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"Hey dad" I said as I walked up the stairs, he was wasted on the ground, I hate seeing him this way and it aches that am the major cause of all this, I laid on my bed as soon as I got to my room. I couldn't stop thinking about mason, after the first day we met I didn't see him around for about a week, until the day I went to the abandoned house again.

*flash back (2years ago)*

" your still hanging round here butter face" mason smirked as he walked into the house, his ski mask wasn't on but I recognized his blue eyes,I just had another daddy series and decided to come here, I had been hoping to see him around. I put off my cigarette, then sat up creating a little space on the sofa for mason to sit, which he accepted happily

" my name is steph and I practically live here"

"i see you didn't take my advice and why is that" he asked

" my fist name is danger, its gonna take a whole lot more than gangsters to scare me off"

"you got guts butter face, but why do you always have a scowl on your face, you got to cheer up life's too short to live in anger"

" don't call me butter face and I don't see how my issues should concern you" I said bitterly"

" it was a simple question barbie" he smirked

"i see you love troubling people don't you,but let me warn you am not in for that"

"can you quit acting like a bulldog and say what your problem is"

" you are my problem everything in life Is a problem my dad is my problem" I yelled I could feel my darkness trying to take control but I fought it down, mason didn't say anything he just held my hand but I jerked out of his grip almost immediately
" calm down steph its just a 6hand touc6h" 6he smirked, I wasn't used to body contact anymore, I spent ten years in the wood and trust me their ain't no boy coming around,

" why do you always hide your face behind your pretty hair" mason asked pushing a strand of my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ears as he moved closer to me

" depends, why do you always wear a ski mask to hide your not so pretty face" I teased easing up a little

" simply to hide my identity, I am a UGC fighter if anyone knew my identity am toast

" I like the sound of that how can I get in"

" whoa, slow down their barbie,girls aren't allowed and their is no way am letting you join in" he said I could sense he was serious so I decided to drop the topic I'll find a way to convince him another time

" you have a really bad taste in naming people,am all dark and empty, I ain't got no pink on"

" I can fill up your emptiness and am better at adding colors" he smirked,he bit his lips and the ring on it went between his teeth making a clashing sound,he had a lot of tattoos and piercing, I wonder if they hurt to get

" how" I asked snapping out of my thoughts. He didn't say anything, he just closed the space between us and placed his lips on mine 6he deepened the kiss by biting my lips creating room for our mouths to explore each other as our tongue to form a bond, it was nice but their was no spark,I heard some girls talk about it in the locker room

" you barely know me and you felt kissing me was a good idea how typical of you" I managed a smirk

" I don't know barbie, but I felt you liked it more than I did"

"in your dreams"

"we can be friends right barbie" he asked

"depending on what that means" the last friend I had was a living dead under my control

"you don't seize to amaze me barbie" mason chuckled

"and I never will big bad"

*end of flash back*

I smiled sadly at the memory he is the only guy I have ever kissed or had feelings for but I don't think the same goes for him, I wish my mom was here see would have known how to make me feel better, but I guess not every one is Cinderella


"are you okay"mason asked as he helped me adjust my ski mask

" couldn't be better"I replied sarcastically, only mason knows my identity, to the others am the BLACK AXE, they don't know am a girl thanks to mason and I have never lost a match and I don't think am ready to loose now, if that happens my legacy will die and my payments low, their will be no more bets on me

" who am I up against" I asked

"scorpion, wait are you telling me you didn't know this" he looked at me with surprise clear on his face

" I sometimes wonder if you have Anastasia or if its your old age kicking in"I said

"am just twenty two " he smirked

"like that is a determiner"I chucked

" good luck barbie, I'll be with Chloe cheering you up" he is always with a girl

" sure tin big bad, I'll see you after the game"I said,then went close to the stage. The MC called out scorpion and me, making the crowd go wild the two best against each other, now that's something am up for.

" in 5,4,3,2,1 let the game begin"The MC announced


I am almost 78 percent sure scorpion is a teenager, he has a well built body but his defense is extremely low,I wonder how he is the second best fighter

"take it easy on me know would you"I said in the deepest voice I had while dodging a punch from him we have been sending and dodging throws for some minutes now

" scared of losing" he chuckled his voice sounded like Luka's in away but his was softer and a bit deeper

"i have never lost a game I got no reason to be scared" I threw a punch at him and this time he couldn't dodge it,I could easily use my powers to win but am scared of getting consumed and its actually fun to fight fist to fist, scorpion aimed a punch at me again which lowered his defensed and I used it to my advantage, once I dodged it I used my elbow to hit his stomach and trip him off his feet my move took him by surprise as he fell, I hovered over him and held him down

"1,2,3"counted "and once again the winner is the black axe" those who placed their bet on me cheered me on as I came down the ring I got a few bad hits but I would use my powers to heal.

"congrats barbie"mason cheered me on

"how do I know you were even watching" I said as I collected the envelope from the MC,mason and I walked down to his car he promised to drop me off

" I promised to be their and I was, so what the fuck is your problem" I could see the bright purple hickey on the left side of his neck topped up by red lipstick, that how much attention he paid to the game

"calm your ass down bro I was just kidding, but really see got you covered bad"I smirked or at least tried to

" you really are something else barbie".

As we were driving I spotted a black sport car coming in our direction so I took off my mask

" stop the car"I commanded, he didn't question so I guessed he knew why, we both came out of the car

"what the hell man"mason said to Luka

"i was trying to follow black axe, when I lost track and instead I see a freak and you"Luka said rudely with a smirk on his face, his face looked badly, am not surprised I always suspected he was a gangster but I also wondered why someone with parents as rich as his have to fight to get money

" you had a game this night didn't you"I said

"stay out of this freak, am surprised your face is out how ,ugly"he insulted

"your face aren't any better, I suggest you watch your tongue if you don't want to a broken nose"mason threatening pushing me behind him

" I was talking to the damsel over their bro, whats your prob ,you are boyfriend" Luka chuckled earning a punch from mason

"you mind your business and stay away from steph or else" mason said before getting into the car, I followed behind him not commenting on what he just did

" how do you know that dude" mason asked as he drove away

" he goes to my school and we don't get along,but I really don't mind whatever he says"

"stay away from him he could be dangerous" mason said as he parked in front of my house

"you don't have to tell me twice" I said then got out of the car and headed to my house when mason called me I turned to face him

"what about my goodnight kiss" he asked with a smirk on his face

"i think you have had enough kisses for one night"I smiled slightly then went into my hell ground, what a night.

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