Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Some readers asked me about the family tree of both families. So, here it is you cutie pies.


First Born: Alexander Rodriguez (Our Hottie)

Second Born: Anthony and William (Twins)


First Born: Hade Knight (The Heartful Person Of All)

Second Born: Oliver and Zander (Twins)

Third Born: Mark, Gavin, Brad (Triplets)

Fourth Born: Kiara Knight (Our Little One)


First Born and Only Son: Nathan Witmore (The Pure Breed Playboy)

Alexander Rodriguez's POV

My gaze fixed on her back as she walked inside the house with both of my brothers. I don't want her to leave so early, but there are some important matters that are needed to be discussed.

After seeing her after all these years, I realized how much I missed her. She looked so beautiful. She almost looks just like her mother. Innocent and bubbly face, bright blue eyes and chubby cheeks. Although I couldn't see her face from near, just seeing her made me happy.

I can see that she is still treated the same way she was treated since childhood. Like a princess. A smile took over my lips as I thought about that. She really is a princess, but just doesn't act like one. That whining and doing drama to get what she want never changed.

"Alex!", I heard my mother's voice and turned around to face them. She is sitting beside dad. His hand is over her shoulder. "What are you thinking about dear? Come sit", she said in her ever kind voice. I smiled at her before sitting on the sofa beside her. Uncle Zack and Aunt Amelia were sitting in front of me.

"Dad, why didn't you inform me before hand about this arrangement?".

"I am sorry son. It was a sudden decision. It's not something that can be explained on the phone, that's why we called you here".

"This must be really shocking to Kiara", Mrs. Knight said and we all nodded. "Oh my. She is going to leave us in two days".

"Don't worry Baby. You know how much I will miss her. We can always go visit her. She will be at Alexander's place. So, you know she is always safe", he said holding her hand. For some reason, that brought pride and happiness to me that he trusts me that much with his daughter.

"Thank you for trusting me". Mr. Knight smiled at me for that.

"You are the one who has been taking care of her security since past twelve years. I can't trust anyone more. So, did you come to know anything about this bastard of Sam that she is dating about?", he asked.

Sam. Her boyfriend. We all never had a good feeling about him. He is not the right person, that we know for guarantee. The way he looks at others, the way he behaves, everything about him shouts bad. But Kiara doesn't seem to notice it though.

She still thinks her parents don't know anything about her still dating him even after they told her to stay away from him. None of us like him. They didn't want to make he feel sad, that's why they never brought up this topic with her.

I don't know what spell he cast on her that made her fall for him, but I sure going to break it, once I know what he truly is.

"Nothing until now. I assigned the best detectives I can hire, still nothing. But soon, I will get to know more about him". He nodded his head at my answer.

"I don't understand what she sees in that douche. Hade hates him more than any of us. He still doesn't know that she has been dating him". Hade hates him? More like I hate him the most! That fuckard! If he hurt my Little One, I will kill him with my bare hands!

"I too don't understand what she sees in him. He doesn't that much of good looks or even that good of a body", dad said, which earned him a glare from mom and a laugh from both Mr and Mrs. Knights. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"I just want her away from this Sam guy for a few months so that she can have time to herself and forget about that guy. If she is here, she will keep meeting him in one way or another and I am not able to prevent it. If she stays away in New York for a few months, maybe her mind will change and in the mean while we can find out about him".

"That's right and that is why we want her to stay with you in your place. We know she will meet him if she will be alone in New York and I don't want that. I could have sent her to Hade, but he doesn't know any of this and you know how much her loves her. He will kill Sam if he comes to know that she is still dating him.

Apart from all these, her University is in New York, she also have her exams in a month. She will get time to study there. So, we thought it will be better if she stays with you. Also, there is no one I trust her with more than you", Mr. knight said. Of course, he's right.

"I will take good care of her", I promised Mr. Knight.

"I believe you will son. That's why I am leaving her under your guidance. I will miss her. I just want her to forget Sam. That bastard is trying to steal my Princess from me". He said last sentence angrily. Dad smiled at his words.

"As much as it amuses me, I must agree with you. He is after all, stealing my girlfriend", he added which made us all crack a laugh. I just gave a full smile.

"What about you son? Do you have girlfriend?", Mr. Knight asked. I expected this question, but from my mom. Mom turned to look at me curiously. Her eyes wide and attentive.

"No. Still didn't meet the right girl". How can I, when I am not interested in any other women? I was always busy with business. Of course, I do one night stands, but that's a very rare case. There were one or two relationships in the past, but they both ended. I didn't love them.

"How will you, when you keep working all the time? Your dad is tiring so much with work that you don't have enough time to go out and meet a girl", mom said glaring at dad. He raised his hands.

"How is it my fault?", he asked looking at her. "You better get a pretty secretary and fall in love with her like I did. That way you don't miss work and you will have all the time to love too", he said looking at me and then grinned at mom before giving her a wink. She fake glared and shook her head at him.

"Or meet a girl on a rainy day outside a bar, bring her home and blackmail her to stay with you", Mr. Kinight said giving a kiss to his wife.

"You do know that sounds creepy when you say it like that, right?", dad commented. I just rolled my eyes at them. These both old couples had their love story and preach it to everyone. But thinking about what Mr. Knight said, bring her home and blackmail her to stay with you, I am partly doing it. She is going to stay with me, but not by blackmailing.

"So, is everything set for her party tonight?", I asked looking at dad, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, of course. Zack, Amelia, me and Cara had taken care of everything. You know how much Zack loves her. He made sure everything is perfect and that she likes it", he replied looking at Uncle Zack who just sighed.

"We all love her. She is the only girl in our families", mom said chirping while looking at Aunt Amelia. "Her brothers are more excited. Hade is not coming, though. Nate is coming".

"Nate is coming?", dad asked in shock.

"Yes", she replied. This is not much shocking. Of course, he will be coming. He is after all Aunt Amelia's nephew.

"I should keep the women away from him. He is just like his dad. A playboy", dad said. I almost laughed at that.

"A pure breed at that one", Mr. Knight commented with a smile on his face.

"I am happy my sons are not like that. In fact, anyone of our sons are like that", dad said looking at me with a smile and then again at Mr. Knight.

"I agree. I almost thought Hade is gay until I saw him kiss a woman last time I went to California", Mr. Knight said and we all laughed. That's definitely true. He was never the playboy type. He is almost like a saint. The good son, good brother, good boss and a good businessman. The only same person of us all. More sane than me.

"Come on Honey, Nate is not that bad. You know he is good from heart", Aunt Amelia said looking at her husband.

"Of course Baby", he said and turned to dad and winked at him, which was not noticed by her. But Nate is good from heart. We met many times.

"But Alexander, son you are the very responsible person I have seen. Your dad should be very proud of you", Mr. Knight said.

"I am", dad replied smiling.

"Thank you. I will take leave then", I said standing up and put my hands in my pocket.

"If you are free, why don't you go to Knight's house. Everyone is there. You can meet everyone and son, don't stress yourself with too much work", dad said. Knight's house? Why not? My Little One will be there too. I can meet her again. It's been so long and I miss her so much.

"Of course dad. Bye".

For some reason, I feel really anxious and happy that I am going there.

"Really? A bicycle?", I asked looking at my brothers. Did they really bring a bicycle for her? This is just too childish. But by seeing how happy she is, I don't think it's a bad idea. What gift should I give her then? What does she like? I don't know anything about her. I know many things, but not her tastes. I shook my head at myself.

"We knew how much she liked it", Anthony said smiling, while looking at her. I look at her too. She is riding it since I came here but still she is not tired. She looks so happy riding it. The grin on her face says it all.

"Does she really like it that much?", I asked with curiosity.

"Yes", William replied. I kept looking at her.

A soon as I came here, our eyes met for a minute. None of us wants to turn our gaze away. But she was the one to turn away first. Her smile is so.... so cute. Her small face, just make her look like an angel. Her presence oozes innocence and mysteriousness.

"She is not going to stop until that tyre punctures", Oliver said laughing as he came to us and sat in the sofa beside me. We are all currently sitting in the back garden of the house where we can clearly see her. My brothers laughed as I just gave a small smile.

"It's been so long since I last saw you. How are you?", Zander asked me.

"Yes Alex. We all used to play very well. But once you got in high school, it's like you became very busy and you are never around. Now we barely see you", William said. I felt a little uncomfortable after hearing that. I know that it's true. But there's nothing I can do. I am the eldest one of all of them and I have to take all responsibility.

"We never see you. Not even on Christmas and New Year's. I barely see you once in a year. This time it's almost been two years. You should stop working that much. Mom is so worried about you", William said and I just gave him a nod understanding what he said.

"I know. I miss you all too". I was never good at expressing feelings. I am the eldest of them all and all I know since I was a kid is that I should be responsible, careful and protective over my all of brothers and most protective over my Little One. This eventually made me a reserved and boring person. There was a moment of silence between us.

"How about we all go out after tonight's party?", Zander suggested.

"That would be good. But where?", I asked.

"Since it's K's birthday. Let's ask her", Oliver. "K!", he shouted and she looked back smiling before turning her handle to come our way. I can't turn my gaze away from her. She was almost near us when she hit something and fell down along with the cycle. Shit!

"K!", Oliver shouted in shock. I can't stop myself. My feet ran to her and before I know, I pushed the cycle off her and took her in my arms.

"Are you hurt anywhere Little One?", I asked looking down at her. Our eyes met again and she is not responding. Her blue eyes staring back into mine with some unknown curiosity. All the others got to some to her, but once I took her in my arms, they all sat down. I went to the sofa and put her on it before kneeling down in front of her to check her feet.

"God K! You should be more careful!", Oliver scolded. I sensed her eyes on me for a minute before she turned her head to Oliver. My eyes were on her wound. It's not bad, but it's going to leave a scar for a few days which is nothing that can't be cured with medication.

"I hope Mr. Knight just wouldn't kill me for this", Anthony said from beside me. "This was your idea! This is all your fault!", he shouted at William childishly.

"Go bring a first aid kit". Zander nodded before getting up and going inside. I sighed.

"Yes, but you should have said no. You should have said she will get hurt and eventually we are going to die in Mr. Knights arms. How can you not see that logic?!", William said and I rolled my eyes at them. I checked the wound and touched the skin near to the wound. A painful hiss came out of her mouth and I quickly pulled my hand away.

"You should have been more careful, you drama queen", Mark, one of the triplets said coming to her and kneeled beside me. Our eyes met for a minute again.

"I am fine. It's just a small injury", he melodic voice said. Those words felt like she was saying them to me. I shook my head at her.

"You are still a kid like always. How can you be so careless? That's why your dad didn't ever give you bicycle. See you hurt yourself again". I still don't understand why those words left my mouth. Am I angry that she is hurt? Or am I feeling bad? Those words would sure feel like I am scolding her. She suddenly pulled her leg away from my hold.

"No one asked you to tend my wound. Why are you scolding me? I just fell and you are making a fuss about it! God, you are just like my dad! Also, I am not going to tell dad about any of this. So, there not going to be any problem", she said angrily and turned to other side not wanting to see my face. I sighed. I was too harsh in her. Damn it!

"Little One, I didn't mean it like that. I am just worried that you got hurt". She looked down at me for a moment.

"You still call her that? You remember?", Gavin, another one of the triplets asked in shock. I gave him a curt nod.

"Of course. How can anyone forget about our Drama Queen", Brad teased her while pulling her cheek. She gave him a frown.

"Don't do that! I don't like it", she whined. Brad pulled both of her cheeks teasing her more and the soon the serious environment changed into a happy one. Zander came back with first aid kit. I took her leg before she pulled away harshly. "Don't. I don't need it", she said stubbornly. That angered me. I pulled her leg roughly yet gently.

"You can be angry at me as long as you want, but let me first tend your wound". She pursed her lips at my words. "Or do you want an injection later?", I asked her. Her eyed widened before she gave in. All the others laughed at her childish behaviour.

"Stop!", she shouted at the same time whining.

"Thank God you came, bro! Other wise no one of us would have been able to control this cracker", Anthony said and she glared at him.

"What, do you think I am scared of him? I am not!". Her declaration made me smile. I raised my brow at her, amused to what she said. She looked here and there before answering in a whisper.

"A very little bit", she said and everyone laughed. She made an angry face which inwardly made me laugh. Her nose scrunched and her forehead creased, her lips puckered out a little bit and pint of fire in her innocent blue eyes when she got angry. I am never going to forget this expression.

After cleaning the wound I put some ointment on it. She hissed in pain and closed her eyes before grabbing onto my coat, fisting it. My fingers stilled for a minute at her action. I resumed applying the ointment again. She opened them and looked directly into my eyes. My fingers did their work as I stared into her eyes. It was a bit awkward with people around.

"It's not a big wound. I am sure you will be good soon", Oliver said rubbing her hair, causing her gaze to waver for mine and I looked back down at the wound.

"Done", I said and put her leg down. She quickly stood up as I did the same and looked at me for a second.

"So where should we hide the bicycle?", she asked.

"No. You are not riding it", I said with finality in my voice.

"I want to and I will", she said stubbornly.

"No and that's it. Anthony, William, bring the bicycle to our house", I ordered.

"No! It's my gift and I am keeping it", she said. I folded my hands near my chest and looked down at her. All her others brothers are hiding their smiles at her childishness.

"Okay. But just don't ride the bicycle for two days", I said and she looked at me with shock.

"Really?! Thank you", she shouted happily.

"Good, cause after that you are however going to come to New york with me", I said arrogantly and she glared at me. I gave her a smirk.

"WHAT?!", her brothers shouted and I looked at them confused. Don't they know about it? I look back at her and found her looking down at her feet.

"Sorry guys", she whispered.

Oh no! Did I cause trouble?


Hey my cute dumplings!

I am so so so so so so so so sorry for not updating. But from today onwards, there will be updates. I don't want to reason out and make a fuss about why I am busy. I am busy and just not been able to update. I am sorry for that.

So, tell me, do you guys like them? Did you like ALEXANDER and his LITTLE ONE? Isn't she cute? Isn't Alexander hot? There is going to be more romance in the coming chapter. Don't miss it.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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