Someone you miss

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Let's get something clear. I don't miss you. I miss what we had. Funny thing is that I didn't realize how special it was until it ended. And I'm not saying it's you. I'm saying it's the thing we had that was special. Juuust tryna be clear.

I guess we both didn't realise it until it was over. But girl, it was all your fault. We were fine. Everyone knew we were best friends. They called us 5 and 6. We had multiple twin names: Jane and Jessie, Jendayi and Kendayi, Skylar and Taylor…I can't remember the rest. We featured ourselves in a book and published it here on wattpad. God, it was horrible. We knew. But that didn't matter. It was the memories, funny moments, stupid twists that mattered. We shared a diary! That's so sweet!

I knew so much about you that I could read you so well. I knew when you were sad, happy, jealous, when you had a crush etc. We were separated in classes first year of secondary and I thought that was bad. Then in second year you walked up to me, as I recall, I was playing never have I ever with some classmates and was in the middle of narrating how I used detergent powder to shower once, and said you didn't want to be best friends anymore.

You know me. I don't have the energy to argue. Now I think of it, I dunno why I wasn't so bothered. I guess I was a very emotionless fifteen year old haha. So I let it be. We're living our separate lives now. You are an amazing person! I'm sure you know that. You're narcissistic enough.

The memories would always be there, in the eighth and ninth grade diary I have and the tenth grade one you have, in Jane and Jessie, in our highschool and in my heart. But it's fine this way. I won't forget you, my first bff. I really hope I get another one. I just don't trust easily now. I hope to make memories like that with someone else. I miss them. But you, nooot really.

Ps. That hacked email joke was pretty funny.

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