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Jungkook's POV

My magic freezes around me, mid-way reaching out to her as shock courses through me.

Soulmate? Did I hear that right?

It all happens so fast, getting up because a bad feeling won't stop gnawing at me, I'd meant to open the door, get a quick look to reassure myself before leaving just as fast, but watching Y/N fall down and lose consciousness in her own blood and tears on the floor provokes a clear panic to wash over me even though I barely know her.

I rush and kneel by her side, the sight of her shaking collar against her skin a terrifying thing and I'm not the only one thinking that way when I turn to see Bo-young cry as she tries to explain the situation on the phone, her eyes fixated on Y/N, fear clear as day in her body language.

It's obvious that this isn't a normal occurrence, and from what I know of collars, from what little Taehyung would tell me of his own experience with one because he doesn't want me to worry, this isn't supposed to be a thing.

I turn back to Y/N, heavy pearls of sweat on her skin as her breathing turns harsh and uneven, I can feel so much heat radiating from her and it almost looks like her elements are trying to seep through anyway they can, going as far as fighting against the collar with all of their energy, I never knew this could happen.

She didn't look good when I first arrived, her face looking exhausted like she's in permanent pain, I could tell right away who she was, there was that feeling within me that the Y/N in front of me was the source of the chaos happening within my soulmate group and suddenly, all of their worries felt more than justified because a simple look at her and I could tell that something was wrong, but this?

This is nothing like what I had imagined. My magic hovers around her in worry, wishing it could help, but my power isn't healing, what could I possibly do with illusions in that sort of setting?

It's scary, it looks like I'm watching her die and my soul is repulsed by the thought of it, magic squeezing around me, hands going to grab her shoulders in an attempt to keep her still, barely registering as people start gossiping from the doorway, no one knowing what to do right now, they just want to see shit happen live.

"If you don't intend to help, get the fuck out of here!" I growl out, surprising even myself but I can't help it, what the heck are they doing here if they're just watching?! This isn't a show! She's hurting!

My outburst seems to shock a few of them into action when they enter the room but the rest otherwise heads back to the office, knowing that not all of us could fit in this small room, nor would it serve her.

A towel is taken out of a cupboard to rest under her head to protect her skull from hitting the floor as she keeps shaking, another person getting a wet clothe to her burning skin, but it's like blowing air on a burning tree, it doesn't do shit, her temperature is too high.

I rub a hand up and down her back to try to soothe her, not knowing what else to do, all of me wanting to call Namjoon right away, I probably should, except my phone is on my desk and I can't bear the thought of leaving her behind, not with one word spinning in my mind over and over again.

Soulmate. That would explain so much.

Do they already know? Do my hyungs already know of who she is? All of their concern about her, the way they can't stop talking about her, it seems obvious now, so much that I can't believe it never crossed my mind to begin with.

"Her collar looks like it's going to burst" I let out when the shaking grows even more intense, it's terrifying me because what happens if it breaks?

I never thought a collar could snap, but clearly, Y/N's magic is no joke because it's exactly what's about to happen and it's not good for her, the way it's happening, her magic is hurting her badly.

Bo-young nods, she noticed too, it scares her just as much, yet she tries to stay as calm as possible as she answers the questions on the phone, a never ending amount of them, I hope they will send appropriate help over very soon because things are not getting better here and there's only so much we can do.

"Her magic's strength? It's.. it's very high, but I don't know how strong exactly" she says before adding "Ah! There's that doctor... Kim Namjoon? He was the one in charge of her at the hospital, he should know, right?". She nods a few times while we listen and wait anxiously.

Are they going to call him then? That's good, if he already knows about her, then he can help her, right? More than I currently can, I feel so powerless right now, watching her body writhe in front of me because her magic clearly cannot handle the collar anymore.

I stare at her, her skin dangerously pale, a huge contrast with the wiped blood on the floor, a sight that has my heart twisting in anxiety. How much painful must it be for her to reach that state? Why didn't she go to the hospital for help? Because Namjoon works there?

Remembering the conversations about her avoiding my soulmates, could it be that she didn't want to be with us? Or is it because her collar makes our meetings that painful? If that's true, then this is all my fault, isn't it?

That realization dawns on me like ruby raindrops falling from the sky, the sight of her blood causing my eyes to burn, hands clenching and teeth biting with strength on my lips, I did that to her?

I try to clear my throat, but a lump makes it hard to do, painful. I made her reach her limit. I make my magic retract as much as possible, not willing to take any risks of hurting her more when she's in that state.

It kept reaching out to her since I first arrived, it was curious, but that curiosity, is it the cause of her current suffering? That thought has my mind buzzing with an incoming dizziness, but I fight against it, now's not the time to fall to panic, she needs help first.

Unaware of what is being said anymore as I remain by her side, lost in a storm within myself, I jump in surprise when I see three bodies suddenly appear around us. I look up and quickly get up and away from her in shock when I see their uniform, something I never thought I'd get to see in person one day.

Last Resort Magic Services, LRMS for short.

Okay, this is more than bad then.

With practiced ease, they take in her state and share a few words before stepping closer to clip a second collar under hers, one that looks bigger and intimidating, it's like I'm seeing a movie happening live, but it's nowhere as cool to see as when it's on a screen.

This time, I would rather this being done to a stranger than to who I now know as my soulmate.

They wait a moment as Bo-young and I, the only two remaining in the room observe in nervousness before we see it start shaking as well, although less intense than the first, but still, her magic must be very strong to be able to affect it that way, isn't it supposed to be stronger than the basic collar?

One of the men turns to another. "Get the wards amplified as much as possible, I want barrier users all around the area, we need to let her magic out before it blows up, she's near her limit" he says urgently and my eyes widen as I try to process what I just heard.

Bo-young pulls me aside with her to leave them more space, her eyes filled with tears and body trembling as they start moving her to be transported more easily with an urgency that shows how serious this is.

This is really happening, they're really going to leave with her. How am I going to tell the others about this? How do I tell Jimin and Hoseok about this? Fuck, should I even let them know? What is the right thing to do right now?

I'm starting to understand why we were kept in the dark, why Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Taehyung didn't tell us everything, the secret meetings, we're not dumb, we could see when they'd meet up without us, but now I wish I hadn't found out so soon.

Just imagining how this knowledge might affect Jimin and Hoseok, it freaks me out.

They would want to rush to her right away, they would start crying in panic and I don't want to be behind that, but they deserve to know, especially if she's our soulmate, they deserve to know of who she is to us. Y/N didn't deny it so Bo-young must have been right, there's no doubt about that.

"It's a code ten, clear a floor at the hospital and equip it accordingly, I want agents ready to keep her magic under control once we bring her over, we're getting ready to let out the worst of it. Prepare the Desert 29 East" another man says into a mic tied to his ear before picking her body up in his hold.

What? Clear a floor? Desert 29 East? That sounds like a special war zone. Could she really do that much damage without her collar? Why did she have to wear one in the first place if everyone is so intent on having her remove it?

The collars around her neck are now shaking with so much strength that we can hear the tremors and suddenly, four bodies disappear.

I stare at the now empty space, shaken and nearly forgetting how to breathe, my magic crawling to the area where she was, searching for her, but she's not here anymore.

Just what is going to happen to her now?

Namjoon's POV

I can't believe this is happening.

Why all of a sudden? I don't understand and I can only walk in circle as I await more news about the situation.

Getting a call from the special forces, the LRMS, them asking about Y/N, about her most recent state, that I was bound to say the truth or else I would be sent to jail for putting in danger the populace, I expected the worst.

That's it, we were too late.

When I told them about all that we had gathered from her, how badly her state was because of us, they hung up so fast that I feared them suddenly appearing to get me before the hospital's alarm rang with an order to clear the eighth floor as fast as possible, that all the personnel was required to help without exception.

Moving all of the patients around was a lot of work and it thankfully kept my mind from wandering in all directions, I needed to reassure them that everything would be fine, there was a lot of equipment to move around, but now that it's done, now that I'm waiting alone in my office, I can't stop feeling anxious and restless.

What now? As her soulmates, what will be required of us? We did our best, but it clearly was not enough. Are we going to get punished for unknowingly putting her in that state?

It's with that in mind that I turn to my phone on my desk when it starts ringing again, except this time, it's Jungkook's name appearing on the screen.

I still for a moment, unsure of whether to reply or not.

I don't know if I can talk to him and sound happy with all that's going on, today was supposed to be a good day for him, but we just keep messing it up for him and I feel really bad about it, but I can't possibly ignore him either so I grab it and accept the call, a deep exhale leaving me before I bring it to my ear.

"Kookie-" I start only to stop when I hear a sob on the other side, a sound that has my magic curling around me as if it could reach him through the device, mind alert, and as bad as it sounds, this fits my current mood so much more.

I need to care for someone, and if not for her, I can care for him.

"Kookie, baby, what's wrong? Talk to me" I encourage him softly, heart beating out of my chest because there's just so much going on, he should be here with me right now, not so far at work, this isn't right.

"H-hyung... Y/N, she-she-" he starts crying and my breath hitches in my throat, he can't know about her current state, can he? How could he when only selected doctors and nurses have been made aware of what's about to happen? I didn't tell any of our soulmates yet. It must be something else.

It has to.

"Jungkook, please, explain to me slowly, what's going on? What's that about Y/N?" I press, this doesn't make any sense, he was at work, so how-

I shake my head, no, this... no, he can't possibly work with her, did they meet? Could it be that she's currently about to get here because she met Jungkook?

"I... Sunbae..." I close my eyes at the title, lips pressed tightly as he continues. "Sunbae, she's our soulmate, right? I-I overheard Bo-young ask her, she d-didn't deny it, but then she fell and- there was so much blood hyung, her collar was shaking like it was about to snap" he finally says and I let myself fall on the couch, head spinning as I hold it with one hand.


"Do you work with her, Kookie? You spent the morning with her?" I ask him, hear him make a humming sound as he sniffles, slow breathing to try and calm himself, I want to gather him in my arms so much to comfort him, but I can't, not when we're waiting for Y/N's arrival.

"I do, I... she's my sunbae, I was put under her guidance, she's supposed to train me, I wasn't sure if it would be her but... hyung, she looked so sick, is that why none of you would tell us about her truth? You all know, right? Except for Hoseok and Jimin, you all knew? I put her in that state, didn't I? It's my fault if she's hurting?".

His voice is broken as he asks the last question and my heart squeezes for him, because yes, his presence did that to her, but is it his fault? No, he didn't know.

"Not your fault, you didn't know, Kookie" I say first as I try to gather my thoughts, so much to process right now. I can't believe they work together. This isn't how things were supposed to go, but then again, how were things supposed to be like?

How long could we possibly hide the truth for? They didn't deserve to be kept in the dark to begin with, not when she's their soulmate as much as she's ours, but there was so much to worry about and we couldn't afford adding more to the list.

"We all knew, Kookie... I'm sorry we didn't say anything sooner, but there's just... it's really complicated, please understand, nothing about her is easy to deal with, her past is... it's keeping her from us, but I promise you, it's not your fault, this was bound to happen, it just... happened faster than I thought it would" I admit, hear his soft sniffles before he hums again.

I would expect him to get mad, to scream at me, that we kept such an important truth from him, from them, but he doesn't, he remains quiet, the silence that stretches making me uncomfortable.

I wish he would tell me that I disappoint him, I made a wrong decision, I handled this badly, anything but this silence.

"I understand hyung... I... I probably would've made the same decision were I in your shoes... Part of me wants to tell Jimin, Hoseok, they need to know but... I'm scared that knowing the truth would only hurt them more... We can't see her, right? I saw agents, the LRMS were here, they said to clear a floor, is she going to your hospital?" he asks and I close my eyes, his words not what I should be hearing, yet it helps, I'm so relieved.

Jungkook might be the youngest, but he's not a kid anymore, is he? We don't give him enough credit, he's growing up so well.

"She is... we had to move everyone around, now they're setting up the space for her, the wards are being increased for her arrival, the agents are everywhere, one will probably come to meet me soon since they know about me being her soulmate, I don't know what they'll have me do".

Are they going to ask me to care for her? Or will they ask me to keep my distance? If they force me on either path, what impact would that have on Y/N?

Her mental state is unstable, she did her best to stay away from us, so to be forced to bond with us? How would she react to that? It worries me.

"I see... she's going to be fine, right? She'll be alright?" he asks softly and I purse my lips tightly, I want to say yes so badly, but I feel like from now on, I'm standing in a war zone, one where the outcome is but a blur.

"I hope so, Kookie, I really do, we'll do our best to take care of her. Where are you right now? Are you still at work?" I ask him, needing to change the subject, I can't reassure him the way he needs, not without knowing myself what is going on at the moment and he seems to catch on easily when he follows.

"Yes, we're all a little in shock with what happened, Bo-young especially, but work has to be done either way so we're about to head back to our desk soon, she's going to take over the training until we hear about Y/N's situation".

I nod, that will keep him busy then, better focus on work instead of worrying when he can't do anything about her.

"Alright. About her being our soulmate as well as her coming to the hospital... please keep quiet for now, don't let the others know about her situation, okay? Focus on work for your first day, we'll... we'll talk about it together tonight with everyone, we'll let everyone know together".

"Okay hyung... thank you for taking my call, I knew you might be busy but you were the only one I could think to call about this" he mumbles and I smile lightly, heart melting for my soft soulmate.

"You're fine, Kookie, don't worry too much, okay? She'll be in good hands. I'm glad you called me, don't keep to yourself when you have a lot on your mind, right? That's what Taehyung always says, he made us promise" I muse, hear his light relieved giggle on the other side.

"Right, he would be mad if he learned that I cried alone". I chuckle. "That he would".

We end the call after a few 'love you' and 'love you more' and as soon as I set my phone down, a knock on the door makes me sigh before I stand up to open it.

As I had expected, an agent stands in front of me, a serious look on his face, clearly this conversation isn't going to be a pleasant one, but it has to be done.

I step aside, welcome him inside before shutting the door, then head to my desk when he sits in front of it, hands resting on the surface of it as he waits for me to take a seat.

"So you are aware of your soulmate's situation, the extent of her magic's strength as well as of her past" he starts right away and I nod, body tensed because I don't know what is going to result out of this conversation, I don't know how much what I say will impact Y/N and it stresses me out.

"Does it scare you? That she is behind the earthquake that happened thirteen years ago? You lost your parents due to it, your soulmates have also lost family members, two who lost all of them. Do they all know of her past?".

So they've made their research, how fast did they manage to dig that out?

"I am not scared of her. Whatever it is that pushed her to that point at such a young age, it can't have been her fault so I don't blame her for my parents' death. She saved my soulmates, her magic does not scare me in the slightest. It is strong, yes, but I don't believe it is bad" I start, watch as the man remains expressionless, waiting, so I continue.

"Only a few of us know of her past, Jin and Yoongi, both are police officers, I trust them to keep this knowledge safe, they're not scared either, although they were shocked when they learned the truth. There's Taehyung as well, a psychologist, he also doesn't blame her for what happened to his family but the others have not been made aware of her past yet. Two remain who have yet to know about her being our soulmate".

The man nods and stares me right in the eyes, which has me keeping my back straight, teeth biting on the inside of my cheek, hands sweaty, I wish he would just tell me what he wants, what is going to happen from now on.

"Good. Then you're aware that she's been wearing her collar way over the ten years limit, which isn't good. She will need to bond with her magic before she can bond with you, they are currently like strangers to each other, her magic will want to be approved by her, but as it is now, she will not approve of it, you must be aware of that much. It is crucial that they get in good terms, for the nation's security, this isn't a small matter" he starts and I nod, I figured that much.

A magic as strong as hers, free and uncontrolled, and Y/N, who doesn't want anything to do with it, they are currently like two opposite entities, it's not good. If she can't control her magic, she at least needs to know it well, her knowledge of herself is incredibly important.

"In that sense, I will have to ask of you to avoid being in her presence. Any soulmates she knows of will not be allowed to meet her, it could create an imbalance in her stability and her magic would react in a way that would scare her, it could result in it turning aggressive. Considering that this hospital is still very filled, we cannot take any risks, you must understand".

I nod, the reality of what he's saying making my shoulders slump a little. Although for the best, I understand very well what he's saying, the decision made, but to not see her when she's going to be so near? I hate the simple thought of it.

"I understand and we will cooperate in any way you need us to. May I ask you a question?".

A nod.

I inhale slowly, I'm sure Taehyung would approve of this. If he were here, he would offer this option himself so I feel like now is the best time for it while an agent is in front of me.

"My soulmate, Taehyung, is the only one who she has not met. She doesn't know of him, I don't believe his name was ever mentioned before either and he wears a collar. Would it be okay if he gains access to her floor? I need her to have a link with us without it stressing her out, he's a very skilled psychologist so I believe that it would benefit her as well" I try, see the way the man frowns a little before grabbing his phone.

Without saying anything to me, he stands up and goes to a corner of the room before dialing a number while I remain where I am, fingers crossed because if they can agree to that, it would definitely be good for her, and for us. She needs to be at ease with a soulmate without the fear of being near one. She needs to be near one of us without the pain that always goes with it.

I try not to listen to what is being said, but it's so very hard when the room is otherwise that quiet and when the man ends the call, he can see on my face that I already know of the verdict.

"Kim Taehyung will be granted free passage to her floor, as long as he respects the conditions that will be given to him, which will be given once he gets here. One elevator will be reserved for her floor only and will be guarded by an agent at all time, he will receive a pass on his first visit and will need it every single time he comes over".

I nod quickly, relief flooding me. "That's more than fine, thank you so much".

As long as she's not completely alone up there, because I'm sure visits will be heavily restricted, I don't even know if her friends will be allowed to come see her. They will isolate her until she's fully bonded to her magic, which might take time considering her view on it.

It's going to be hard for her, isolated and forced to bond with the very magic she despises.

It's quiet for a moment, until we suddenly hear a warning from the hospital's speakers.

"Floor eight is officially closed off and will need special permission to gain access. Please don't distract the Last Resort Magic Service agents unless necessary. Thank you for your cooperation".

I look up, power automatically activating to sense her within the hospital, something both reassuring and distressing to it.

So she's here.

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