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Today like every other day is the worst day of my life , cause i have to be with PEOPLE and I for one am not a big fan of people.

 I had to face Lucas James, the biggest jock in school well only to me, its like were meant to be mutual enemies, he literally bullies me every single day, I am termed the weirdest girl in school just because I have never worn anything outside black and I don't show my face, but that is the least of all my problems. 

I have dark magic and for all I know I could do what I did to her again, I stay away from people and they return the favour. I sometimes feel like I have what do they call that stuff that you can never feel happy I think it's called down syndrome, but I might never know because my daddy dearest doesn't give a fuck about me.

 As usual I was dressed in a black ripped jean, a black sweatshirt and a black sketchers ,I got on my scooter and drove down the lonely neighbourhood, sometimes I wonder how life would have been if I never had dark magic, I remember my first time alone in the forest after dad left

*FLASH BACK* (10 years ago)

" is anyone here" I yelled as I survived the dark forest, my dad left me in. I didn't mean to kill her, but it consumed me, it's like I wasn't in control of my one answered my call so I kept on walking down

"ARGHHH" I screamed as I felt something bite me, it was a snake,I felt it come over me again as I killed the snake, I couldn't control myself,what's wrong with me why does it have to be me,I sat on the ground as hot prick of tears rolled down my face, I placed my hand on the bite and I felt power rush on to my leg, feeling better I stood up and decided to use my new ability to be able to survive here until something wild eats or kill me, either ways i would still die.

I made a little house out of  nothing to be exact ,then I went inside, there was a room, a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen, I laid on the bed as tears rolled down my face I miss her a lot. An idea popped up in my head so i decided to do it, it's only going to be for a while,it took sometime but once I was done I was really glad took my idea and make a look alike of her

"you are now my new bestie" I smiled as I hugged her



" whatsup freak"luka said as he fist bumped my shoulder (his usual way of taunting me but he should get one thing I won't budge), I shrugged him off before bringing out my history book.

" come on freak, you didn't say hi, you are breaking my heart darling, really"he smirked

" let me be James" I said and walked off, he really has nothing more to do than waste his time trying to ruin my already horrible day.

"nice to hear your voice" he yelled from a distance but I ignored him, his bodyguard of a best friend Kyle Lee, was just as much a pain in the ass as he was, so I choose to stay away from both of them, the only part of the day I don't completely hate is after school, I meet up with mason at the abandoned house, not the one I built but the one I discovered, my house is far away from her, and she isn't there anymore because i turned her into a doll, so could bring her with me.

First period went by very fast. As I walked out of the class I felt a hand grab me and drag me into an empty class, I would have screamed but nothing anyone does anymore scares me

" did you actually think you can get away from me freak"Luka yelled, Kyle stood in front of the door so no one could get in,my black long straight hair covered my face, so no could ever see my face or the piercings

"I have a class to go to if you don't mind, I need to go" I said trying my best to remain calm

"you seem brave freak, I would love to let you go cause I really don't like your presence but I just keep wondering why you hide your face under that hideous hair of yours" he asked but I didn't answer my back was on the wall as he stood only some centimeters away from me, I could feel my dark sister start to take  over me,

" I said I have a class to go to" my dark magic spoke for me, I could see the scared expression on his face through my right eye the only part of my face that wasn't really covered

"i will get back to you" Luka said then walked out of the class


The rest of the morning went by really fast and it was finally the end of school. I got my backpack then headed to the parking lot,my scooter was the first thing I used the money I get from the UGC to buy. Driving down the lonely road to the abandoned house I couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different if I never stayed in the woods. Once I got to the peak of the house I parked my scooter, and went into the house

"you are here early" mason said taking a puff from his cigarette

" how could I think of missing a second with you"I placed a kiss on his lip before taking the cigarette from his hands and taking a puff, Mason and I have had a really complex relationship, he doesn't believe in commitment and on the other hand am scared of losing him, so we decided to stay friends with benefit, am not exactly doing great with the idea but I try not to show it much

"I got you a space for a fight this night are you up for it"mason asked as I hopped on his leg and rested my head on his chest while playing with his hair,

" I guess I would like to wear off some tension"

"I'll be out of town for a few days am going to see an old friend"

"i never knew you had friends outside Gardenville" I stared at mason intensively trying to see if he was lying and was just going out for some sex call or gang stuffs which are his usual's

" don't get all detective on me and its a boy am going to meet don't be jealous and besides we are just friends"

I always wished mason and I could be more but I guess it will just never happen, he's twenty two while am seventeen he doesn't care about school and he depends on gambling fighting and anything illegal to survive but I can't blame him for that, his parents are dead.

"am staying at your place tonight" I said trying to cut the tension

"actually, sandy is coming over, maybe when I get back" way to go mason I thought as I got off his laps and sat on the sofa

"sure thing" I managed to say to be honest I was really disappointed

" come on steph lighten up, I can take you on right now" he joked with a smirk on his face

"forget it mason, am just tired of being in the friend-zone you are the closest thing I have to being human, can't we at least try to work it out, I mean we have been together for almost two years and their have been no train wreck"

" I had sex with other girls within those two years steph, besides we have talked about this and I don't want to go down that lane again, we got over that shit already please don't bring it up again"

" I'll see you later mason, hope you will be at the fight" I asked trying to hide my pain

" I won't miss it for the world, and steph I want you to know that I care about you"

" good to hear, I got to go fix some shit I messed up I'll see you before you leave"I said and with that I walked out of the house, with an all too familiar pain in my heart.


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