to tell them to stop because obviously, she wasn't comfortable with the idea, if the creative excuses she would come up with were anything to go by.

Because in all seriousness, who needs to go clean their dinosaur at the pet shop? Who goes to the shop to buy a clipper for their alpaca in the middle of the city? Who takes their car on a walk? She doesn't even have a car!

As funny as I had to admit her excuses were, it didn't change the fact that they were there to keep her from seeing us. Whether it was because meeting such a big soulmate group intimidated her or because she's not interested in having more friends, there was no reason to push and they eventually agreed with me, as sad as that reality made us feel.

Our two soulmates were sorry for us, because they could still see her whenever she'd stop by the coffee shop, but we told them to enjoy it, that if she wanted to be only their friends, then it's alright. Maybe one day in the future, that's something that will change and she will give us a chance but until then, we will not insist any further.

Once back in my office, we all sit down on the couch and sigh at the same time, the stress of the day weighing heavy on our body and mind. They both rest their head on my shoulders and I hum, allow the feeling of their magic intertwining with mine to soothe me, to make me relax.

"Except for her mental state... how is she, physically? Can we really not allow her to free her magic while she's here? It would help her, wouldn't it?" Hoseok asks after a while, eyes meeting mine in concern. I shake my head.

"You saw the videos of the explosion, what if the same thing happens here? We can't have the hospital destroyed, plus it's not within our control, she can remove her collar only once she's at home" I tell him but he shakes his head.

"She doesn't remove her collar when at home, she keeps it on all the time. Her removing it today? It was to protect her friends, that's the only explanation for it" he insists and I look down with a frown at that knowledge.

That's not good, she can't do that. "Doesn't she have the wards at home? I don't believe her to be a high criminal case, she should be allowed to remove her collar, she needs to, it's very important to not sever the connection with her magic" I say but those questions draw a blank on his face.

"I don't know hyung. I'm sure she has them, but she doesn't want to remove her collar, she was very clear on that. Said once that the day she removes it is the day the world is ending, she was adamant on that" Jimin answers this time and I purse my lips, my worry for her only increasing.

That means no appointment to make sure that her magic remains healthy, no bonding with it, something extremely important for the soul. There are ways to get an appointment at her own home since the wards are there to help control her magic for her, but she doesn't take them.

If that's the case, if her crying earlier is really related to her soul being in pain, I suspect it might be because it's trying to fight against the collar. If she's reaching that point, then she might lose full control if she doesn't give it a chance. She needs to bond with her magic if she wants to soothe it, it must be so confused and scared after what happened today.

"I'll try to explain the situation to her later but I honestly doubt that she'll listen to me. If she's so intent on keeping it locked away, her listening to a doctor is very unlikely to happen. I'd need to know why exactly she's refusing to remove it at home to even have a chance at convincing her" I mumble, arms crossed over my chest as I lean back into the couch, eyes staring at the ceiling as I try to come up with a way to bring the subject forward.

The two of them sigh at my words, knowing that I'm right. What could we possibly say to convince her? It's not like we know her that well. Maybe her friend Sung-kyung could inform me a little more on her situation, if it's something that gets in the way of her recovery, then surely she would open up.

As her doctor, Ahn Y/N is under my responsibility, under my care. I'm going to need answers if I want to be able to help her, but I'm going to have to be careful about this, it somehow feels like one wrong move could ruin everything.

The door suddenly opens and I see one of the nurses in my team entering the room out of breath. I get up quickly, not liking that look in her eyes, as if something bad just happened.

"Doctor Kim, your patient, Y/N, she... she's gone. That police officer told me to inform you before she rushed out of the hospital" she exclaims before leaning against the wall as if she ran a marathon, which I realize maybe she did since she didn't know where I was.

I tsk my tongue and roll my shoulders to try and get rid of some of the tension taking place in my body.

This day is really running out of control, isn't it?

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