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(new chapter)

"Are you sure? I don't mind waiting here for you, I can go back to the station later" Sung-kyung offers but I smile and shake my head, knowing that there's no other option available for me right now.

"Don't worry, I'm going to be meeting friends, there's no need to be so worried" I tell her but she pouts slightly.

"I know that, but... I'm the one who made you get out of your home and now I'm about to leave you to walk back alone, you already look tired, that's not how I'd planned today to go" she mumbles, her face looking incredibly adorable to me right now.

I pinch her cheek and grin when she yelps in annoyance.

"I'm a big girl, I can handle myself, you worrywart" I tell her and she huffs before swatting my hand away, her hesitation on the subject suddenly completely gone, which is exactly what I wanted.

"Okay okay, big girl, get out of my car" she lets out while pointing at the door and I laugh before doing just that, a wave of the hand sent for her as she grimaces at me before she's driving away to continue her job. I'm sure she has more important to do than staying here for me.

As for me...

I sigh and turn towards the building in front of me, stance wavering as I take in the coffee shop where Jimin and Hoseok work at, the pull at knowing that they're right on the other side of the door making me unable to turn around and walk away as I probably should be doing.

Honestly, I would've loved for her to stay, I need all the support I can get, but she would've seen me leave them, a sight that is never really pretty and she'd have understood what's going on right away, something I definitely don't want.

The girl's waiting for her soulmate impatiently, she would understand why I'm keeping my distances, but her need for her own would've pushed her to do what she considers right, which is for me to be with the guys.

I couldn't really blame her for that, part of me longs for this reality, to be with them, but what I need to do for that to be possible? It makes everything into an impossible dream, one that will never come true.

I huff softly and walk to the door, push it open to be welcomed by the comforting interior, temperature just perfect, but where I expect to find little to no one inside, the amount of people that grace my eyes takes me a little aback and serves to remind me that it's currently lunch time.

I guess it's good that I'm here after all, as painful as it is, I can bring something back home to eat once I've talked with the guys. Luckily it won't be for too long since they have quite the amount of customers at the moment, something that should get in my favor.

I walk to the back of the line, not used to seeing so many people here, a detail that changes the atmosphere inside into something livelier. Usually, when I come by, the shop has just opened so there's not that many people around, it's calmer, quieter. Waiting lines such as this one? They don't happen often for me.

Hearing laughter at the front, one that is clearly Hoseok's, Jimin's giggle quieter but still lovely to hear, I lean to my side to see them both hard at work, their hands fleeting around taking care of the orders as they smile and chat with the customers, their happiness never something to doubt about.

You only need to look at them to see that they love their job, that they were made for this. To interact with people, to make their days better, to make them laugh.

During the last year, they've helped me a lot. Through my pain, they've more than once made my day better because as much as it hurts to leave them behind, at the end of the day, I can only see the way they smile at me, their warmth and comfort.

There's no staying away from soulmates, that's something I've managed to understand pretty early on after meeting them. I focus back on the sight in front of me when Hoseok laughs again, a joke he said making the few customers in front of him laugh along with him and my heart twists with jealousy, that these people are able to be entirely themselves with my soulmates.

I wish I could be able to spend that time and enjoy myself freely without having to do my best to keep my pain in check and to see what I want so close, yet so far in front of me, it makes me more miserable.

I keep observing them in silence, take in their joy without restraint, them being so busy and focused on what they're doing having their magic unaware of my presence and I thank the gods for keeping me safe for a few minutes longer so I can be close to them without wanting to crawl out of here right away.

I don't know what's happening today for me to get such a break of magic in the presence of my soulmates but I'm sure as heck not complaining about it, it feels like a gift for me, some respite.

That is short lived though as the line before me shortens, no more people coming in behind me to get a meal, a coffee, anything, which means the guys are going to have time to talk with me once I reach the counter and I once again blame it on fate, that it's so eager to have me with my soulmates that it's messing with me every chance it has.

When Jimin notices me, his eyes widen before transforming into happy crescents and he pats Hoseok's shoulder before motioning for me and just like that, their magic comes swarming my way with so much strength that I almost fall back at the contact of it around me.

I sheepishly smile at them, embarrassed that I showed them such an embarrassing sight as me nearly falling down to my butt, the pain nowhere enough to make me that proud that I could keep a straight face and they both grin, endeared at me before they're bringing their attention back to the current customers in front of them.

I try to ignore the way some of them turn to stare at me with curiosity only for their eyes to turn disgusted once they see my collar, disbelief on their face as they process how happy at seeing me the guys were, such a contrast with how they looked at me compared to the others, but I can only shrug it off even though it stings.

That is the reality of the world in which we live.

Still, it amuses me how said customers get a slightly harsher treatment, clearly their reaction towards me did not go unnoticed by the two men and part of me fills with pleasant satisfaction, as far from ideal as it is for my emotional state.

The line keeps shortening and once I end up in front of them both, I ready myself to look as natural as possible as my magic gets even more restless, impatient with me, something that will never change no matter how much I beg it to just lay low, to remain calm, the connection I'm keeping it from having with my soulmates something it can endure less and less.

"Y/N! We wanted to visit you at the hospital but you left before we could! How are you? You should've stayed at home for longer, what you did was incredible, you must be exhausted" Hoseok says, his eyes bright and proud and I shrug lightly, that was my initial plan to begin with but I guess I just had to end up here today.

"Sung-kyung came over today to get my version of what happened that day to help for the case and then offered to take me with her on her patrol. We had to stop by the station and I met Yoongi there, he said that you two wanted to see me and that it would be nice of me to stop by, so here I am. Had I known, I would've brought the lunch box that I was given from Jin, I'll come by another time, he must be wanting it back" I respond, to which they both hum happily as this means they'll get to see me again.

"Take your time, we have plenty of those at home, you could even keep it that it would be fine. Are you in a rush? Can you stay a little? We'd love to have lunch with you, we can afford a small break since the pace will slow down for a while, what do you think? That would mean a lot to us, we've wanted to do that for a long time but you never come by during lunch" Jimin asks, voice filled with hope and I still, mind screaming no, that doing so would be pure torture, but my head nods before I can even comprehend what I just did.


Still, seeing the bright smiles appear on their faces, there's no way my heart cannot warm up at the sight, happy as it bleeds from sadness. I'm really not making things any easier for myself, and part of me doesn't want to while the other is already planning an excuse to run away as soon as I can.

"You have no idea how happy it makes us! The meal's on the house, our way of thanking you, it's not much really, but choose whatever you want, we'll get it ready for you" Jimin chirps while Hoseok nods and I hum, eyes gazing at the menu to choose a simple soup, something that won't require too much energy from me since eating is always so hard when my guts keep twisting in an attempt to fight against me.

As I observe them prepare everything, I can't help but huff to myself. "Is everyone going to offer me food to thank me for what I did?" I ask and Hoseok laughs loudly, hearty lips stretching wide to show me his teeth.

"Would you want that? We wouldn't mind giving you food on a regular basis" he says and I lose my smile when I see how serious the both of them are.

"Please, that was a joke, don't do that" I blurt out, watch as Jimin pouts, puppy eyes flashing at me and making my heart bleed some more, his magic so heavy around me that it almost constricts my ribcage.

"I said no, Jimin, no, today's a one time only" I insist and he turns around all sad, his imaginary tail hanging low behind him as Hoseok pats his shoulder in silent comfort.

I heave out a small breath when the intensity of his magic lowers again and I bring a hand to my collar to try and adjust it, the tightness around my neck getting more uncomfortable with each passing minutes.

I might have to run out of here if it takes too long.

I hope it doesn't reach that point.

Jin's POV

Sung-kyung stares at Yoongi and I, her mind processing what we just told her.

"That's... that would be very bad" she mumbles, fingers going to massage her arm in concern, teeth going to nibble on her lips a sign that this is much more serious than she wants to say aloud.

So not very bad. It would be catastrophic.

"You have to be honest with us, Sung-kyung-ah, we need to know the extent of her power. We need to take measures to keep them from using her, but without knowing more details about what we need to protect, how can we act accordingly?" I insist, knowing that it must be hard for her, but we have no choice, this is our job and Y/N's someone we need to protect, especially if she's going to become a victim to dangerous people.

She seems to hesitate but Yoongi steps forward and grabs her hand tightly, a move that surprises us both because he's not one to usually act like that with people outside of our soulmate group. He must be just as anxious as all of us.

"Please, this is my case, finding out just how much in danger she might be, I could never forgive myself if something happens. She said something about her ability being able to kill thousands of people, is it true? What happens if she removes her collar in a normal situation?" he asks her and our colleague officer sighs deeply, a frown on her face as she seems torn about what to do.

"If she removes her collar... Y/N's magic is free. She doesn't have any control on it. She's scared, because it could do anything it wants, if it decides to not listen to her, then it won't" she says, words that have my mouth going dry.

Such a powerful magic is rampant?

Yoongi releases her and leans back into his chair, his face looking just as shocked.

"But... it saved us that day, it wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose" he attempts, but her face shows us that it's more complicated than that.

"Y/N is my best friend, she's like a sister to me. Bo-young is also one we've grown very close to. She's attached to your two soulmates as well, Jimin and Hoseok, so you being theirs, she was intent on protecting, that was a familiarity that her magic didn't want to lose. It had a similar goal as her, to keep us from dying. But... what you don't know, what I didn't write in the notes is that she didn't want the man to die. Her fire decided to eat him all by itself because it was angry. That man's magic essence, it was absorbed by her own magic. That terrifies her, yet she also knows that what happened... it was but a tiny little fraction of what it can really do" she explains and I nod, the beginning makes sense.

What doesn't is her magic absorbing another's. Why does it do that? Is it to get stronger? Out of rage for being locked constantly? For what purpose? It can't be because it's dangerous, it wouldn't just start eating anyone on its path, I can't believe that as something possible, not her magic.

"What do you mean, a tiny fraction? She could do more than what happened that day? That dome, the way it kept the explosion from seeping out, that was already a lot" Yoongi asks and Sung-kyung hums softly, her eyes sad for her friend, for the pain she has to go through, to an extent that I'm simply unable to imagine, because my power?

It's far from being aggressive, it soothes, it's there to calm, not to hurt. But Y/N's? It could've easily killed all of us that day if its intent wasn't to keep us safe.

Sung-kyung sits down in front of us and joins her hands on her thighs, eyes looking down as she thinks.

"Imagine a bathtub. If you fill it, the walls keep the water in and when it's filled enough, you turn the faucet off. The water remains contained in the tub. That's us with our magic, it will never do what we don't want it to do, it will respond to our wish accordingly. Now imagine the same situation, but you can't turn the faucet off. The water keeps rising until it flows out of the bath. The water gains a life of freedom, it starts filling every nook it finds, it flows under doors, it freely roams through the house until it covers everything it sees, everything it can touch. It'll find a way under the floor, then it's going to attack the foundation. The walls will soak up the water, the furniture will get ruined and before you know it, your house is flooded. That's her. She can't impose a limit to her own magic, so it flows out of her and spreads through every particles of air. Her only way to keep it in the limit of her own body?" she points at her empty neck.

The collar. The collar is her safety net, her lock to a possible disaster.

"That's why she's so scared of it. But magic isn't out of control from birth. Did something happen for her to lose control? Was it always that strong?" I ask, confused.

Her explanation helps us understand, but it also brings more questions. She's scared of it causing damages, but there's something more behind that. It already happened once before, didn't it? Why else would she be so adamant on keeping the collar in the first place?

Sung-kyung turns to me and shakes her head. "From there, I can't tell you. It's not mine to say, I will not break her trust like that. I can't do that to her, she's already gone through enough".

I sigh but ultimately decide to let it be. That's fair. She already told us enough for us to know that we really have to look out for her. Yoongi seems to think the same when he stares at us, eyes showing that he's made a decision.

"We're going to be keeping an eye out for her, I want eyes on where she lives and we're also driving her to and from work from now on, I'm going to go talk with chief Bang to work out the details".

I let my eyes fall on him, just now noticing how fervent he is on keeping her safe. I understand that she's our soulmates' friend, I myself feel rather propelled to protect her, but to see him feel the same way is quite fascinating really, considering he was always the most emotionally detached one when it came to her during the last year. It is possible that I was completely wrong and misjudged the situation.

I smile and nod, his decision one I will agree to without hesitation. Sung-kyung nods as well.

"So we're going to appoint her a group of escorts then? Maybe you should leave this to Eunwoo and I, we don't have a case going on as of now and Jin is busy helping you a lot, this will give you time to focus on finding more about what is going on while we make sure she remains safe" she offers and my excitement sinks under the ground.

She's not wrong but... I wanted to be part of the group as well...

Yoongi inhales deeply with a nod of the head. "That sounds good to me. Can I let you inform Eunwoo? I'll go let the chief know, I'm pretty sure he's going to agree, he seems to care about Y/N a lot from what I've heard".

Sung-kyung lets out a small laugh. "Yeah, you could say that. He sees her like a daughter, he's taken care of her from when she was a child following an incident, that's actually how we got to know each other" she says and I tilt my head, confused.

She notices my expression and grins. "The chief's my dad, I grew up with her".

My eyes widen in surprise and although Yoongi doesn't show it, he's shocked as well, I can sense it in the way his magic stills around him.

So Y/N had to stay with the chief from a young age? That would explain why him and Sung-kyung know so much about her, why these two are so close and why I was told about her collar situation the day of the explosion.

And following an incident? That means that whatever made Y/N react the way she is about her magic happened from a young age. If we could find out when exactly it is that she stayed with the chief...

Sung-kyung must notice that this information has taken root in our mind because she sighs and turns around towards the door after standing up from the chair, a hand going to rub the back of her neck in exhaustion.

"Now stop asking me questions about her, I won't answer them anymore, it seems I've already said too much. If you want to know her favourite colour or food, ask her yourself. See you two later" she lets out before disappearing and I let out a huff that fits the look in Yoongi's eyes.

I shake my head and turn to my soulmate as he gathers his papers to explain the situation to chief Bang, his brain already working on the new information to try and sort it out.

"Need me to come with you?" I ask him but he hums in denial before looking at me once standing up as well to leave the room.

"Nah, I'll be fine, I know he'll agree to it. The one I'm more worried about is the girl herself. I hope she doesn't try to go against us even after knowing that it's for her we're doing this in the first place" he says and I purse my lips in agreement, his words certainly true.

She ran from the hospital, what keeps her from running away from home too?

But that reminds me.

"Didn't Sung-kyung say that she left Y/N with Jimin and Hoseok at the coffee shop? Do you think she's still there? Maybe we could ask one of them to bring her back home today, just to be sure. Jimin's barrier could be useful in case something happens" I tell him and he pauses before clacking his tongue slightly.

"Right... that would be great. Call him and let him know. If she doesn't agree to it, tell her to call her friend, I'm not the one trying to convince her" he lets out before leaving and I laugh.

Gosh, I'm sure as heck not the one convincing her either. Poor girl's not going to be happy about it.

Your POV

I stare at the door, foot hitting the floor quickly under the table as Jimin frowns, phone against his ear as he sits in front of me, Hoseok back behind the counter to serve a few customers that came in just now.

Jimin's eyes fall on me and I stare back, wondering just what is going on that he had to ask me to wait a moment before leaving. I'm already near my limit, every seconds I remain stuck here is now simply excruciating for me and I don't know how much longer I can keep my facade going.

"Yeah hyung, I can do that. Hmhm. Of course, I'll be careful. Love you too, bye".

He ends the call and looks at me with determined eyes, his magic sharpening in a tension that has me even more confused and on edge. What the heck?

"Jin hyung asked me to get you back home myself and that if you have any problems with that, that you should call Sung-kyung, that she'll explain to you. Now, I wouldn't be one to insist, but he said it's very important and... as an order from a police officer, I feel refusing would be wrong" he informs me and my jaw falls to the table.

Oh no. Freaking hell, this isn't happening.

Quickly, I grab my phone and call my best friend, needing to know why that's a thing, why now of all days. I'm already barely hanging on and I need to stay with him until I get home? I'm not making it back home in one piece if that happens.

Hoseok stares at the two of us with worried eyes from the counter and when Jimin goes to join him to help, I find him explaining the situation just as my friend answers the call.

'Why hello, I was expecting you to call very soon after Jin's text warning me of a possible threatening call from you, he's got you figured out very quickly, how may I serve you today?'.

I grumble under my breath. "Why do I need someone to get me home? I can do that on my own, my legs are working very well, I don't need a baby sitter".

She sighs. 'Look, can you just let Jimin bring you home safe first? Something happened on the case and you being there during the explosion, how you stopped it with your magic, it might have actually put you in danger. Whoever was behind that attack, they saw you and with what we're finding out, we're afraid that they're going to go after you' she explains and my eyes widen, heart stuttering in my chest.

"What? You mean... like what happened to those two men?" I ask, shocked and she hums.

'Exactly. Jimin's magic is a barrier, just like me. He might not look like it, but he's very strong, his barriers are top quality, just let him bring you home for today, I'll explain more in details later, I'll stop by once I'm off work'.

I bite on my tongue, mind racing as what this could mean for me. Of course things would get worse. I nod, a hand running through my hair to keep the strands from falling in my eyes, something that would only serve to annoy the shit out of me right now, my patience on par with my magic's.

"Alright... but just this once" I tell her and after a moment of silence, she clears her throat, clearly not wanting to reply to that part, something that ticks me off.

'I'll talk to you later, bubs, be nice to him, he's just helping'.

With that said, she ends the call just as Jimin comes back with car keys, a tight smile on his lips as he takes in my displeasure with this situation.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I don't want to force you into this, I swear" he says softly but I shake my head before breathing in and out to calm myself, to keep my soul from trying to lash out even more. I don't want a repeat of last time with Namjoon.

"I know, Jimin. It's fine. Will Hoseok be fine alone?" I ask him and the latter nods as he comes by to grab the dishes on the table.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle this, you two be safe on the road" he says, his lips pressed tightly in concern and we both nod, not wanting the sweet man to lose his rest because of us.

"Of course hyung, I'll be careful" Jimin says before turning to me. "Shall we go? You look exhausted, I'm sure a nap wouldn't be too bad for you right now" he adds to my intention, to which I nearly roll my eyes, my tongue about to snap a comment or two that I swallow in.

That's not a fucking nap I need. I need a whole life reset.

I bite my lips as he walks to the door to open it, reality of what's coming my way only making me more anxious, blood pumping strongly in my veins. "Can you get the car first? I'll just go and wash my hands, I'll be waiting at the front of the shop" I ask him, to which he nods without hesitation.

"Of course, take your time" he answers and I rush to the bathroom before he exits the building, his magic getting out of range causing my own to go berserk just as I close the restroom's door behind me.

I lean against the sink and take a moment to breathe, knowing that I don't have too much time on my side right now.

I wash my hands while doing breathing exercises to steady my heart and once I feel like I'm not doing too bad, I walk out and wave goodbye to Hoseok with a forced smile before stepping out of the building as well, his own seeming just as tensed because of the current situation.

We're all feeling pretty powerless right now, all in different ways.

As the door closes behind me, the separation that happens twice from leaving my soulmates in such a short amount of time has my vision getting blurry, my soul already unable to tolerate any more soul pain and I lean against the wall besides me to avoid falling to the ground, my soul getting thinner with each pieces of me I leave behind.

Just some more. Just some more before you're home, you can do it.

The sound of a car stopping in front of me and of a door opening and closing has me looking up to see Jimin running to me with panic on his face and I silently swear as a headache comes swarming me savagely.

"Y/N?! What's wrong?!" he asks, the feeling of his magic wrapping around me again causing jeopardy in my entire body and soul, magic going wild as it bites at my collar, angry, helpless.

Panting heavily, I try to smile at him, but there's no fooling him on my state right now. He helps me walk to the car silently, urgently and opens the passenger's door before making me sit inside, then hurries to get back inside the driver's seat.

"I'm bringing you to the hospital, you really don't look too well right now, Y/N" he informs me and I snap my head his way before instantly regretting it when it causes an intense wave of dizziness to wash over me.

"Bring me home. I want to go home" I tell him, a hand on my collar, two cold fingers under the burning material to keep me from chocking on it.

He's about to insist, my request clearly not making sense to him but I give him pleading eyes and he swallows his words, eyes taking me in intently before he's hitting the steering wheel with one hand, the other pulling at his hair is distress before he's nodding to himself, the sound of the car starting up causing vibrations all around me.

It's my first time seeing this side of him and to know it's there because of me? That I'm the one putting him in this state? It doesn't help, not in the slightest.

"Okay okay. I'll bring you home, I will, just... call the hospital if you don't get better, please, please promise that" he begs, his self control working up a notch right now and I nod, eyes closing as I rest my head back.

I don't say the promise aloud, I couldn't promise him that because I know I won't do that, not when Namjoon would be the first person waiting for me there, but he seems to think my nod enough because soon, the car starts moving after I give him my address.

The ride back home feels like it lasts forever and my state does not get better, something I don't understand because two days ago, I could handle more. I was not 'fine' per se, but I could handle more.

This alerts me, that I might really be getting closer to a limit that might not allow me to avoid the truth anymore. I dearly hope I don't make it there. If I have to stay stuck at home for that to happen, then heck, I will.

I swallow a painful groan when my magic becomes even more intent on breaking me from the inside and when my eyes notice that we're finally at my place, I hurry to undo my seat belt, needing to get inside my place now.

"Thank y-" I start before noticing that Jimin is already out of the car and walking around to help me out.

I clench my teeth as he opens my door.


"I'll help you in. What floor do you live on?" he asks and I regretfully accept his hand as he helps me out of the car, the contact causing my insides to burst into flames, everything of me needing to get away from him as soon as possible before I reach my limit.

"On the fifth floor" I answer weakly and he nods before wrapping an arm around the middle of my back to help me walk, unaware that this very contact is what makes it harder for me to move.

"I really should bring you to the hospital" he murmurs but I shake my head, breath getting laboured when we reach the stairs, my choice to have a pretty view when looking outside one I regret bitterly right now.

"I'll be fine once I rest, I shouldn't have gone out today" I tell him, but he doesn't reply, which tells me he's not convinced. Not in the slightest. He better not send Namjoon to my place now that he knows where I live, because I will murder them both with a spoon.

We reach my door with a lot of difficulty on my part and once in front of it, I fumble through my bag to get my keys, each passing seconds in his company a torture that I don't wish to anyone and I truly fear the moment he'll be leaving again.

Can I take it?

Once the keys found, I unlock the door and step in before turning around to block the path, eyes meeting Jimin's, the afraid, wet shine to his eyes tearing my heart apart.

"Thank you for driving me back home, Jimin, I'll be fine now, don't make Hoseok wait for too long, I'm sure he needs your help " I say before shutting the door on his face and lock it straight away, afraid that he would try to enter inside, I cannot take anymore, I really can't.

I rest my forehead against the door, hear him sigh sadly on the other side before he makes his way down and once he's far enough, I let myself fall down with a loud thump, body curling up on the floor before I start coughing and wheezing, my whole body shaken with spasms that hurt so freaking much.

Face wet with tears, I open my eyes to see blood on my hands and my soul drops.

I'm done for.

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